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    November 8, 1993 (31)
    About TopazMyst
    Born and raised in Texas.

    I'm here. I'm queer. I'm full of existential fear.
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    Video games, books, journaling, poetry.


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    by TopazMyst on 10-03-2024 at 06:24 PM

    Me, Jasmine, and our dad's were in a Jeep Grand Cherokee with leather seats. My dad was driving recklessly and scaring the shit out of me.


    I chased a mouse under my bedroom door?


    by TopazMyst on 10-01-2024 at 03:38 AM

    I was running across the top of a waterfall. Bullets were flying. One hit a tree right next to my face.


    I had a house. I knew it was mine, but it looked different from my actual house. It didn't have a garage and I remember wandering around looking for my car.
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    The Arranged Marriage

    by TopazMyst on 09-30-2022 at 09:36 AM
    I'll preface this by saying I've been reading Fire and Blood by G.R.R. Martin.

    I dreamed that I was at my old house in Cedar Creek and my brother and I were about to be forced to marry. We sat on his bed and discussed it for a long while; Whether or not we should run away or commit. We reluctantly accepted our fate.

    Updated 09-28-2024 at 08:00 AM by TopazMyst


    Fragments 1/18/19

    by TopazMyst on 01-18-2019 at 04:24 PM
    * I was in some sort of poly-amorous foursome with my partner and a good friend, lets call her Kristy. The guy in the group was some random DC. Nothing really happened, Kristy had teased me but there was no follow through. Didn't think being blue balled in a dream was possible but now I know.

    * I was in a war-zone in the middle east. I legit don't remember much past that. I mostly remember feelings and concepts of a war-zone more than the actual dream. Random mention on a cargo plane.

    * I remember some guy yelling at me for cutting in line in front of one of his kids at a burger joint. It was dark out and we were making our orders at gas station pumps. His kid had really cut in front of me but the confrontation started to get violent so I just walked away. Cut to a random burger joint server offering me free food.

    * One of my friends/coworkers, we'll call her Letty, was in my home town for some reason. She picked me up? All of this is very weird because I live and work a days drive away from my home town. I don't know what our destination was but I remember going under an over-pass and onto a dirt road. I knew all the back roads so I was giving her directions.
    dream fragment


    by TopazMyst on 01-02-2019 at 02:37 PM
    The first snippet that i remember was, my pharmacist (D) and I were stuck (I think at work) during a nuclear fall out. People had instructed us to stay inside but he did't agree with it. I trusted him and we started to make our way outside as the bombs dropped. He was leading me frantically through the congested roads on foot when the explosion happened. It was loud as hell and it sounded close even if it wasn't. The hilarious part I realize now is that the geiger counter sound from the Fallout games started to fill my ears. And it wasn't a good feeling at the time. But I remember it increasing in tone rapidly then suddenly stopping few times. I think my fear had something to do with that, I kind of willed it to stop periodically because it was getting to be too terrifying, but I wasn't necessarily lucid.

    Another snippet I remember was driving my old Ford Explorer up nearly vertical terrain.

    Then at one point my husband had made me an elaborate (and heavy--painfully heavy) diamond ring. I don't even like diamond rings. Apparently a diamond in that ring had been someone's family heirloom melted down to be part of a new ring and they weren't happy with me when they found out. Didn't recognize that dream character but he was very cross with me.

    I briefly remember my cat running out my apartment door and into a neighbors apartment. We (random dream characters) spent a long time looking for her and that for a one bedroom apartment, it sure had a lot of fancy corridors etc.

    The weirdest dream I had is now vague in my mind. I know I was in the country side. My boss was there as well as my supervisor. I remember standing at some sort of makeshift counter working on God only knows what when someone hugged me from behind. I realized that my friend K had returned from her vacation. It was kinda weird because she isn't really the hugging type. And I enjoyed it far too much. She didn't let go for a solid minute. It was a really good feeling, a wholesome hug. And then at some point in the dream I had fallen victim to some sort of porcupine creature because I distinctly remember my supervisor (S) having to pull out quills all over my arms and face and legs with tweezers.

    I just remembered another fragment: I was in a diner where the servers *ice* skated across the floors. Except the ice wasn't like real ice, it was like the surface of a waterbed and covered in rubber. Very bouncy and weird. Apparently I had just started working there and couldn't skate. Whoever my boss was had been teaching my how to skate. I remember him making me sit on his lap at one point and I felt really weird and kept trying to escape. He was a total creep.

    Updated 01-02-2019 at 02:51 PM by TopazMyst

    non-lucid , dream fragment