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    Sumys's workbook

    by sumys on 06-08-2013 at 11:09 PM
    Sleep at 15:00 wake-up 18:30 Lucidology timer, first interval after 70 minues, but I am not sure if it rangs. No MILD technique. The day before l read Lucidology 101 i 103 "pry eye lids" and talked with LD expert about it.

    I woke up and then felt asleep a couple of times. At last I am laying on my bed awaken. I got a desire to have an OBE. I am concentrating myself to the other body which is in the opposite side of my room.I am feeling vibrations and sense of spiral movement down and down. I stand up and try RC. Point finger goes through my palm. I see it with a littly hazy sight, but afterwards I dont see anything. Despite that fact I want to fly up. I am feeling the sensetion of flying and clearly the feel of the material of our roof that I must being flying throughout. But I am still blind. I am angry and screaming "CLARITY NOW". But nothing happens. I remember at Lucidology 103 that I can open my nonphysical eye lids with nonphysical hands. I do it and it works! All I see is the edge of my bed and wall as being seen from the sleeping position. It looks the same as in reality. Strange. After I drop my eyelids again I dont see anything. i wake up. In that moment it was very vivid, but not after the final awakening I remember it with some obstacles. I still dont know if it was a false awakening LD or OBE.

    Sumys's workbook

    by sumys on 06-04-2013 at 08:15 PM
    4.6.2013 to bed at 1:00, alarm clock at 6:00, wake up 11:00

    I am going in the bus with the class full of kids (I am one of them) from Praque to some school trip. I am in the back part of the bus. On of teachers shout at driver that he is driving fast, that it is allowed to drive only 50 kmh in the city. I am talking with my classmates but one girl, sitting in the seat right infront of me grabs my attention. She is cute, blond hairy and in the age of 14 yo. She tell me that she won Superstar. I apologize that I know only one czech superstar Aneta Langerova. I see vividly her concert and also her brother concert. He has very strong , almost comic voice. I am joking if she can, as a pop star, write a signature on my arm. She agree and sign on my arm and also add her tel. number. It is to her home, because she doesnt have any cell phone. i feel very sotisfied, maybe I feel a love with her. We get out of the bus and there is a very big building infront of us.

    Sumys's workbook

    by sumys on 06-04-2013 at 08:14 PM
    3.6.2013 To bed at 0:15, wake up at 10:45, alarm clock at 6:30

    I am sitting in the computer class room. The Lesson is on the way. I am trying to run a foreigin program on the computer, which is strictly forbidden. At last Martin Vít (sitting behind me) show me how to change windows register to do so. Teacher Dalibor Vích come to us (we are sitting in the back of the room). He is telling us something and then show some video on the projector. It is a high jumping. At first a man jumps and sinks his head into the sand. Next one is a car jumping :-) It seems funny to me. Dalibor Vích asks me whether I am also capable of doing this.
    Now I am in the old cottage, maybe it is a part of some castle.Behind the table is standing Veronika Petrova. She wears nice evening dress and she looks really nice. We go to the next room. It is an old room with an old furniture and big dinner table for a lot of people in the middle.I come close to Veronika, hug her and feel strong sexual context, but she doesnt want anything.
    Now I am going to a school trip in the train with my former high school class and my former teacher Vratilová. Finally we are in the destination. Tereza Placha, my former schoolmate hobbles a little bit. She wears 2 part swim suit. I help here, get my arm around her waist. I can vividly feel her wet skin and beautiful thin waist. It is quite pleasant.
    We go to the cottage and immediatly go to the dinning room for some food. Again big room with large tables. Food is served by old, mean and strick old women. I am eating with guys (Jeff, dimitrij and Max). I get smaller portion of food but continue eating. Max get SMS. It is from Veronika Petrova: "what car would you like". He goes to her to the same old cottage (castle) where I was before and have a sex with her. I am a bit of disappointed from all of this. I go to the same cottage (castle) but no one there. I get SMS if I like FIAT. I am angry, I am in no mood for a car. In a while the second SMS come: In which car would you like to have it? I am happy and answer that it doesnt matter, Renault whatever. Veronika comes to me. I turn up her skirt, thouch her back... end of the dream.

    Sumys's workbook

    by sumys on 06-02-2013 at 04:22 PM
    My first Lucid dream:

    It was in the January or early Febuary 2013 during an afternoon nap. I was lying in my bed in my usuall sleeping position (on the stomach)......
    ......I am on the small gravel path between small forest called "Smrcina" (I visit this forest since my childhood and it has a strong emotional feel for me) and the rubber factory Saargumming where I am working (glady not anymore now:-)). I hate that factory, as a symbol of oppression, capitalism.
    I am going down the forest path towards the factory, but turn left to the empty building abandoned old iron foundry. So far everything in my dream is almost identical to the real world environment.
    As I enter the building I am in the room with many 2 floored-beds. It looks like a room in some montain cottage.
    I lie in the bed in my usuall sleeping position on the stomach. I am falling asleep and try to seperate myself from my body That day I also read about astral projection. It isnt easy and I feel strong resistance against separation. But I am able to pick up the upper half of my body. Finally I am able to stand up and look around. The part of separation is still mystery for me. It felt so real that I thought I was awake, but more like I was dreaming all the time and was right on the edge sleeping/awake state. My sight is blury and hazy but everything is so real. Now I am realize that I am dreaming. Wow. I am so excited and happy. A look at my hands. They are blury. I thouch the wall. It feels 100 procent like a real wall, but I am not able to put my hand throught it. I go to the next small room and there is a woman sitting on the desk. I go to her and have a sex with her. Suddenly I want the girl name Betka instead of her. And in a second I am having a sex with Betka. It feels like a real sex. Wow. But after a minute the dream suddenly disappear and I wake up. I remember everything clearly even without writing it anywhere.
    When I was 18 years old I had a girlfriend and my best friend Tomas cheated me with her. His girlfriend at that time was Betka. I remember I found her attractive but I havent seen her since that time. Maybe a time for a revenge ? :-) BTW: I have sometimes Thomas in my school related dreams. But I am not angry at him. We are still friends at my dreams