Here is a thought I have honestly been playing with, so I hope it is not offensive.
I believe that a sense of self comes from two possible sources. The first and most undeniable is the biological functions of an animal body. This is easy to understand. It is neurons and chemicals and conditioned response. Just as a robot can become increasingly complex, a biological machine (animal) can experience things such as fear and affection. Fear evolves because it is helpful in avoiding injury, and affection because mammals who tend and care for offspring have more offspring successfully reaching breeding age.
The second source of self would be any perceptions that come from other sources. We can look at this as "transmitted signals." The source of the "other" signal could be speculated on another thread. Now, we will make a metaphor using a lap top computer. It has hardware that can account for most of its functions, such as video processing and memory storage (that is like the biological animal body). However, with the lap top we have at least two other factors that can effect what the computer does. We have wi-fi, and external data received through the keyboard or controllers. This will be my metaphor for anything non biological effecting the program.
While we understand wi-fi and data entry, from the point of someone examining the hardware only, it would not explain any intelligence out side of the lap top. Devoid of any understanding the receiver inside the lap top would not seem to have a function, nor would the key board, as the lap top has no means of pressing the keys.
So, where am I going with this?
The lap top can have programs stored that allow every one of its functions to work, just like the biological animal body does. You can find a reason the screen lights up, you can find a reason it goes into sleep mode. You can find a reason the animal experiences fear, and a reason it enjoys the opposite sex.
The computer and the animal are completely capable of functioning with out outside influence.
That does not suggest that outside influence is not an option. Now let's think about video games. The lap top can have a program that allows it to run through a game either using preset logic or a random number generator. However, a thing (teen age boy) outside of the hardware may enjoy taking control of the game by using the keyboard and mouse. If we could only examine the hardware, we would not understand the source of the new inputs. We may be able to detect the keystrokes, but not the source.
Now, back to "the self" The self could either be the programs running in the lap top, or it could be the programs plus the external sources influence.
Now for the part I hope will not be hurtful.
Why do so many people claim with faith that they 'know' they have a soul and free will? Perhaps these people are like the computer that has someone at the controls.
Why do some people claim they can detect nothing in themselves that would lead them to believe in such a thing? Perhaps these people actually do not.
I am not trying to be cruel. I am saying biology can explain intelligence and probably all other perception with in limits. So, if a body was not inhabited by a soul it could still interact and even possibly win a noble prize, but it would simply cease to exist upon death.
However, that does not discount the idea of sometimes there being more to the story.
If you feel convinced nothing outside of the physical/ biological construct exists, perhaps it is because for you it does not.
Perhaps with those in which more exists they can tell this and therefore need no proof.
What could that source be, as far as a mechanism. We hit the same wall here. Those who want to believe nothing else exists, reject all suggested mechanisms. I must say, I feel they knee jerk reject honest possibilities as they do not want to "loose" the debate. It is impossible to explore the idea at that point.
One member offers an idea that has reasonable merit in view of modern theoretical physics (maybe one of the actual Doctors of such physics could frame it with more evidence, but we are just people on a forum, not writing thesis)
Originally Posted by Dthoughts
Free will in this case matters to the extent to what amounts of free will the ghost has on the machine and vice versa... Including the environmental factors. Because the two are basically co-dependant. The ghost is rather detached, since it is somehow able to be free'd from much of the biological constrains. Maybe it's possible if it exists in a superposition of states. obviously affected by biology but not limited to it. A quantum particle is able to exist in both places at the same time i.e. without the constraints of silly physical laws like the speed of light. These puny laws don't stop a particle from coming into existence and literally making physical changes instantly, theoretically from across the entire span of the universe. And even from the vicinity of other dimensions. So perhaps in another dimension completely detached from reality here there is a twin particle completely free of physical laws from this reality. In this hypothetical situation the twin particle is affected by biology in this world, it is not completely free of it. But there is no way of knowing what effects the physical laws on his world, free from chemical soups like our brain can do for us. Well there is, but we certainly aren't there yet.
To this honest attempt to express a potential mechanism we get this,
Originally Posted by Ginsan
So quickly this thread has become so full of crap that before pointing out all the nonsense I would probably pull out every single hair on my head. And I have a really full head of hair.
So Ginsan, let me know what is wrong with the following theory,
Theory: Modern theoretical physics suggests there may be "other dimensions" being things that exist in states other than matter. What the things are is yet to be defined or understood. Let's use this link as a possible example of such theories: Large extra dimension - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia If we do not understand what exists other than physical matter, we can postulate that consciousness may exist in forms other than physical matter.