Originally Posted by melanieb
Notice the key words here: "My idea"
I have some ideas but believing in them won't make them exist.
That's a good idea for you to have, and just as well that you have that idea I think.
You pulled this IDEA from nothing...why don't you explain it to us?
Why don't you explain your entire existence that came from nothing.
My mind has infinite possibility to imagine things but that won't make them be true. You confuse probability and possibility with what actually occurs.
They don't come true because god does not will it to become true. If god agreed to accept whatever request you had. God would grant said request. But since you don't believe in god you have no chance of that happening. So you are correct. That's the way the cookie crumbles.
Again, nothing more than a possibility of a probability, not evidence to show it exists.
In probability theory 100% means it will happen. That's as much as certain as you can be. If something has full chance (infinite chance) of happening. It will, is, does, and can, has, and will to come. And there is nothing you can do about it.
I ask for evidence that is "evident" and "understandable" to all people. I ask for something observable that all people could agree and simply understand. A road-sign or picture of the flying spaghetti monster would be nice.
How about the Universe? That's observable if you open your eyes. How much more understandable can you get? It's up to you to understand something. I can't make you understand.
If you want a picture of a spaghetti monster. Here is one.
See if you are specific enough, you can get it.
What evidence do you have, other than some words written long ago by several human beings?
The existence of the Universe instead of nothingness, is evidence of it.
A magical gold-plated chicken-nugget shat out by the infinitely-powerful being (or flying spaghetti monster) would be more than enough evidence for me.
In another parallel Universe it already happened though. If you want a gold nugget ask for one, but oh wait you can't ask for one from god because you don't believe in god to ask for it. I guess you are not going to get evidence, other than what I have told you and if you don't understand it you will never find god. You will refuse to believe and then be condemned. Don't think that god will sit around waiting for you to believe, he will simply condemn you. If on the day of your death the decision is condemnation, that judgement will be with you for eternity. So in all eternity god will ignore you forever. That's your preference? Once you are judged you cannot be unjudged again. This is in regards to your eternal soul. So think about it carefully.