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    Odd dream with the urge to find someone. (Interpretation?)

    by Wageofwar on 05-25-2015 at 07:33 PM
    Hey Dreamviews, I've been out of practice for a while but I woke up and had remembered this dream because it stuck out so much to me, I'm curious about peoples interpretation or even just comments on it as a whole, please forgive typos, I jotted this down as fast as I could when I got out of bed.

    I'm standing in an old seemingly worn down building with a little Mexican boy in the higher floors of the mansion that seems to be falling apart, myself as well as three other children (Something I noted half way through writing this is I was a child as well.), two females one male, who has glasses as well as an older woman named (Rebecca?) who seemed to be in her late twenties (28 or so if I had to guess.), I know the boy's father, whether the name Rodrigo belongs to the child or the father I won't know, but I know the father and I know he built something for me in the land of my dreams, whether it is a monument or a memory I don't know but I'm determined to find out and remember this for future reference.

    When I told the boy that he looked exactly like his father he merely smiled, Rodrigo seemingly happy about the 'news' that I had remembered, the tall Mexican woman wearing modest clothing was somewhat attractive, though the only gestures I remember her making was a curt bow and a smile when I first met her, though she seemed to smile and nod whenever the little boy did, I get the feeling that she isn't his mother, maybe an aunt or nanny of some sort.

    Us children ran through the upper floors of the seemingly infinitely tall mansion, the small Mexican boy waving happily in tandem with his presumable caretaker, we take care ignoring the wood as it already seemed decayed long ago, though the countless holes leading to the bottom or gaps where the mansion was simply pulled apart like a fissure still remain, we run through the walls of the mansion, through a sizable hole being our 'doorway', a sort of void meeting us as we run along the scattered remnants of wood that merely floated in this strange place, not reacting to our weight or presence as we skirted through it just fine, the other children happily laughing and giggling as they passed as I tried not to fall.

    When we go through an identical 'hole' at the other side of the room we are greeted by a room that looks identical to the one we had started in, however to the right I see an even larger fissure, seemingly bottomless when I look into the pit below.We play an odd sort of game, one of us would summon various 'platforms' which all of us had to quickly run and jump on before the next person would do the same to reach the other side. The other boy quickly failed on the second jump, falling into the void with a drawn out "Nooo!" while the others seemed just as happy as they were moments ealier, one of the little girls cheerfully informed me that because one of us lost, we all lost the game, though she happily conjures a floor to replace the void we risked falling into, with the new floor I continued in reaching the other side, noting an odd 'tear' in reality which only became visible as I approached, the ghostly yet radiant white light shining from it and offsetting the natural looming darkness of the unnatural place that we were in. I could not get any closer to the 'tear' but I didn't have the urge to pass through, I felt I was not ready yet as I turned around and once more returned to the other side I was greeted again by the smiling face of Rebecca, who merely smiled as she kneeled and gave me a gentle hug, I woke up at this time with the overwhelming urge that I need to find this odd boys 'Father' and what it is he built for me.

    ---I would like to point out that I have EXTREME trouble conjuring things but at some point I was able to in this dream without even thinking about it, something I noted as I was publishing this.
    non-lucid , memorable

    Nightmares I can't wake up from.

    by Wageofwar on 03-27-2013 at 11:14 PM
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    I can't exactly remember how the nightmare began, as far as I can remember it started fairly normally. I was stumbling around some cave or pipeline with a friend of mine. We are pushing each other and joking around while going further into the tunnel, neither of us had any source of light. I think it was a some sort of dare that both of us had to keep going until either the tunnel ended, or the other got scared and surrendered. We continue walking for several minutes while laughing and asking each other "Are you scared yet?" Eventually the tunnel suddenly dropped, which in the darkness we were unable to see. My friend fell down what I can only assume to be a very large hole of some sort. I remember yelling "I got you bro I'm coming down!" at which point I believe I slid head first into the whole, the sensation of falling and me feeling of weightlessness making me sick which in every other dream has woken me up.

    It's not so much as 'waking up' as it is a sudden transition. I'm laying face down in a large puddle of what I assume to be dirty water, maybe oil. I hear the hissing of steam as I try to stand. I look around the room and I find I am in a boiler room of some sort. There is some sort of cable box, or breaker box on the wall hooked up to several long steel cables that extend into the wall. Horizontally above the box I see a large series of pipes that go all around the room and eventually out above the door through a small window-like slit. It occurs to me that if I fell and woke up in the room then my friend must be there as well. I look around the room and see a large pile of filth, various garbage, old food, cans, and such. I look above me and see nothing but the ceiling and a small sprinkler in the center of the room. One of the pipes is cracked, there's steam coming out of it and I could feel the heat from where I was laying. I stand and try to collect my thoughts, I remember clearly thinking "Something is wrong here, how did I get here? Where is my friend? What's going on?". I'm not sure what compels me to do it but I grabbed a rusty pipe laying in the puddle near where I was laying. I stumble around and eventually get out of the room and to my left see nothing but darkness, and to my right the same.

    There is a small gap in the dream I can't remember but the next thing I can recall is staring at a monster similar to http://bit.ly/14ucBj1 It was at least 6.6 feet tall. The only main difference from the picture is I remember it had no skin and I could see its muscles flex and strain with every movement as well as it being covered in blood and gore. Not to mention it was incredibly terrifying to see in the 'flesh' so to speak. I see my friend laying on a table with his chest and stomach cut open in a diagonal line and it's clear to me that he is dead. I'm sitting in the furthest corner from the door, the creature and my friend are in the other side of the room in the opposite corner. There's a single support pillar in the middle of the room, several power tools as well as surgical tools scattered around the room. A large steel cabinet is to my left against the wall while I hide in a pile of garbage. My left arm hurts significantly and I know its been cut deep by what I assume must have been glass. I watch the monster cut up my friends body piece by piece, arms, legs, head etc... It spans for well over what feels like twenty minutes before the creature finishes with what it was doing and leaves the room.

    I wait several moments before standing and trying to dig my way out of the garbage I'm crouched in. As I get up I feel something cut my chest just below my left shoulder. I can physically feel it cutting into my skin and the feel of the foreign object in my body as well as the blood run down my torso. I don't have a shirt on and am only wearing jeans. While moving the garbage to get out most of it clatters loudly to the floor and I'm sure the monster is going to come back in to kill me. I run to where my friends mutilated body are and simply stare at it for several moments. The shock of seeing him dead is overwhelming and I begin crying. I grab a bloody scalpel from the table and swear to kill the monster.

    I hide behind the door and wait for my moment to strike the demon, it feels like eternity while I feel my heart pounding in my chest and adrenaline running through my veins. Eventually I hear the monsters thundering footsteps approach the door I take a deep breath and hold it for fear of it knowing of its impending attack. It slowly stumbles through the door while forcing the door open with its shoulder, its hunched over and seems to be carrying something in its 'hands?'. It stops in the middle of the room half way to the table. The stress of waiting becomes to much as I yell as loud as I can in rage and charge it, jumping on its back locking my legs around its waist, wrapping my left arm around its neck and pulling its head towards me exposing its throat. Since it has no skin I can see the muscles flex and strain as I drag the knife across its throat, it gurgles and thrashes around the room blindly trying to get me off it. I repeatedly stab it in the throat and chest as it rams its back against walls frantically trying to stop me. One of the impacts takes my breath away and I lose my grip, I fall to the floor and backpedal as fast as I can while it continues thrashing around. I am terrified as I once again clench the scalpel in my hand, it turns to face me as I stand as fast as I can to charge it, I jump and tackle it while stabbing its throat repeatedly before finally burying the knife in its heart.

    It stops moving and I am so happy that I oddly feel like crying. I kick its body several times in different spots to make confirm its death before rushing to the steel cabinet to try to find something to help me escape this place. I throw open the doors and see very little of value aside from a few gears and a single flashlight. I take the flashlight and check to make sure it works which it does. I sigh in relief as I finally have a way to see in the dark. At that time I begin hearing a strange noise behind me, a sick gurgling and growling . I turn to see the monster getting back up. I scream in terror as I realize I didn't kill it. The thought struck me that NOTHING can survive having its throat cut open and its heart severed. I hesitantly close my eyes and bring my hand up to my nose. I pinch my nose and try to breath which I can. I realize its a dream and begin laughing. Everything begins coming into more focus as well as the smell of rotting meat and garbage. The pain in my arm and chest return full force, I clutch my chest trying to breathe as my breath catches in my throat.

    It's rare that I ever perform a reality check and realize its a dream without waking me up, yet alone feeling very real pain. The monster at this point is crouched and trying to get to its legs. I grab a nearby pipe laying on one of the shelves in the cabinet and run as fast as I can to bash it in the face repeatedly with the improvised weapon. I hit it as hard as I can and continue to for several minutes until I feel exhausted. I turn on the flashlight and run out the door and into the hallway as fast as I can. I sprint down the hallway for what feels like hours until I encounter the boiler room I first 'woke up' in. I frantically run in, slam the door shut and put the pipe in between the handle and the door frame so the door can't be opened from the outside. I go to the wall farthest from the door and sit against it. I can still feel the absolute terror from merely glancing at the monster, I'm breathing so fast I think I might be hyperventilating I try to catch my breath while I think. "This is a dream, I can just wake up." I yell out loud "Wake up!" but nothing happens. I get chills all along my body and goosebumps on my arms. I continue yelling "Wake up!" growing increasingly panicked as nothing changes aside from giving myself a headache from the noise. I can hear the monsters thundering footsteps as it slowly walks down the hall, whether from the injuries I gave it or to taunt me, to show me I was trapped I didn't know. I briefly entertained the thought of taking one of the sharper pieces of garbage in the corner and slitting my own throat to wake up. I had died in previous dreams and simply woke up out of breath. The thought struck me "What if I kill myself and I don't wake up?" my heart nearly stops as I try to figure out whats happening.

    The creature at this point tries to open the door via the handle but fails to. It begins banging on the door, the only thing separating myself from certain death. I begin panicking trying to will myself to wake up or change dream scenes. I yell "Go away! You're not real! I want to wake up now! Something! Anything happen please!" The door at this point explodes outward and I feel the shrapnel bury itself in my chest, though it doesn't hurt, it feels like I'm going into shock. I can feel it in my chest but it doesn't hurt. I force myself to stand and face the demon who is slowly approaching me. I stare it straight in its 'face?' and laugh at it. I calmly state that it can't hurt me. "Your not real. You can't hurt me. I control this dream. I created you. You will go away." It merely lets out a rumbling laugh and literally growls "No". I attempt to run behind it only to have it corner me. I yell "This isn't real! I will wake up now!" "WAKE UP!". I Swear it appears amused as I continue to shout, pleading with the world to allow me to wake up. It moves towards me at a snails pace while I fall and try to somehow bury myself in the wall behind me to escape it. It breaths loudly and I can smell rotting meat as it continues to laugh. One final time I barely whisper "your not real, you can't hurt me." It grabs my arms and pulls me towards it before burying its teeth in my throat. I feel no pain but can feel its teeth beneath my skin, and flesh gets ripped off.

    I wake up with my heart pounding in my chest so hard it hurt and my cat meowing as it stared at me. I glance at the clock see it is 3:33 A.M. and know I will not be sleeping for the rest of the night, hoping I would forget the entirety of the nightmare.

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    Updated 10-06-2014 at 03:51 AM by Wageofwar

    lucid , nightmare , memorable


    by Wageofwar on 10-27-2012 at 04:02 AM
    First Dream Journal entry on Dreamviews. I'm not entirely sure how this is supposed to work... Tags and such but I'll try.

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    I'm in a grey bunker type of room with three other people one is roughly twenty, the other two are in their late 50's. The first thing I notice is that they are all dressed in typical 'Mafia' Black suits, fedoras, and cigars. There is a map on the table but I can't seem to read it. The other men in the room walk out while I think that something is off. For a moment I think 'Am I dreaming?' I move my hand towards my nose to do my Reality Check the same time one of the men come back into the room and shout "Come on Bobby!" I immediately forget about my Reality check and follow them.

    The next thing I know we are at some docks that look very old, and very beat up along with an old boat. There are large crates on the boat, while I'm looking at them I overhear one of the men talking "So this is the stuff?" "Yep."

    Suddenly I'm in another part of the 'town' which seems abandoned, destroyed windows, and houses look like they are barely standing. I can see the docks in the distance. We are standing around smoking, drinking, and laughing. One of the men runs up to us yelling "We've gotta go now! The cops found out about it!" We immediately drop our cigars, and drinks. We sprint to the docks as fast as we can. For some reason I notice it getting very dark, very fast. I hear a helicopter coming from behind us and we run even faster. We eventually reach the docks jump in the boat and pull out of the docks. By now the water is getting very choppy, I'm suddenly aware there is a horrible storm above us.

    By this point the Coast Guard have shown up. There's a large line of boats blocking us and there are people on shore opening fire at us. A large wave hits the boat and I fall into the ocean. The waves are coming above my head as I try to swim to shore. I feel terrified that I will drown, the sounds of the storm and the waves drown out everything else. I hear what I assume is thunder. I feel a impact between my shoulder blades and know I've been shot at which point I wake up.

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    Several things about this dream confuse me... First of all why I forgot all about my reality check, second why I respond to Bobby when that isn't my name.
    non-lucid , memorable