This is kind of an epilogue to a movie that I'm making. I'm just so excited that i have to tell everyone this now, because it's an important message I want everyone to hear, show your friends, show your family show everyone you come across.

We need to make some changes in this world if we're to thrive as a human race.
Now that i think about it...maybe I just scammed you in a way. I mean you just spent several minutes of your time watching this film I made, when you could have been out doing something fun. Perhaps you're content with your video games and your i-pod with music from all your sell-out artist friends. or is it your fancy car, and your brand-name clothing?
I want to inform you that I'm not. I'm not satisfied. I'm just a human with a whole spectrum of emotions like all the rest of you.
I made this video highly entertaining for a reason. It was to keep your attention while I got a message out there. Something I've wanted to say for a long time, but was just too timid or unable to find the correct words to make the message perfect, or poetic like this bullshit your fed from Hollywood...the bullshit your spend all your money, that you spend all your life working for. Your a slave, a slave to an image you see in
television and on movies, something that you wish you could become but never will. you never will.

This shit wont magically make you happy. It's taken me 21 years of my life to come to that conclusion. 21 years of searching--searching for the answer to that one question... why are we here? I honestly still don't know why we're here. But do I know that I like to be happy. And would you like to know what makes me happy? having fun.
I know it sound painfully obvious, but it just seems to be getting so much harder for people to nowadays. People seem to get upset over nothing.
Have fun with everything you do, it's really not that hard. I spent less than a week making this film and total of zero dollars. But it was the funnest thing I've ever done. Just a little time and effort coupled with creativity. Oh, and I didn't break any laws or rules either...
Witch leads me to another point. you know that movie batman? a damn good movie by the way. There's this crazy character called the joker. Well the actor Heath ledger...he died shortly after the movie was made. They say he spent over a month isolated from society to get into the role of the joker.
I'm not sure how he really died. do I believe it was a drug overdose? I don't know. maybe there's something shady going on...I won't make any assumptions. I wasn't there when he died. But apparently that is what happened. He killed himself because he saw exactly what I see now. You need to stop believing everything people tell you. question things. did it really happen? or is someone trying to manipulate me?
I know you're heard this cliche shit hundreds of time before, but you need to just be yourself. Stop caring about what others think of you. Treat everyone you come across with the respect they DESERVE. (not everyone deserves your respect) but alot of people just ignorant and need to be educated. help them out. it's there world too.
It sounds a lot like the message Jesus was trying to get across in he Holy Bible. Do I necessarily believe in God? I'm really not sure. For all I know... maybe I am god...maybe I am god... maybe I am god...maybe I am god...