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    One of my friends made a list of characters in the Lord of the Rings and assigned each of my friends to one character. I became Frodo with the motivation "Always ends up in the center of the attention, and has the biggest burden to bear"
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    I owned the nightmare with my lucid telekinetic power.

    by Sopanen on 12-01-2012 at 11:10 PM
    This was a very long dream that I don't remember much of so here's a fragment:

    I was flying over some water and there was someone chasing me, I was very uncomfortable and didn't want to be caught. I appear at an island with a large villa on it, this is where I know there's no way in hell I can survive the person chasing me. As I was admitting defeat, now walking toward the hostile with a "just get it over with feeling" I become lucid, I've never been this sure I was in a dream in my entire life, it was amazing. I'm 120% convince I'm dreaming. The hostile was flying toward me with probably 150km/h speed, and I grab the hostile in the air with telekinetic power around it's neck about 5 meters before he reaches me. The hostile becomes smaller, almost like a balloon that someone poked a hole in and dies immediately.

    There was no hesitation, no issue with controlling my power as I was very sure this was a dream. Getting lucid & killing the hostile all happened in half a second, it was completely spontaneous and there was no questioning whether I could do it or not.

    When the hostile was dead, I flew around the villa for a while, it was sunny and as vivid as my dreams get, I was trying to look for a woman to have sex with. Unfortunately there were none anywhere, I imagined one appearing around the next corner without success. I was pretty amazed, and I was talking to myself, and managed to make my voice sound normal. "I'm dreaming, this is a dream" "Increase graphics!" I also began spinning at one point. I was flying around for probably about 25 seconds or so, before I felt the dream was collapsing on me, I tried holding on to it by spinning but it didn't work.
    nightmare , dream fragment , lucid

    She tried kissing me with extacy in her mouth.

    by Sopanen on 12-01-2012 at 10:57 PM
    This was a very enjoyable and exciting dream and I wish I remembered more about it. I had several dreams throughout the night and two lucids.

    There was a very exclusive band playing on a stage, there was a football/party vibe to the whole thing, only a few people in the world had seen this band play. I'm on top of a stand and there's a good looking female reporter walking around interviewing people, just getting a comment out of each person, I had no interest in talking to her. She's screaming out loud asking if anyone else has an interesting comment to share. All of a sudden the man married to my mother stands up next to me and points toward me and says "he has a comment" I had no interest in talking to the female reporter.. But I said "I'm just chilling, bro" while being somewhat nervous and excited. This intrigued the reporter and for the first time she took an interest in someone for longer than just a short comment. And she asked me something about female to male attraction.

    I answered with something like "I believe the most important thing is to be non-needy, and in order to achieve this you need to be able to show vulnerability. I believe a vulnerable man is an attractive man, and it's the most attractive attribute that you can have. If you show vulnerability and act like yourself, you'll not only disqualify yourself and seem non-needy, it will also display confidence which will later on end up in you not caring what people think of you, because you're comfortable displaying your vulnerable and true self. You wont be loved by everyone, but you will polarize people, to one side or the other, and very quickly know whether or not they like you or not, you will not only save time but once you actually find someone who likes you they will like you for who you truly are and not lies you've created to impress people." at the same time I think "I'd rather be hated for being honest and truthful than appreciated for my bullshit"

    This impressed the reporter, and all of a sudden everyone knew who I was. I had polarized people, there were men who were jealous of all the attention I got, and I was hated by many, but I had some people who were truly in love with me. I appear right in front of the band, on a grass field that was lit up by party lights. There were drunk people everywhere. One of my friends noticed that one girl was particularly impressed with my speech and he pushed me all the way to her until I was standing right in front of her. I could sense that see was very uncomfortable standing that close to me, I was intimidating to her. But I spoke to her for a bit, brought her with me to the stage that I was now leaning towards with my back as she was standing right on front of me, I had her full attention.. I took her number, and at the same time her friends were trying to pull her away from there, they were in a hurry going somewhere. I made sure she didn't leave before I got the number. As she was holding my phone, calling her own phone from it, this other woman I used to be in the same school with, came up to kiss me without saying a word. I kissed her back, and she had several pills in her mouth and a lot of coke. I assumed it was extacy and spit it all out immediately. Now everybody around me got angry with me, and they started punching and hitting me repeatedly as I fell to the ground. I appear in a futuristic corridor.

    Surviving the soaking wet wilderness when you're cold - murder crabs and the toilet.

    by Sopanen on 12-01-2012 at 12:07 AM
    I'm below a few meters of snow. I remember thinking, "I need to create a pocket of air here, so that I can breathe" but I concluded that I would definitely be dead if I couldn't get myself out of there fast. I could see the sun shining through the snow even though I was a few meters below it. I manage to crawl myself out of the snow. As soon as I get up there's water everywhere, and I'm leaning toward a piece of ice in the middle of the water. I was freezing to death, and I knew from my experience in wildness survival that I wouldn't survive without getting warm, especially since I was soaking wet and losing heat fast.

    I went through it in my head "Shelter first, or I'll die of hypothermia, I can make it a while without food and water, just get warm, but grab any food you can on your way to shelter if there's an opportunity". I see this very wide island with some trees on it a few hundred meters in front of me. As I'm swimming too it I can see and feel crabs everywhere. I rationalize "grab a few for later!" at the same time I realize getting a fire would be difficult because it had been raining. There were hundreds of them around me and at one point there were so many of them I thought they would pull me below the water and that I would drown. Once I got to the island I hadn't managed to grab a single crab. I soon realized that this was a very small island, and that there was a bigger one behind it.

    I appeared on the other island and I began running around in the wilderness, trying to figured out a way to get warm knowing I don't have much time. I realize there's no way I can get warm fast enough with a self-made shelter considering it was so cold and everything is wet. I keep running, and soon I see a small building. It reminds me of the place we stored our playground toys as a kid in kinder garden, the vibe I get is that I'm at a school ground, even though I realize I'm not. Next to the small building there is a large villa, with several glass doors next to each other, I want to get inside but I realize there is a hostile in there so I try avoiding being seen.

    I make it up to the small building, and there are two massive padlocks (one would be about the size of your hand) and a chain keeping the door locked. I realize that the key is hanging in one of the padlocks, so I make my way in. As soon as I get in there is a 1 feet distance to another door. I open that door, and there's a toilet. The place is very very small, it's as wide as the toilet and the sink is right in front of me as I sit down. I don't mind, I was just happy about getting warmer, and I could literally feel slowly warming up, from being completely frozen. It felt really good and I was relieved.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    November 22th - I raped her

    by Sopanen on 11-23-2012 at 09:42 AM
    I appear in another dream, I'm at a very familiar place, the place where I grew up. It's very sunny and some families are playing with their children. I'm on one of the more elevated places, in the middle of a patch of grass. I become lucid immediately, and I remain at the place. I think "Okay, I'm dreaming, this is a dream" "What do I feel? Can I feel my body" "What are the 5 senses again.. uhm... "okay, I can feel, can I see? What do I see?" This is when the ground randomly tries to eat me, I attempt to get up but I struggle. The ground has swallowed my legs, but I manage to get up. (this is actually weird for me, I rarely actually see my body)

    I walk forward a few meters to tarmac and start spinning while I say "I'm dreaming, this is all just a dream" I stop spinning because I'm afraid if I continue it will collapse the dream.. It's very vivid, but still very far from being close to reality. I don't really hear anything, I can't really feel anything, no sun, no wind. I have absolutely no smell. But the visual part is on the better end, even though it's far from being reality. I can really only "focus" on one thing at a time, but the focused thing looks pretty real.

    This is where I get bored and sexually attack a woman running after her child. I was actually questioning my choice at one point "Hmm, maybe I shouldn't, this is an inappropriate place" Then I realize I'm being naive and that this is all just a reality created by my brain. I pin her to the ground stomach down, take of her dress and penetrate her, although only the tip of my penis could get in, it was a lot more vivid than it has been before. At this point her upper body is completely gone. I didn't seem to mind, as I was beginning to lose lucidity and understanding of what was going on. I didn't really feel arousal or pleasure except for the excitement over being lucid. I see a white blurry cast over my vision and I lose the dream.

    November 21th - I'm not human in a futuristic city

    by Sopanen on 11-23-2012 at 09:30 AM
    This was a very exciting dream, and I wish I could remember more of it vividly. The dream starts on a very large rooftop, it's very sunny and vivid. I'm so high up on my rooftop I can't really see the buildings in detail but it's a huge futuristic city. There are a few sniper rifles to the left of me and I become lucid right away. I debate whether to take the guns and shoot at people randomly for the fun of it, or just jump off of the building because the scenery looks so delicious. I decide to jump of the building, I remember being very excited and yet a bit skeptical if I would survive, like jumping out of an airplane. I end up slowly falling down to the city completely amazed, it looked amazing and I felt amazing. I end up bouncing on a wall about 6-7 meters before hitting the ground.

    I'm not human.

    I have some kind of special powers that allow me to jump unreasonably high (almost fly) and mutate my arms into weapons. It's like a game and I'm it's master. I'm still lucid and it's very vivid. I decide to just go with the flow of the dream, I beat up some cars for some reason and my weapon-arms are upgraded into chain saws. I feel no sense of danger, there are no hostiles anywhere and it's very sunny. I'm in the middle of the city, and for some reason I know I have to get to an apartment building as there will be some people there, this is where I lose lucidity. It's been maybe about 20 seconds or so, and this is also where I begin forgetting what happens. I jump across an almost tokyo-alike futuristic city, all the way to a very high broken apartment building, there is war, and we are its heroes. As soon as I enter I get a feeling of being very welcome and loved, I had people that depended on me and I had the will and know how to help them. Then the dream blurrs out.

    Updated 11-23-2012 at 09:43 AM by Sopanen (futuristic, flying, fly, sniper rifle, war, loved, love, dependent, dependence)

    lucid , dream fragment