I first experimented with silene capensis a year or so ago with startling results. Most mornings often ended up in hastily scribbling twelve pages or so of detailed dream notes. Not all lucid, but generally at my peak of use i could suspect three or four lucids a week. I eventually stopped having discovered marijuana for one, which is a known inhibitor of oneirogenic herbs. Second at the time i felt irritated with haveing to write so much. I have since realize after coming out of the haze. Having to quit to pass a drug test. That in the pursuit of enlightenment one must make sacrifices. Such as waking early to hastily scribble in the mornings haze. Skip forward a year or so, to the present. I dont knock marijuana use but ive found since quitting around a month ago. My eating habits have reverted to normalcy, and my mental clarity is alot higher. Not to mention dreaming is in my opinion a far better pursuit. I had no dreams when using marijuana. Since stopping, and before buying silene capensis again i restarted my dream journal. As the days go on. I fill more, and more pages.
I purchased twenty eight grams of silene capensis, and took the first dose as double the recommended active amount of two hundred mg. In the morning on a empty stomach. It takes a few days to build up the alkaloids of course. I came to the conclusion that if a proper mix of ubulawu was made, using multiple traditional oneirogenic herbs.That the results could be even more startling then the previous results with just silene capensis. Based on region the mixture varies, with different oneirogenic plants native to africa. So i have ordered thirty grams of synaptolepis kirkii, and thirty grams of rhus pauciflorus. They have yet to arrive but i will combine the three at five hundred mg of each, and take in the same fashion as silene capensis. I would appreciate any thoughts on this, or info from members who have personally used these herbs before either singly, or in combo.