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    Thread: "I am the master of this universe" - A dream control theory

    1. #1
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      Exclamation "I am the master of this universe" - A dream control theory

      Hey DV,

      About a month ago I had a lucid dream in which I exercised more control then ever before. I was being chased by enemies and was exhausted from already fighting and barely surviving. I decided to consciously get into a “master of the universe” state of mind. What ended up happening was I got into a very powerful mind state and achieved immense control over everything. My enemies feared me no matter how foul they were. They all froze and displayed fear in their eyes. I charged up a huge energy ball and sent everyone flying. I then unfortunately forgot what I was doing and fell into a non LD. I brushed the incident off and had several following lucid dreams with my usual control (not always that great). It wasn’t until today that I realized how this state of mind could really affect lucidity. I’ve read time and time again that belief is the most important key to dream control.

      My definition of the “master of the universe” state of mind:
      A convictive state of mind in which one comes to the full realization that one is in complete control of the laws of the universe that they presently exist in.

      The theory:
      While lucid, one is technically the master of ones universe. If one comes to full realization of this fact, they will be able to manipulate the laws of the universe with ease. This state of mind will make forced control simple.

      Some possible methods of achieving the “master of the universe” state of mind

      his method has not been fully tested. However, it incorporates a few techniques that I believe will aid the achievement of the necessary state of mind. For the following steps
      it is necessary to put effort into believing in yourself.

      - Try to clear all thoughts (meditation in real life will help a lot)

      - Say out loud with complete confidence, that it is your universe and you dictate the rules. (not necessarily in those exact words just make sure to affirm to yourself that you are the master) While saying it, concentrate on feeling control over everything around you

      - Pull all of the energy out of your surroundings. To do this concentrate on your surroundings all together and envision all their energy flowing into your body, charging you with power (anybody read Eragon?)

      - Put your hands on your head and envision yourself taking control over your entire brain including the unconscious.

      - Take a moment to really embrace the fact that logically, since you are creating the universe around you, you can perform any task imaginable.

      The research

      I have not yet tested and researched the method. I will be testing it over the next few weeks as I am currently participating in “The 90 days WILD project”. I will add a lot to the method and probably edit the shit out of it. I encourage feedback positive or negative. If you want to work with the theory and add to the method, feel free to post your results. I will test them myself and if successful add it to the method. I will also include research notes beside the listed method bullets to let you know if they were successful in building conviction toward the “master of the universe” mind set.

      The possibilities

      I believe that if this theory is true, and if a method is created that can achieve the “master of the universe” mind state in its entirety, strong dream control will be a lot easier and we will be able to truly explore all the possibilities of lucid dreaming. This state of mind could greatly aid things like dream vividness. Who knows, maybe even manipulation time perception. The sky is the limit.

      Cheers, - Jamal
      Last edited by Jamal; 05-27-2010 at 04:09 AM.
      lucidmax15895 and LucidDragon like this.

    2. #2
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      Pretty similar to what I try to exercise every LD. Really good info here! ^^
      We all live in a kind of continuous dream. When we wake, it is because something,
      some event, some pinprick even, disturbs the edges of what we have taken as reality.


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    3. #3
      Member YYNYM's Avatar
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      I had a similar experience with this dream, controlling it more then usual after fully realizing that it wasn't real at all. It's not mentioned in the post because I didn't think it was important at the time.
      I'm back!

    4. #4
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      Quote Originally Posted by Demara View Post
      Pretty similar to what I try to exercise every LD. Really good info here! ^^
      Thanks Demara. Please share the differences of your methods. I look forward to adding to the method section =)

    5. #5
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Max ツ's Avatar
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      You have read my DJ, so you probably know that THIS theory is the one that I implement the most. Time and time again I see a bunch of threads asking why they were not in control or something. The answer to all of them is to believe in yourself. Though you can believe however you want, the "master of the universe" idea is a good one, because it would mean control over everything, including nightmares and such. Good for people learning control.
      'The petals dance through the wind,
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      And over a pure white sky,
      rises a black moon.'
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    6. #6
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      Quote Originally Posted by lucidmax15895 View Post
      You have read my DJ, so you probably know that THIS theory is the one that I implement the most..
      Yeah it does seem like you have good control due to belief in yourself.

      Quote Originally Posted by lucidmax15895 View Post
      Though you can believe however you want, the "master of the universe" idea is a good one, because it would mean control over everything, including nightmares and such. Good for people learning control.
      Yeah, I think if a proper method is constructed this could make the process of learning dream control a lot faster... There must be a couple tricks you can do at the start of the dream to achieve heightened control.

      I think this post should be moved to the research section so a tested and working method can be developed. After that is done I can write a proper tutorial.

    7. #7
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      I think this is really interesting. In some of my lucid dreams, I have experienced a strange contrasting lack of control. On most occasions, i can access abilities with ease. I eventually came to the conclusion that I determine any results. By simply reaffirming my faith in universe control I attained control. It wasn't formal at all. Really just a casual exchange of me convincing myself that i could successfully do whatever i wanted. I must say that lucid dreams are very fascinating. Bravo on the the theory!

    8. #8
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Max ツ's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Jamal View Post
      Yeah it does seem like you have good control due to belief in yourself.
      Thank my DG for that. I learned self-belief the hard way, not on a website while sitting in an air-conditioned room, but while getting pummeled to bits.

      Quote Originally Posted by Jamal View Post
      Yeah, I think if a proper method is constructed this could make the process of learning dream control a lot faster... There must be a couple tricks you can do at the start of the dream to achieve heightened control.

      I think this post should be moved to the research section so a tested and working method can be developed. After that is done I can write a proper tutorial.
      Indeed. I give you my full support. If you need ANY help while researching, especially a research subject, I will be happy to help. Maybe I can share a few pointers, too.
      'The petals dance through the wind,
      The crimson blood shimmers on the snow,
      The shattered heart weeps of hidden sorrow.
      And over a pure white sky,
      rises a black moon.'
      - Max

    9. #9
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      Please do =).

    10. #10
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      I had an LD last night in which I said "I am the master of this universe" to myself and the control did not increase as much as I'd hoped. It is evident that it is much more about the belief in yourself than the word you affirm. I have yet to try the other listed methods.

    11. #11
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Max ツ's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Jamal View Post
      I had an LD last night in which I said "I am the master of this universe" to myself and the control did not increase as much as I'd hoped. It is evident that it is much more about the belief in yourself than the word you affirm. I have yet to try the other listed methods.
      I believe that what you said were "hollow" or "empty" words. That is, they did not have any belief to back them up. Sometimes, I can increase control without shouting or even saying the words, but just thinking about it and BELIEVING I can do it. I would suggest calming down, looking around, and stabilizing the dream, and THEN try to say these words, and imagine some extra powerful "power" going into you, that makes you "immortal". Or better yet, look for something in your pocket, take out a badge, pin it to your breast pocket, and viola! You are the master of your universe. A little warning though. These "tricks" or 'short-cuts" might end up failing like your attempt.
      Here's an idea. Summon up a really really really powerful DC, and then fight it. When you get beat up a little, and if you do not die and wake up, you'll realize that you HAVE to believe, or else.
      In other words, a pressured situation can be much more effective, especially if your opponent is badass. IF you get what I mean.
      'The petals dance through the wind,
      The crimson blood shimmers on the snow,
      The shattered heart weeps of hidden sorrow.
      And over a pure white sky,
      rises a black moon.'
      - Max

    12. #12
      Getting it hgld1234's Avatar
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      I apply the ‘this is my dream, I do anything I want’ belief- I think it is a kinda similar way of doing it. No fancy words, just the belief that I can do anything at all- works a charm .
      Jamal likes this.
      Hgld1234 wuz here!

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    13. #13
      Getting it hgld1234's Avatar
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      Whoops, I double posted. I think I will delete that extra post.
      Hgld1234 wuz here!

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