In my thoughts/perspectives humans evolved. Many of you may disagree with evolution, thats beside hte point I will attempt to make in this thread. My desire is to discover the origin of religions.

I'm not talking about hte bible the koran or the tao, but what came before these.

The first notions I ponder are:

That early mans ability to act in humor
His appreciation to/of hte arts
His inner drive toward worship
His social ability in communication
His ability to make tools
He is a builder

institutions are laborsaving and offer group security.
Man takes great pride in hte Civilized stability of these institutions.
Institutions are merely an accumulation of the past Taboos and morals.
They become tradition, and traditions metamorphose into conventions.

The needs for these institutions are:

Self perpetuation
Self maintenance
Self gratification

The medicine man where the first "religious" leaders. Also there where the very first smiths. Both these groups where feared and awed by hte common person for their knowledge concerning herbs and potions, the ability to shape and form the metal minerals.
The shrine temple or church, became the home of the medicine men.
The shop the forge and the guild became the realm of hte smith.
Each of these became secret society's in there own rite, these institutions latter led to our currant position in history.