More stories please!
Wow you've been doing this for awile now! thanks for the quick response and keep postin them dreams!! ill start putting up a few of my lucids after i have a few more good luck!
Hi Wurlman--thanks for reading my DJ. I have been lucid dreaming since April of 2006. I had first heard about LDing the month before. I found Dreamviews and read all I could about lucid dreaming. I tried again and again every night for several weeks with no luck at all, and I started wondering if lucid dreaming was really possible. Maybe everyone at DV was just telling stories. I decided to quit trying. That night I had my first lucid dream, and I have been going ever since. I have my dry spells when I don't try as much. And I have my strong times when I have quite a few all at once--and that's usually when I set goals and really keep it on my mind. And that's what I need to do at the moment since my LDs have been few and far between lately. Anyway, I hope that helps. Good luck with your lucid dreaming goals.
how long have you been actively been practicing lucidity?? i like ur DJ entrys keep it up ill keep reading