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September 4 2013 - Dream Fragment #1: I was in an extremely technologically advanced city where there was a huge skyscraper with a helipad at the top. I took sort of a train up to it and got in the pilot's seat and put on a mask. I was upset to find that as I was about to take off two guys from my school (who I absolutely hate) got in with me. I was flying and then seeing how crazy I could get with the maneuvers. My recall drifted off from there.
Dream Fragment #2: The next dream that I had was very well-formed. I remember running around in this place that looked like Nuketown from COD:BO1 (I don't even really play COD idk why this happened lol) but I had to leave for some reason. I remember driving to a small store in the city where I parked and went in. It was really busy there and I remember looking around for someone. Suddenly I hear a pop and a guy next to me falls over dead. There seemed to be some kind of attack there, so I hid, looking for who could have done it. I saw a man in a mask come in and luckily he doesn't see me but he goes to the back of the store. I hear another set of footsteps come out and stop. I look up and see this… thing looking at me. I don't remember the details but it was reptilian and much taller than I was. I remember him from a dream a couple of nights ago and from the one before that. Not really a dream sign, but recurring to say the least. The beast called for his troops to kill everyone in the store and said, "You'll see." I saw three wolf-like creatures come flying out and make short work of all the other shop-goers, but I booked it and ran as fast as I could. Somehow I managed to get away but my car was gone. I was still being chased so I jumped into this guys car and screamed at him to go. He did and somehow I made it away. It was one of the most exhilarating feelings ever! I remember being drawn back to a park in the city where my friend was (I instinctively knew he was there) so I had the man drop me off there. As soon as I got out of the car, one of those wolf things jumped out and bit me in the hand. It didn't really hurt, but I guess my sleeping mind pretended it did because it did not feel good. I ended up getting away from it, but suddenly I turn a corner and there is that beast again. He looks at me, and then takes out a gun. I back away, but he ends up shooting me. My dream seems to go black and I wake up. I realize I am sitting on the ground where I was when I "died". The guy is standing there and immediately lucidity hits me like a train. He nods his head and I try to ask him something, but he says "Talk to me later." and walks away. I walk around for a few minutes, trying to add in detail and such, but I end up waking up. Thank god I didn't ruin it by trying to fly or something.
August 31 2013 - Dream Fragment #1: I remember seeing people that I knew, and then the dream transitioning into an apocalyptic dream ( one of these again) with me running down a path. I got to a sort of old cottage-type place where I saw all of these warriors that tried to kill me. Apparently I was more badass in this dream than in the one last night because I outran them and got to a car at the end of the driveway. I was driving for a long while, and now my memory fades out.
Dream Fragment #2: I remember seeing all of these very nice houses from an aerial viewpoint. Somehow it transitioned back to me sitting at a desk somewhere. I looked over and saw my ex-girlfriend IWL. She put her are around my shoulders and I almost flipped out. "Why are you doing this?" I asked her. She replied in some way but I really don't remember now. My dream's viewpoint shifted out to the sky again and it showed a little place to put your boat next to a very luxurious mansion. I heard here say that if I start going out with her she'd give me a house. I remember refusing it (?) and then I woke up soon.
August 30 2013 - Dream Fragment #1 I remember my parents driving me into this small mall/plaza area where there were quite a few stores. A bunch of things happened that I can't seem to remember and then I remember being in a very shallow sea, maybe 2 ft deep and stretching out for as long as I could see, with some black-brown trees far, far in the horizon. I was struggling to run through this water and I eventually just swam. It was barely deep enough, but I bent my arms enough to do it. I remember getting to a waterfall and then realizing I have powers and flying up it.
August 29 2013 - Dream Fragment #1 I remember suddenly being jolted awake at my house. I didn't do an RC (very odd, as I've been setting pretty strict rules about how much I reality check, and I hoped that this rigorous schedule would help) and so I went on in an nLD. I remember in some way getting to this flattish house that was very, very luxurious by my standards in waking life but very normal there. One of my friends from WL was there and he asked me what game I wanted to play. I said "Block War" (or something along those lines) and he said, "Teach me how to play Block War!" I carefully explained it to him. (I cannot for the life of me remember the description but it had to do with a whale at the end for some reason) So we played that for a while and then he wanted to go check out my PC, so I showed it to him. I realized there was no mousepad so I tore up the house looking for one and I found it. I remember leaving and then going somewhere but getting murdered before I could do anything.
Dream Fragment #2 I remember having to go retrieve something and my vision flashing, "Episode 1". I went to this YMCA-type place near where I live IWL, more or less, except everything was different. When I got there I saw some people that I hate from school throwing around a frisbee on an extremely steep dirt hill. I was wearing flip-flops and had to walk down it to see where I wanted to go. I almost wiped out a few times but I managed to get to the bottom. I was then thrown into a few trivial tasks that I cannot remember but at some point aliens invaded and completely destroyed this mansion next to the YMCA and used it as their base. I saw I couple of celebrities walk down from above and come over next to me. They looked like they wanted to fight the aliens, and I agreed, but I said I want to talk to them first (WHAT IN THE HELL WAS I THINKING? I'M NOT A DC!) so I walked up to the front door of the mansion. The door opened into a makeshift council room of sorts. There were about eight normal-sized aliens in the room and like 2 bigger ones, probably about seven and a half feet tall. I asked them what they wanted. Not a good idea. It got me eaten my one of the bigger ones, while the famous people started fighting them. I woke up and laughed really hard at my dream action. I think it was form listening to the newest podcast about treating DCs with respect before bed lol.
August 24 2013 - I remember that there were people who had somehow merged with technology and normal people hated them and tried to kill them, but I was their friend(?). I also remember a large open field with yard sales, where I saw airsoft guns, an I also saw a hot dog stand somewhere.