The site, where I also found the storms has me fascinated - highly recommended for clicking about and I'll just throw some more stuff in here. |
The site, where I also found the storms has me fascinated - highly recommended for clicking about and I'll just throw some more stuff in here. |
Wooooooooooo! |
I fill my heart with fire, with passion, passion for what makes me nostalgic. A unique perspective fuels my fire, makes me discover new passions, more nostalgia. I love it.
"People tell dreamers to reality check and realize this is the real world and not one of fantasies, but little do they know that for us Lucid Dreamers, it all starts when the RC fails"
Add me as a friend!!!
Thank you Louai! |
I fill my heart with fire, with passion, passion for what makes me nostalgic. A unique perspective fuels my fire, makes me discover new passions, more nostalgia. I love it.
"People tell dreamers to reality check and realize this is the real world and not one of fantasies, but little do they know that for us Lucid Dreamers, it all starts when the RC fails"
Add me as a friend!!!
I'm highly interested in random cool science-like things like these. New favorite thread. |
My name is Max. I write ambient music and play video games.
Currently inactive.
65% DILDs, 30% DEILDs, 5% WILDs.
"Man is free at the moment he wishes to be." -Voltaire
You find the coolest things Steph! Soooooo beautiful, I agree with louai that you definitely have an eye for beauty. |
StephL threads are best threads. |
Thank youhuu - I feel very, very flattered!! |
Hi anotherdreamer - this is the stuff my husband swears by - and I also really enjoyed to join in listening to that lecture series: |
Yay! thank you, I was just looking for something to listen to as well. |
Last edited by AnotherDreamer; 02-09-2014 at 08:48 PM.
Found something nice again: |
Last edited by StephL; 03-18-2014 at 06:23 PM. Reason: I tend to ..
It has to be here as well.. |
Not exactly something new that I like Klein-bottles - and I got one or two in here already - but this page takes it to another level: |
Bit of dream inspiration and other assorted stuff: |
Wow what?! ^ Are very amazing!! |
I fill my heart with fire, with passion, passion for what makes me nostalgic. A unique perspective fuels my fire, makes me discover new passions, more nostalgia. I love it.
"People tell dreamers to reality check and realize this is the real world and not one of fantasies, but little do they know that for us Lucid Dreamers, it all starts when the RC fails"
Add me as a friend!!!
Yeah - platypuses are fantastic - quite endangered - they need extremely clear water for finding all their food. |
Last edited by StephL; 04-19-2014 at 07:46 PM. Reason: throwing facts in ..
I want to play with a platypus! |
Last edited by StephL; 04-21-2014 at 11:03 PM. Reason: benice stuff ..
I came across Samuel Silva from Portugal, who produces photo-realistic drawings of people and animals simply using an array of different-coloured ballpoint pens. They are so incredibly real - amazing: |
Slow Life: A Macro Timelapse of Coral, Sponges and Other Aquatic Organisms Created from 150,000 Photographs: |
Fantastic thread, StephL. Some of these images are truly mindboggling. |
Thank you Sibyline!! |
Bravo Siby!! I love the theremin. First time I heard it was on Spoilsbury Toast Boy on, and I thought it was a human voice being modified somehow. But the recording they used was a really old one, probably from a century ago lol. The one you posted was gorgeous though, and that's the first time I've seen someone actually play one. Looks like she's magic. So cool. |
Somebody having fun in the backyard: |