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    August 24, 1992 (32)
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    First sucesful WILD !!

    by SteelSovereignty on 08-13-2010 at 05:09 PM

    I guess it was all just up to WBTB timing. (I took a quick reset/break from polyphasic, and tested this) This happened around 6 AM after 3-4 hours of sleep.
    I "fell" into the dream, and landed on a snowey mountain in my back yard. It wasn't really my back yard, but it was behind my house. The surrounding area was very dense with houses but there was no one else in sight. I took it slow standing up and starting to move around and I felt the dream stabalize. It was a nice feeling knowing that I had created all of that. Unfortunatly I'm not very skilled in holding my lucidity. After the snow started to blow away from the top of the mountain I yelled "increase lucidity!" and it sort of worked, so I then yelled "this is my dream! Increase lucidity now!" and it worked a bit better. So I willed the snow back onto the mountain, and it worked. I tried to progress on to plan b (you know ) and I very quickly lost stability and a little lucidity. I "woke up" into a FA, which I'm pretty sure I caught (because I'm making it my habit to check after every time I awaken) however I very quickly lost conciousness after that. I guess it was kind of my fault for embarking on a task that I knew would knock me out. Next time I plan on exploring more, maybe flying around, and trying to talk to DC's. Also I need to learn how to get rid of this foggy feeling to my dreams. Potentially for my nap today?

    Introduction and a War Story

    by SteelSovereignty on 08-12-2010 at 05:45 AM
    Hey, just to introduce myself, I am SteelSovereignty. I am a polyphasic sleeper currently doing SPAMAYL, I highly recommend you look it up if you are interested at all! I am trying to acheive mastery over WILD and feel that I am comming very close. For now though I will be posting my dreams that are non-lucid.

    A War Story
    (this was after watching something about a paratrooper in ww2 who was taken to a POW camp)
    I was getting parachuted in to some war zone, I landed and checked out my gear, I was a medic (SC2 style sorta ). I was near a delapadated building where everyone was rallying, so I ran over too. we all huddled around the edge of this building, I was next to this chick. Turns out the leader of the enemies or something was giving a speach, and somehow I knew the building we were near was full of our enemies. Somehow the chick had a hotdog and was eating it. all of a sudden we saw movement in the building , an enemy going down stairs (we could see because of holes in the building). The chick pulled the pin on a grenade and dropped it in. I was too close so I tuck and rolled away. someone had built a pit for just such a situation, "how nice" I thought. We landed and the 'nade whent off. Our CO or something came by and I found the hotdog in the pit, knowing somehow that we weren't supposed to have it I tried to bury it quickly. CO saw it and asked what the hell I had there, so I tried to play it off like it was nothing to defend the chick. After spending a minute or two trying to convince him and looking around for something else to show him he just whispered "just give me that dirt clod over there" or something, so I did and he was nice about it. He probably knew anyways. the alarm whent off. (the alarm was fucking LOUD today and nearly gave me a heart attack!)

    A final note, I will gladly answer every and all questions people have about polyphasic sleeping and how it enhances or interferes with Lucid Dreaming.