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    The Last Flight of the Uther

    by WritersCube on 01-11-2015 at 05:21 AM
    Well, I haven't been on this site in a while, but I'm back and ready to update! Hope everyone's having a happy new year! And lots of happy dreaming!!

    January 10, 2015

    Last night's LD was a random one that placed me in some space ship. I figured it was a spaceship because A. it's interior looked not too unlike that of Dead Space's Ishimura. B. I was floating in zero-g and I awoke to a can of peanuts by some unknown brand smacking into my head.

    Sadly, I was also took far from any of the walls, ceiling, or floor to really grab a hold of anything. Pfffft, so I let myself drift and spin for a little more until I was able to grab the guide rails of one of the walls.
    Thankfully, there weren't any signs of blood, so it didn't seem like it was a dead vessel filled with flesh-eating monstrosities or anything. The lights were working just fine.
    There just.... didn't seem to be any people?

    Pulling myself along, I traversed the long hallway of the ship, which I started feeling might've very well been the spine of the vessel because it felt like it went forever. I mean, how many rooms do you really need?
    And yet still no one was to be found.

    I finally made it to the end of this blasted hallway, entering what looked like a giant game room with way too many air hockey tables, hahaha. Pucks and handles were drifting everywhere.

    I started hearing something that sounded like muffled talking, but it was coming from the room beyond... past the closed door.
    Drifting over to the door, I attempted to listen through but it was still too muffled, so I attempted to fiddle with the console on the side of the door.
    It took until I pressed an unlabeled blue button for the door to open. Turned out it wasn't people talking--it was a recording:

    We'd seen things. Great things. Whether the nations still exist, we don't know. But--we've sent them our data. They can do whatever they want with it, not like we'll get to benefit from it. Not now.
    We've been adrift for almost a year now. This old lady's almost drained of fuel, provisions... air cycling's almost broken too. We'll either freeze, starve, or suffocate.

    Bren's got an idea.
    Says it'll be better than us stickin' it out. And we're pretty much in unanimous agreement. In about an hour, we'll all head over to Transfer. Take a walk outside.
    Just know that we didn't go suffering. And we did our job. These amazing people that I've come to know, they did an amazing job.
    I don't got anyone to tell something back on Earth. But you'll find everyone else's tapes in Quartercell A-2-2-2.

    You don't need to know me. We are the NSN Uther. And we just saved the Earth.


    The message began to loop again.

    No wonder there were no bodies. He must've been referring to cargo transfer. They bloody vented themselves out into space.

    Despite extensive searching, I couldn't find the crew quarters or the room A-222. I couldn't recover the tapes of the last words of the NSN Uther...

    Techno music and Olde London

    by WritersCube on 03-14-2011 at 03:43 AM
    March 12, 2011

    Last night's LD was a visit to the dreamscape of Tech. I felt like spending some time at several of the clubs, listening to their unique themes and styles.
    It was during my visit to the third club of the night that I ran into Amanda. It was completely by accident that I even spotted her amongst the crowded booths. She was sitting by herself, looking as if she was waiting for someone. I figured to stop by just to say hi before I would soon move to the next club. But she caught sight of me and beat me to the punch.
    "Geoff!" Amanda greeted me over the loud music. "What're you doing here?"
    "Aside from that I made this place?" I shrugged, "music, really."
    Amanda grinned. "There's plenty of space here, wanna sit?"
    "I'm all right, I'm just passing through. Were you waiting for someone?"
    "No," Amanda shook her head. "Just felt like sitting around here, listening to music. I didn't have much to do today, but I also didn't want to stay home."
    I nodded, "sounds fun."
    "Where were you going after this?"
    "I"m just hopping from club to club, checking out the music. Wasn't really going to sit down or anything."
    "Well if you get tired of walking around, drop by again and join me."
    I nodded. "I'll keep that in mind. I'll see you around."
    I continued on my way through the club while listening to the music until I walked out.
    Two clubs later, I woke myself up.

    March 13, 2011

    Last night's LD was a random one that left me standing in the middle of some rainy street in what looked like a 1500's version of London. Lamps were dimly lit in the murky dark of the heavy rain. Distant flashes of light marked the passing of lightning. Laying on the cobblestones of the street, a boy was shaking the fallen form of a man.
    I started walking towards them, rain loudly pattering against my Battle Armor and e-visor helmet, with a thought command, my e-visor slid open and folded into my collar-guard.
    "What's the matter, lad?" I asked, "what happened here?"
    The kid looked up at me, his face was red from crying. "Pa won't wake up."
    "Well what's wrong? What happened to him?" I knelt next to the fallen man, across from the child.
    "He stopped moving. We were going home."
    How old was the kid? He looked no older than maybe... six, seven maybe?
    "Stopped moving?" I asked. With a thought command, I changed my vision to thermal and it became clear, the man was dead, very dead, his body's heat almost completely gone as the rain continued to fall. "I see..."
    The kid looked down at his father and started trying to shake him.
    "Hey, hold on a second," I reached out and placed a hand on the kid's shoulder. "Why don't you take a few steps back and let me see if I can help your Pa wake up, all right? It seems like he was very tired before he stopped moving."
    The kid seemed reluctant, so I nodded in encouragement and he finally stood up and backed away a little.
    I leaned over the dead man, placing a hand on his head. I then whispered into the man's ear.

    "Get up."

    Suddenly the man's eyes shot open, his mouth gaping as his lungs were no doubt trying to get what air it could in as quick as possible. Through my vision, I could see his brain firing up, his heart beating once more, his body heating back up.
    With a thought command, I quickly entered the Grey and zipped over to an alley I spotted just several buildings away. Changing my vision back to normal, I observed the father and son as they were reunited.
    After a few moments, the two finally went on their way, wherever their home was.
    Satisfied, I decided to leave them be and make my way through the city. If I was here, I might as well explore!
    With a thought command, my Battle Armor phased out and was replaced by a set of winter-suitable clothes, topped with a slightly-weather proof shale-coloured trench coat.
    Sure, my clothes were a few centuries ahead, but it looked a lot less conspicuous than a suit of near-indestructible powered armor.
    Unfortunately, it seemed like every place I looked was closed for the rest of the day. So I simply took in what sights I could.
    After a while, the rain finally stopped, and people started coming out.
    Unfortunately, by the time the city was bustling with activity, I had to wake myself up.

    A nice stroll through a very familiar place

    by WritersCube on 03-12-2011 at 07:58 AM
    March 11, 2011

    Last night's LD was a visit to my snowy Harbor Town dreamscape. I felt like simply relaxing, plain and simple. Since it had been a while, I decided to take a nice stroll through the town, just for the enjoyment of sightseeing as well as the atmosphere. I also visited the docks again to practice my fishing, almost losing a leg to a Mega Goldfish that thought it would be cheeky by trying to grab me from the ledge.
    After my fishing, I attempted to practice my drawing skills again, doodling the docks on great sheets of paper. While I wasn't all too successful, it was all fun nonetheless.
    Once I was done failing at that, I made my way to a nearby cafe to treat myself to some soup and sandwiches, all the while observing the life around me.
    I decided to take another stroll along the docks before waking myself up for work.

    Time to get back to updating this DJ!

    by WritersCube on 03-11-2011 at 05:40 AM
    Geez, I gotta visit this site more often (I keep updating my LD4All DJ and not this one LOL) My DJ here's virtually EMPTY!

    Well, here's to updating my DreamViews DJ as well!

    March 10, 2011

    Last night's LD was a visit to the First DreamWorld (Cyrillian Prime). I thought it'd be good to inspect several key bases across the planet, and good thing I did, I had a chance to witness the testing of an experimental sonic cannon. Unfortunately, instead of blowing apart a brick wall target, all it did was play Ozzy Osbourne songs really really loudly. Oh well, at least there was a table of snacks there, in which I was happy to help myself to.
    After the series of surprise inspections, I went on my way to have some fun flying over the oceans, occasionally diving into the waters to peek at the ocean life below the waves, practicing different maneuvers in the air while creating water spouts to dance along with me.
    A good while later, I made my way to the First Capital, to make a stop at my Citadel to check on things, my apartment in particular.
    I found that several things had been changed, or rather moved around. The living room had been reorganized so that the television no longer caught the sun's glare during afternoons, and the couch sofa had been moved to stay centered with the television. The dining room had a new dining table, whatever happened to the old one I had no idea. And someone had taped a Super Happy Bunny poster on the refrigerator door, which I had no doubt was Amanda's doing.
    After making myself a grilled cheese sandwich and some tea, I took a moment to enjoy my snack before waking myself up.

    Hunting in Dreamscape "Test Area 102"

    by WritersCube on 10-12-2010 at 06:32 AM
    First, it's been forever!! And now I come back and see that there's a whole new dream journal system LOL. Well, let's start with last night's LD.

    October 11, 2010

    Last night's LD was a visit to Test Area 102. Time for more harvesting of mean-looking things with gnashy teeth and other scary-looking features!

    I found myself standing, again, in front of the painting that I had planted into the ground in the center of the dreamscape.
    I took in a deep breath out of habit and immediately breathed out the moment I smelled the swamp-rot.
    With a thought command, I summoned a peppermint candy, opened my e-visor and popped the candy into my mouth.
    Closing my e-visor, I summoned a pulse rifle and began making my way through the dark forest of thorns.
    Almost immediately, the thorns began to hiss as I passed them by, the trees creaked and groaned as they bled dark ichor, and occasionally the ground would tremor for some reason or other.
    My motion detector wasn't picking up anything at all even after half an hour of walking. I wondered if the spine hounds had decided to avoid me for good this time?
    It was after an hour that finally I spotted my first spine hound. It didn't even notice me before I shot it twice, killing it where it stood.
    After that though, it was back to me and the hissing thorns... neutral
    It was after another few minutes that I finally picked not one but five objects speeding towards me!
    I quickly swung my pulse rifle around to bear on my new targets... but they were nowhere in sight whatsthat
    I watched as the blips passed my position and that was when I heard the rustling... up above!
    I quickly aimed up and started firing into the thorn canopy, plasma bolts burning through thick mangles of thorn branches which shrieked and hissed as they were destroyed.
    I attempted to track my targets as I watched the blips continue moving away from me, firing into the canopy in the general direction of the blips.
    And then they were gone... Bugger.

    And then the thorns started hissing again.

    I continued my trek through the thorn forest, pushing my way through thorn bushes, breaking through low-lying thorn branches, and occasionally stopping to listen for anything other than the thorn hissing.
    Eventually I came across the same trees I had stopped at before. The scratch markings were still etched into the bark.
    And there it was! Looking up, I saw something in the branches, seemingly huddled in the nest I had found!
    I slowly inched my way towards the tree base, my pulse rifle trained on the nest and the creature inside. It didn't seem to sense me; maybe it was asleep?
    Holding my pulse rifle in my right hand, I stooped down to pick up a small rock. Carefully standing back up straight, I pulled my left hand back and threw the rock up at the nest.
    It missed the nest, but it bounced off the branches before falling to the ground... and that was enough.
    The creature jerked up, its odd-shaped head weaving back and forth as if searching.
    It's head reminded me of a sting ray's... its back though was a segmented carapace like a scorpions... and then its legs unfolded, hairy and segmented like a spider's. It lifted itself out of the nest and turned on point to face me, revealing serrated teeth lining its mouth from one end to the other and a secondary mouth just barely peeking out of its primary jaws.
    Its form fully in view now, it was about the length of a snow mobile and its body as wide as a skateboard was long. Its long legs made it look even bigger though!
    And then it started making a bunch of clicks and croaks at me, it probably wasn't happy that I was so close to its home.
    Unfortunately, I couldn't just walk away. I was looking for it and now I had found it. And so I shot it.
    A three-shot burst and the thing virtually exploded down the middle, almost falling in two, save for its lower abdomen and spindly tail.
    I watched as the creature's corpse fall from the tree and hit the ground in a crumpled heap. Then I noticed a strange thing.
    As the thing's blood pattered the ground, the ground almost seemed to... move. Like lips pressed against a stretchy film of rubber, trying to gasp for air or utter something. It was like the stained soil was trying to drink the blood.
    "Interesting," I muttered to myself as I thought this, raising an eyebrow in amusement.
    Then I heard a series of rapid-fire clicks and long drawn-out croaks. I looked up at the other trees and saw more of those... sting ray spider teeth things... tree sharks, I guess I'll call them.
    And they were all turned towards me.
    With a thought command, my pulse cannons unfolded themselves from my shoulders.
    "A jolly time for a brawl, aye?" I called to the tree sharks. As my pulse cannons locked onto their targets, I fired off a storm of plasma bolts into the trees all around.
    In the initial fusilade, four tree sharks blew into smoldering clouds of chitin, flesh, and misted blood--then they all started attacking me at the same time. Tree sharks were either leaping from the tree tops or scuttling down the tree trunks, leaving more scratches in the bleeding bark. I barely was able to register any of that while I was at this point firing at a mass of tree sharks that was slowly enveloping my whole front, leaving me to run into the woods if I needed. But they were slowly closing around my flank as well as I continued firing along their line.
    Ten, twenty-one, twenty-eight, more kept coming and I had to keep blasting them as I started edging towards the denser part of the thorn woods. As I got closer to the shadow of the thorn woods, the more the hissing returned from the thorn branches. The trees began to groan again.
    My kill cams were going in every which direction as my pulse cannons were auto-tracking tree sharks that was scurrying across the ground, jumping from tree to tree, weaving back and forth from thorn bush to thorn bush, it seemed like they were everywhere, and with the added claustrophobia of the dense thorn wood forest I started thinking about that one scene from Cloverfield when the main characters were in the subway getting chased by those doberman-sized creatures that looked like a mix between a spider and a toothed snapping turtle with bad dental hygiene.
    Anyways, I had made it about twenty meters back into the main part of the thorn wood forest when the things started really getting sneaky about their chasing me.
    As the tree sharks on the left would weave through the cover of shadows and thorns, distracting me, I noticed the right side would try to rush straight at me before suddenly turning to scale up trees and such to chase me down from above. Then the ones on the left would actually start to rush me for real.
    I ended up summoning and chucking a few fragmentation grenades towards the group to my right, but I didn't really hear the pained shrieks of more than two tree sharks getting maimed and blown apart by the FIVE grenades I threw. The others must've made it up the trees a lot faster than I thought--which was a nice skill considering I could be using these creatures one day.
    I returned my attention to the left-side wave, my pulse cannons' plasma fire sweeping across the low thorn bushes, blasting up dirt, and setting bushes and trees on fire. Another tree shark went up in a fountain of body parts and gore, its head was there a moment before instantly vanishing in a flash of blue-white plasma fire, and then its body followed suit, exploding in charred bits.
    I quickly reloaded my pulse rifle, ejecting a steaming hot spent cell and slamming a new one in, pressing the charge button. The pulse rifle hummed and whined as it charged up, a second later I was firing bursts into the canopy above while my pulse cannons continued applying the pressure on the ground.
    Then I found out where the right wave went.
    It was almost raining tree sharks as they leaped from everywhere above!
    I felt the weight of one slam into my back before its legs were grappling with me, hooked claws scraping across my Battle Armor, trying to get a grip on me.
    Suddenly I felt the pressure of jaws clamping on my right calf, the armor protecting my leg creaking slightly under the pressure.
    Just as I was aiming down to blast at the tree shark that had my leg, the whole weight of another slammed into the back of my head, imagine somebody throwing ten original Xbox's at your neck simultaneously, then you'll know how it felt. Minus the pain, of course, but the pressure was enough to tell me it would've outright broken my neck without my Battle Armor and if this were a real life situation. These things must have incredibly leg strength to launch themselves so quickly and so powerfully. It was like what a flea might be if it were the size of your neighbor's Saint Bernard!
    In any case, I was thrown forward and I hit the ground rather hard. Hard enough that my e-visor HUD flickered out for a moment from the impact.
    And then suddenly, I was being swarmed.
    As I felt my pulse rifle get wrestled out of my grip, I summoned my energy sword to my right hand and began flailing left and right, kicking wildly, and occasionally--by accident, albeit it worked--head-butted a few tree sharks. It's hard to tell amongst a mass of flailing limbs and gnashing teeth and snapping secondary jaws, but I probably killed or maimed around ten tree sharks in that brief outburst of random attacks.
    Anyways, I was able to pick myself up as two more tree sharks leapt onto me and attempted to gnaw at my head and right shoulder.
    I managed to shake one off as its legs couldn't find purchase on my armor, but the other managed to clamp its teeth on the sides of my e-visor helmet and it just bugged the hell out of me that I could hear its frantic breathing so clearly.
    As I was furiously shaking my head, my pulse cannons firing in random directions, and my energy sword swinging in reaping sweeps, I felt more jaws and claws scrape against my armor over my legs and arms. These things weren't stopping!
    "BLOODY BUGGER OFF!" I yelled as I swung my left fist randomly and connected with something. I couldn't tell what because my e-visor was being enveloped by the mouth of a second tree shark.
    I grabbed the tree shark that was on my visor, hooking my fingers into the upper lip of the creature before squeezing as hard as possible, using both the strength of my Battle Armor and a dose of superstrength.
    With a sickening crack and crunch followed by a sucking smack, the creature released me as its upper jaws and eyes were crushed to a pulp in my clenched fist. I then drew my fist back and immediately lashed out at another tree shark as it leapt at me.
    I hacked with my energy sword, bisecting another tree shark before severing the leg of another just beside it, before it could leap.
    I using the weight of the tree shark still on my back, I lifted one leg and used our combined weight to crush another tree shark underfoot while I swept my energy sword across again. Again another tree shark latched onto my right arm, which I promptly punched my fist through its teeth and down its throat. I didn't know what it was I grabbed, but I grabbed something inside that tree shark and flung it into two other tree sharks like a club before discarding the corpse. (That was when I discovered I had a grip on the thing's spine.)
    Suddenly the tree shark that had its jaws around the back of my head released me, and the remaining tree sharks began to turn and run...
    At this point there were easily fifty-some dead tree sharks all around me. My left gauntlet was covered in guts and blood, my energy sword sizzled with crackling energy, my left shoulder-mounted pulse cannon was having trouble turning properly to scan for targets, my pulse rifle was out there somewhere buried under the bodies, and I was ready for a vacation.
    Then I found out why the tree sharks had run. And it wasn't from me.
    One moment I was standing, the next I was flying into a thorn tree.
    My e-visor flickered with static as I impacted the tree like a comet. I quickly pushed off the tree and turned. Just as I summoned my energy sword again, a giant claw smacked me across the face so hard that I was lifted from my feet!
    I flipped almost twice before I slammed the ground like a brick dropped from a building. Before I could pick myself up I was already under attack. A solid hit slammed me in the small of my back, which would've broken my dream self's back if not for the Battle Armor--I could've sworn I was being pushed deeper into the ground by the sheer force of it.
    I pushed against the ground, and forced myself into a roll to my right as the ground shook with the force of a barely missed blow. I looked up in time to see it was a Spine Behemoth... and it was even BIGGER!!
    I quickly summoned a pulse pistol to my left hand as my pulse cannons began firing. The massive creature was a hell lot faster than it looked, falling to a hunch and rushing to dodge the overshooting plasma bolts, it started towards me with loping steps that covered several meters in an instant.
    I only managed to fire a single shot from my pistol into the thing's left shoulder before it backhanded me straight into the thorn canopy!
    Branches snapped as I flew up into the hissing thorns. Again the thorns shrieked as the branches they were attached to were snapped like twigs by the force of my being thrown skywards.
    Then I began to fall, and before I could have the chance to hit the ground, the thing was onto me, its clawed hands swiping me in mid-air like a baseball. I found myself spinning and bouncing off the ground like a skimming dam-buster bomb from World War II.
    I hurried to stop my roll and was rewarded with my left hand breaking in three different locations and my wrist dislocating. Then finally a tree stopped me, just barely as it cracked and started to lean to the side.
    Without the hindrance of pain, I quickly picked myself up as the Behemoth was already closing distance with me, bellowing and shrieking.
    Rather than dodge, I simply thought back to how I beat a bunch of Archangels...
    With a thought command, I was launched towards the Spine Behemoth at blazing speeds. Shoulder-first, I slammed into the massive beast's chest and was rewarded by the solid thunking vibrations of ribs breaking under the impact. Another thought command, and my energy sword inverted in my grip and I drove it straight through and upwards the creature's sternum.
    Large claws grabbed at me, which my pulse cannons quickly took care of one, and wrenching the energy sword out and slashing across took out the other. With a thought command, my energy sword reverted back to normal in my grip and with a bounding leap, I slashed rightwards and cleanly sliced through the Spine Behemoth's skull.
    The Behemoth clapped its jaws open and shut spasmodically before falling over, the top half of its head sloughing off from the rest of it.
    I took a deep breath to let out a sigh of relief and immediately puffed out through my nose forcefully as the awful swamp smell reached my senses. "Bugger this place..."
    As my left hand was stitching itself back up, I summoned a bottle of air freshener and tried spraying it all around me, but it didn't even last for a second.
    Oh well... at least it was a good hunt this time around.
    I summoned myself a cup of tea to enjoy before waking up.