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      Thank you Sensei. Sorry for the slow reply. I haven't logged in in way too long. Feel free to shoot me a DM if you haven't (that's what I'll be checking next).
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      Kakarot checking in
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      A while back I tried summoning a ball and using it as an anchor, but that didn't work too well. I don't think it motivated me enough.

      I'm thinking to have a stable dream I have to stay asleep, yet my imagination has to be active. I think both of these things is a matter of staying motivated. When I fail at dream control, it doesn't do much for my motivation.

      I had an LD this morning that lasted a few minutes, which is pretty good for me. I lost lucidity due to a false awakening, so I could have been lucid even longer.

      In the dream I had last night, I first tried to transform into a dolphin but failed. After that I tried to summon a pretty lady but failed. After that I tried several more times to summon a pretty lady.

      I stayed motivated by moving on to something different when I couldn't do something else. I think this sort of win-win mindset does well for my motivation, which does well for the stability of the dream.
    4. View Conversation
      I've been having just a few LDs a week and am still struggling with dream control and stablization. I still enjoy LDing though, and look forward to it each night.
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      Hi Are you gonna join the next comp? It's going to start next friday. Hosts are me and dolphin this time around.
    6. View Conversation
      Good to see the green Sensei light on! Hope all is well! Miss having you around.
    7. View Conversation
      Thank you so much for your hard work Sensei you are such a huge inspiration ! i'm really happy that you exist...
    8. View Conversation
      What do the two stars represent in your LD count?
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      Aw, okay
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      Hi dude Are you joining the next comp?
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    Nicholas Cage: Janitor to Hell

    by Sensei on 07-03-2020 at 07:06 PM
    I am with Laura, walking through a forest with a small clear stream going over some rocks in the middle. We are walking up it and people from our group seem to be leaving every once in a while. To my right is the north and the stream is heading downhill from west to east. We are heading east. I look south and see another stream identical to ours, when I look at it again, I realize that I can see the same people that are here over there except me. I tell Laura to follow me and she says “I don’t want to see anything freaky.” and we head through a knot of trees and a small pathway. “You can head back if you want.” I say, not looking to see if she follows. When we get there, we are with the same group, but this time, inside the knot of trees is a bunch of stairs.
    I take the stairs. The rock walls are replaced with smooth ones, I hear music. There is a bit of a “back room” as I would call it. There is a janitor cleaning some stuff up. A little kitchen/mop room, maybe something like a “break room” No north east south or west can be remembered here, so I will call part of this room North East South and west and do everything from there. North will be the far wall, I came in from the furthest south part of the west wall. The stairs facing east and west. As I walk in, there seems to be music past the door to the east. Janitor is in the mop area on the east part of the north wall (looks like it opens up to his own area from there). Table in the middle with some chairs, mop sink and the like on the north wall. Counters and sink and fridge and microwave to the south. The Janitor turns around. He is wearing what looks to be like a bellhop uniform or an old timey elevator guy or an old timey guy that works in the movie theater. Red and yellow hat, clothes trimmed in red and yellow, don’t need to tell you much about his face, since it is NICHOLAS EFING CAGE.
    “Hello there.” he says, turning around to talk to us. I notice now that my sisters are here too “I see you are wanting to visit the land between the living and the not quite dead.” He starts messing with some things on the east wall, different cleaning supplies and maintenance supplies.
    I stand there is silence, not sure what to say, I will let this play out.
    “Well, best get started.” he opens the door that is on the southern part of the east wall “As you venture further in, you will notice things get a bit more strange, but don’t let that bother you. This is slightly dangerous, but so is walking out your door every day, these are just people like you, so they are as dangerous and as peaceful as you.”
    He walks over to the door on the north part of the east wall and steps on through. I Step through the door. There are like seven people, all standing around some normal looking furniture. Lets go deeper I think as I see that there is another door on the east wall. I smile at the people and then as I walk through the door there seem to be more people, and I can tell I am also heading down further, maybe not even actually going east, this is just a bigger version of the same room. I realize I can use dream control to change what each room will be as I step through. I decide to freak the girls out and think about some aliens. As we step through the next door, the people are about 9 feet tall and their faces are shaped like aliens, but they don’t have eyes that I can see. It looks like human faces squished into that shape and their eyelids can no longer seem to open. Giant heads of course. They are all drinking some alcohol and talking all snooty and the place is decorated like madmen a bit, I find this kinda funny, but my wife starts talking about how hilarious it is that the heaven for these alien things is old style furniture from the 50s. I decide to keep going and imagine that the next place is “the destination” when I get there. I open the door and it is a huge party. I cannot see the other wall. We just entered through the front door, and there is a waiter waiting to take us to our table. On the south east side of the building (near the next door, so I guess it didn’t take me to the destination, I still think that this place is important though, so we stay for a minute) I sit down. A guy with a giant normal shaped head and a Jack in the Box mask on comes up to me and says “Excuse me” and bumps into me as he is trying to get the cake (the cake table is between me and the door to go further. This honestly reminds me of a wedding now that I think about it. “Don’t make a mess” he says as he sets the cake next to me and drops part of it on the ground.
    Part of me is instantly worried that I might get kicked out if I make a mess. I pick up the big pieces, but the cake is white frosting with vanilla inside and the floor is completely white. I get down on the floor and start looking for spots. Using my napkin from the table to clean it. The guy is back.
    “What happens if I don’t clean it?” I ask him
    “Just clean it up! I can’t let him know, you don’t want him to find you.” Now I am more worried, but the guy no longer has a jack in the box mask on, just a big head. Blonde hair his face looks a bit like the psychopath from breaking bad (will find his name later) but big head, so big face).
    So I seem to finish cleaning it up and I notice that people are just kind of standing around, except one couple, they are slowly making their way to the door.
    This is it, I think to myself and then tell my sisters and wife “don’t forget about coming back when I call, I can’t guarantee the next place will be as lively and fun as this one, stick with me if you remember.”
    “Oh hi!” the boy and girl say as they come up to us, trying to exit the conversation with the dream characters “We are Nancy and Paul, we are looking for our friends William and Stacy, have you seen them?” The party seems to hinge on this moment. The DCs I sense won’t like that we are going to leave if the plan is to leave the party. These people are like us though.
    “Yeah! I think they went right to the bathrooms this way.” I say and quickly open the door and step through. My wife does not follow, she heads to the west door, the DCs aren’t watching us walk through, but you can kind of tell that they are. We step on through to a forest.
    I am pretty excited, destination reached. The forest is kinda like a normal forest by all accounts, it is not overgrown anywhere though and there are lots of paths through the forest. The trees are all hickory trees and it is pretty bright in the forest.
    A girl is there in the forest, not really waiting for us. She starts talking about the best people ever WIlliam and Stacy and about how amazing it is being with them here. The whole world seems to revolve around them from what she says. The forest leads into a beach house and we walk into a beach party. I do my best to blend in at the party and my sisters immediately split up. The beach is on the south, the forest to the north. I keep talking with people, trying to figure out what they know. It occurs to me that they are all persistent with some convos about things going on. They all know that this place is the “place of the dead” and that this is where they live. I realize with conversation that I should be careful, I don’t think that they would like us being here. William and Stacy pull up. They look like complete tools, dress like they own the place, driving a camo golf cart. There are actually cars here, which I am surprised by. They talk to everyone else like they are better than them and everyone loves it. I think that the “dead” want William and Stacey to stay, so they are giving them everything that they want.
    The beach is pretty standard, volleyball, drinks and the like. I can see the ground all around the beach, so I don’t think it is supposed to be an ocean, just a man made beach on a lake or river. There are stands for drinks everywhere and everything is free. Honestly the whole thing seems like a honeytrap designed for someone else.
    I grab a drink, the only drink that they serve here, and it tastes very good. After some time of talking with people, William leaves to sleep. Stacey stays and I notice some odd things happening around her. Some bits of control here and there. She may be what is stopping them from leaving. The place calms down and Stacey leaves eventually. The DCs all disperse and it is just me in the forested beach area. It seems like something is controlling everything, because when I reach for a tree, and tk it in the air, it barely moves. The world is being sustained in this state by something or someone. I look at a tree, line up another tree behind it in my sight, close one eye and imagine that the branches from the second tree belong to the first tree as well, when I walk to the side, the second tree is gone. Perspective control is powerful, It is hard to use in a fight, but I should be fine.
    The sun seems like it is coming up after a few minutes. I can also splash sand around with tk easily and move the waves, I don’t know where my sisters are, this doesn’t matter so much, I know, but I’d like to stick with some of the story while I explore this land, I think about how this is kinda the closest thing I have been to that resembles “The unknown” from Over the Garden Wall. I talk with some DCs as they show up. Stacey comes up in the morning, I notice that Paul and Nancy are back and are being given the runaround by some DCs as they try to talk to Stacy.
    I walk over to a few dream characters and ask them (A couple girls) “Where is William?” and they both look at me and laugh.
    “Is that the name of a person or place? I have never heard of a thing called a ‘william’” They giggle.
    I look over and notice that Nancy and Paul are being separated by the DCs and they both look worried. Probably they were told the same thing as me. I am not complying with the girl DCs in front of me and they can tell. Oh no, they know that I am not under their spell. I walk slowly to a car, they seem to think that I may still be and are waiting for my proof that I am not under it while the others (Nancy and Paul) are there. Stacy, standing up on some rocks seems to be ordering them. She must have killed William, or had him done away with.
    I don't know if it will work. But I know we need to leave. I tap the side of the car to enter into it, kinda like a video game.
    It doesn’t work.
    “Hey!” someone yells and I turn around to see two people coming at me. I use telekinesis to stop one of them and try to move over to the other, but TK isn’t working well here, takes more attention. I seem to be able to stop them with just a thought, but can’t push them away easily, I try to grab a tree with TK, but as I do, I can tell that it is controlled by someone else. Oh crap, this place is being held together by someone, and they actually have control of themselves. That is why TK isn’t working like normal, gotta fight like I am fighting someone strong, with every one of them. I reach over and TK in front of me again, this time making the air straight to me and that guy shimmer and move, I imagine a giant hand lifting him up and the air shimmers into that shape and tosses him into the ocean. The other guy is coming to me, I TK the air between us and he can’t pass it. I see a car and decide to jump in, quick cuts style and I make it in this time.
    I drive off. My sisters jump into the car quickly and we all yell "paul and nancy!"
    "Okay. You drive to them, I'll hold them off." The car we are in is a green honda civic, but that shouldn't stop me. I don't look back and imagine the back being bigger. I hit a button on the dash to make the top open (that shouldn't exist). It slides back quickly and my sister hits the gas. The people are all smiling and keep chasing us. I knock down a tree with my finger. (Close one eye put finger "on tree" and knock it over, perspective) the people crawl over it. Other people come from the side on motorcycles. We pass by a chain link fence and turn through a gate. As soon as the gate pole passes by the other one from my perspective, I imagine it connecting from one side to the other as it flashes by and a guy turns right into the fence where the opening was just at and flips off. We keep going down a dirt road and my sisters slam on the breaks. We are with nancy and paul. Nice, I wasn't expecting them to actually find them.
    We all take off into the forest, continuing to head back west. No wall or anything, but a door is right in between two trees bent over. I notice that I am alone. I open the door and walk through, my sisters are there already, in the kitchen.
    “Well, it's good to see you made it back.” Nicholas Cage says as I open the door.
    “I couldn’t save William.” I said, a little sad about failing.
    “You actually made way for some other people to escape the almost dead as well, they would have all been stuck there if it wasn’t for you.” He says, motioning to a couple of teenage boys that were also part of the party at the beach. I never saw them attacking us, but they seemed part of the spell, maybe we broke the spell, maybe they were just better at acting like they were part of the spell than I was.
    I am getting ready to leave when Cage says “Take some cookies from on top of the fridge with you.” I look and there are some cookies in a clear container, similar to what you get from a kroger bakery. The boys already have them and are heading up the stairs. I grab one and notice that the cookies are square, but also seem thicker than most cookies. I think about the fact that I will be heading up the stairs and away from this cut off space and that the dream time will likely start ticking again as soon as I get to the top of the stairs, so I think about turning around.
    “You won’t be able to get back that way today.” Cage says, he is mopping the ground and has his back to me. I decide to head up the stairs. As I walk up, I start thinking about my goals so that I can do them as soon as I exit the stairs. As I bring the goals up, I realize that I am in bed visualizing. I open my eyes and decide to type this instead of sleeping more.

    Dragon Task

    by Sensei on 05-01-2017 at 02:29 AM
    I am laying in bed. Time to leave. I jump on my bed a little, doing back flips until the dream hardens. I then jump through the roof. Bounce off of a cloud toward Heijo Palace remains. I didn't realize that this isn't called a castle by Japanese, but I think it still counts.

    I am planning on jumping up to the top the castle where my own Dragon will be at, but as I land on the grounds, I see that the dragon is much bigger than last time I saw him. I still don't have a name for him.
    "You left me!" He screams. He is still blue, but more shinny than before. all of his scales are extended with long clear crystals, probably a normal part of his life. Still young, just a big freaking dragon tho.
    "I didn't have enough ability before to take care of you." I reply, flying towards his face "I knew you would be strong enough to handle yourself. You aren't my pet. You are part of this world."

    I jump onto his back. Flying through the sky toward Osaka. I create a vortex inside a cloud ahead, teleporting us to a copy of the real world and out of Zödra. Over the mountain. I head towards Osaka Castle.

    He sets the bottom ablaze and continues to spread the fire all around the base. I motion for him to back up and create a quick barrier around the castle, then I create another one around a much bigger area, forcing all of the oxygen from the bigger one directly towards the flame, causing the entire castle to burst into flames even more. Then the oxygen ran out and there was just a heap of ash on the rocks. I use the barrier and incinerate the inside, the molecules all losing their connections to each other and no two connected atoms inside after it is done.

    Dolphin TOTY

    by Sensei on 04-25-2017 at 08:17 AM
    I am laying in bed... WILD TIME! I jump out of my body/roof and into the sky. I fly up about 200 meters. I jump to the other side of the mountain and towards the ocean. I get slammed by a force field. Haha, I really need to write down the new rules to Zödra. I get tackled by 夢の先生. Forgot about him too.
    I know now what he is thinking pretty well by now. He points to the ocean. I grab his hand and he throws me there. Doesn't count as breaking the speed limit if it isn't my own power. It also doesn't count as fighting because there is no injuries, so a little work around. I land in the ocean and start swim flying down. A Dolphin swims next to me with a harness and everything (I was planning that). I mount him and start swimming down. Just like in Episode 1, I go over a cliff in the ocean and there is a shining city. I start spiraling towards the city and get thrown off of my mount. There are mer-people everywhere. I Look for Triton and he is at the top of the city. I float towards him and he catches my eye. He smiles and starts swimming away. I chase after him and just barely touch his shoulder. My fly speed underwater is not really fare for chasing him down, and I am not really enjoying it much since it is not even like I am underwater. I change the feelings real fast so I feel like I am underwater. I then suck in the water, expecting the water to fill my lungs instead of the air that it felt like I had been breathing before. Water sucks in, but no burning sensation like usual, more like a cooling sensation. I then switch my legs into more of fin legs (like HP) and start swimming away from Triton, the water weight is really heavy, but I can still move well. He catches me after a bit. I swim around a little looking at the city. It is very beautiful. Then I wake up (run out of time for WILD)

    "Week" of dream time, leaving Zödra, TOTY ★★★★★

    by Sensei on 01-20-2017 at 03:26 AM
    Take off is happening. Where am I? A dream, okay! Passenger on a ship it looks like. I have a group of like 3 friends with me, supposed to be friends or family, but I don’t recognize them at all.
    “The rules are really simple” A guy my age is saying while pulling out a board game. I don’t remember the board game very well, but I told him to wait while I go look around. Most of the compartments are locked, so I unlock a few doors and it is mainly storage. We are going somewhere for a long time.
    “Please go back to your cabin sir” I get told by two guards guarding a door at the end. To fight, ignore, or listen to? “We will be opening the kitchens after we leave orbit.”
    Ah, kitchen, not worth a fight. I am supposed to treat dreams like there is no time restraints and this is one of those, this seems like an interesting story, I don’t need to ruin it by killing people or running from those in charge, yet. I turn around and go back to my room. Since it open and all, it doesn’t seem to be a prisoner type thing, more of a passenger. I will get some more info next dream if this one takes too long waiting. I open the door and my friends are all finishing the game.
    “Where did you go?” the boy asks.
    “Just looking around.” I say, looking around our cabin. It doesn’t even really look like a cabin, more like an apartment, must be some rich people here, or it doesn’t cost money to do this. Furniture and a kitchen and a tv. I find a brochure on the door.
    “You will have plenty of time to look around during the week voyage.” He mentions.
    A week? That is a long time, I should consider myself stuck here for that whole week at least.
    I read the brochure
    Our Story
    Zödra has been affected by many problems recently, so some of the elite in the world decided to build a spaceship and get some of the people away. This is a fun adventure that we are on and has been funded by anonymous donors, anyone that wished to leave Zödra was immediately given a room and we have plenty of room for everyone. The new home is a resort that we have all decided not to use any “godlike powers” to change or destroy and to just enjoy a quiet life. The Z will take us there in a week of luxury!

    Hmm… There is a picture of the spaceship and it looks like a normal rocket. I should change that. I put my hand over the writing and the picture and change them a bit.

    “Funded by anonymous donors, who retrofit an alien spaceship”. The picture now looks like a flying saucer. Perfect. There is a little shift that only I can feel and everything seems a little more round like you would expect in an alien ship. I walk over to my friends. Knock at the door. Food is here. We sit down and eat and I am very quiet. They don’t seem to know it is a dream, so Zödra must be shipping out a lot of the people that still don’t realize it is a dream. Weird. I don’t remember the food very much. It gets darker and everyone decides to go to sleep. I don’t want to seem weird, so I go to my room. It looks like my old room a bit and looks like something I would decorate. I sit down and relax for a bit and then the lights turn back on and it seems to be morning. I get up and everyone seems to already be gone for breakfast.

    I head to the breakfast place and everyone is done with it and cleaning up. No activities are planned for the first day, they just want us to relax. I look around a little, but not much to explore right now, will just wait a little longer. I get back to my room and they are all playing computer games. I jump on and it is a monster game, a mmo and pokemon style game. Traveling around getting big monsters, but you need to party with people to defeat things and get loot, loot to attract monsters, etc. Pretty cool stuff. So, the next 6 days were all pretty similar, so I will just write out the stuff that was different from day to day.
    Each day seemed to be about 3-5 hours long and night time I would lose a lot of energy and just want to sit down, I could have fought this, but I was a little worried that fighting this might wake me up. After the first two nights I just decided to lay down in the bed and this seemed to make the night pass instantly and the days to be longer. We only had two meals per day and they were usually good stuff, I don’t remember the first few, but the last ones were like shrimp, lobster, steak, and other good food. I would go exploring when the activities came up, which seemed to be mostly informative and trying to help convince people that “everything was okay” and some offered explanations for the craziness in Zödra.

    So, first activity was a group get together on the computers on the third day. We all got on and it was telling us all about how people had taken over Zödra and people they knew had started developing powers (this is helpful since I am the one that let them know the truth). It infected them from their phones, so all the people that are on the ship don’t have phones because the infections rages. And where there are many people that have this problem, others have popped up. Vampires, Zombies, volcanoes, nukes, etc had been popping up all over the place without hiding. I might fix that soon. I think, but not tonight. I kind of have a bit of a lazy time and don’t feel like fighting or changing rules. Just enjoying the ride. I ended up hacking the computer (“Hacking with dream powers”) and almost got caught ignoring the group project and playing more of my monster game. Funny enough, my friends had done the same thing. We spent most of the day playing video games. The video game had perfect graphics and I don’t remember the buttons to play it because I just moved the character with my will usually. It really helped with the fights and getting my monsters to have really good timing since it had a real time combat system. My favorite of my monsters was black and yellow and looked like Groudon. I didn’t actually jump into the game like I usually do.

    Anyways, another group activity was looking out at the stars on the 3rd and 5th day. 4th and 6th day were rest days. They talked about them during, but I didn’t listen, I just enjoyed the views. During the day we also played some board games and card games. We never repeated those, so I don’t remember them very well. I remember that one was a big “go fish” like game with extra rules, and one was a board game like talisman. I often would just let my body go into a bit of autopilot while resting, I was very tired until the 7th day, I woke up feeling much better, this might just be because I was more rested since it was closer to the end of the night, but I don’t know. The last thing to do was to visit a sort of replica of the world that was either a hologram or something, but it also had “real zombies” so, I dunno exactly what it was, I think it was made to scare us away from wanting to go back to the world.

    I am gonna pause the story right here and say that my three friends was a girl and two guys. One guy was much closer to me and was like the “leader” of the group, always having a plan for what we are gonna do and just carrying the general enthusiasm and being the core. I don’t remember their names because I didn’t ask and they never said. When with close friends, I rarely say names. This guy I called by the letter C and the girl was usually called something like lovely or beautiful She was a lot younger than us, and the terms seemed to be more like a protective wording, not hitting on her, like you would call a daughter or something.

    So we get to the playthrough and it is an open western town and there seems to be cowboys everywhere, but also zombie like things. My friend immediately starts acting like a zombie and is trying to bite us. I push him off of the girl before he gets a bite in. It looks like he forgot that he was a zombie, but the hologram reminded him. He laughs and starts trying to bite me, but the more we wrestle, the more he is gaining control of his faculties. The people around think that it is part of the show and are cheering. The rest of the town is catching on fire and burning, but most eyes are on me. He starts laughing and dancing and seems to have recovered, but then 4 staff come and take him away.
    “We are terribly sorry about this, we don’t know what happened.”
    I am not really concerned about him since I know it is a dream, but I tell him “He was regaining himself, maybe the plagues wear off as we are far from the planet?
    “That is not how it works.” He says and takes an elevator I haven’t seen before. My other friends don’t seem to mind at all, like randomly turning into a zombie was normal. Eh, time to move on with the dream plot, we are almost at the planet. I go over to the elevator that just went up. I quickly change my appearance and pull it back down with TK, it didn’t seem to have any wires or anything, just a floating elevator going up into the fake sky. I step on and allow it to go back up. None of the people question this. When we get up, they load him into a pill shaped cell and there are hundreds of them that all fold back neatly into the walls. It is a side of the ship I hadn’t been on, it is similar to my side, but it seems to hold the older people that don’t seem to mind the truth of things as much. The hallways have lots of older people and I see a small little ship when I look up.
    “What is that?” I ask one of the staff.
    “It is the ark with the animals.” He says
    “It is really small.”
    “Yeah, more surprising is the animals they chose to bring.”
    “Did they bring turtles?” I ask. For some unknown reason I thought this was hilarious and couldn’t stop laughing.
    “Of course! They had to!” and he is also laughing.

    This ship is the same shape as a clone transport ship without the wings and all black. I walk away and an old lady stops me.
    “You are not like the rest.” She says. I stop and look at her. She is wearing pink scrubs. Looking around, all the old people were wearing them.
    “It is a secret.” I say and wink at her.
    A small fire comes out of her feet and she floats into the air. I create a stable fire around my hand and laugh.
    “It isn’t really a big deal, they can’t do anything to stop us.” She says “But it is fun to know something that no one else does.”
    “You know that we already know something that no one else does.” I say and we laugh. The sirens start going off.
    “Almost there.” She says. The ship must be landing. I run to the big door and everyone is already standing there waiting. The door opens and it looks beautiful, a huge river coming from a waterfall on a mountain. There is a guide, but the first thing he says is “You made it! This place is so safe and fun and you don’t have to worry about anything! I just need to tell you where things are!’ and I stopped listening and started walking. It has the red dirt mountains like Utah and Nevada from my childhood and is extremely beautiful, there is a huge house up the ways and I remember that I am supposed to ask some questions for the TOTY. I look back at the ship and see that it is extremely small (50 meters in diameter) and then look back to the house.
    “Hello! Newcomer!” Someone from the house yells, I can barely see him from so far away.
    “Hey! I come in peace! show me your ways!” I yell back “Can you teach me something?”
    “Life is about partying! Especially here! It is perfect! Our ways are partying!” He laughs and walks away. This is a cool oasis, I might come back here some other time. I decide to go back to Zödra main planet and close my eyes.

    I am flying a ship similar to the one in despicable me. The world is really wrecked at some places and fine in others. I don’t know how I feel about this. I am flying the ship and someone lets me know that we need to get the passengers to their destination. I look around more and realize that I am above the water and I am losing altitude. I spin the ship and manually control the thruster on and off so that it starts skipping across the water towards a road. I then fly out of the ship to get a better idea of the right timing with the thruster, phasing through the metal in the back and keeping up with it. The maneuver made it gain lots of speed and it almost loses me. I try to slow it down with the thruster, but it is out of fuel. I realize that I have gone way past the amount that I planned and am now hundreds of miles from where I was. I guess this could be closer to the destination. I TK it down, there are lots of mountains to the left and giant rocks sticking out of the water on the right. I take it to the left and find a road. I phase back into the ship and start driving. I am on treacherous mountain roads now, and drive to the other side of the mountain. There seems to be acid lakes over there, so… not fun. The road is getting crazy and I phase back outside to keep control of it and the whole thing topples into the acid. I immediately am reset to about 10 seconds prior. Ha! Yay another try! I try to ride the side of the road that will keep me alive, but there is a huge turn and I get thrown into the lake. This time, it doesn’t reset automatically. I am burning and it hurts a little. I quickly grab onto the feeling of reset and make it back to the transport. This happens 2 more times, and the last time it really really didn’t want to reset, so I was in the acid for about 20 seconds, burning, and it kept hurting worse and worse until I completely blacked out and had a FA.

    I am in a wooden room, still a dream. I walk downstairs and there is a saloon, I see a mirror and I have extremely long hair and a long beard. I walk down and see a couple of guys that look similar to me. As soon as I walk down, one turns, cowboy hat and attire, and yells “we found him!”
    “Were you looking for someone that looks just like you?” I ask. He laughs.
    “No, I look this way because of you!” He grabs his beard. Weird characters. A little intimidated, I pull out my sword (adv summon) and then they laugh more and sit down.

    I walk outside and there is whole carnival of weird out there. Clowns and cowboys and astronauts. It reminds me a bit of one piece and I think about how I need to catch up on that. Then I realize that One Piece, like a dream, takes a long time to build its foundations, but that long time is worth it because it probably gets really good later with its whole “world”. I buy some cotton candy and start eating it. I wake up.

    Dream 2
    I am back at the resort away from Zödra. Well technically away from "earth Zödra". It looks exactly like my parents old house. I wonder if this is where it has been in dreams for a while. I run into my dad, a lot of his actions make a lot of sense if he left Zödra to me and only comes back when needed and lives at a resort since he is always chill in dreams.

    I jump on a computer and start playing the monster game, really sad that I can't remember the name of it, but nice to see my awesome creatures again. I start playing and my dad leaves. I jump over to some news sites and don't see anything pressing in Zödra. Maybe they are getting used to powers. I don't want my dad to know that I care so much about it for some reason, and I can't find the escape button. I try to close out of things, but have to use my powers to exit it since there is no x or anything, my dad walks in and I tell him goodbye. I then jump out and go for a little walk down the mountain road, I could get used to this resort. I wake up.

    Updated 01-20-2017 at 03:54 AM by Sensei


    Ride Car TOTY 2017 ★★★★☆

    by Sensei on 01-06-2017 at 06:30 AM
    In a Mario Cart car not and it is not working, I get out. I realize that the dream has gone to full dream. I turn around expecting to see more cars, but I see blankness. the void. I imagine pavement on my feet and walk forward. There is a drag racing car there. the wheels and engine can be seen from the outside. I tear the front wheel off and tk the car into the air. I toss it at the other front wheel and they both go flying off. I then tear the back two off with TK and let it drop. I step on the engine and crush it then step into the drivers seat. I TK the whole engine out and toss it to the side. I realize that it is still in the void with just a bit of pavement around. i teleport me and the car onto a racetrack with the race about to start. It starts, my car skids forward. I go through the gears quickly, but am in dead last. I push myself forward and faster and catch up to most. the oval race track starts waving up and down and my car is following it. I pull the car out of gear and jam the gear stick down. It shoots me into first and i pass the finish line. I hit a bump and go careening into the air. hmmm... i create some wings and a tail. forming it into a small plane. Mountain Dew! that is what i want. A normal plane would have it. i close my eyes and open them and my small plane has turned into a big plane with me still in the cockpit. i open the door and fly out into the plane. sheol. I try to slide back in, but am not successful. The plane makes its way way past me. i catch back up. i touch one of the windows and have it suck me in. I put my hand out and expect a mountain dew to come to my hand. a coke, then diet coke, then dp, then dp, then diet md, then finally md comes to my hand. i open it and drink it. a little warm, but better than nothing. I keep drinking it and then banish all the people on the plane. i sit in a chair and look out across the world. What do i want to do next? battle an alien on an alien planet. I force the plane to go up and up and up and i jump out of the window i came in and grab the wing. small looking alien planet going by. I jump off of the plane and land on it. it seems really small. I look up and see zödra,  it is pretty big, but i know it is 10 times bigger than earth, so. I am probably pretty far away from it. far enough to call this a planet. i check out the world and realize that it is completely covered in black soot. I need a way to get around without dream control. i step my foot down and imagine a carpet under. same color as aladdin's. i jump on and we fly around. the planet is barren. blarg. I use scan and check the whole planet. under the surface in the core there is a life form. i reroute my carpet and ram into the surface, everything goes black. then bright. I am standing on a metal surface, rounded in. I look up and there is a huge black ball and long strands of yellow electricity coming out. the core. I was standing in a ball looking at a ball. there was a metal ship like thing connected to the black ball and it was spinning and moving, always missing the electricity. I can feel gravity from the core as well as the centrifugal pulling me out. it seems like the force is stronger than it should be. i conclude that it must have sped up when i got here after i got the carpet, trying to throw the intruder off. due to the way the force up and down was, i could tell that i could jump really high, which was good, considering the core being more than 50 meters (my sword teleport range). i summon my sword, jump at the metal thing. i miss the first few times since it is moving erratically. The electricity at least is easy to maneuver since it is a pattern. When i cut through it, it falls to the metal floor and an alien jumps out. hard to tell what it is since it transforms immediately into a brontosaurus. it charges at me. I slam my sword into the ground and realize that it isn't hitting ground, but ceiling, or wall, so it stays there. i push it through all that past the metal and it hits ground. about a foot. i stand my ground and when the dino gets close, i stick my hand in the hole (hole now because of acid) and touch the dino. teleporting both of us. we hurdle toward the core and his giant body destroys the black ball. my hand is pretty badly destroyed, but I can use it to summon my sword. i grab it with my left this time and chop off the dino head. it dissipates and kind of regrows, more like the neck just morphs into a head. discarding the acid part. i land on it and we hit the metal. cf is much stronger now since the ball is gone. I stab my sword into the heart of the dino and can tell it does damage. it wails and flings me off. I watch and wait. alien transforms into a hooded mess on the floor. no fluid visible. i kick it and nothing happens. ill call it a win. i heal my hand and try to heal alien. i don't know his anatomy so nothing happens. i do a quick time skip back on his body and not head area and he gets up. He goes back into his metal ship that i mostly destroyed and starts leaving. he doesn't talk with his mouth, but the idea that he is watching our planet for way to fix his economy is given. I hand him a box that has 20 wishes, tell him to use it to fix the economy. a friend of his steps out of the spaceship and thanks me. they take off and i can feel the presence of one disappear as if killed. i teleport the box back to me and disable the ship. then i give it a boost and spin it around. they cant even have this without killing each other. they don't need the wishes inside. now i have a box with 20 wishes. hmmm...