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dream began when makers of preproduction film titled: loneliness of the long distance runner made a call to Bruce Dickinsson for he was owner of the title. Bruce had a long silent moment on the phone before he promised to think about it. Bruce hang up the phone and started to cry for he saw himself sitting in the chair drinking whiskery and watching readymade film LotLDR that was about retired maraton runner. It was later in the dream when Bruce gave the film a go with forethought title (LotLDR).
The film crew had thought Clint Eastwood as the main character but he refused for it reminded him of the roles of his elder carreer. The crew couldn't escape the idea of Clint standing outside of his manor and watching stars when his daughter came to him and asked what he was doing there. Just watching stars, he replied. Later on there was this whole memetic current of new main actor standing in his daughters bedroom and looking outside of the window watching paint drawn stars. The crew contacted Steven Seagul and asked if he wanted to star a drama movie (damned Clints stoneface). Steven Seagul was delighted and promised to make a role.
When the movie hit the production phase three actors were picked to main roles. Steven Seagul played ex-olympic gold medalist maratooner. Some new and younger actor that has winned a oscar played his daughter. This was a dream so I don't know she exists. Maybe she's as mixture of my waking time imaginary and Adam Sandler played the boyfriend of sportsmans daughter. The film began at mountainy or rather hilly region when morning mist was melting away. Steven Seagul was jogging along the mountain path. Music on the background was epical instrumental version of Savage Gardens I wan't to stand with you in the mountain but it was molly version of the song. Steven was still Jogging when Paramount pictures beging credits hit the screen and test audience was silent. After Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner faded away the cut was into sunny california where ex-olympeets daughter lived. When film was out Simpsons made a episode to parodite it. The episode was named Loneliness of the Long Distance Trucker. In the Simpsons episode Homer get a job as a trucker and was away from Springfield while Lisa was having English end exams. At one point there was Simpsons version of Steven Seagul jogging at the side of the road when homer drove by. There was also nighmarish chapter when i recall the memetic current i was swimming in and someone made a "fun" meme where jogging SS from the movie was gif animated and jogging by the road instead of animation version. Even more horrible version was the meme where homer standed in lisas room and lisa turn on the light's and said angrily: daddy what are you doing here. Homers dull gaze was fixed into window and he replied: Nothing just watching stars. I hope this wasn't in the episode but in the seasons treehouse of horrors When the erldery people of the oscar comittee watched the film during it's theatrical explotation they liked the LotLDR as the best movie of the year. They tried to fit the movie into as many categories as possible, but it was too lowbudget and common. They didn't have the courage to tell each others that they have liked the film so it didn't get nominated into best movie of the year. Instead it run as best direction category and best main male actor: Steven Seagul. The film even saved marriages of many sportsmen for it was good compromise between drama/love movie and sportmens world. Many younger athletes started to dream about their retirement days and desided to be then happier than the main character. my biggest confusion after the dream was than anyhow I tried to recall it I cound't make up my mind at what category it has won on for it won only 1 oscar The dream started to turn into a nightmare when they found young b-class women author to write a novel from the sreenplay. She added some innuendoes to hint a secret forbidden love between the maratonee and his daughter as well as many scenes that weren't in the movie. The book wasn't pervert in nature (it had only one sexual scene between maratonaares daughter and her boyfriend) but it wasnt very good novel. For the movie was very well done and oscar winner the book became a chrismas best seller and found it's way into many homes. Bruce Dickinson saw the movie at premiers and it was nighmarish cause he couldn't escape the notion of himself sitting in his own manor and watching this movie and linking it. He desided to take his old song LotLDR and playing it in every gig of every tour. Because he felt the LotLDR. Berformances became more aggressive and LotLDR found it's way into every Iron Maiden collection and live-album afterwards. Some younger Iron Maiden fans even thought that the song LotLDR was Bruces answer to movie. TV-trophes corrected this. The film became a hit in gay communities around the globe for they thought that Steven Seagul or the director has portraited the gay sportman who has made peace with himself at later years. Comic author Neil Gaiman heard about the movie from his friends for it was hot topic in New Yorks art, gay and judish community (respectfully not combined). In the movie maratonares daughters boyfriend was a jude and gays thought that Steven Seagul's character was gay. After long refusal Neil Gaiman had to download the movie and watch it to see if his speculations of the movie were correct and he thought that it was great movie but something in the world had been wrong for a long period of time. After the movie Neil Gaiman felt sorry that he knew only comicworld agents for he wanted to have a beer with Steven Seagul instead of his sc friends. Steven Seaguls aikido sensei was also in the premier and liked his protectees movie for it reminded him of the movies of Akira Kurosawa and loneliness of elderly zaibatsu owners (japanees families that own big corporations and mafia in japan). He took many of his friens to see the movie after it's premier in japan and they had long conversation about it. Then I screamed for help for I recalled that memetic current was full of memes were someone has cutted Steven Seagul from action movie into the scenes of LotLDR. Chuck Norris had visited Steven Seagul during the filming and had made a desicion to try to star a drama movie. After the movie many hollywood actors and producers invited Steven Seagul into therir parties and homes and SS was happy about the change in his life. He wondered what american public had thought about the movie but when he went into lowclass bar rare dared to approach him for he was a celebrate and action movie star and aikido master. When this happened most talked about his many action movies. At this point he visited Adam Sandlers grave who had shotted himself while intoxited. Steven Seagul retired from publicity after Chuck Norris had made two desent films when he found memes that hinted perversity of the movie LotLDR. They insulted him deeply for he had made what he had long thought to be role of his life. Some foreing rock star that maybe don't even exist made a tour and heard a joke that went like: how can you regocnize a young maiden fan? He thinks that LotLDR is made from the movie. The dreamy rock star thought about the joke for the whole tour for it didn't make sense. He even listened all the new SS jokes that roudies told to him but it was at the end of the tour when he first heard about the couple of years old movie LotLDR and got the joke. In the dream he said he has never felt himself as old as when he rented the movie from the 20-year old girl. He started to watch the film and thought that Bruce Dickinsson had either produced or writed the movie to describe the loneliness of fame. The foreign star sitted to watch the end credits and counted all the Eds and Eddies and maiden band members to see the hidden truth. He felt insulted that Bruce hadn't left LotLDR to play at the end of the end credits. Sad truth was that Bruce hadn't anything to do with the film apart of giving the name rights. After this I was sitting at the cliff and watching world turning into 30 year long zombie nigthmare. I tried to swim backward and saw that 7th and 8th grade english teatchers around the states were basing english end exams on the novel version of LotLDR among the other book choices. Most didn't read the book but downloaded or rented the movie or visited their parents movie collection instead. at this point dream started to change into lucid dream some dreamviewer asked for a help to her english exams in the dreamviews. Linkzelda who in the dream was in gollege studying natural sience desided to help the poor girl for he saw that she feared to fail the 7th grade. Link hadn't much to do (he was doging his own end papers) and rented the movie as well as borrowed the book. After finding the memes of Sly Stallone from Rocky1, Tom Hanks from Forest Gump and Steven Seagul from LotLDR jogging together and making jokes he hit the meme current first time in two years. After say or two he desided to leave the natural scince and start literature classes to make professor class arguments to burn down whole internet for the sake of sanity and sexual wellbeing. Auron became lucid at the same moment and hopped into car to drive to West Coast and burn down whole hollywood down so that the movie LotLDR should never be made
last night I ended up into Karaoke restaurant in Kualu Lumpur. It was a high standars place were they didn't look all to well at hanging outside the tabbles or disturbing the singers. Restaurant came haunting me in my dreams
first fragment that I recall is me sitting in Karaoke bar that didn't look a bit like Malaysian restaurants. Customers were European looking or American ones. I thought I was on vacation and wondered was I in states or Paris. I wondered the absence of black people. There were some steampunk cosplayers and I tried to make my way towards them but ended up talking with punch girl soccer players.
Only Karaoke piece that I recall was "Power of Love"... how neat
after a while I recalled the lost steampunk gang but at this point I was deep in dreaming. I wasn't looking for cosplayers but some steampunk gang with all too reasonable explanations and worldviews. I was in some kind of danger. Then Akari came chrashing in. I was in some kind of mixture of steampunk karaoke bar and spaceport salloon. Name of the place was really: Club Afterlife...
I remember it from Mass Effect
Rest of the dream was like adventure / thriller scifi movie but I'm unable to move any real happenings. Just the atmosphere, two locations (computer gamelike) and feeling of important mission while being hunted