I had originally written out a response addressing specifically this:
Originally Posted by Darkmatters
--01:49—God, being all, is “in overwhelming experiences of paradoxical dichotomies found within.” Have you had such an experience?
Before having watched the videos, but I found that I wasn't ever finding a satisfying stopping point and had written far too much, especially for not even being totally sure of the context of that quote. Part of why I stopped as well was because I was doing such a poor job properly expressing the concepts I was starting to get into that I felt as though a lot of what was written was edging nearly on nonsense. Having watched the vids now though makes me feel a bit better, it seems like I was talking more or less about the same thing, albeit in a much more confusing manner. As a matter of fact, I'm confident we were indeed talking about the same thing considering I mentioned the concept of "as above, so below" and a lot of stuff about God and the differentiation of existence and a bunch of stuff.
One night about 3 weeks ago I was actually thinking of making a thread about the concept of "As above, so below", and to what extent the apparent profundity of its nature as can be observed manifesting literally through all things can be trusted. What I mean by that was that I'm somewhat paranoid about just how perfectly the way these observable patterns can be witnessed really anywhere you look for them and that the levels it connects the whole of existence together run so deep that it doesn't stop and you wind up getting stuck in a loop of sorts. I really hope you know what both I and, or at least, Jung are talking about so this doesn't sound like nonsense all over again hahaha. Let me use a concrete example to illustrate what I mean.
Jung mentions the blind, primordial creator of existence, is transformed through man through the process of individuation. Creation occurs and if we call the whole of existence itself God, the fracturing of that whole into an imperfect and flawed existence creates many of one, and similarly our bodies themselves, not even just talking about particles or matter, are made up of many living creatures existing with each other but not as part of each other, yet we, our conscious selves are that gestalt whole that is greater than the sum of its parts (analogously to God).
These types of observations and realizations are so terrifyingly present everywhere I choose to look that I can't help but wonder if it's happening as a result of us hitting the absolute boundaries of our comprehensive capacity as intelligent thinkers. That, or perhaps even scarier to me, that we are mistaking our own nature of existence with that of God and the rest of existence as a whole... pretty much because the previous reason, but this takes it a step further I think.
I think Jung's statement about God's transformation and rebirth into spirit through men just proves the point more. It's as if the whole of existence is the emanation of the primordial creator libido's essence is manifesting in all forms possible to take. The more simple of them, fractured and strewn about, reconnect in ways resulting in systems that form within systems within systems, giving rise to more complex forms of being and likely higher forms of consciousess. God's essense disperses from the One and becomes many, the many come together time and time again until those many become like One themselves (human beings... God having risen in the flesh).
Those many One-like beings mark the introduction of a new and surprisingly form of existence; the thought form, the concept, the belief, the image, and the word. The civilization of man and the development of the spoken word and the ability to communicate with language makes God's transformation from something beyond merely just the primordial libido and in living flesh, but to exist at least separately in the minds of all those that think. The construction of God's conception on a societal level eventually transforms his many spirits back into what will be whole and One again, and in doing so overcoming (at least to any that know or believe in God) the blind, deaf, conscioussles, and desireless existence of the primordial creator libido and going further even to transcend mortal physical existence.
When I wind up writing stuff like the last bit out, I never actually have to think about it, the consequences of our existence are just the natural course of events that follow from this line of thinking. That's what really sets off some alarm bells for me though, things don't feel like they should just work out so perfectly. But I mean, this is existence itself and the way it all functions we're talking about afterall, if things didn't happen to work out perfectly in the collective system comprising up the universe, there would be no universe to speak of, so it must actually be the case right?
All I know is, being too certain of anything is something I don't like doing, and it's highly disturbing when the subject around which it happens goes beyond simply making good sense. I can follow this line of thinking down any proposed subject I feel like, and regardless of that it feels like I have almost like... being mentally stuck or forced into following that line of thought and to keep going down it without ever stopping, and the conclusions not being something I come to or discover, but that reveal themselves to me each instant proceeding the next. I mentioned looping before too, and following that line indefinitely is what causes it to happen. Somehow following a straight line causes you to loop back to either the same place you started or to start the general sequence of realizations all over again but with different subject matter.
...........Good God I can't even tone down the amount of writing even a little bit when talking about this stuff. Well, I've been really wanting and almost needing somebody to talk about it all with. I really appreciate you sharing all this material on C.G., Darkmatters, I really appreciate it.