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    The meaning of life?

    by Stalthdan on 08-03-2013 at 08:02 AM
    Dream, Lucid, Comment

    We (my family and I) were in a house that wasn't ours. It was more like a mansion, actually. Everyone was busy exploring the place and playing with stuff. My mom brought me this weird item that supposedly was an ear bud; the part that was supposed to go in your ear was a flat electronic chip. "Take it", she insisted, "it'll help you." I wasn't sure how, exactly, it was supposed to help me, but I took it from her and put it in my ear, and suddenly the dream became way more vivid. I thought to do a reality check, but instead of counting my fingers, I counted my toes.
    I realized it was a dream even before counting; my foot looked normal (five toes, by the looks of it), except for those two extra thumb-like toes that were sticking out of the side. Next thing I know, I was sitting in my living room, along with my sister. I tried to remember what the ToTM was, and then asked her something along the lines of "what does life mean to you?" I was kinda hoping she would say 42. I'm not sure what she said, if she replied at all. What a bummer.
    The rest of the dream isn't very exciting to read, and I'm too lazy to type it. So yeah.
    lucid , task of the month

    First ToTM

    by Stalthdan on 05-28-2013 at 11:37 AM
    Dream, Lucid, Comment

    I was going to my final exam (no idea which), and there was another student walking a little bit ahead of me. As he was walking through a doorway, I saw a guy (possibly a security guard) who was apparently waiting for us. I figured he probably wanted to ask us what we were doing here, since it's Saturday. Weekends here are on Friday and Saturday. I thought to myself that I'd tell him the truth, of course; that I had an exam today. I don't really know why the dream considered an exam on Saturday to be weird. It's absolutely normal. Also, today's Tuesday. As I continued walking, I was thinking about how most doors are usually closed on Saturdays. The other student whom I was walking behind passed the doorway before me, and when I reached it, I noticed it's not a doorway any more. It's a wall with a few windows (since I was thinking the doors are usually closed). I thought this was kinda weird, so I tried a nose plug RC. I'm not sure why, but that didn't get me lucid; it did, however, increase my awareness, and I noticed that there was supposed to be a doorway here. I must be dreaming!
    Of course, I wasn't going to the exam anymore. I turned right back, heading to the exit. There, I saw some guys I knew back in school. After greeting them, one of them was complaining that he didn't really want to come today. He said something about it being the first day.
    First day? We're having finals this week! I told them, "guys, if you don't want to study, you don't have to. Let's all just leave!" They were happy to comply. As we were walking, I said: "do you know why it's ok if you don't want to your lectures?" They looked at me, waiting for an answer. I told them, "because this is a dream. None of this is really happening!" They started looking at me doubtfully. Now that I think of it, it's rather strange that I'm the only one that spoke during the entire dream. I wanted to prove this to them, so I attempted to fly, and ended up just falling. I wasn't really embarrassed though; they were just DCs. I then gave them my hand (not literally!) so they can count my fingers. They were all quite eager; they gathered around my hand quicker than you can say "I forgot to stabilize my dream".
    And that was the last of it. I hadn't realized I finished a ToTM till I woke up, so I'm hoping that counts anyway. :p
    lucid , task of the month