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    No idea?? Dreamed I did dream chaining maybe and it was really confusing!

    by Toddreams on 01-10-2014 at 01:40 AM
    No idea it might have been one dream or 5 but I was just napping with the intent to have a delid and seem to have had a huge chain of not so real awakenings and falling back to sleep ALL LUCID!!! And the most vivid I have ever had... Incredible.

    I think I actually woke up once but not sure I just remember finding that my phone stopped playing music and then falling back to sleep trying to stay awake. The first couple were very vivid but I don't remember them I do remember using "BECOME VIDID" and shouts like that to keep my eyes open and chasing after a truck or something in the first one but that's it. But what would happen was I would have a FA and actually feel the exiting from a dream and try not to move. Then I would feel strange sensations and vibrations, for example I came too and felt like I was rising up from inside of my bed then floated above my bed and sunk back down into my normal position on my back (wasn't actually sleeping on my back though) then I would feel vibrations like a wild and lift off my bed a little and be swept off into the dream world. It would fade into a FA (although I tried to start of in a field of grass) but I was completely lucid!! In the first one I remember I got up and picked my dog up who looked so lifelike I carried him out of my room and dropped him down in the kitchen I did RCs and they worked but still had a hard time believing I was in a dream because it was so realistic. I then went outside the front door and saw tons of people going about there daily business (which is weird because most lucid dreams of mine have little or no people and I've never seen my street so crowded). I saw my good friend graham jogging by my house in his Berkley sweatshirt and stopped him and talked to him and did some other stuff I'm not sure of. When the dream faded I did the same thing and just chained them. This time when I had the FA I got up and saw through my sliding glass door my sister, who is in college in a little party hat for new years even though it has passed. She looked at me, smiled, and waved. Past her in the living room I saw the rest of my family. I did some RCs and they worked. I then pressed my hands against the sliding glass door and felt it. I turned around and found my seat was replaced by a beautiful and huge granite counter top desk and a big desktop. I felt the cool granite with my hand as I walked by. I went into the kitchen and felt the cabinets and then really analyzed the room. It was incredible how real it felt and looked. It then soon faded I woke.

    This time I also realized I woke and was going to try to delid again but I also knew I had been in a completely different position than this and when I went to bed and I didn't want to forget any more. Nothing has ever happened to me like this before... Was I dreaming I was lucid dreaming and chaining them or was I actually doing it but when I woke my awareness was so low I thought I was in a different position? I have never had such vivid dreams and remember I also had a couple that I don't remember before those that were linked as well.


    by Toddreams on 01-05-2014 at 08:52 AM
    I was lying in bed and I did the hold your nose RC. It worked so I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't for some reason. I blinked and closed my eyes and tried to open them but it didn't work. My eye was barely open and blurry. I did some stabilization things and they finally opened. I walked to the door and decided to try and fly to a new scene. I went out and tried to make some flying shoes appear behind me on the steps outside by turning my back but instead I made a revolver pistol appear. I picked it up. I went over to the Werdine's and went into there house because the doors weren't there. There was a stranger in there so I shot at him but kept missing so I ran out the garage and now he had a gun and was shooting at me. He was missing but I shot him in the balls but the bullet was a hard plastic torpedo thing instead. I then tried to fly away but my eyes did that thing again. I continued jumping higher and higher anyway until one time I jumped as hard as I could but straight out and low to the ground. I then willed myself to go higher and faster. I did it, I was flying! Then the dream faded.
    lucid , false awakening


    by Toddreams on 01-05-2014 at 08:49 AM
    (Sleeping at Graham's)

    All I remember is graham telling me to let his dog nick into the room because he was at the door.

    I woke up then to go to the bathroom and he was asleep and nick wasn't around and realized it was a dream.

    In the morning I was having a dream but I can't remember it because I was suddenly grabbed on the left shoulder by a dream hand and shaken awake.


    by Toddreams on 01-05-2014 at 08:47 AM
    I was at a movie theater and everything was white (the floors, the ceiling, the ticket counter, etc.) and I had to go to the bathroom. The black guy that worked there thought I was going to sneak in and said to get in line for a ticket. I told him I was going to the bathroom and he said alright. I go in and pee at a urinal but I'm holding a wii with Xbox controllers while I do and I drop one in after I'm done. I tried to rinse it but probably broke it. Then it was a pillow I dropped instead of a controller and I tried to wash it off in the bathroom for a while but now I was at Brower's hose but not his real house. So I asked for a new pillow case and then tried to get the wii working but it had to sinc to Brower's tv and it wouldn't work because of water damage.


    by Toddreams on 01-05-2014 at 08:45 AM
    I woke up in my bed and tried a RC it worked so I got up and went to the kitchen. I leaned against the counter and my dad leaned against the one opposite me I looked around and analyzed the entire living room. The dream was pretty hazy but when I really focused it would be more clear. Then I went out the tool room door into the empty parking places and heard my dad who was now outside say something about scout being anorexic. I felt the dream fading and spun around. Then I looked at my hands and they were deformed. Then it was like my vision paused and I kept seeing my hands until the dream faded.