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I realize that I am dreaming(you can skip this paragraph), I am in my class. I start believing myself to be the god of this realm , though I am not able to become fully lucid. I do somethings like passing my hand through the ceiling fan ( I make a ceiling fan appear above me), gliding through the air , shooting projectiles etc. Then I try to pass through the sealed window , I am unable to do it , even projectiles are unable to pass through that wall , though I can pass through stuff and other walls . The next period begins , I think of changing the plot but then .. due to some reason I don't want to leave my friend. ( It makes me feel lonely, she feels like a real entity the the LD and I am even unable to change the plot) , so I attend the class and attempt few random lucid stuff , then I finally decide to change the plot.
Now, I am in a carnival of some sort. My friend is there with me , she doesn't feel that real anymore . Even more weirdly , she retires to a tree when I am going in the carnival(she suggests me of a bird somehow). I try to fly , I am able to succeed partially . I have this weird power in which if I constantly pedal upwards , I am able to fly while doing it (I can only jump really high or mostly pedal) , it is a really tiresome thing. I feel weird because of people making comments on me. I decide to retire back to my crush. She is standing beside a tree.
This is when the Main Thing Starts up.
Now , we chat for a while (she feels real again) and walk away from the carnival.She tried to speak but couldn't A chat box appears and she types " Hey I can't speak, add this ID- (something I don't recall)@aol.com on the inner world". I ask if the inner world refers to the surface? she says"Yes and btw I am a male player.'' I ask"Male player? Is it a sort of multiplayer dream? He says "Yes". I get astonished. The moment I had got out the carnival , it was feeling a bit different. Somehow I get a sense that this dream is really multiplayer! The incident was totally unexpected. He then says"Now I have to go , lets quit the dream". The Dream Ends...
So ,now I wonder was it real multiplayer dream or just another dream? I have no clue what that ID was :/ It was an aol email Id though. I even made a conscious note to memorize it ... but then the dream ended when he wanted it to.
This was a really big dream , what you'd get here is a fragment.
So, our family is going to a hill station , in a fantasy world. Scenario changes to another one where I am besieging a city square bazaar , here people are really packed , we are waiting , for the people to get done of the preparations we need to live in the central building as our headquarters . Here we keep ordering stuff to the people. So , finally we move in the building . Father tells that he chose this because it is in the densest population areas and if we were to be attacked , it would take a lot of time for people to come and we can then escape through the secret route .
Now , the scenario changes back to my family trip. We are almost near the town we wanted to reach . We move in to a small floor in a rented house in the middle of the town , I don't know why but we're wanted by some people. I roam around the town for a while figuring out something , I come across a woman , who was my family's enemy . She chases me towards a dead end hill (note that we're not running on streets but jumping from rooftop to rooftop , there are houses with slanting roofs) . Finally , I get tired of running and I fire an energy wave at her , which makes her badly injured. At that time my mom comes and says " good that you pawned her. Now we can live in her house while she in rotting in the prison." The pixie opens a door into her house , but it is too small , so I make the door bigger by merging few cells in it. We move in , our butler takes care of all the needs .
Now the scenario changes again, this time I am a prince , my father and a king residing in one of my towns, decide to host a race . I would be on a horse and I'd be racing through the town , while behind be there are three men (hired ninja's) who would have to catch me. The winner decides the kingdoms fate, I start galloping on my horse while there are three disheveled men behind me. I take turns , trying to have them lose my track. I jumped over food stalls in the bazaar , take turns into alleyways , I see only two of them behind me. I hop over a stall , creating a jam on the alleyway , one of them breaks down , panting. I gallop my horse and make it spin in between of a fork road , it appears like i am going straight but I turn , making the second guy crash into a stall. I go to the finish line and find a crowd waiting for me just before the finish line.
Scenario changes again , this time there is a prince standing few feet from me and I am in disheveled clothing. I have the chance to win the race , just by touching the prince who is proudly addressing his victory , but then I stop , I don't do it and the prince wins the race. Scenario changes again , I am now looking at a map with 4 icons , men who are fighting for the throne , the kings didn't follow what they had said regarding the race. The prince is badly injured while his father dies , the prince runs away.
I wake up. I learn't how to change the DC i control along with subconscious flying. The dream was semi-lucid , I was like living through a story.