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      Já estava no quinto sono quando me mandaste aquele PM, qualquer coisa pergunta por PM se não me vires no chat
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      Boas ! Bem vindo, disfruta deste grande fórum!

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      Hi, and thank you for the friend request. Enjoy your stay at DV and if you ever need anything, just PM me. Happy dreams
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    About Wigl666

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    Date of Birth
    September 1, 1992 (32)
    About Wigl666
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    I from Portugal , from a city called Barcelos ... I'm 20 years old and i'm a College student trying to graduate in Mechanical Engeneering.
    I like poker, football (soccer) and being with my friends.
    I discovered the Lucid Dreaming through a 9gag meme , realy liked the idea so i start googling every thing i could about the subject, until now i had one lucid dream but was awesome XD
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    Recent Entries

    Lucid (DILD) - " Mansion" - 9/7/2013

    by Wigl666 on 07-09-2013 at 10:32 PM

    I'm coming out of some college building with my friends, we stop to wait from the rest of them in the meantime i look to a glass and i see my reflexion, I'm normal but my hair is bigger and I have reamers in my ears.

    After this I'm sitting on some grids, all my classmates are there, we are talking about our grades and two colleagues say they had 13.8 in a test to what i reply that I had 13.2 in the same test.

    In the next stage of the dream I'm in a mansion, I'm just looking around, suddenly I have the feeling that my crush is about to get in so hide myself in the stairwell, she goes up the stairs and she starts opening doors like she is looking for something.

    I climb the stairs and i see she is in a room, the door is opened, I walk in quietly and i try to scare her with a BOOOH. She doesn't even blink, we both sit on the bed and she says:
    -" We need to talk things through!"
    I'm really happy for this but this is too good to be true so i reply:
    -" I can't, because this is a dream!" ... then I think " WHAT ? WAIT A MINUTE"... I do the nose plug RC and I can breath through.

    The girl standing in front of me is now a different one, the dream starts fading so I scream and it works for some seconds but then it starts to fade again, I scream again and the girl starts screaming too and I wake up.

    Now this is the really weird/awesome/scary part when i wake up i hear someone laughing behind me and I assume is my little brother laughing at me because I was screaming, I open my eyes and a see a old man sitting on my room's chair, is a old fat man, dressed in a black suit with a white shirt. Now i Know that you are probably thinking I was having a false awakening, well I was not!!! The old man disappeared after 5 seconds and I did a RC , I was awake.

    This was really weird because I never heard about nothing like this, this doesn't fit into any category I know, I was scared as shit.
    lucid , non-lucid , memorable , side notes

    Non Lucid - " My Older Brother " 9/7/2013

    by Wigl666 on 07-09-2013 at 09:57 PM

    My older brother just got home from France, everybody is welcoming him, after this we all go to the garden but I leave because I'm feeling really dizzy, I walk below the branch of a tree when i look up again i see my crush.

    Non lucid - " My Crush " 9/7/2013

    by Wigl666 on 07-09-2013 at 09:52 PM
    I'm in a clothes store and i realise my crush from college is there, i look at her but she ignores me, for some reason i'm sitting in a black bad right in the middle of the store. I get up and i start walking towards her, and i ignore her, i walk more three steps and i see a girls that i assume is her older sister.

    My crush calls me, she is now sitting on the bed, I sit beside her and we kiss when we stop kissing she is a completely different and I ear someone call for Dinis.

    In a next stage of the dream I'm in a bus, I'm looking for a free sit but i can't sit because is raining a lot inside the bus. I arrive in a train station, I know this because i ear a conversation about a train that goes from Brasil too Japan, i look closer around me and this train station really looks like the bus station of my city.

    I see a friend of mind, it looks like he is fixing a car, suddenly his girlfriend arrives in a expensive car like a Mercedes and i noticed she is wearing my John Lennon sun glasses and i say it to my friend, when she gets out of the car i ask for them.

    Lucid(DILD)-"Parade"- 21/06/2013

    by Wigl666 on 06-21-2013 at 03:50 PM
    Introductory Note

    Today is June 21, so a month ago I started trying to have lucid dreams and so far improved a lot, I am motivated because I recently had 4 lucid dreams (5 with the dream that I describe here today), DV helped me a lot to achieve results and for that i say thank you.

    Today i went to bet at 22:30 , so i naturally wake up for the WBTB at 2:50 as usual i right down my dream
    , i go to the bathroom and I was really thirsty so i went to the kitchen to have a glass of water then i went to bed to try WILDing.

    I do my usual routine , i layed on my back and started counting my breaths as i visualize the numbers for some reason was being really hard for me to focus . That position was getting really uncomfortable so i roll over to my side. At this point i was focussing in my breathing only , a little while later i fell asleep, in my opinion this happened because i was to tired .


    I'm in the back of a big truck, is like a parade truck so i can see the street , the buildings and people watching . I feel the presence of someone on my side but i don't remember who it was ... suddenly a man appears from nowhere in the middle of the street and gets hit by the truck.

    I look back and i see the man in the floor full of blood, i jump of the truck but when i do I'm already to far away... i start getting back but I lost myself and without knowing i went to a friends house , i borrow his car so i can go look for the guy who was hit by the truck (i was very motivated on finding him), i start driving and i end up in a gasoline station.

    Suddenly i get lucid ,my awareness hits me in the face like a punch, i think about doing a RC but the dream starts fading...I'm very quick , i start rubbing my hands and screaming " DREEEEAM GET VIVID!!!".

    It works perfectly , the dream gets really stable so i look around and i see i pretty girl ... i go talk to her but she panics and a lot of people starts attacking me, the dream starts fading again and i wake up.

    After this i try to DEILD but i'm to green at it so i failed .
    lucid , non-lucid , side notes

    Non Lucid - " Conspiracy " - 17/06/2013

    by Wigl666 on 06-17-2013 at 07:47 PM
    I'm in a college class room , i look around and i see all of my college mates , i'm going up the stairs to get out using the back door. I'm stopped , one of my colleagues is standing in front of the door and immediately
    understand what's going on .

    Every time i try to get out my friend push's me ... i start getting really angry so i use all my force and i get him out of the way, he jumps to the floor and starts pretending he's hurt then he starts screaming :
    -" Help ! Help! Joel just punched me in the stomach!"
    He was waiting for my reaction , every body starts putting the blame on me and two guys grab me by my arms and pull me to the lower level of the room where i can see the all class.

    Every one is condemning me , like i was in medieval court and they wanted me to die by hanging , suddenly a friend of mine stands up from his sit and says :
    -" It was not him !" just this, he has such an authority that every body shuts up and the guys let me go.

    After everything calms down i start thinking i was caught in a trap , so i want revenge , i turn over to the plotter of the conspiracy and i say :
    -" I will have my revenge but unlike you i will not fail" , i'm really nervous for confronting him , after this i wake up.