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    9 Visitor Messages

    1. View Conversation
      More stories please!
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      Hey, TS! It's been a little while, so I just figured I'd reach out and touch. Hope all is well! <3
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      Thank you for accepting my friend request!
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      I see you're still active, someone tributed you, this'll be some nostalgia, also, you badass you joined on 4/20!
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      hello thanks for friending me hope you have enjoyed what I posted so far
    6. View Conversation
      Wow you've been doing this for awile now! thanks for the quick response and keep postin them dreams!! ill start putting up a few of my lucids after i have a few more good luck!
    7. View Conversation
      how long have you been actively been practicing lucidity?? i like ur DJ entrys keep it up ill keep reading
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      Hello stranger. I hope all is well for you. Marriage is treating me very well. I'm still woodcarving/whittling as I find time and taking part in our annual woodcarving shows (won two first place ribbons this year). As well as doing dad stuff and being a husband, being a business owner and home owner, each of which can be full-time jobs in their own right (hehe). But I love it.

      I miss your beautiful photography, incredible dreams and awesome personality. I was just passing through and couldn't leave without saying hi to you, one of the best friends I ever had here at DV. I hope you and your family are doing well. I just don't have the time or metal capacity these days to concentrate much on LDing. It's a shame, really, that I don't MAKE time for it, as I love it so much. Though I DID have a lucid on Father's Day morning, which was the first for me in almost two years now.

      I'm glad to see that you're still around. Take care my friend.
    9. Hey pretty eyes.
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    Looking up questions I had about dreaming. I hadn't heard of lucid dreaming before then.



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    Recent Entries

    Tasks of the Month: Taste in Mouth/Stretching arms

    by Twoshadows on 05-11-2016 at 10:43 PM
    I completed two Tasks of the Month last night. My lucid moment was tucked in the middle of a bunch of other dreams and I don't remember what exactly lead up to lucidity or how it faded.

    I do remember that I was lucid and wanting to do the Tasks. I thought of the one to taste in my mouth whatever I had eaten last. At first I didn't think I could do this since I didn't remember eating anything in the dream. But I tried anyway. I worked my tongue around in my mouth until I noticed that I had some crackers in my mouth...mostly in my teeth, as if I had just chewed one up and swallowed most of it. It tasted like a butter cracker, and what was left was kind of smooth and slippery.

    Then I decided to do the other task which was to stretch your arms and seeing how far they could reach. I noticed I was on a road or alley. I could see walls on either side of the road. They were about 20 (or more) feet apart. I figured this would work nicely. I started with my right arm I reached out toward the wall. Since I had never tired this before I wasn't sure how easy or hard this would be. I just concentrated in my hand touching the wall. I could see it getting closer until finally I could feel the wall. I pressed my hand against the wall and then held out my left hand. I did the same thing, focusing on my hand touching the other wall. It didn't take long until that hand was pressed up against the wall as well.

    It didn't really feel like I was stretching, but I could see both hands on the walls that were 20 or so feet apart. So I had accomplished the task. It was cool to know that I had the ability to do that.
    lucid , task of the month

    Antelope Canyon

    by Twoshadows on 05-11-2016 at 10:42 PM

    I was going to Antelope Canyon with my friend M. I had driven us there and now we were waiting for our tour guide. Suddenly we see V. She tells us she had just gotten off a tour but wanted to come on our tour with us. I looked at M to see how she would react. I knew she and V had an unspoken competition going on for the number of times going through Antelope Canyon among other things. M was keeping a straight face so I couldn't tell what she was thinking.

    Suddenly the tour guide came. I realized that I hadn't put my hiking boots on. I also had a pile of things that needed to go back in the car. I didn't want to keep everyone waiting, so I told them to go on and I would catch up. I quickly got my boots on and took the stuff to the car and locked it. As I headed to find the others I noticed that I had left another pile of things I needed to put in the car. I picked them up and went back to the car...only to find I had locked the keys in the car. What would I do now. I couldn't take all this stuff with me on the hike. But I also couldn't leave it behind unprotected.

    I finally found that one of the car doors hadn't shut all the way, so I was able to get in and get my keys and lock it again. I rushed off to find my friends.

    Typical dream problems...

    Last Month's Tasks of the Month

    by Twoshadows on 05-11-2016 at 10:40 PM
    I've gotten a little behind again. I've been having some pretty interesting dreams, but I haven't written most of them down, so they are pretty much gone now.

    I do remember a lucid dream I had a few days ago. I did two of the Tasks of the Month...from last month. I hadn't gotten on and read the new tasks yet, so in my mind I was still thinking of the tasks I never completed last month.


    I don't remember what I was doing. I may have been flying or standing on something high. I suddenly knew I was dreaming so I swooped down flying and immediately thought about completing the tasks of the month that I had been wanting to do, which were to drain the color out of something and to eat something inedible.

    I landed next to a table that reminded me a little of my dad's model train table when I was little. I saw a lot of plastic items on the table. I wasn't sure what they were, but that didn't matter--I was going to drain their color. I started by focusing on this smooth rounds red thing. In just a few seconds it had faded to grey. I had known this would be easy.

    I then focused on a yellow item. Then blue. Each time willing them to lose their color. I was satisfied by that point.

    I then decided to look for something inedible to eat. I saw a small empty soda can, the kind that is about half as tall as the regular ones. I stuffed the whole thing in my mouth. I was glad it was not the full sized can. It took some work to crush it with my teeth. I got it condensed down quite flat...as if I had stepped on it. I kept chewing. I wondered if it would ever get small enough for me to swallow it. I was pretty sure that was required to be able to count it.

    At this point I noticed the dream fading. I couldn't let that happen. I'm not sure what I did but the dream came back. I still had the can in my mouth. I continued to chew. I was happy to notice that is was finally dissolving. I felt the metal pieces in my mouth get smaller and smaller until they were gone.

    I may have been talking to someone next. I think I was telling them how I am good at changing things in my dreams. I had out my left arm. I said that I would make it big. I watched it grow until it was cartoonishly large. Next I made it skinny until it almost looked like a stick figure arm.

    I felt satisfied at my accomplishments.

    And that's all I remember.
    lucid , task of the month

    A WILD ride!

    by Twoshadows on 04-27-2016 at 08:30 PM
    I did an unintentional WBTB this morning. I had woken up and was having trouble going back to sleep. I laid in bed for a couple hours and was pretty much ready to give up, when I noticed that I was I was starting to have little dream snippets.

    I was in a small space ship in the Star Wars Universe. It had crash landed on a snowy bank. The space ship continued to slide, and to my horror I noticed that we were going off the edge of a cliff. I had R2D2 on my craft and he was able to slow us down to the point we stopped right on the very steep edge. It was so steep, however, that I had no idea how I would get out.

    Then the dream skips to the point where I am face to face with a guy that looks like a Jedi. He was young with long blond hair. At first I thought he looked like Obi Wan (in episode 2). But then I notice he was younger and was a different person. For some reason I had my light saber out and I was ready to defend myself.

    Then the dream skips to the point where I must have passed out and was laying in the lap of this Jedi and he was stroking my hair.

    At that point I pop awake. I was disappointed because it had felt so peaceful to just lay all safe in the Jedi's arms and let him touch my hair. I wanted that to go on and on.

    I was also disappointed because I felt that because I had fallen asleep for that short time that I would never get back to sleep so I could lucid dream.

    But since I had some time before I had to get up I decided to give it another try. I got as comfortable as I could while laying on my back. I had ear plugs in and a shirt over my eyes because the light was starting to stream in my window. I willed myself to relax. Totally relax and let go. Let go... Let go...

    I suddenly found that I was hearing a great roaring noise. I immediately knew that I was starting to transition. I was having a WILD. It had been a long time since I had had a successful WILD. I was pretty excited about this. But I made myself lay still and let it take me for a ride.

    I was starting to see a visual that went along with the roaring. I was in what looked like a huge room. It was bigger than anything I had experienced. It reminded my of a hanger in a Star Destoryer, but bigger. I was being pulled through this feet first (because I was laying on my back in real life) at quite a fast speed. I watched the rust colored metal walls rush by me. As fast and noisy as this was, I felt quite safe. I was curious where this would take me.

    Suddenly I was spit out into outer space. I was going so fast. I was passing by stars and planets. Finally I decided that I was solidly enough in the dream that I could try to control it a little. I decided to try to slow down when I passed the next planet. Not a chance. I quickly passed it by. I tried again. I was still going too fast. Finally I saw a planet that looked just like Earth. I forced myself to slow and aim right at the planet. And I was able to drop down to the ground.

    The dream was so long (it felt like well over an hour). I remember several things that I did, but I'm not entirely sure of the order, so I will put them together the best I can.

    At some point I was at my grandparents' house. this house shows up in so many dream of mine. I think I went semi lucid at this point. I was cleaning it up and found all this really old food, like M&Ms and was eating them. I remember thinking "these are the old colors. Maybe I should save them." I also remember old cheese and wondered how safe it was to eat.

    Then I was in a large store. I had a crowd gathered around me. I had remembered that I wanted to create my halo (from Poet Anderson). I had done this in a previous dream, but decided to do it again. I guess I was going to show off to the crowd what I could do. I held up my hand and willed a halo to appear. Slowly I could see a golden tan line start to form. It swirled around forming a ball. I was proud of myself for being able to do this so easily, that I wanted to make it even more impressive. So I made it grow bigger and bigger. Soon it had a diameter of a couple feet.

    Then It suddenly got solid and fell to the floor with a thud. I felt a little embarrassed since the crowd was still watching me. I decided to be dramatic and dive into my halo and disappear. I did so and was nearly successful. But I realized that all of me went inside the halo but my feet. So much for impressing the dream characters. I climbed back out of the halo and picked it back up, and flew away.

    I remember another part of the dream where I was flying a plane. I was alone and realized that I didn't know how to fly a plane. But I told myself that since I was dreaming hat I could control it with my mind. I didn't have to know what the buttons and levers did. I did a fairly good job flying it, but my control was always a little delayed. I felt like I was going to crash into things but would barely miss at the last minute.

    Then I was flying (without a plane) around a nice neighborhood in the snow. I noticed how each house had a really nice porch. I then flew to a mall. I passed a mirror and realized that I had no make-up on. I was a lady at a make up counter and asked if she could do my make-up. So I sat there as she put eyeliner and eye shadow on my eyes. The nit hit me that I was totally wasting my time. Why did I need make-up in my dream anyway. I looked in the mirror again and saw that the make up was very minimal. I shouldn't have bothered.

    And that's all I remember. Perhaps more will come to me throughout the day.

    Eight Dreams

    by Twoshadows on 04-21-2016 at 08:44 PM
    I had a bunch of dreams last night. The most I have remembered in a while. I think it really helps that I told myself the night before that I needed to remember them so I could write them in my Dream Journal. None of them were particularly long or vivid. But I'm glad I remembered what I did.

    Dream 1:

    I was in my old childhood neighborhood. I saw a nearby house (one East of the school) had burned down. Then as I watched I saw a big truck some barreling down the street and smash in to the house next to it. It was quite shocking I hoped the people inside were okay since the truck took about a third of the house down.

    Later I am in the house next to the two that had been destroyed. I am with a former roommate Bonna and a few freinds. I told them I had a really bad feeling about staying in this house. I was sure that this house was next to be destroyed. I finally convinced them to evacuate. It was then like a treehouse because we were climbing down a ladder. I'm pretty sure that I noticed a fire in the house as soon as were were down.

    [This was inspired because I had looked up my old neighborhood on Google maps before bed.]

    Dream 2:

    I was walking down the street in a neighborhood near the church I went to growing up in LA. I suddenly realized that I could fly. I don't think I was lucid, yet some of my actions were similar to things I do while lucid. I flew slowly straight up in the air. I started to have trouble getting very high. I knew my trick for flying was to not push myself higher, but to make the scenery move around me. So I focused on the scenery getting lower and lower around me, and I saw that I was getting quite high. But then I found myself under some power lines. I've heard that this is a problem for some lucid dreamers, but I've only had this happen once before. I realized that I was very close to the energized lines. I could hear a buzz and feel my hair start to stand up on my head and arms.

    [This was also inspired because I had looked up my old neighborhood on Google maps before bed.]

    Dream 3:

    I don't remember how this dream started but I found myself in a large room. I had no pants on. I think I was doing laundry. But then these guys started coming into the room to play video games. I think Kasey, Daniel, and David were there. I tried to get my pants on quickly before they noticed. I should have gotten lucid on this one.

    Dream 4:

    I was in a Japanese store buying what was called "noodles" but it looked more like a crumbly cake. The Japanese man who ran the store asked if I were traveling. I said, No, I was local.

    Dream 5:

    I went in this large kitchen. I was barefooted. I noticed something on the ground right in front of the fridge. As I looked closer I saw that someone had stepped on a tarantula. Its body had been squished, but it was still alive and trying to walk and pull it's mangled body with it. it was a horrible sight. There was a huge amount of white paste-like guts coming out the back of the spider. I wanted to kill it and put it out of its misery, but I had no shoes on and couldn't step on it. But I didn't know if I could have anyway.

    [This was inspired by an incident that happened earlier that day where I found a big black widow and tried to kill it with a shovel. I only hit it's body the first time and had to give it a second whack. Hate when that happens.]

    Dream 6:

    I was trying to sleep. I realized that my bed was in a crowded mall or airport. I was in a smaller room that was just off the main area, but the head of my bed was right were the opening of the room connected. It gave me a weird feeling to have all these strangers walking within a few feet of my head. I thought of trying to move my bed further into the room so I wouldn't be as close. But then I started hearing what I thought was hypnagogic audio hallucinations. I could hear a man's voice clearly talking in my head. I remembered the times that I had been able to write down some of those weird things that were said in hallucinations in the past. I wanted to start writing down what I was hearing. I carefully found a pencil and paper without waking myself up completely. I started to write down what the man was still saying in my head. I no longer remember what was being said.

    Dream 7:

    I was starting a hike with friends. I realized that I wasn't as prepared as I thought. I didn't have on my hiking boots. I had on sandals with a pair of socks. I tried to remember where we were hiking. This could work if we were hiking through water.

    Dream 8:

    I was sitting with my family. My dad (who passed away many years ago) was there talking to the family. I remember feeling happy about this, but at the time I didn't realize why.