Oh trust me, I am NOT an advocate for the right wing either!! At least I *THINK* that was your point in posting that video, to show that the right is no better. I totally agree - I wish the extremists could somehow be kept out of power, but unfortunately it's the extreme left that's been holding power in the white house for 6 years now.
But I'm getting off topic here - really the point of this thread is to expose a couple of very important facts that I don't think are well known at all - especially the Franfurt School which is largely the cause of so many of today's problems but that most people have never heard of. Knowing about them and their evil plot helps so many things click together that inform today's world.
Assault on family
At the bottom of this thread is a collection of links to related threads, and I just read one - Tell Me About Feminism (< that's a link - I feel I need to point that out because it can be hard to see links on this site). I was glad to see some well-reasoned and well-informed discussion there, but not once did anybody mention the Frankfurt School, who were essentially responsible for radicalizing feminism. By the end of the 60's first-wave feminism had accomplished many of its admirable and quite necessary goals, but somewhere in the early 70's along came radical feminism, not created directly by Frankfurt School intellectuals of course, but indirectly, as one of the movements meant to divide our society into warring factions They use the Frankfurt methodology - to flatter one group, to tell them all their problems are caused by the other group, who has always historically oppressed their ancestors, to demonize that other group, and foment hatred in the minds of young people who don't even realize they're being coerced by propaganda. THIS is why I think it's so important that people find out about the Frankfurt School, because they're behind so many of the powerful movements that have changed things drastically over the last half century. They have literally radicalized the feminist movement to the point that now the radical ideas are mingled inextricably with the sensible ideas. And unfortunately, the feminists who have attained power in political circles and in making public policy are of the radical variety. Some of them may understand that they're just furthering the cause of Marxist agitators, some may really be completely duped by the brainwashing into believing there's truth in the radical ideals they espouse.
But they've created a new environment that we all have to live in now - single parent households are epidemic in our time, as is divorce, and the new divorce laws (as well as rampant corruption in the divorce courts) has ensured that it's mostly men who are forced to pay exhorbitant alimony and child support to the families they no longer are a part of except financially. It's the radicalized part of feminism that fills the heads of young women with ideas about being strong and independent, plus the new no-fault divorce laws ensure that divorce is easy and painless now, at least on the woman. And then the state thugs step in and ensure the man pays up or goes to prison. Left-wing elements in government are constantly pushing to create taxpayer-funded free day care beginning at a ridiculously young age, to make it easier on women to have kids and then pretty much forget about them and have a career even without being married. This is largely destroying the nuclear family unit and creating a culture of singles with no sense of belonging.
And it's not just feminism, they've also radicalized race relations , creating a culture of what are known as race-baiters, like Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Spike Lee, and countless lesser-known names, who espouse powerfully charged spiteful rhetoric designed to demonize one race and make another feel oppressed and want to rise up in violence. Please understand - I am NOT saying there's no such thing as racism or that it's not a problem - but I just don't think the way to deal with it is through hatred and divisiveness.
Plus it's the left that's in charge of mass media and the education system - so they pretty much control the dialectic and can mold young minds with propaganda. How many shows these days feature a well-adjusted family or a happily married couple? Instead, even going back to the early 80's, you've got Friends, Married With Children, Two and a Half Men, etc. Singles cast adrift or families that can't get along. Or there's the dysfunctional families like in Everybody Loves Raymond, with a bungling incompetent dad and a spiteful wife and narcissistic parents. It's systematic contempt for family, normalizing the idea of living single or of hating the male in a household. Why? All because way back when, a bunch of really smart Marxists got together and decided their political goals would be well served if they could convince people to subvert their own society in order to 'destabilize' it and break down those foundations of society - family and church.