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    I've just found out that lucid dreams exist - lucid dreams are the kind of thing which you always have wanted to happen, but, until recently, I never even knew they were possible. Shame on me.
    Game Development, Graphic Design
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    View Zac's Dream Journal

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    Yesterday and Today

    by Zac on 08-01-2010 at 08:17 PM
    Sorry, I forgot to update my journal yesterday. To make up for it, I'm going to do two days' worth of dreams in one!

    This dream is strange (but then again, all of mine are)

    It started in our lounge. Me and Jacob were playing a video game. It was an athletic running game. The game was based in a marsh (?), and had beautiful views. The grass was pure green. The track was raised above the marsh, and was hard ground with perfect grass.

    Anyway, we were playing this game, I was winning, but not by much. I can remember being drawn into the game (literally). Me and Jacob became our characters. It was so strange... I became somebody else.

    Instantly, the game became far more vivid. It became 3D, and everything was beautiful.

    That’s all I can remember, unfortunately.

    Sorry, I forgot to update my journal yesterday. To make up for it, I'm going to do two days' worth of dreams in one!

    This dream is strange (but then again, all of mine are)

    It started in our lounge. Me and Jacob were playing a video game. It was an athletic running game. The game was based in a marsh (?), and had beautiful views. The grass was pure green. The track was raised above the marsh, and was hard ground with perfect grass.

    Anyway, we were playing this game, I was winning, but not by much. I can remember being drawn into the game (literally). Me and Jacob became our characters. It was so strange... I became somebody else.

    Instantly, the game became far more vivid. It became 3D, and everything was beautiful.

    That’s all I can remember, unfortunately.

    Escaping Medieval France

    by Zac on 07-30-2010 at 10:18 AM
    This dream makes no sense at all. And it was awesome.

    It started off in Medieval France, in what was effectively a middle-ages work camp. We were imprisoned in tight spaces, doing work that none of us wanted to do, and none of us were being paid to do. I remember that, one day, whilst walking down a stone path towards our work site, we encountered a strange plane. By strange, I mean it was a cross between one of the planes with the open sides in star wars, and the early prototype bi-planes. It was... strange. There was somebody there who was helping us escape. I can't remember much about what he said, but I can remember a few quotes.

    As we were flying, I could see beautiful views of medieval France, with peasants working in their daily lives, as well as the fantastic architecture. Nobody seemed phased by us, flying above them.

    I can't remember anything else from this dream. I can remember a few fragments from other dreams throughout the night, but nothing worth expanding on.

    Strange Fragments

    by Zac on 07-29-2010 at 10:25 AM
    I can remember two dreams and one fragment from last night. Here goes!

    I remember it being the last day of school (which finished one week ago today). The last lesson was geography (my least favourite subject, which I'm giving up next year ). I remember that we were in my school library, working on one final 'project' (which was surprisingly like a game of hangman... without the hangman) before the year was up. We basically had to come up with a bunch of words to do with geography, and then guess each other's words. Of course, none of the words we came up with actually had anything to do with geography (even my subconscious doesn't take it seriously ).

    Finally, the bell went, signifying the end of the day, the end of the year, and the end of geography forever! I remember everybody ripping up the sheets of paper that we'd been working on (which were A3 for some reason), and stamping on them. Then we all ran outside.

    We were in a beautiful vista, in a valley between two mountain ranges. It was full of cottages, and was a perfect neighbourhood. For some reason, some of the residents decided to modernise the small town, turning it into a bustling city. We went up to one of the mountain ranges (I say mountain, though it was really more like tall hills), and decided to build our vista above our valley. Next thing I know, we are standing in the middle of a massive urban city, with huge business everywhere you look. Of course, this brings with it a higher crime rate, a less friendly neighbourhood, and in the end, a not very nice place.

    The residents decide to do the one thing that they can - abandon the city. I can remember a beautiful view of us just outside the city, looking back at beautiful skyscrapers, with nothing but green in the distance. It was like a city in the middle of nowhere.

    We turned towards our village, and started to restore it to how it was, and ignoring the city. I remember halfway down, as we were walking down the side of a motorway to get to the city, going into a small wooden building. Inside was an old man, obviously dying. He was stuck inside this cramped room by the side of the motorway with his dog. We helped him out, and took him back to the village. His dog jumped out the back window, into a river which was behind it.

    I think that was when the dream ended.

    For the fragment, I remember being on the plane back from a holiday somewhere. I remember being very tired. I remember going through Heathrow, and then going into a car. I remember falling asleep in the car, and then waking up home. At home, I remember going inside and calling up my family to let them know that I was safe. That's all I remember.

    Medieval Castle

    by Zac on 07-28-2010 at 11:05 AM
    This dream is basically a video game inside my head. In fact, I actually remember seeing a flat top-down map from a video game growing into an amazing 3D castle in seconds.

    I remember being in my house. Suddenly, we realised that my little brother wasn't there. Immediately, I went into the lift in our house (which doesn't exist in real life), and went down underground into a crazy mystical land. Well, it wasn't at first. At first, it was just like an infinite nothingness, with a 2D map on the totally flat ground. Suddenly, in front of my eyes, the ground expanded into full 3D, building up from the ground.

    I don't remember too much from inside the castle, but I do remember being inside the castle in a room with stone walls around me, and a moat of lava between me and a bunch of enemies (who looked surprisingly like Goombas from Mario).

    I think I woke up after a couple of minutes of battle.

    One thing I can say is that this was by far the craziest of dreams that I've had, and I'm shocked that nothing about it seemed strange enough to go lucid. In some ways, though, I'm quite glad that it didn't. It was a great dream, and by far the strangest that I've remembered yet.
    non-lucid , memorable


    by Zac on 07-27-2010 at 12:38 PM
    This isn't as vivid as my other dreams, mostly because I didn't remember it until after I'd woken up. I tried several WILDs, but none of them seemed to work. Anyway, here's the dream:

    It was a sunny day, and I was warm in my grandparents' house (which, unlike places in my other dreams, actually looked like it does in real life). I remember walking into the porch, and seeing four sets of skis - one for me, one for each of my grandparents, and one for my little brother. We left the house, and outside the door was a ski slope.

    We were about halfway up, so we needed to take a ski lift to get higher up. It was a very shallow slope (perhaps because my brother has never been skiing before?), and was very easy to do. I can remember turning and going from edge to edge as I went down.

    That's where the dream ended.

    I've been wanting to incubate a lucid skiing dream for a while now, ever since hearing that lucid dreaming can feel as realistic as the real thing, as well as reading that lucid dreams can act as practice in the real life. Unfortunately, this dream was not lucid. However, I now know that it is possible to incubate a dream, so V-WILD is sounding much more possible. I'll try V-WILDing tonight, and see how it goes.