Where to start???
There are so many great posts in the Philosophy Forum that it is like a book, Somtimes I can't tear myself away.
Maybe because I come to divergent conclusions rather than drawing my bias on a convergent conclusion Is why I feel a need to try and tie Philoshy so heavily to research. For the most part, a good percentage of research is done by way of math or via developement through studies and then coming to a logical conclusion or fact. I think that Philosophy, Investigation of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods should and could be used more often than it is. Sometimes not requiring facts and going opon ones intuition or a hunch can lead to breakthroughs that would have otherwise been immpossible through a linier way of thought.
I think in short what I am trying to say is that our subconcious has the key to many doors and all we have to do is find the path to that key.
I would go on but I am putting myself to sleep