About solpic
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- Have a 10+ minute lucid dream
- Take tequila shots with a DC
- Use the force
- Teleport to dream castle by making a portal in dream
- Practice flying
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- 07-30-2015 08:07 PM
- Join Date
- 10-16-2011
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View solpic's Dream Journal
solpic on 01-06-2012 at 12:02 AM
8:04 AM - 1/5/2012
I'm at school and I have a netbook that I am using to browse FJ while walking to lit class. While walking there I ask someone if the teacher gave us a lot of work and they said yes and made some sort of simile. I sit down in lit and while browsing FJ a comic convinces me to shake the computer which reloads all my tabs, one of which I remember had japanese or korean writing on it, and then I start browsing through my FB feed, which has mostly pictures of girls duckfaces, but I feel like a stalker so I stop. After closing the tab, I am in the place where the last picture was taken, which is a picture of a few of my friends at some restaurant. It's night and from our table I can see out the window and I notice that there is a building that is reflecting something really bright. As I walk over to the window for a closer look, I notice there is a river between me and the building and I also see that the building is actually the Burj Khalifa and is reflecting some really small building. I exclaim, "Why am I in fucking Dubai?" and with that exclamation comes the realization that this is a dream. I turn around, everything in the restaurant is a little shaky and then I wake up.
solpic on 12-18-2011 at 05:16 PM
I'm walking down the left bank of a river which has two thin trails on either side. Its night and I am walking uphill and upstream, the river is fast moving. A boat goes down the river, then a helicopter (flying of course), and then another smaller boat. The helicopter is one of those longer military helicopters. When the last boat goes down the river it comes to a T-section and turns left (my right) and then hits directly into another, bigger boat at which point I realize how ridiculous this whole situation is and realize it is a dream.
Immediately I try to make it brighter because it is really dark and honestly I'm scared of what might happen in a dark lucid dream. I can't seem to get it to work like I have in the past so I change dream scenes, I think I closed my eyes and opened them again but I can't quite remember how. Out of the next two dream scenes one of them was in my room, in each dream scene I was unable to make it brighter and then eventually woke up.
solpic on 10-31-2011 at 01:18 AM
I want to preface this with the fact that I learned how to teleport in a normal dream but I seem to have been using the skill ever since in other normal dreams and in lucid dreams.
I would say this is a semi-lucid because although there was a lot of realism and I didn't really think straight.
I'm walking down the street at night with J. There is a fence to the left of him and a sidewalk to the right of that and open pavement to the right of that. We are on the side walk. There is a low building with a parking lot in the distance which we are walking towards. I'm practicing short range teleportation having fun annoying J. I'm just teleporting on every side of him to annoy him and I found out I have trouble teleporting and changing my angle a lot. I can teleport easily to any location but it is more difficult for me to face the direction I want immediately upon teleportation. Then I decide I want it to be daytime so I rotate the sky. I start by raising both arms in the air and get to work. The first rotating attempt (it's hard work) made all the starts shimmer. The next time the stars rotated out of view on an axis perpendicular to the street (so I guess we were walking west or east) but it was still dark. The next ry blotches of dark red came into view as if for a sunrise. I start thinking about wanting to see a pretty sunset and the dream fades away.
Before all this I remember fragments of fighting against some kind of Voldemort hybrid and watching American Horror Story (not at the same time of course).
solpic on 10-31-2011 at 01:12 AM
I am semi lucid but I can't remember much about the beginning of the dream. I was sort of Lord of the Rings themed with lots of sex. Someone betrayed us exactly like Saurumon. I was going over to have sex with huge hordes of enemies, for some odd reason that would help. I think I left the dream and then came back (in the dream).
After that I am fairly lucid and I fly out through my frond door and fly over the powerlines. My legs are dangling awkwardly. I remember it felt fucking incredible! Its a cloudy day. I fly down over the hill and a car comes by and I drop down because I remember I want to ride a motorcycle while signalling the car to stop. Great vividness and realism in that part!
solpic on 10-31-2011 at 01:09 AM
These are from 10/28/11:
Fragment: I'm learning magic at school.
My mom finds my hentai, which for some reason I had set as my desktop background and open in all tabs in chrome. She is interested. D wants to see my new iPod and just grabs for it roughly. I respond with my Kung Fu reactions and trap his hand against the table and tell him its impolite to grab for things like that.