Then if God created the universe and knew exactly where he made everything and the velocity he made it, couldn't he forsee everything (maybe like a powerful super computer) that the universe would make us?
I'm having trouble understand how people can fit into this prediction system. Unlike the universe we can do any thing we like at a given time.
For example I can pick up this baseball on my desk and knock out a car window, triggering a fight with a neighbor, possibly murder. He could have had a decendent that could have changed the world somehow. How can God account for these things(free will)?
Unless of course we really don't have free will, and Free will is only a concept in our eyes. Unless every question in my head is the product of my biological makeup, the food I eaten, ect. Without a doubt the creation and prediction of all of this happening in our world, this web page, the universe, all predicted from the point of creation would require a very powerful computer... Or a very powerful being.