By what standard do you call him interesting? When I was about 13 or so, and started my study of psychology, I found no particular advantage of Jung's ideas. No one had a standard by which they looked to, a definition of mind that they were working with. Therefore, what they were calling a science did not put it into the category of a craft. One of the few people in history that made psychology a craft, based upon the definition of the mind, responding to a solid metaphysics, was Plato. however, no one followed Plato--because no one understood what he was about. Or, too few in history to make a foundation.
Jung was different, but hardly better.
Plato based his work on the fact that the mind has a particular job to do and it does it in a particular manner--through a synthesis of emotion and language--rationality being the form imposed upon passion--to effect human will.
Plato also used a two prong approach, the manipulation of emotion-- through mythology, and directly, while exercising rational principles of the mind.
Today they seem to think they can drug and talk you out of insanity, Plato, on the contrary was trying to teach men how to talk.
Plato was way beyond even today in his understanding of human psychology. Psychology is a craft based on solid principles which have not yet been recognized by today's group of genius's. That craft creates human will with the elements of emotion and reason.