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    April 4, 1996 (28)
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    zombie army

    by splodeymissile on 03-06-2018 at 10:44 AM
    Running down a dark city, being pursued by a startling number of zombies. Several of them succeed in grabbing me, but I am able to pull myaelf free. They eventually disperse. I move through the mostly abandoned city and come across some regular, albeit ugly looking people. Lucidity hits me as the dream is ending and, because I saw a similarity between them,I am able to make one of the peole lose his face and become slenderman.

    disconnected shopping and drugs

    by splodeymissile on 03-05-2018 at 11:12 AM
    Was shopping with family. A hairy creature was milling about, but we paid it no mind. Mom fell over. I went to help her up, but she screamed at me to go away, so, I did so. Heading back home I noticed the cats had somehow gotten into the medicine cabinet and had eaten some purple drugs. Fortunately, they had the sense to vomit them back up. My uncle came home and decided to deal with the mess.

    Different scene. I was watching a youtube video where the writers of all the star wars films had gotten together to explain which parts of their film were filled with plot holes. When the video started, however, it turned out to be an amateur youtuber explaining what liberties the lego games had taken with the source material.

    by far the best I've ever had.

    by splodeymissile on 01-10-2018 at 08:58 AM
    Need to get back into the habit of recalling because this is a poor showing for what is by far my best lucid ever.

    It consists of multiple adventures held in different worlds with a hub world that resembles a gradually being torn down apartment complex.

    First adventure: On a bus with a pretty girl in a somewhat normal city. Billboerds stand out to me for some reason. We made love and I used dream control to create and control fire for a bit. We had sex at some point in the journey. Ended by arriving in the hub world.

    In the hub world I fulfilled a long time goal of meeting my shadow self. I dont remember too much of the encounter but he waved at me, a tiny bit cautiously and I think we ultimately had a friendly meeting.

    Second adventure: With a collection of people. It became obvious that they were all clones of each other from about three base designs, especially when I saw a couple seated at a table look identical to another couple at the opposite table. One of these designs had two faces with one at the back like Quirrel, the other was unremarkable and the final one had a ridiculous number of jagged teeth. The last of these not only gradually overtook the rest of the designs like a virus but began infecting other body parts like her chest and hands and eventually even inanimate objects. I used dream control to tear open a portal in a wall that resmbles those cracks in time in doctor who and used to escape into a cupboard in the hub world.

    Third adventure: With the pretty girl again. Gave her a hug that lasted for the entirety of our second journey. She acted annoyed by my deliberate clinginess. During this journey I tried to test out perception and persistence by looking away at objects and seeing if I could still hear them and if they looked the same when I turned back to them. For the most part I could and they did.

    Fourth adventure: Wanted to go the the Zombiu world again. Only partially succeeded, given I was on the run from clowns, but at least it was raining. Opened up a portal to leave and wound up in the same cupboard as before.

    Decided that it was time to leave this world and wake up. Rather than simply will myself to wake up, I left the now dilappidated apartment (which was filled with various characters, some of whom I had met on my adventures) with the intention of waliking out of the world and waking up that way. After a mostly forgotten journey (I may have simply "snapped" to the next scene), I came to a collection of beautiful waterfalls which I new marked the boundary of the world. Rather than walk off. I noticed an outpostt nearby that I made my way to. Inside, for some reason, I began fiddling with a ventillator fan only to break it. Unable to fix it traditionally, I used dc to reverse time for the components successfully fixing (if you call transforming them into an inflatable pile of lego that my dream self thinks is a good enough job fixing) all but one: the fan cover. Instead, I used dc to instantly knit a sort of mini tigger onesie that I put over the fan. Afterwards, I continued on my journey but snapped back to waking mid way through.

    And several more adventurres that have sadly been forgotten.

    This serves as quite a few milestones for me. 1. I was persistently lucid throughout the whole thing in that I always had an awareness that I was in a dreaming world. I even caught myself losing lucidity at one point and willed myself to get back to peak lucidity. 2. I possessed all mental faculties and "felt" as intelligent as normal during the whole thing. 3. After a single false start with the fire thing, my dream control was exceptional. There was not a thing I could not do 4. Even though it was only one dream, the apartment hub felt like a persistent realm with a chronology to its existence and its changes. 5. First time I had sex in a dream without immediately waking up. 6. Longest lasting lucid dream, being a few hours real time and roughly a day in my mind. 7. I've had a dry spell for quite a while, so, ending it with something this good feels absolutely wonderful.

    All in all by far my best lucid dream yet.

    New job

    by splodeymissile on 11-28-2017 at 12:15 PM
    Despite having a perfectly good job already, I decide to get a job in Ripon. What my role is is anyones's guess, since I seem to do no work. I spend three days in this dream, each day going to work. Certain landmarks were familiar to me, but the rest of the city seemed to have been made up. A collection of beautiful women also worked at this place. Each day consisted of us doing an obnoxious team building exercise. At the end of the dream, whilst walking to Harrogate, I notice that my new job is incredibly vague and that it feels more dreamy and unreal than my old job did. This almost got me lucid, but my alarm clock got in the way.

    Secret police

    by splodeymissile on 11-23-2017 at 12:10 PM
    Living in my Gran's house with a bunch of other people. A couple of buses pull up and everyone is immediately filled with a sense of dread. We are instructed to get on the buses and although we consider running, we eventually do so. Sitting next to a friend from work we head off through the countryside to who knows where. A newsreel style montage occurs explaining that Russia has returned to the height of cold war paranoia and that inexplicably Britain has followed suit. One of our number committed a crime and now the entire group is being taken. The final item on the mintage suggests that a resistance ia being built over in Russia.

    Fragment: Working in a supermarket. Friends from my real life work are also there.