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    Date of Birth
    March 12
    About SoraSai
    LD Count:
    3 :(
    I just recently got in LDing and I tried for the first time on the night of the October 21st and last night (the night of October 23rd) I had my first Lucid Dream...In fact I had three!!!
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    Mixed Dreams

    by SoraSai on 11-06-2010 at 09:16 PM
    Just to get the point this dream wasnt lucid and I only remember one of my dreams last night.

    It started out with me and my friend flying in this car through some video game. We finished a level and continued, before remembering that there was a green portal we needed to go through. So we turned around and headed over there. We got out of our flying car and she pushed me into the portal and didnt follow. I looked around, it was the same level we had just done but with a tint of green and it was turning. There were bad people following after me so I ran to this shadowed area and picked a few herbs and plants for food. I waited for a bit before running again to another place like this. Then I picked a few more plants and herbs until the people heard me. I ran and climbed into a car, hot wired it and drove. I had been driving for awhile and taken a lot of damage from the people chasing me. So I jumped out just before the car exploded and sprinted to a smaller car. I pulled the driver out and got in, and drove. Eventually the people sent a semi after me and I found a little bay area behind a restaurant. I pulled in there knowing that the semi would block the way for any other cars chasing me. I jumped out of the car and ran up a few stairs to a door. I pulled on it and panicked because it didnt open. I spotted another door and ran over to it, praying that the people wouldn't find a way into the enclosed area. The door opened and I ran in. I handed the people at the counter a cup and then ran outside into the street. The people were gone so I ran over and stole another car. I drove around for awhile not worrying until I ran over a person and the people started chasing me again. Then I woke up.

    It was like a mix of Harvest Moon, Spyro, ToonTown and...Grand Theft Auto. I honestly have no idea how all of this happened.
    non-lucid , memorable


    by SoraSai on 10-30-2010 at 07:57 PM

    Night of 10/27/10
    I was in my room picking out clothes and I decided to wear a Little Miss Trouble shirt and I was with my mother later on looking for a skirt that would match. My dream started to turn and flip and then fade.

    Night of 10/28/10
    It started out with me surrounded by my family and friends. They were telling me to put together a fairy outfit. So I chose one that was black and had diamonds that shine like beacons. Later I found out that I had become a fairy princess so I went to a new villlage I had heard off. Then I woke up inside my dream. I was laying in bed with my friend Katie and her brother was listening to music in her room and watching the tv. We begged him to turn it down, which he eventually did. Then we fell asleep again. This time I was still in the same village as a fairy princess but I was surrounded by evil monster like creatures with masks. They grabbed my arms and took me to an area full of cages. They picked a cage close to the entrance and the guard and through my in there. I tried to bed the guard to let me out, but to no avail. I ended up just looking at the other prisoners until my family came to rescue me.

    Night of 10/29/10
    I was in the living room with my mother and I decided to use her iPad(We hate Apple..) and I turned it on and unlocked it, knowing her password. I looked through her apps, decided I didnt like them so I went to get an ebooks app. I typed it in and a bunch of comments came up. The question that sparked the comments was. If Im playing as character DuskMoonFlower and a giant hammer pops up on the screen what does that mean?" A few of the comments that followed we as such. Go back to ToonTown! and... If you really want that hammer to go away..Jerk it... and.... You have to get back princess LiTtLeMiZzEmOsUnShInE... Weird...Thats my user name on a game... o.o.....

    Finally after a two day dry spell I think. Sorry I was to busy to come on and post so I combined what I remembered into one post haha. Love.

    Night of 10/25/10 Dry Spell

    by SoraSai on 10-26-2010 at 03:30 PM
    I woke up...Thought about my dream for a little while. Had to get up to get ready for school. I came back in to type up my dream journal and the dream was gone. This keeps happening. Hopefully I'll remember by the end of the day like I did yesterday. Also, I don't know why but for the first time in a long time I tossed and turned... No more trying to get Lucid on school nights >.< It makes me to damn tired.
    side notes

    Night 10/24/10 Nightmare

    by SoraSai on 10-26-2010 at 12:22 AM
    Vividness: 4
    Recall: 3
    Hours of Sleep: 8
    Food before Sleep: N/A

    The dream started off pretty normal. Me and a few friends were walking back from grabbing lunch at school and were walking over to a table. I walked off and walked into a room. Two girls were in there. They congratulated me on dating their best friend. I asked myself who I was dating and since when. I shrugged it off and then the girls walked out. Not long after a book in the middle of the room opened and I heard screaming. Within seconds voices were popping in my head. Terrified I ran out and ended up in my backyard. My cat/dad started to crawl out of a rabbit cage with huge wide eyes and my neighbors dog looked like a dog from hell. Again I ran out and ended up running into my dad. He apologized for having such huge eyes and then I woke up.
    It was a lot scarier than it sounded.
    nightmare , non-lucid

    First Lucid and an Amazing Recall

    by SoraSai on 10-25-2010 at 01:43 AM
    Vividness: 3
    Recall: 5
    Hours of Sleep: 8
    Food Before Sleep: Skittles and Starbursts o.o

    I was with my boyfriend waiting for his class to start before going to my own. His teacher then told him that it was alright if he went upstairs to see the nurse for some sort of school check up. Since my class was upstairs we held hands and made our way up there. When we got to the nurse's office I gave him a quick kiss goodbye before walking down the hall. There had been glass for a floor at one point, like the dome at the mall and it had all shattered. So I was forced to walk along the edges all the way to my Spanish class. When I got there my friend Adrian was wearing a Super Mario costume. My boyfriend doesn't even go to my school and my school does not have a nurses office or a dome. But, my friend Adrian is being Super Mario for Halloween. After that dream I woke up.

    I fell asleep and started to walk up the stairs in a house. I did a reality check and discovered I could breath! I contained my excitement and walked around the house just to see if it would work. I decided to see if I could fly so I ran up the stairs and stood on the edge of the banister and jumped off! To my horror I fell and fell until I hit the ground and...Woke up.

    My school was hosting a talent show and I was doing a breathing exercise because I was going to see I decided to plug my nose and see if I could breath...I could! I controlled my excitement and made my way to the stage to start the talent show. Lucky me I got to open. So, because I got to control what happened I decided to sing this song that I had just recently learned. Shortly after I finished I woke up..Again.

    I was in an elevator with a few of my friends and did a reality check. Only find out I was dreaming. The elevator was going up to the second story of our school and these one girls were being incredibly annoying so I decided to yell at them. They then told me to shut up when a chainsaw appeared in my hands and it was already running. I then cut them to pieces and everyone in the elevator was very thankful. But my friend Rita had broken the elevator and we were now falling to the Earth. I thought about a rope connecting to something on the second story of the school and the elevator and it happened! We then pulled the elevator back up and walked out. I walked down the hall to my first period class to go talk to my teachers. I opened the wall that divided the two classrooms and turned around. My math/physics teacher was getting a massage from some random guy and my best friend was deflating like a balloon I told him to fill back up with air and he did. Then my humanities teacher was on the ground with his legs spread screaming because he was giving birth. I scared myself away.

    Updated 10-25-2010 at 01:44 AM by SoraSai (Title Change)

    lucid , non-lucid , memorable