Back from vacation! ( Always wishing it was longer )
How was your holidays? Did you celebrate New Years? What traditions do you do or want to do? What's your view on resolutions? Do you have one? What's the most messed up or embarrassing thing you've done this season? What's a fond memory from 2008? What are your current dream goals?

I had a dream about an apocalypse on New Eve's night. Good enough to make me wake up cross eyed...I probably should've written that down but I bet that's enough to make some people just paranoid. ^^;

I had the best holiday, being picture happy, reading books with questionable endings, listening to non-stop country music, visiting family, playing monopoly, learning rummy...

I kind of missed my usualy holiday tradition (involving eggs) and I haven't made up my mind of a resolution so I'm a tad late. >.>

Alright, so what's everyone been doing?