You read Demian?
Hiii... I think your signature is like super rad yo
Duuude I thought you died!! Like forum died not died died........
Loving your new Haise avatar I'm also loving Tokyo Ghoul: RE, so great! Tokyo Ghoul is a fantastic series.
I would never have guessed that the daughter of the Owl was among us all that time! Show keeps surprising me in a positive way ^^
Hope you have a great birthday!
Wuut?! Is that official? Why no Alicization, SAO's revenues have been so great why would they not keep going 0.0 *Cries to sleep*
I hate that I dislike manga, feel like I'm missing out on loads of good stuff Guess I was more than lucky that my favorite anime (SAO) originates from Light that season 2 is over I can finally binge read them ^^
You and I share anime...that puts you automatically on my "people to save from a t-rex attack scenario" list! Did you enjoy the first episode of season 2 of Tokyo Ghoul? I had to watch it twice, so goood \o/
Thanks for your meta comment.
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