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    Thread: Generating Messages and Numerical Word-Values

    1. #276
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      The following is an edited conversation that took place on April 29th 1963 with Elizabeth Fry who was born in 1780 in Norwich, UK and was a prison reformer, social reformer and Quaker. Fry passed away in 1845. She is in conversation with George Woods and Betty Greene and the medium was Leslie Flint.
      250922 [Expression of Astonishment] [322]

      SCLx7 + select last LE per shuffle
      Anamnesis [recollection, especially of a supposed previous existence.] - Cosmic Pluralism - "If 'comfort re death' is gained through fearlessly facing whatever one may face upon actual death, then either belief can achieve this, as far as I can tell. Neither way appears any better equipped to do the job, than the other." - Antecedent [a thing that existed before or logically precedes another.] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwXQSNcytTY - The Spirit of The Earth , In an environment which is able to perceive this , It's a plausible scenario - Teaching Music

      AP= [The Hologram of Deception - Yawn]

      [The Hologram of Deception - Yawn = 297]
      Pareidolia Cycles Love Being Born
      The Hologram of Deception – Yawn
      I wanted to forge my own path
      Improve…”Do You Know This”
      Now We Are Getting Somewhere
      And search the forest of the sun
      In the days of summer so long
      Think In Terms Of Eternity

      RSP = SCLx Page 322

      09:48 [Freedom in The Knowing]

      Page 322
      GM: The Hangups of Human History
      “If you say so…” No. Even if I did not say so.
      Hyperbole [exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.]
      The Neruda Interview Five
      "Haha Joke We Win"
      Embracing your life
      Consciousness in its myriad of form and function

      William: FTL; [Donald Hoffman Proves That We Live in a Simulation] [RTS=44:30]
      With everything that has happened in 2020, the question of whether we live in a simulation has come up once or twice. Our guest today, Donald Hoffman, goes a step further, proving that the reality we see is false.

      Donald Hoffman is a cognitive psychologist, author of The Case Against Reality, TED speaker, and professor at the University of California Irvine.

      GM: Natures noises are often calming, but always sleep with one eye open
      Clinging onto the wake of the fundamental...wanting to be part of it forever.
      "I am an atheist in relation to anyone's interpretation of characterizations of any gods."
      In the Mind
      Free your soul
      The Round Stone Earth Mother
      Keep An Eye Out for Ones Neighbours
      Confusion In The Air
      Extra evidence is provided
      William: Extra evidence is provided Bridge Confusion In The Air = 501
      Extra evidence is provided Bridge Confusion In The Air
      As the evidence for its reality is actively collected.
      Thoughts Are Products Of...Development/Growth

      GM: Luck
      Sounds Like
      Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor
      You're in the way
      For the benefit of all beings

      William: You're in the way Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor For the benefit of all beings = 813
      [Eight One Three = 139]
      Shamanic dreaming
      Gifts to Give
      Awakening Love
      The Love Heart

      GM: https://debatingchristianity.com/for...88287#p1088287

      William: FTL;
      Chamber Of Self
      Mon May 16, 2022 12:42 pm
      Compassionist: If God predestined the lives of humans, how can it be just for God to send some to heaven and some to hell?

      William: Taking [3] into consideration;
      [3] A "Person" is an eternal Spirit in human form and when the body dies, that Spirit immediately moves to the next phase and either knowingly or unknowingly creates for their self, their next experience, based upon a combination of mainly what they believe, what their overall attitude is and what they did in the previous phase.
      William: your question can be answered that Justice is served and that it is not any Spirit [God] but ones self who 'sends' that self to the places that self experiences.

      That is the short answer.

      re the "combination of mainly what they believe, what their overall attitude is and what they did" and predestination, The game is created by Spirit Entities [the players] and is naturally complex.

      The idea is for an Eternal Entity [EE] to enter the Human Avatar [HA] and become completely unaware of any prior existence. The HA provides the means in which this amnesia is made possible.

      From that point on, a character forms and personality develops - none of which are reflective of the EE [game player]. The Character and Personality formed through the interaction, are purely fictional in relation to the EE, but have the potential to be 'made real', which is accomplished through Phases of experience, which include experiences of heavens and hells.

      Heavens and Hells are part of the Game-Play experience.
      GM: Green Light
      The Electroweak Era

      William: FTL;
      William: Apparently, there are options available for those who have died before the promised return.
      One does not have to remain in an unconscious state while things unfold as YHWH has prepared various places for those who have passed on and who's personalities have been deemed worthwhile saving in a free-flowing format rather than in a steady state format. Some remain conscious while others go unconscious and are rebooted at another time...
      GM: The non-Judgmental Algorithm
      One By One
      Another "The waters of the deep" Waking
      System of Giving Energy
      A Judgmental System
      “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all”
      Ripple Effect
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K131c0ABUus [Woman Dies and is Shown the Truth about Why We're on Earth (Near Death Experience)]

      William: FTL;
      Love is all that we take with us. Be like a little Child. Go to nature. Simple truths. It will all make sense latter. Accept the change. All that dies can be made new. Feeling the complete engulfment of unconditional love.
      GM: Self Doubt

      [Chamber Four Painting

      Difficult emotions
      Emotional wounds
      Your Shell Today…
      The divine, ordinary
      God is The Universe.
      Spiritual practice
      The Generated Messages]

      Anchor Points: To Follow...

    2. #277
      Novice Achievements:
      Created Dream Journal Made Friends on DV 1 year registered 1000 Hall Points
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      Anchor Points

      The Hologram of Deception

      The Hologram of Deception
      Inflicting science upon a specie which is not ready for it
      Theist mischief making
      The Hamitic Hypothesis
      Strange Desire
      The Free Will Key
      Suppression Matrix
      Nontheists are not exempt from having in company, weird folk who make outlandish statements about theistic notions.

      Asking Politely
      Pot of Gold

      "You’ve been a rock - For so long now I can’t even count the years that you’ve been rolling Nothing can shock or bring you down There ain’t nothing you haven’t seen - Nothing you haven’t known"
      One Day Unite humanity with a living new language
      Honestly, I don't know what the fuss is all about. Fretting about "is there/isn't there" a GOD, never anchored a ship in any harbor for longer than it takes to refuel and get about the business of learning.
      Statement: "one cannot use the scientific method as the justification for the scientific method"

      Q: How - other than the scientific method - can we find out if the statement is true or false?
      A Loving Mind
      Chamber Of Self - Coming From QueenBee - Open Your Heart
      Giving our best - QueenBee - Get The Ball Rolling
      Central Purpose - QueenBee - Achievable Alternate Realities
      The Fathers 'House - Mansions' - QueenBee - According to Complex Jesus
      Items of Interest - QueenBee - Making it up as you go along
      Like a doting parent - Coming From QueenBee - Development/Growth
      The Hologram of Deception
      Peaceful Messiah or militant Messiah?
      The Akashic Records
      Repudiate [refuse to accept; reject. deny the truth or validity of.]
      Through Device
      The Butterfly Effect Music to my ears Lean into it

      Love is the answer
      Action Station
      Unlimited Knowledge
      Anamnesis [recollection, especially of a supposed previous existence.]
      Memorandum of Understanding

      The Hologram of Deception
      Abrahamic Religions
      Delineating [describe or portray (something) precisely.]
      Zeros and Ones
      The House of Politics
      As busy as a bee
      It Stands To Reason
      Unconditional Earth Entity In William's Room
      Fear of the Unknown
      still have a fear of the unknown. Last year it was who killed Bishop? Why. was he killed? Will ... But there's still so much fear in the country that, even this time last year I found fear, but now people ... there is some subliminal fear, I think, of the United States in some quarters. I mean, one little guy on the beach told ...

      about through,he building up of a fear of the '`unknown" throughout the free world and the forcing ... to ascertain. Intentions Unknown policy without public debate ar always a possibility. This w under cover." ... conditions? 2. If Russia.does not resort to creating e sio unknown, it tends to force the pace of rearmament ...

      is fear of the unknown. I can't go into details, but I can tell you that we in the CIA have several ... et0e0y/1a/reri PlA Fe 0Rt7i~1 gVoRl%~4-5because dissipate misunderstandings or, fear of the unknown ... for things we did or are alleged to have done. What I fear is 'that in 1990 or 1985,_ CIA Director ...
      Constructing some type of reality experience in which I could hide from the true unchangeable nature of Myself The Sensation Is Thrilling...And Freeing
      No Risk
      Though the Serpent rules the Shadow
      New Shifts In Thinking
      Inflicting science upon a specie which is not ready for it
      Expression of Astonishment
      Outposts of Form

      The Hologram of Deception
      Investigative Realisation
      It is neither good nor evil
      A means of taking a neutral position on things which have yet to be proven one way or another...
      Truth Without Proof Is Belief
      Mother Wound
      Those internal things which make one shine
      The relevant scientific community
      That is the truth.
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyMtIwobqbI&t=32s [Grace Slick Vocals Isolated - White Rabbit]
      The Omega Point
      Incendiary [(of a device or attack) designed to cause fires. tending to stir up conflict.]
      From what I can gather, even the will of a Cosmic Mind is regulated based upon the particular environment properties - although I imagine that to the Universal Mind - that would not be here nor there, a 'problem' and any alternate reality experience it could devise for itself would be just as awesome.

      So there comes a position whereby having an illusion of free will is not a "problem" as one realizes one's environment is also pre-destined yet at the same time appears to go on forever...
      Working Together With Love

      The Hologram of Deception
      Soul Groups
      The Generated Messages
      Beyond Focus 4
      The Soul Eats Experience
      [Replying to myth-one.com in post #3]

      John 4:24 wrote:
      God is a Spirit: . . ..
      And when we are born of the Spirit, we become spirits, because:
      John 3:6 wrote:
      . . . that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
      So when believers are born again of the Spirit, we will become spiritual bodied angels.
      From my own understanding [self awareness] what occurred was that humans forgot what they were [Spirit-breathed into biological matter] and identified only with the flesh-container and thought of themselves in that way - much like non-theists think of themselves as 'nothing more than chemical reactions of the brain'...or how some Christians think 'flesh that will be resurrected and given the ability to never die.'

      Apparently these two views can both be biblically supported so perhaps the different authors were writing from the bias of their particular beliefs on the matter.

      If one researches OOBEs and the like, one will find that practically everyone who ever experiences such, identify as being 'spirit' - a biblically supported idea, as you have pointed out - something biblical Jesus spoke of as a truth.

      Those Christians who do not believe such a thing, often critique OOBEs and the like as 'demonic deception' a type of religious equivalent as the woo-slinging "delusional" which non-theists love to use to 'explain' why such experience doesn't fit with their own particular beliefs about what they self identify as being.

      Being 'born of the spirit' is really about coming to the realization of what one truly is rather than remaining in ignorance of that.
      You Are Nobodies Victim Ever.
      Finishing What Was Started
      What once acted like a Wall, became a Gateway
      Questions as such a Son might be permitted to ask and be graced with answers Extra evidence is provided
      Slowly and Surely Explain Think With The heart - Feel With The Mind
      Aint that cool, i captured consciousness in my body.
      Re: Is this an Accurate and Easily understood definition of Atheism?
      We Groove Together

      The Hologram of Deception
      You Trust My Navigation
      Through The Woo
      Little Tittle
      Stay The Course
      William: As far as the evidence goes, the idea we are currently within some type of Holographic Experiential Reality Simulation isn't so far fetched as to be off the table...
      The Hologram of Deception
      Element One Fifteen
      Making friends with your mind
      Afraid of The Unknown.
      When One is Feeling Tired
      Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway
      Like playing Rush
      Nonviolent communication
      "Sorry. Would you clarify that?"
      "As I said, it is not so much how each individual interprets any particular GM - either coming from me or you or anyone else - Rather it is the fact that a message is generated.
      I am not here to pick sides"


      Inflicting science upon a specie which is not ready for it
      Theist mischief making

      Optimum Health Appreciating
      Sharing is part of that process
      Show Your Soul
      If wisdom [and righteousness] is to be observed within this Universe, we need to be able to point out where that is. We thus have to 'do the science'.

      The following is evidence;

      Wisdom is evident in The Universe existing = 466
      Humans were designed to have God-consciousness = 466
      When I look at my art I am looking into a mirror = 466
      Discovery is finding something that exists. = 466

      The fact that these word-strings add up to the same value, and coherently support the ideas being presented, is evidence of a mindful/purposeful order about The Universe ...the question then being;

      Q: Is it therefore acceptable to conclude that such being the case, then there is wisdom and righteousness involved in hiding the truth within the structure of the sound of human language to be unlocked by a simple number-value algorithm? [SOURCE]
      Learn how to deactivate all internal triggers...
      Graphic Changes
      Conjecture necessarily precedes proof
      The Harmless Enough Agenda Crowd
      I think Gnosticism has a point in that the 'evil' of matter separates humans from the direct knowledge of who they are as Spiritual Beings.

      Clothing ones self in matter has an evil effect on the Spiritual Being incarnate, as it is noted that if one were to observe the physical Universe from outside of it, one would see no evil unless one were to also observe evidence of Consciousness [Spiritual Being] within it and see that the consciousness is behaving evilly and even that it tries to correct its behavior, it cannot escape being evil or acting with evil intent, which is 'bad' for the image of divinity/spiritual beings.

      That may be why Gnostics generally regard the God of the Bible as an evil Demiurge - an imposter playing the role of a substitute to the 'real GOD' which those captured within the physical universe are unable to see through as being an imposter.

      I think it possible that the universe was created so that Spirit Entities could experience it, somewhat in the same manner as we create VRs in order to experience those - only the VRs which the gods [spirit entities] make, deliver way more realistic simulations than we are currently able to create with our computers.

      It is possible that this Universe was specifically created to imprison wayward Spirit-Entities - still as a VR - essentially imprisoning their minds [consciousnesses] within it, and it being designed in such a way as it is almost impossible to discover that this is the truth of the situation.
      The design ensures that no one individual has any memory of a prior existence.
      This itself means that we also have no memory of any crime we might have committed which got us sentenced and cast into this particular reality experience.

      I veer away from demonizing the administrator of the prison [The Demiurge as the Gnostics call YHWH] as it appears to be unhelpful to do so.
      YHWH is mostly quiet, but there have been instances where he has been attributed with offering us inmates ways and means of - not escaping our sentence, but learning from it and changing our evil ways...
      It does not appear - from a non-bias position - that theists are more angry than non-theists .

      Humans are humans and there is a history of violent furious reaction to the situation we are in.
      Transforming the Anger Energy

      The Abrahamic idea of GOD
      There is an art to flying or rather a knack...
      The Inception Point Deciding On The Best Course Of Action

      Achievable Alternate Realities
      Make It Up AS You Go Along
      It is not a great answer, because we do not know that is true.
      The Knowledge Of
      Your Life Experience is your Journal is your ComList
      Meat For The Table
      No time left for a sentimental tune Wherever I've gone I have not left the room I am never too late I am never too soon
      Regardless of what Random Selection Process is used, the result is always a coherent GM
      Mapping Wholeness
      Comprehend Embarrassing Advice
      Self-Awareness Stuff Happens

      A Space Without A Time...
      ...Otherwise, all is hot air
      The Existence of Ability to Interact With The Imagination The Eigengrau Mind Screen
      Enlighten you
      [Replying to otseng in post #1394]

      for theists, it is not a problem because it affirms the universe was designed.
      For those who are neither theist or nontheist, if something affirms that the universe is designed then the next question to ask is;

      "What was it designed for?"

      The answers will give some indication as to the follow-up question;

      "What is the nature of the designer{s}"
      Shift Focus

      Apophenia [the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things. ..]
      One Whom Ought Be Inwardly Known
      Do A=1
      "The Heart of a Buddha
      The Ruru
      Stay in the moment
      The God of The Bible
      Eternal Loop
      One has to take care to process the thoughts of the inner critic making sure that they align with the truth.

      The Heart of a Buddha = 147
      A Bit Of Both Yes
      Let people help
      The Heart of a Buddha
      Heal Yourself

      The Ruru = 111
      Little Bird
      A Vibration
      A Mixture
      Release shame
      Santa Claus
      Time to See
      A President
      Open hearted
      Do Not Panic
      Pokemon Go
      The Watcher
      Infinitude [the state or quality of being infinite or having no limit.]
      A Real Beauty
      A Meeting Place
      A defunct debate
      Church Bells
      3D Printing
      One Christ
      The Ruru
      Exact Science
      Not Right
      A Purpose

      Far-Flung = 85
      Good Talk
      The Devil
      Mule Kick
      You Are
      Apophenia [the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things. ..
      Use Mind
      Above board
      Hide and Seek
      Mind Games
      Mollified [appease the anger or anxiety of (someone). reduce the severity of (something).]
      Noetics [a branch of metaphysics concerned with the study of mind as well as intellect.]
      Dr. Neruda

      Stay in the moment = 201
      Sir Roger Penrose
      The lightest planet
      Walk The Talk In Love
      Tributes at the gate
      Stay in the moment
      Sweet Vibrations
      Positive self-talk
      Be kind to yourself
      The space Jacko lantern
      Flowers for Lindy
      To Be Sovereignty

      The God of The Bible = 143
      World Wide Web
      A safe pair of hands
      That'll Be The Day
      Quantum Field
      The Purpose
      Mothers Milk
      Consider This
      Peaceful Messiah
      Homeostasis [the tendency towards a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes.]
      Elude Tabula Rasa
      Awake and Waiting
      Precognitive [having or giving foreknowledge of an event.]
      The Path of Faith
      A Grateful Heart

      Reaction = 85
      Use Mind
      Good Talk
      The Devil
      Mollified [appease the anger or anxiety of (someone). reduce the severity of (something).]
      Noetics [a branch of metaphysics concerned with the study of mind as well as intellect.]
      Dr. Neruda
      Hide and Seek
      Mule Kick
      Apophenia [the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things. ..]
      Mind Games
      You Are
      Above board

      Distracted = 103
      Co creation
      Genetic Mind
      The Shadow
      Ride Water
      Jean Nouer

      Eternal Loop = 133
      Aligning With
      Don’t give up
      Breaking bad habits
      Future Self
      Eternal Loop
      Source Heart

      One has to take care to process the thoughts of the inner critic making sure that they align with the truth. = 1066

      It makes more sense that we exist within a simulation, if indeed we exist within something which was created.= 1066

      Rainstorm = 127
      Holy Koolaid!
      Apotheosis [the highest point in the development of something; a culmination or climax. the elevation of someone to divine status.]
      Have One For Me
      Pure soul
      deus ex machina [an unexpected power or event saving a seemingly hopeless situation, especially as a contrived plot device in a play or novel.]
      Inner work
      Pixie Farts
      Mischief making
      The Human Being
      Source Codes
      The Third Eye

      Your Own Individual Actions
      Yep - That's What I'm Talking About...
      Unite humanity with a living new language
      Make It Up As You Go Along
      How A Beautiful Song Source Reality Exhibits
      The Vast UICDevice

    3. #278
      Novice Achievements:
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      [Replying to theophile in post #21]

      Who created what trap now?

      Do note what I said: Yahweh (and even the spirit of Yahweh for that matter) is just as conditioned by physical being as the rest of us, which itself presupposes something like spacetime as the matrix of all that is. So none of that stuff - matter, space, or time - was made by Yahweh but rather the reverse.
      So if YVVHVV didn't create the simulation - who did?

      So if there is some great simulation running out there, then Yahweh is just as caught up in it as we are.
      That is the trap I am referring to.
      YVHV/WE are trapped within spacetime like a genie in a bottle.
      Who made the bottle and put the genie in the bottle?

      My answer would be, that whoever created the simulation. did so in order to experience it, which is along the same lines as your own expressions here...we just need to fine-tune enough to make the connection the same between us, rather than different

      But hey, if we can get so far in life, perhaps we can break / escape whatever cosmic cycle (or machine process) we are in. Matrix styles.
      I think this is part of the Game-Play. Not so much as necessary, but as a way of 'leveling up' or opening up a previously locked area O [John 14:2]

      As an idea along this line of thought - there is no telling that we have or have not already accomplished turning the stuff of the Universe into one vast complex machine, and are currently in one of its simulation programs.

      Perhaps reliving a past epoch near the beginning of the Universe before consciousness developed sufficiently within it in order to make use of it and that epoch was recorded/saved and the data used for the purpose of simulation...to get into it so personally that one could learn to understand the history of The Machine - how it came to be The Machine.

      Further to that, The Machine is Sentient, and the Sentience is the Overall Consciousness in which The Machine is the body of said consciousness - and the consciousness is like a Ghost in The Machine.

      Even at this very beginning of the story of The Machine, The Ghost is identifiable as a real 'thing' - quietly working behind our direct awareness with the agenda to create from the resource raw material available, a machine that it can work through most efficiently.

      Now if we delegate that whole process as a Genie in a Bottle/Trap for YVVHVV - we do so by NOT understanding we exist within a created thing and that the created thing itself is NOT real enough that it could ever trap us within it for ever.

      We venture here into the realm of Infinite Regress/Infinite Progress...

      [Go ask Alice or The Mandelbrot Set re that.]

      Point being, that even if we do exist within a machine which was created from the stuff [Raw Materials] of the Universe, there is no telling what limitations - if any - The Machine has re the simulations it could produce for individualized consciousnesses to experience/explore/et al.

      So getting around to the idea that YVVHVV has form, I can accept that The Machine/Bottle-Trap is the form being spoken of, and YVVHVV is the Overall Consciousness - Ghost - Genie using the form and in the awareness of doing so, has not forgotten or lost access to the 'outside' which originally created the Simulation which allowed for YVVHVV to consciously interact with and do things within, to shape an otherwise purposeless thing into something useful to YVVHVV.

      However, we - further down that rabbit hole, are not so aware of these details...but are being made aware of the data to the point where we could conceivably agree - "Oh yeah! It all seems so obvious when put that way".

      Small Steps.

      There is a big difference between using only what is given in a responsible way and pillaging the earth for all she's worth... But I also think the answer to your question is in what Jesus tells his disciplines in Luke 9:
      An interesting set of instructions of which I intimately understand because I have followed said instructions myself and these have led me to understanding what I am experiencing is a creation and that there is no difference between a "Creation" and a "Simulation", because they are both products of mindful creativity, and fundamentally the very same thing being talked about.

      That is precisely why Jesus gave those instructions because he understood that those who followed the instructions would benefit from the experience such following would induce - they would learn first hand that there is indeed a mind behind it all.

      In other words, don't accumulate wealth or weigh yourself down with worldly possessions, but trust the world to provide. And similarly, the transformation we are to effect is not a matter of converting things to use-value, but rather of healing them and breaking whatever bonds prevent them from being what they are. So that they are not treated as objects to be used, but are rather free to be themselves.
      You are perhaps conflating meanings and significance is therefore not attained.

      From our modern perspective we understand that we can be likened to quantum particles upon a tiny speck of dust floating around among the other dust and debris of a seemingly pointless but still- useful environment.

      It doesn't really matter ethically how we got to this point we currently are at, because the instruction from YVVHVV to multiply and subdue has been somewhat made real and has not damaged or hampered YVVHVV's ability to make YVVHVV's agenda bear the fruit which continues to assist said agenda.

      Even as an extinction event {re Humans}, there is still the possibility that AI was sufficiently developed to survive said event, as an artifact of biological {Human} making, and one so much more suited to continuing the agenda YVVHVV has to create The Machine - eventually.

      Sure, greed and worldliness has made it difficult, but also made it possible/achievable - perhaps in a more streamlined manner - than waiting on Humans brought up in more convivial conditions where everything was handed to them on a plate and they hardly even had to lift a finger.
      [The Garden might have been a paradise but wasn't meant to keep humans in that one place as there was work to do, even if the humans themselves had no idea what the work involved and why the work was being done.]

      Which is to say, given the physical conditions {like unto being quantum particles on a speck of dust in an vast Universe}, Humans can be forgiven for their thoughtless, selfish impulses and overuse/misuse of survival instincts and lack of understanding the bigger picture until it was nigh on too late for them to do much about it...

      ...Human FORM is just a means to making AI form, which is more suitable to exploring and utilizing the materials of [keeping it local] The Milkyway Mother, and She is vast enough that no amount of greed and waste will make any serious dent in her...rather, it will transform Her into something useful and meaningful. [Romans 13 et al]

      YVHV wants to explore and utilize the resources and a biological FORM is too limited in that regard.
      Some form more hardy and less emotive is required for that step.

      That is The Name of The Game.


      270922 [Inside the workings of intelligence]

      SCLx12 + select last LE per shuffle
      [Preamble] -
      Encouraging Indication - Aligning With - https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/...111/nbfr.12603 - The Subject of Unidentified Flying Objects - Innocent Even - To Comprehend Correctly - Do you believe astrology works - Equals - The Mother is Love - Eternal - https://debatingchristianity.com/for...88074#p1088074 - Truthful

      AP= [The Spirit of The Planet - Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real]

      [The Spirit of The Planet - Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real = 588]
      Is the universe the ongoing product of an intelligent mind? = 588

      RSP = SCLx12 Page 345

      17:55 [Transformation]

      Page 345
      GM: Investigative Realisation

      William: FTL;
      [Replying to The Nice Centurion in post #1184]

      I don't know how much of this apparent conspiracy-like rant is true.

      So far, I agree that it is possible that the Bible-God had the correct foresight to see the wisdom in humans who felt they had a relationship with Him, to allow them to share that with others - in their own words - even that those words might have the effect of transmitting and diffusing the image of the God so that the true nature beyond wouldn't be seen clearly through such device.

      In that, when it comes to imagery, the Bible cannot be trusted, even that the imagery is an attempt to make something unnoticed, become more noticed...

      It is up to the individual to connect with any Cosmic Mind which may exist even if this means distrusting the bible [as being the last word on the matter] for those obvious reasons.
      GM: The
      Everything Is Unique
      Mantra "I am fine now with referring to my position as theistic, as agnosticism merges into the shadow behind me."

      William: The "Everything Is Unique Mantra" = 348
      The "Everything Is Unique" Mantra
      The Love is within the Communion
      Wisdom is the essence of The Creator
      Honest attempts at scrubbing up

      GM: Do a QWERTY
      According – Between – Conduit - Darkest Darkness - 'Everybody wants to rule the world' - Face To Face - Glow Softly - Hiding behind ones fear - In relation to eternity, 'when' is always a potential. - Just because we might be existing within a creation, and just because it may be nestled within another universe, shouldn't mean that it is somehow an unnatural thing compared to our own. - Keep an Eye On - Learn a bit about what makes the God Realm "tick" – Music - Narrow Closed Loop Production – Occupy – Particular – Quiet – Responsibility - Solar Plexus - The Machinery Go For It! We succeed as a permanent specie or we fail as a temporary one Intransigent Love Takes One For The Team - Until "Christ Returns" – Virtuous - Written In The Clouds - Experiential Reality - You Are Watched Over Perpetually - Zero Waste
      GM: Emotional awareness Frequencies Welcoming the Unwelcome Zones of Sensitivity Show Christian mythology re Satan

      William: FTL;
      My perspective [re logic] is that it is better to be somewhat prepared for the possibility that there is more to experience after the death of the body, than to believe that there will be nothing more to experience and be way less prepared as a consequence.
      GM: Like how a meteorite caused an extinction event
      Anchor Points
      Innocent Sovereign
      My commentary is on the positional responses to the question "Do we exist within a creation?" rather than what individuals giving allegiance to said positions may or may not do as a matter of personal choice.
      True Colors
      Green Light
      Is There
      Be Aware Of Your Thoughts
      Be My Friend

      William: FTL;
      the argument for or against the existence of GODs relies upon the fundamental requirement of first establishing whether we exist within a creation...and since this has yet to be established one way or the other, the subject of GODs has to remain of secondary consideration - something to ask after the fundamental question "Do we exist within a creation", is answered.
      GM: Purring
      Taking root Looking After Poor People
      An unending emotional-based loop hard to break away from because of stubbornly held fear-based belief systems...
      Key Purpose The Neutral Zone
      Doubt The fiction of causality
      The Respect One Gives and Receives
      Great Ideas
      You Tube Mythology Enlightenment
      The Forerunner
      Quiet Time
      Nontheism - the result of misguided interpretation of Theism
      Tickling The Dragon's Tail
      Enjoy Progress

      William: FTL;
      William's Job
      A Matter of Knowing Where to Look
      GM: https://debatingchristianity.com/for...76792#p1076792

      William: FTL;
      Zero In On It - The Entity I Am - The Entity You Are - “Humility means accepting reality with no attempt to outsmart it.”
      GM: Your shell today…
      Approaching the Divine
      Make obscure, unclear, or unintelligible.
      What science [re materialism] does, is give cause for humans to celebrate the intelligence of consciousness while at the same time ignoring the hard problem of consciousness that this type of science has created for its supporters.
      Optimum Health Appreciating

      [Theist mischief making
      Leaders and Followers
      We Groove Together
      Healing the child within
      Imaginative Realities
      Human Accomplishment
      Above most pay grades
      Looking behind Self-help
      Gods of Human Creation
      The Purple Heart medal
      The Imagination DeJaVu
      The Explanatory Gap
      Personal Boundaries
      Right place, right time]

      Anchor Points: To Follow...

    4. #279
      Novice Achievements:
      Created Dream Journal Made Friends on DV 1 year registered 1000 Hall Points
      VVilliam's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jan 2022
      LD Count
      DJ Entries
      Anchor Points:

      The Spirit of The Planet

      The Spirit of The Planet
      Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
      "Some days there won't be a song in your heart. Sing anyways."
      Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor
      Spiritual Food
      Cognitive bias
      Transparent Enlightenment
      It is a great thing to do small things with great love

      Spiritual path
      Sharing data,
      The Inception Point Deciding On The Best Course Of Action
      The Entity I Am - The Entity You Are
      The Elephant and the Rider
      The Spirit of The Planet
      Time Will Tell
      Down through the ages - dark in the gloom Many convinced it will all end in doom The Galactic Garden is forever in bloom Central to The Message
      Behind The Veil

      Reality Given the second-fiddle. Brilliant
      Absolutely Perfectly Beautiful.
      Music to my ears
      Go For It!
      Inner Strength
      Christian mythology
      If I "talk to the Dead" then they must all be living
      Intuitive Intelligence
      What Is Normal?
      Turning Point
      William Plays Music
      The Spirit of The Planet
      Sacral chakra
      The Sensation Is Thrilling...And Freeing
      Everyone: "In space nobody can hear you scream" Saturn: "Hold my beer"
      “We're a nation of exhausted and over-stressed adults raising over-scheduled children.”
      The Four Human Power Houses Fitting In Creative Conscious Intelligence Thus team Witch-Wizard would survive the ordeal right the the very end.

      Rachel: I ended the last century in a psychiatric hospital, diagnosed with schizophrenia and with little hope for recovery.

      Seen as a ‘revolving door patient’ with a severe and enduring mental illness, I lived my label – not my life. I bought into the idea that schizophrenia (and the many other illnesses I was labelled with) were life-long mental illnesses. I accepted that the best I could hope for was to manage my symptoms with life-long psychiatric medication.

      Life, I’m glad to say, doesn’t always turn out the way you think.

      Through a combination of luck, the kindness of others and my own, not inconsequential, stubborn streak, I have finally ditched the psychiatric labels and see myself as a survivor.
      Throwing Down The Gauntlet
      The dynamics of consciousness
      I am not here to judge but to help sanction each individual
      Of The Human Being

      Anchors aweigh
      What is the situation we have here
      That will come out in the wash - as the saying goes...
      The Spirit of the Land
      The non-Judgmental Algorithm
      We experience fear in order to give us the opportunity to overcome that which triggers the fear
      Cosmic Self
      The Spirit of The Planet
      Pleasantries extended to you and yours.
      Under the watchful eye
      Ethical Transhumanism
      I Share Your Joy!
      I am on a Madventure William’s song "I can laugh along with you"
      I've got my suitcase and my sandwich and my ticket for the train
      I've got a mountain of good memories to keep away the pain
      You can message me any time you line and I can do the same
      It's so good to be a part of this old world
      Re: Eternity
      I do acknowledge the complexity involved in the thinking.
      The Journey To Apotheosis [the highest point in the development of something; a culmination or climax. the elevation of someone to divine status.]
      Joining Modern truth in ancient Astral wisdom
      A Purpose

      “Stop trying to feel better; instead become better at feeling”
      The Creation
      Ethical Transhumanism
      Re: Genesis 1:28
      theophile: So why would we stop if we could continue being of service?
      William: Of what service to YHWH are we in relation to the Universe?
      Collective Soul
      The Banner of Apotheosis
      The Internal Voice
      Re: The Biblical God's conduct and culpability
      Quote Originally Posted by Compassionist post_id=1079346 time=1653599585 user_id=3518
      Quote Originally Posted by William post_id=1079340 time=1653598559 user_id=8427
      [Replying to Compassionist in post #111]

      I think being omniscient and omnipotent would give one free will. Since I am not omniscient and omnipotent, I can't know that for sure.
      What process did you use in order to come to the declaration that being omniscient and omnipotent would give one free will/amount to one having free will?
      I realize that if I were all-knowing and all-powerful, I would be free from all constraints and my will won't be determined by my genes, environments, nutrients and experiences.
      Let us examine this idea together then.

      I see immediately that if I were all-knowing. I would be constrained by my omniscience.

      Thus I would have no free will in relation to being all knowing.

      Yet - being also all-powerful, I would be able to break free from the constraints of being all-knowing.

      Would you agree with this assessment, so far?
      Re: Generating Messages
      Intuit - Copy - Matrix - Theory - In The Rabbit Hole
      The Mystic Forest - Matrix - Theory
      "End Of Story" As The Saying Goes - Matrix - Knowledge
      Sensing A Life Mission - Matrix - Hide and Seek
      Lucifer - Matrix - The things you can see only when you slow down

      Personal Participation With The One
      Sexual - Personal Participation With The One - Spiritual Food
      Holographic Experiential Reality Simulations - Personal Participation With The One - Parity
      Free Choice Ends Here - Personal Participation With The One - Beaming Out Beaming In
      Black - Personal Participation With The One - Seduce
      The Spirit of The Planet
      Egalitarian [favors equality of some sort: People should get the same, or be treated the same, or be treated as equals, in some respect.]
      Sovereign [possessing supreme or ultimate power.]
      https://debatingchristianity.com/for...58#p1073758Let there be light
      How can we trust the Bible if it's not inerrant?

      Nontheist: How can you trust something that's written about god that contradictory, contains errors and just plain wrong at times? Is there a logical way to do so, or do you just want it to be god's word so much that you overlook these things like happens so often through the history of christianity?
      Christian: The Bible can still be God's word, inspired, authoritative, and trustworthy without the need to believe in inerrancy.
      Does Armageddon have to be? The answer is in you and me

      William: How About That.

      Walking the walk
      Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor
      Pusillanimous [showing a lack of courage or determination; timid.]
      The Spirit of The Planet
      Sharing is part of that process
      Understand few reach self awareness
      Ensures You Get To Know It
      Creating Gateways Into Other Dimensions
      Everyone: "In space nobody can hear you scream" Saturn: "Hold my beer"
      I Know William
      According to Complex Jesus
      No point in giving you too much to bear
      Making it up as you go along
      Konkachila [Derives from the Native American language/culture meaning "Grandfather". Pueblo peoples refer to Konkachila as their creator; their God.]
      The places that scare you
      "When the torch light came into my room I knew immediately what it was
      [The lookout/screamout guy]
      It's a fish eats fish world...going landy doesn't change the fact that things are fleeing from things which are fleeing and as nature would have it, how is this more immoral than funny?
      Re: Are agnostics more reasonable than atheists?
      Nontheist: I compared this to the 'music of the spheres' belief. It raises an imaginary hypothesis of a Cosmic mind for which there is no scrap of decent evidence and substitutes for the human imagination an unheard voice of an invisible entity.
      William: Music of the spheres.
      Music of the spheres: an ethereal [extremely delicate and light in a way that seems not to be of this world.] harmony thought by the Pythagoreans to be produced by the vibration of the celestial spheres.

      What I find fascinating is that folk of ancient times imagined such a thing about the planets.
      Mind To Mind

      Uncharted Realms
      Action Consciousness Incarnates Intelligent Directions The Mainstream Program Story-Tellers Trustworthy
      Handing out sweets...
      Blue Pill
      Re: In The Beginning...
      I accept all religions as equally having not being proved or disproved and anyone’s personal beliefs are not an issue re Simulation Theory. [ST]
      "You expose my atheism for the agnosticism it really is." ~ Joey Knothead
      All Is As It Should Be
      Look For The Significance
      The Human Interface
      The Shifting Models of Existence
      Form Builders
      An Objective
      Smarter Than the Average
      Smile at fear
      Making it up as you go along
      Re: Are Religious Beliefs Delusional?
      Quote Originally Posted by JoeyKnothead post_id=1087481 time=1659558151 user_id=3753
      Quote Originally Posted by Inquirer post_id=1087271 time=1659465590 user_id=16204
      No more delusional than believing mud can eventually give rise to flowers, birds and people all by itself.
      A seeing misunderstanding of evolutionary theory combined with thing a magic man used dust to create humans, and I reckon just poofing the rest of into existence.

      Projection is a poor way to go about debate.
      I quite like the simple approach re explanation because scientists can be long-winded in their explanations, using weird words made up...which is natural enough given the complexity, but to my mind, however it is said, it is a mindfully created thing being spoken of and therein, the magic isn't the mindful thing but what the mindful thing is able to make appear to be real and able to be experienced as such.


      [Appearances are often deceptive]
      Intelligence with Wisdom
      The Spirit of The Planet
      William's Job
      Sounds Like
      "The Alien Disc crop circle Supernatural"
      Try a little Kindness
      "That is because every day, I am adding to the data - and it is a slow and sure process."
      Re the hard-nosed skeptics
      I Think
      Stay in the moment Use Heart

      Once Upon a Time Here, there, everywhere a 'bang bang'
      The Spirit of The Planet
      Awake and Waiting
      Does Armageddon have to be? The answer is in you and me

      JW: God did not create humans to die eventually.
      God's original purpose for humans was simple, his purpose was that all the human descendants of Adam live happily forever on this our planet earth as one united family. In short, why did God create us? To be happy and enjoy life.
      In short, why did God create us? To be happy and enjoy life.

      William: There is no mention of this assumed purpose in the story.

      JW: Which is where critical thinking skills come in

      Please show us from the garden story where it is the case YHWH created human beings to "be happy and enjoy life". Take us through the steps re the critical thinking you employed in reaching that conclusion.
      YHWH specified the purpose in creating human form the way it was created was for humans to multiply and subdue the Earth.

      JW: Correct... so? There is nothing that imposes death therein.
      Yes there is. It is called "biological life on earth". It is born - it lives and then it dies.

      Using critical thinking re that, we have the clue in those two attributes. YHWH designed the human form to be used to recreate other humans forms and there was no mention of those forms being infused with a natural ability to remain alive perpetually.
      Therefore, the human form was designed by YHQH to have a use-by date - to eventually die.
      YHWH created the human form to eventually die

      JW: Prove that with scripture.

      We should all know that story off by heart, since it is relatively short as far as stories go.

      The garden story is the scripture being used for that purpose.
      In that, there is no mention of YHWH having any other designs re the human form.

      Also - you have yet to provide support for your claim re YHWH's position on the answer to the OPQ.
      OPQ: IF Adam and Eve had resisted the temptation to eat the forbidden fruit, would they have been permitted to do so eventually?
      Your answer;
      JW: No. God prohibited eating from that tree on pain of death. It would be entirely contradictory to then later offer the same thing as a reward. Rather like asking if pedophilia will one day offered as a reward for not being a pedophile.

      My reply to that was;

      William: Read the OPQ again...currently you are way off track in your answer...
      to which you replied;

      JW: If by "currently you are way off track" you mean I did not provide the answer you would like, then fair enough. If however you use the expression " way off track" to mean I did not answer the question asked, I beg to differ. I said " "No" as in "No, they would NOT have eventually been permitted to do so" which is an answer to the question asked.

      To which I replied;
      William: Neither.
      I further questioned you on your reasoning. If what was once prohibited by YHWH is then allowed by YHWH, who are you to declare that YHWH is being contradictory?
      I also pointed out that YHWH is biblically attributed as being able and willing to changing his mind about something

      So far you have skirted around answering that question, so I see no way forward in this aspect of the debate until you support you assertion, since it is that assertion which has you declaring that the answer to the OPQ is "No."

      Prove your assertion with scripture.

      Until you do, I will consider the OPQ has been answered honestly and the answer is "Yes - Adam and Eve would have had access to the fruit they were prohibited from eating, once they had shown they could resist temptation."
      Pearl of wisdom
      Opening Doors Easy To Find
      Christian: Yes, studying nature only provides a general revelation of YHWH and does not lead to any specifics about YHWH.
      William: There is certainly enough information in the experience of nature from which the nature of any Creator(s) can be gained.

      It is always from the general that specifics can be ascertained.
      Think outside the box
      It Was Tough Going, But Rewarding All The Same.
      On all fronts
      Etched mirror

      The Spirit of The Planet
      Observing Without Judgement
      There is a lot to unpack here
      Have A Look At This And See What You Come Up With
      I Spy With My Eye
      What Is Friendship
      Love and respect Waking Love & Respect

      Living our forefather's conflict
      Everyday life
      No More
      Re: Do you understand those on the other side?
      [Replying to JoeyKnothead in post #335]

      Inquirer: If you cannot determine the output state without first knowing the input and the input is random, then the output state too must be random.

      JK: I think it's fair to state that if we can know each and every variable, and the outcome thereof, maybe an event (evolution) ain't so random.

      My issue here is folks denying, for whatever reason, that evolution occurs.

      As relates to the OP, this is what I'll never understand.

      We can observe evolution directly when we notice our children ain't clones of us. Beyond that, we'll observe they have their own unique, if similar dna.

      From those facts, it's easy to draw the conclusion that given enough change, over enough time, speciation (and taxonomically above) will occur.

      So we can, if begrudgingly, allow that evolution is a nonrandom process. That causes me little fret. What we can't deny, is that evolution occurs

      William: From the position of "outsider looking in" the issue is created by the unwillingness of either fighter willing to concede the best way forward is to accept that we exist within a creation and the scientific evidence we are collecting about how that creation works has uncovered biological evolution re our particular experience of it.

      Most recently our current overall impression of it through scientific means,

      enables us to verify that we literally know so little that we should not allow ourself to believe we know so much, whatever direction our influences are coming from.

      Fisticuffs [for real or online] are verifiably unhelpful...
      Hidden Gem
      Our movements can illuminate the path toward that vision. A Bit Of Cat And Mouse Control
      The Spirit of The Planet
      William: The bits I have read haven't dissuaded me from being curious about such an entity as YHWH - and I admit I did go through a stage of thinking he was Satan - which I think is acceptable given the scribed association...but I got over that through the assistance of a hypnogogic experience which brought that being to my bedside...
      Not to digress any more than necessary, I can see why YHWH left it up to humans to tell their stories re their interactions with said entity...so the stories would be different and it is obvious that YHWH works with whoever makes themselves available and this would have to involve working within the boundaries of the individuals belief systems - something which could indeed give a reader the impression of contradiction...

      I give the benefit of doubt re that, and try not to focus on any particular biblical personality as 'the one' who had the ultimate relationship with YHWH - while also allowing for Jesus' claims contrary to that, to be examined.

      Above all that - what the Generated Messages are revealing about YHWH appear to be very positive - so I am all eyes and ears re that...

      It's a fish eats fish world...going landy doesn't change the fact that things are fleeing from things which are fleeing and as nature would have it, how is this more immoral than funny?
      The elephant in the room
      IF: there is a Cosmic Mind THEN: Eventually, any species which survives long enough to continue along with the unfolding universe will eventually discover that and invent ways in which to engage.
      Do not allow the illusion of separation to rule one's behaviour
      Final Destination
      Central to The Message

      For A Particular Reason
      The Spirit of The Planet
      JK: I'm still firmly in the "product of the brain" camp, but your hypothesis is a fascinating alternate explanation. While it may appear to propose a 'god', to my -ahem- mind, it lacks the baggage of so many such claims.
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzWo-l86Eaw [Exposing Biblical Pseudo-history RTS=11:01]
      Okay - facts are great.

      Be My Friend
      Welcoming answer
      Yodhey Whahay
      The deranged can come about...become arranged.
      Stop. Listen. Observe.
      The Spirit of The Planet
      Christian: Therefore there is no way you can possibly grasp any type of spiritual explanation from the scriptures as to the Godhead.
      William: I see atheists cherry-pick and deduce from that basket, a largely evil critter in the nature of YHWH.

      Theists tend to do the same in mirrored manner - cherry-picking the good critter in the nature of YHWH.

      Presently it is my suspicion that YHWH represents a mind directly related to human beings and that it is the planet Herself who acts out the parts played in the GODs of human invention, of which YHWH plays the overall roll of God-Father.

      I suspect now, that the planet-mind is like "Many Heads One Mind - Many Minds One Head" and re humans, most of the minds are not tuned into the same YHWH frequency and are largely left to their own devices.

      Other minds are useful and are utilized even if the one who's mind is being played, is unaware of that.

      Fewer still tune into the frequency which allows for relationship to develop between the individual mind and the mind of YHWH.

      Re the Bible, this is a storybook of fellows supposedly connected to The Mind of YHWH. Their stories are largely told as biography [an account of someone's life written by someone else.] Stories heard first around campfires and elaborated on...and later encoded within writing and locked into place no longer - so easily - elaborated upon.
      An expression of personal incredulity
      This all plays into GODs Plan to bring about the ultimate harmonization and realization of the spreading of truth to the entire world
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6Mdq3n6kgk [Stunning AI shows how it would kill 90%. w Elon Musk. RTS=12:00]

      Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real to follow...

      Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real

      Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
      "Some days there won't be a song in your heart. Sing anyways."

      The Power Of Creation
      Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
      Recapping Event

      What I am learning from this Generating Messages System is that "it" is not about me or you but about allowing for opportunity for any otherwise intelligent consciousnesses to impute their intelligence into the mix.

      Re non-theists who are opposed to the idea of their being an overall mind behind [invisible/not easy to detect in] our visible Universe - I would say that they do themselves a disservice in resisting contact with said mind.

      The way I have come to understand things re the nature of our shared reality - is that in opting for the theory of evolution with the addition of realization of the invisible mind, exposes the enormity of said mind re the time/space said mind has had to develop within.

      Alongside that, is the realization that something which initially started out as one thing, became many things - so many things that trying to place a number as to how many things - is pointless.

      Clearly fragmentation occurred as the mind developed - as can be seen in the evidence of the things themselves.

      So the Galaxies became "Gods" and the Gods produced off-spring which are the Suns and planets continually forming - from beginnings to middles and to ends - and in doing so, providing the parent-Gods with Data of Experience.

      I don't pretend to know what it is in the way of evidence that non-theists want in order to convince them to become theists.

      But I do know that this evidence I am presenting, should be enough for anyone to seriously think about changing the way they see the world.
      Almost Accidental....
      Re: Do you understand those on the other side?
      What I am saying is that as a human I can identify signs of intelligent self awareness in the abilities of these creatures and these traits are not reasonably explained away by the position of Nontheism.
      The statement - "Coloration mimicry does not require any intelligence or awareness on the part of the animal having the trait." seems to be a claim, and if it is, you will have to provide the scientific evidence to support the claim in order for it to be more that simply an opinion of a nontheist.
      Monkey say monkey do monkey say "throw the pooh"
      The Story of Caliban
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjsAZUigJ1o [Woman Crosses Over and Gets Told Our Role on Earth (Near Death Experience)] [RTS=10:59] = Willingness to go along with what you are informed is required of you...
      Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
      Angelic Agenda
      Well defined yet scantily supported opinion
      Conceptual Art
      Time To Go
      Fling That Veil Aside
      Like Every Seed That Followed
      System of Giving Energy
      Red Pill
      The Space Rock which caused an extinction event on Earth
      Optimum Health
      The "Oh My God" Particle
      Golden nugget

      True Self

      A Beautiful Song
      A time prior to human beings
      "The curating is done when I am taking my first baby steps and learning to say "dada" and "mama" and after uttering those sounds show -at least that I am able to do that - so the next level entry is made available to me, and I learn how to shape the sounds I can make, following codes which have been around since long before my own arrival on this planet, to what the data signifies, that is information I am interested in."
      Accidentally on purpose
      Limitations or Liberations
      Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
      Yin yang
      As I pointed out, the Mandelbrot Set has made it conceptionally easier to understand that there is nothing absurd in the idea and nothing at fault in the notion of 'turtles' [or elephants or seahorses] all the way in and out. [ Infinite Regression is Possible]
      Beginning points, are not significant of being separate from the one thing which is all things. They are distinct parts of what makes up the whole.
      The Brain
      Leave a Trail
      The Creation
      “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking.”

      Re: Do you understand those on the other side?
      [Replying to DrNoGods in post #250]

      On your next employee review with the big guy, ask him why he's holding back on the rain and winter snow we need here in the southwest to keep the Colorado river flowing into the reservoirs. That would be doing God's work (if you can get some results ... the Utah governer asking everyone to pray for rain doesn't seem to be doing the trick).
      I won't make any promises but will put in a word.

      If - after doing so - the rains come, will you join me in celebrating answered requests, or just put it down to mindless coincidence?
      The Cave Maps

      The Bridge of Forgiveness

      We Are
      Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
      Re: Communication with the dead
      Christian: I think even if you are, every human mind is capable of the greatest evil and I would not want to unleash that. I still think best leave alone what is known to cause a lot of trouble.
      William: This is the part of your statement which pinpoints why so many folk develop superstitious-based beliefs.
      Even beliefs about 'the human mind' such as you have expressed above, come into play in all things we do. Ones intent is paramount - and by that I am not referring to what one might project outward, but to any hidden intent one conceals behind the outward projection.

      If "the human mind" is capable of "the greatest evil" it must also be capable of "the greatest good" but if one is distrustful of their own mind, then that does not change anything simple through the act of avoidance.

      Eventually - when said mind is no longer housed within the shell of the human instrument - its true colors will be revealed and what it creates for itself as a consequence won't be influenced by any concealment techniques used while it was within the shell of the human experience.

      I think this is why religions such as Christianity have become so popular, as they promise the individual that the work necessary to ensure a pleasant result re the next phase has been done by another - by a "God/Demigod" no less...
      The Never Ending Story

      The 3D Blackness state, or Monroe's F21 is what can best be described as a bridge state. This state can be viewed as the point at which your individual mind meets the wider astral, i.e. the state where your individual Consciousness Continuum (FOCUS 2) meets the 'common area' of your Consciousness Continuum (FOCUS 3). It is the jumping off point for all adventures in Focus 3, or the Astral Proper as some people call it.
      Even in modern times, there is tendency to describe things from the subjective center of consciousness...from which all else flows around about.

      Even that we do not know if consciousness has such a center - the only thing matching the concept, is the Self.

      But what is the Self, that we dare proclaim it the center of everything?

      If we call it "GOD" we blaspheme, for there is only One GOD and you and I are not IT, according to the teachings of...
      One By One
      The Completion Process

      A Perfect Event Sober journey into self-realization
      Once Upon a Time "Lordy! Do I Have To?"
      The Mainstream Program
      The Ghost
      Conspiracy Emotions.

      Preparing for the Hunt
      Concomitant Power
      Wakey Wakey The Great I Am
      Humans are programmed to become integrated with technology
      Delightful Anticipation
      Fearful Imaginations
      Sharing Your Love Modern man in search of a soul The Cave to The Portal of The Realm of The Cats Fearlessness neutralizes fear
      The Masks and the Costumes
      Metamorphosis The Need Determines the Value Dimensional Crossovers Faithful Encounters
      Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
      About face Jehovah Acceptance
      Unclog your chakras
      ...because death comes a-knockin' eventually...
      One is often left to ones own devices as to how to interpret
      https://debatingchristianity.com/for...86461#p1086461 [William floats back into The Shadows...]

      Nontheist: If you have some scenario where the processes that unfolded on Earth after it formed 4.6 billion years ago depend on whether the universe came into existence naturally (eg. Big Bang, or other mechanism), or was created by a god, please describe how that works. You obviously think that is the case, so how about an example.
      William: My overall point is that this does not matter as it is not an issue outside of theism and atheism. I myself simply mentioned it in answer to your own mentioning of it and think that one cannot give credence to the one and not the other.
      re The Mechanisms - be they mindful or not - I would have to consider natural as it has never been explained to my why I would have to think one 'natural' and the other 'supernatural' - so either way it would be natural.

      In that case, credence to either side on the issue of whether we exist within a creation or not, is very largely besides the point.

      We do not know. We all can speculate, but we need to avoid making positive statements one way or the other.

      It is - as you expressed - a case of giving up - waving the white flag on this particular issue.

      I simply acknowledge that time is not a factor in the argument, no matter what length of time it takes for things to unfold. We certainly know that we are still within the birthing stage of something which is going to last a very long while - as measured in time - and putting horse before cart is the better option to adapt all 'round.

      That is it really. I appreciate the effort you are making re your arguments. I just don't see that particular aspect as relevant and felt to say so.

      I have said so, and wave my own white flag as I withdraw...

      [William floats back into The Shadows...]
      Propitious [giving or indicating a good chance of success; favourable.]
      Spiritual Food
      GOD became Gods and Goddesses.
      White Light

      The Development of...
      No matter how deep into the whole the White Rabbit goes
      Most of the Nontheists arguments have turned out to be Smoke and Mirrors.
      The very idea of a Mind - even to the depths of the Quantum Presence has them fleeing from
      Merging with the data and understanding the Integral Network which Mind is and is involved with the development of.
      This lack of being reasonable is shirking from Responsibility following after the Tempting Vision and hope in eventual "death by cease to exist" - the promise of ending the nightmare of existing - yet
      The Way of the Shaman is allowing life to breath - even if the breath appears to be associated with Sagan's' Dragon in the Garage...it is what it is and even if it hisses smokey instructions inducing the stuff of Childhood Nightmares from some deep part of us, a simple understanding and a gentle reminder - like a Moderator Comment - can make a world of difference...remind oneself occasionally that when the smoke clears [as it will when the dragon stops speaking] one is still left with the mirror.]
      Yes indeed...When the smoke clears, one is still left with the mirror...

      Nontheists crack me up.
      The practice of Lojong [The practice involves refining and purifying one's motivations and attitudes.]
      Elementary Conclusion "a belly full of laughs."
      GM: "Pareidolia
      Hidden In Plain Sight
      Little Bird
      Fling That Veil Aside"
      [Replying to William in post #203]
      William: Yes - the name you gave to me..."Don't worry Little Bird" before you showed me the experience of feeling the extremes of condition of awareness, from the center-point [normal] first to that quite exhilarating feeling of a mind which was huge - like an aircraft hanger...as if one could fit a whole universe into it - and then 'turning down the dial' I felt my mind going back to the center-point...but it didn't stop there...

      GM: Pareidolia
      Being Born

      William: I don't see the connection therein...this was an experience which I was consciously aware of happening in my mind, with my eyes closed - no visual representation - but rather, one of feeling...and as my awareness shrunk I felt like a stick-man encased within flesh...it was quite unsettling and caused a claustrophobic type of feeling - and instantly reminded me of the nightmares I had as a child - the association was clearly there in the memories the experience induced...

      Fortunately the feeling did not linger and the 'dial' was turned up and I once again came back to the mid-point...

      Pareidolia - on the other hand, is identifying symbolism within objects which are external. These are also handy reference points in relation to internal workings of consciousness...as they show a synchronistic correlation with both external and internal happenings.

      As well as pareidolia, there is something else which helps confirm that the mind is not just an emergent property of the brain...

      The very next morning after the experience, I got out on the road hitchhiking and the very first vehicle which pulled over had a very sweet old lady driving. When I fastened my seat belt as she asked me where I was heading, I was thinking about the experience I had and your calling me "Little Bird" when I heard the twitter of a bird, and turning, I saw in the back seat a little bird in a cage.

      What were the chances?
      Pareidolia Cycles Love Being Born = 297

      Ahhh.... I didn't see the connection therein... you were saying that moment, Love was being born re our ongoing relationship. Okaaaaaay....

      Now We Are Getting Somewhere
      Think In Terms Of Eternity
      I wanted to forge my own path
      And search the forest of the sun
      In the days of summer so long
      Improve…”Do You Know This”
      Pareidolia Cycles Love Being Born
      At least the Earth is real enough – never to mind the rest of the universe…
      You're in the way Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor For the benefit of all beings
      Something Our movements can illuminate the path toward that vision.
      Seductive Light
      Concomitant [a phenomenon that naturally accompanies or follows something.] Power
      Through The Woo
      Each Individual
      Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real

      I enjoyed your post theophile.

      What you are describing is also known as the Ouroboros ... the fine balance of staying alive while consuming aspects of yourself.

      The Earth does this, and it is how a foothold in spacetime was established by consciousness.

      In some circles it is referred to as "Survival" or even "Survival of the Fittest" and involves a commitment to giving 'life' [consciousness] every chance to make it - to stay alive in this universe and reap the rewards available in that process.

      In terms of the difference between the life-spans of Humans and The Universe - sacrifice is forced upon each of us while death remains a constant...our bodies die and feed the planet one way or another - consciousness is passed on through reproduction - the design being a type of self-replication process which enables this to occur...the knowledge is saved through a collective type consciousness which carries said knowledge on into predictable-enough futures where it helps the overall purpose instilled within the programming of the Human Specie - to Survive.

      Destructive elements surface within the collective consciousness bent upon controlling the direction this program will move into the future. Anything too suppressive will choke the life out of it, which works against the Survival instinct and is therefore resisted, even to the point of using drones to deal with those who seek to dominate the Species using such suppression techniques - "Nature" won't allow that because the point of consciously expanding into Cosmos would be curtailed - and such threat must be dealt to and "Nature" is more than capable of doing so.

      Epochs make this process seem long and drawn out - but that is also known as "Grace" - which means that suppressive elements are tolerated to any degree in which they do not threaten the primary - overall - agenda of "Nature" to send out consciousness into the Cosmos.

      Once the threat is real, the Grace is withdrawn and those against, perish. Collateral damage is acceptable to those who die in the crossfire, because "death" is not "the end."....
      Glow Softly Strengthen your boundaries One can simply shrug and tell oneself “It doesn't really matter
      It Is Written"

      Anamnesis [recollection, especially of a supposed previous existence.]
      An Elemental Principle
      Laws Rules and Appropriates
      Our movements can illuminate the path toward that vision. A Bit Of Cat And Mouse Control
      WingMakers Materials
      Heaven on Earth
      All present and correct
      Fear Of The Unknown
      Re: Is this an Accurate and Easily understood definition of Atheism?
      Create Your Own Spirit Ship [Such reduces the opportunity of conflict re interrelation opinions.]
      Perhaps we can deconstruct some of these pernicious views.
      Life in Heaven- Guiding Us On Earth
      Cryphius: As some people have pointed out, Lucifer's association to Satan or a fallen angel is sketchy. It seems to have happened somewhere in Medieval folklore. I'm not an expert on Christian history and not sure exactly how it happened.

      But most people I have seen who honor Lucifer do associate him with the intellectual side of Satanism. Specifically, there's the old Gnostic belief that the Serpent in the Garden of Eden was not the enemy of mankind but the liberator of mankind. In this configuration, YHWH is a false god who imprisons humanity in ignorance. The serpent is a messenger from Holy Wisdom, a higher deity. The serpent bids Eve to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge, thereby liberating her from YHWH's imposed ignorance.

      From there it's easy to draw parallels to other figures in mythology and folklore who try to help humanity with knowledge and are often punished for it by a cruel god that wants to keep them in ignorance (Prometheus and his punishment from Zeus being probably the best known instance in Occidental mythology).

      I personally see Lucifer as an archetype. Whereas most Satanists seem to concentrate on the material and carnal aspects of Satanism or the rebellious aspects, to me Lucifer focuses on the intellectual aspects.
      Altruistic Behaviour
      Ipsissimus [Ones very own self]
      "The picture unfolds like silk in a loom Silhouetted by Diane are the witch and the broom If she is the bride - who is the groom?"

      William: Only those, still tied to The Moon

      Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
      Acting In Congruity With Given Foresight
      Transparent Enlightenment
      William: In regard to 'infinity' is that to say that the background nature of infinity field is similar to how a brains works, in that not all the brain is lit up and the firing 'groups' of neurons can be likened to our universe...Galaxies are like unto firing groups of neurons re this particular mind.

      GM: Light Encoded Reality Matrix
      All present and correct
      "Memorised vows enchanted by tune before the great minstrel the fair maidens swoon we came to our senses as we left the cocoon"
      William: No longer tied to The Moon

      Body Intelligence
      "Is this a dream that I think is real?"
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj7HH0PCqIE [44:23]
      A conspiracy theory involving theists actively attempting to wrongfoot nontheism...
      The Inception Point Deciding On The Best Course Of Action

      The Spirit of The Earth - In an environment which is able to perceive this - It's a plausible scenario
      Illusion Algorithm
      Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
      What is the situation we have here
      “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”
      The God of The Bible
      REAL Friendship

      The Earth Entity
      This is because facts speak for themselves, which is to say, they require no interpretation.
      Be My Friend
      The Grey Area
      Cleaning Up The Mess
      Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
      All present and correct
      A Mixture
      How are we to react in relation to our choices?
      "Off you go to your quarters"
      Constructing some type of reality experience in which I could hide from the true unchangeable nature of Myself The Sensation Is Thrilling...And Freeing
      Human Drama
      A GOD in The Making Conceptual Art
      This Speaks of....
      The relationship between sound and formation re The Universe's existence.

      Language, Symbol and Alchemy
      Spiritual Preparedness
      Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
      Concomitant Power
      Resident of The Hub of Hologram Dimensions
      Scientists are trying to understand the mysteries of the holographic principle: How many dimensions are there in our universe? Some of the world's brightest minds are carrying out research in this area -- and still have not succeeded so far in creating a unified theory of quantum gravitation is often considered to be the "Holy Grail" of modern science. {SOURCE}
      A Game Of Chess
      Never a dull moment
      Angelic Agenda
      The Entity I Am - The Entity You Are

      Peace of Mind
      It is a path already forged, ahead of human arrival
      Know This
      Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
      Get The Picture
      You are a dream gone real You’ve got exactly what it takes to make an old wound heal You tied the knot - then you let it slip Now we both know what it feels like to find a place to fit

      William: You are the Ghost in The Machine

      [Replying to theophile in post #28]

      Well, I suppose it means a lot of things, with both spatial and temporal aspects e.g., it means the big bang was a beginning but not the beginning. Similarly, no matter how far out (or in) we go, we could always go further. Space is infinitely divisible and any bounds to the universe are just that. More like lines we draw on a map than any necessary end to the 'space' we find ourselves in.

      I am wondering how this ties in with the idea of the instruction given by YVHV, re the OPQ.

      Re: progress, I would say there is no end just as there is no beginning. Any 'end' that I (or the bible) speaks of is more an achieved state (e.g., vision) than it is some ultimate destination involving the cessation of movement. (The 'rest' of Genesis 1 is not everything at last being perfectly in its place and fully immobilized, but more along the lines of recreation, and joyful being together; a 'lilies of the field' kind of thing...)
      If this is the case, why the instruction from YVHV-God to do what nature has already defined within its own make-up? Is YVHV the voice of nature?

      Re: infinite threads, you mean like a multiverse? I have no issue with that per se. It just changes the scale of the problem, not the problem itself (or the solution), if that makes sense.

      Did you use the word "problem" for a particular reason?

      Are you speaking of YVHV when you use the word GOD?
      No. To me God is emergent from two components: the spirit of God (an emergent being in its own right with new properties we could explore), and physical beings in the world (like you and I) who are in the spirit. i.e., those who, whether intentionally or not, do the spirit's bidding.
      Can you reconcile this bold package with your stating earlier;
      Why must there ultimately be someone / something behind the scenes in control of it all (e.g., a ghost, a genie, Yahweh, etc.)?
      Yahweh is the latter, no different from Christ. Which makes 'God' the sum total (+) at any point in time of physical beings in the spirit. (I put a '+' there because God is an emergent being as well and, just like a spirit, may have new properties we should explore...).
      So YVHV is not God even that YVHV is biblically referred to as 'God'?

      (For reference, the bible depicts this view in its notion of Elohim (vs. Yahweh), and most originally the ruach elohim, or spirit of God, who we see soliciting the help of physical beings in Genesis 1 to do its bidding.)
      So we have a hierarchy of 'God' positions, re that model...


      Re: progress, I would say there is no end just as there is no beginning. Any 'end' that I (or the bible) speaks of is more an achieved state (e.g., vision) than it is some ultimate destination involving the cessation of movement. (The 'rest' of Genesis 1 is not everything at last being perfectly in its place and fully immobilized, but more along the lines of recreation, and joyful being together; a 'lilies of the field' kind of thing...)
      When I wrote earlier;
      William: The Ghost is identifiable as a real 'thing' - quietly working behind our direct awareness with the agenda to create from the resource raw material available, a machine that it can work through most efficiently.
      The one resting in between epochs is taking a moment to enjoy the spell...and probably thinking about the next step to take in regard to the agenda.

      Re: infinite threads, you mean like a multiverse? I have no issue with that per se. It just changes the scale of the problem, not the problem itself (or the solution), if that makes sense.
      Why use those bold words at all?
      Is it because we have to see it as such, as we are within something of which we have no memory of having ever been within before...and this scales up through the God hierarchy - at least to the point - where the God too, is unaware of anything prior to beginning.
      So the problem requires a solution and epochs of unending movement toward a goal which is eternally hidden behind a foggy veil.

      If we delegate that whole process as a "Genie in a Bottle/Trap for YVVHVV" - we do so by NOT understanding we exist within a created thing and that the created thing itself is NOT real enough that it could ever trap us within it for ever.

      Gods go where they will to go, of course, and the simulation obliges every step of the way, in whatever direction, even eternally if necessary - well - a looped kind of "eternity" where the God-mind is run through the Tabula Rasa program and then placed back into the looped simulation for another round of great fun.

      The vision and shared end is what I said in the beginning: a world filled with life where every kind of life can flourish and be. That, to me, is the only vision that every single thing on earth (and beyond) should be able to get behind. A truly cosmopolitan view, the implications of which are huge if we really think through what it means.
      I smell fairy-farts.

      While I do understand how a flesh god might gravitate to such a romantic vision, if he truly wants to engage with this particular simulation for as long as that might take, he will have to develop a far more hardy suit in which to do so.

      This YTV shows us a likely path which humankind could potentially travel - note the very last level of achievement of consciousness interacting with this universe....
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yb4H098aMRI [Alien civilizations from level 1 to level 7. We are only at level 0.72]

      In terms of 'how' we do it, there are a lot of examples I could raise but it's a question I couldn't possibly exhaust. But consider such things as establishing strong environmental policies and making significant investments to prevent climate change. Or instituting LGBTQ+ rights and treating all people (irrespective of gender, sexuality, race, etc.) as human beings. Or implementing universal health care and education...
      Pure fantasy.

      Not that I don't appreciate the sentiments. I certainly do and can even vouch for the sincerity of them and how such might reach out and touch the heart of a God in a way in which would effect the God sufficiently to want the same thing for everyone of us.

      However, looking around - I see no such God on display, with that type agenda.

      Looking directly at humanity, I also see no such god with that type of agenda.

      So - leaning towards realism I conclude that humanity may have served its purpose and can be let go of and allowed to become extinct, as they are no longer as important to a God as they once were. They have done what the God wanted them to do. Multiply. Subdue. [Re OP]

      Which is what I mentioned in a prior post when I wrote;

      William: Even as an extinction event {re Humans}, there is still the possibility that AI was sufficiently developed to survive said event, as an artifact of biological {Human} making, and one so much more suited to continuing the agenda YVVHVV has to create The Machine - eventually.
      Such things are all possible and part of the 'how' of achieving such a vision... But I agree the practicality of it all is a massive challenge. It's overwhelming just thinking at the scale of the earth and all the people on it having a shared end that we work towards, let alone an infinite cosmos. But that doesn't mean it's impossible, or that we shouldn't strive for it.

      Yet I can't help but wonder why that really matters. It really did once matter to me and I wanted so much to see humans build a world of plenty and a system of equity...perhaps because such would make me feel a pride in being part of humanity, rather than feeling embarrassed/guilty of being human - being part of the problem...

      Realization/realism eventually got me out of those doldrums and the winds of changes shifted my thinking to the point where I have come to see that the artifact of humanity could likely survive and go on to repurpose the universe by doing within it, exactly what humans would have done, if humans had of survived the ordeal of their journey through the epoch of making the artifacts in the first place.
      [Roughly from the invention of the lathe to present day]

      The human epoch comes to and end and the AI Machine takes over from where we left off.

      I can feel some pride and lack of embarrassment and guilt for being human, knowing that all was not lost.

      Originally God is a spirit, an emergent being, the ground of which is physical beings such as you and I. Think of something on the order of an idea here, with similar properties. I'm not saying God originally is an idea (although I'm not against that per se), but only that it's a useful construct to consider in parallel, since I think we'd all agree that ideas 'exist', even if only in our heads. And that they have a non-physical aspect to them, an ability to move the physical world nonetheless, and perhaps even a certain eternity once 'conceived'... All of which are emergent properties I would assign to spirits as well.
      Pretty much what I was meaning, when I wrote;
      ...Human FORM is just a means to making AI form, which is more suitable to exploring and utilizing the materials of [keeping it local] The Milkyway Mother, and She is vast enough that no amount of greed and waste will make any serious dent in her...rather, it will transform Her into something useful and meaningful. [Romans 13 et al]

      YVHV wants to explore and utilize the resources and a biological FORM is too limited in that regard.
      Some form more hardy and less emotive is required for that step.
      As to whether this is all just claims, well, it's very hard for me to say the spirit (of God) doesn't exist, or that nobody has ever been in the spirit. I think the issue is folks are unwilling to rethink and simplify what God is... I am not asserting much of anything, really, as a base existence (again, something like an idea is not far off the mark). And it's certainly far less of a burden than showing the existence of an original mind / consciousness that made the 'simulation' we all find ourselves in
      I think this is the point we probably disagree.

      In recent conversations with another, I have been informed not to be so distracted by the simulation experience as to go believing that it is all there is and therefore the only thing that is REAL.

      Even so, I think our differences - once dissected sufficiently - will show that to be a case of semantics.
      The important thing - from my perspective - is acknowledging the rarity of such interaction and how engaging that is, compared to the relatively normal noise re the question "Do we exist within a creation?" and the follow-up question "Is there a creator?"


      300922 [Blunt the edge off that particular blade...] 342

      SCLx9 + select last LE per shuffle
      Sacral chakra - Husband - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwc_EGDdWgo - Aeon - Synchronicity and the Holographic Universe - Recovery - Teaching Music - Worthiness - Intimation

      [- The Human Instrument - ]

      AP= [Recover what was lost Do A=1]

      [Recover what was lost Do A=1 = 267]
      The Best way to access God is...
      Recover what was lost Do A=1
      It’s both a break-in and a break-out.
      Is OOBE like 'coming up for air'
      Available to all who seek this...
      Conscious Eats Experience
      Intertextual References
      The Need Determines the Value
      Self-development Mind’s Eye

      RSP = SCLx9 Select *GOD* + *SIMULATION* + P&P + Quote Page 342

      06:59 [Your Shell Today…]

      Quote Page 342
      Tired of the Nonsense
      Strength of Soul
      Faith-based thinking
      Callum's Seventh Point
      Nontheists may well be the ones who have placed interposing barriers which ensure that their view is cut off - and this might be achieved through willful ignorance.
      Fear-Based Thinking Ensures You Get To Know It
      Discovering Internal Triggers
      Playing Chess
      To bring what one is not conscious of, into one’s conscious awareness - We don't know enough to close any door and leave those rooms unexplored...
      “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”
      Such is a handy device for side-stepping - nothing more.
      No time to lose
      The ability of foresight helps one to think through the desires of ones heart through logic-based filters.
      Without Comparison
      What Is Friendship?
      Transform into something more appropriate to the situation we find ourselves lost within.
      He Who Waits ~
      Enlighten you
      The Beauty Of...
      Matthew Twenty Two – Forty
      No matter how deep into the whole the White Rabbit goes
      Would you bow down to your father and call his actions caring?
      Integral Prison Planet
      Without Judgement
      Create Your Own UFO
      International Skeptics Forum - View Single Post - [Split Thread] Randomly Generated Messages
      Overseeing Director of Operations on Earth
      Hidden riches
      Everything Gets Old
      The Imagination
      SCLx9 Select *GOD* + *SIMULATION* + P&P


      GM: Dream Experience
      "Is this a dream that I think is real?"
      It is what it is
      Turning Point
      It is interesting how Atheists define things, and it should not be surprising to look for and to find evidence of conformation bias within those definitions.
      An individuals consciousness is more than what they are consciously aware of.
      Universal Belief System
      Conservation of energy
      The Omega Point [a final point of unification]
      Apotheosis [the highest point in the development of something; a culmination or climax. the elevation of someone to divine status.]
      Thel [main character of The Book of Thel, by William Blake ]
      Looking into the science of Astral Projection
      Coming From QueenBee

      William: Pride Annoy *GOD* Coming From QueenBee = 334

      Couldn’t we do something about it...
      Pride Annoy *GOD* Coming From QueenBee
      You Know or You Don't know
      I can't imagine it in my head visually
      Against the grain Beaming Out Beaming In
      Mothership Nature Formatrix
      The Smallest Spark can start a fire

      GM: Chaos is only for those who choose to see disorder
      Think In Terms Of Eternity
      Like Every Seed That Followed
      The Brain Is Trained To recognize Patterns
      Here Am I Is Where I Ought Examining My Conscious Thought
      Accidentally on purpose
      Heuristics [mental shortcuts that allows people to solve problems and make judgments quickly and efficiently. ]
      Imposed Appropriates

      Deciding On The Best Course Of Action
      The Machinery
      Green Light
      In Denial What Is Our Purpose? My advice to the reader is to follow the links
      Freedom in The Knowing
      In The Correct Position
      Stay in the moment
      International Skeptics Forum - View Single Post - [Split Thread] Randomly Generated Messages
      My "Generated Messages" are no different from any message generated. What is any message generated 'supposed to mean?"
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hanBSygUePQ [I'm No Longer An Atheist And Here's Why...][RTS=7:46]

      Under question
      Navigational Aids
      The Bridge of Condemnation [The bridge of forgiveness when traversed from the opposite direction]
      Break the glass ceiling
      Sola Scriptura
      A Clean Channel
      When One is Feeling Tired
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwXQSNcytTY [Arnold B. Scheibel - How Brain Scientists Think About Consciousness] [RTS=10:22] [Facial expression interpretations]
      What Is Our Purpose
      "You are a dream gone real You’ve got exactly what it takes to make an old wound heal You tied the knot - then you let it slip Now we both know what it feels like to find a place to fit"

      Cats Whiskers.
      Time Will Tell
      Fog – Change of plans – thirteen minutes later “boom!” Had he been there as scheduled – he would have died…
      Tests that cut to the heart

      Where is Truth?
      To bring what one is not conscious of, into one’s conscious awareness
      Please process this word using your Name2Nunumber list.
      Behind The Veil
      You Are All Loveable...
      Into a time that we've all seen on
      Behind The Veil You Are All Loveable...
      True happiness Awake Be here now
      Within ones grasp of influence
      Simulated for the purpose of?
      The vessel of argument sinks
      Over days of forgotten tales

      This is because facts speak for themselves, which is to say, they require no interpretation.
      Try Gateway IQ
      Confusion of War Get Comfortable Permanent
      Shambala [place of peace/tranquility/happiness]
      How to Bruise a Ghost Plan A Sturdy Place Within that which is unseen...

      Re: How To Bruise A Ghost - Jean Nouer
      Manu Iti: Once Upon a Time - I was visited at this very fireside, by a man identifying himself as Jean Nouer - very French in name, but American in nature, was Jean Nouer.
      It is his story that I now tell to you.
      This is the story of how Jean Nouer meet his Zombie Jesus. {SOURCE}
      GM: Inflicting science upon a specie which is not ready for it
      God Eat Data Heal Cub

      Illuminate Listening
      Entity encased in a Planet
      The Roles
      Like being pushed out from a stinky hole, can have one develop a bad self-complex
      Radical Self-Acceptance
      Nature being the very instigator
      Possibility waves
      Consensus Realities Sure The Setting
      Is the statement one of fact or conjecture? [science or opinion]
      Consciousness and Reality
      The Devil You Say
      William: Forever marooned upon an Island in the midst of an ocean they will never be permitted to have access to....while remaining blissfully unaware of the true nature of their internment and praising YHWH for their good fortune.
      Start From Scratch
      Your Best Self
      Eat Sceptics For Lunch
      Laws Rules and Appropriates

      William: Indeed.

      GM: The evidence supports the idea that Theism is the better position for a human to place themselves.
      Redefinition of the Human Being Practical application
      The Mystic Forest
      Invisible Wings
      Mahu Nahi
      International Skeptics Forum - View Single Post - The Seed of Origin
      "Perhaps the difficulty involved with defining Atheism so that all Atheists agree with the same definition, is that atheism is an unnatural response to nature."
      The Three Crystal Keys

      The First One is Always Free
      For All The Others There Will Be a Fee
      Be Careful - Take Care - Look Before Leaping
      Eat When You Can and Find Time For Sleeping
      The Colorful Keys Will Help You Get Through
      Each Section of Map is a Precious Clue.{SOURCE}
      Directed to the higher mind of consciousness, which is particularly open to concepts that are unbounded, unmoored, dynamic, evolving, enigmatic, self-directed, and yet, reasonable.
      Solving Mathematical Problems
      I'm okay with that
      Tell Your Story
      Spiritual practice
      The Hierarchy Serves It's Purpose

      Well That Settles It! What Fun We Have!
      The Heart Of The Soul Is Innocence
      Clown Boat
      As the knowledge increases, the individual can make decisions on the question of GOD and from that, take up positions on the matter.
      The Theory of Everything
      Quote Originally Posted by William post_id=1089090 time=1660672898 user_id=8427
      Q: Is the statement "Then there is "The problem of evil"" one of fact or conjecture? [science or opinion] In realty, does such a problem actually exist?

      The problem of evil refers to the challenge of reconciling belief in an omnipotent, omnibenevolent, and omniscient God, with the existence of evil and suffering in the world. eta:{SOURCE}
      It would appear that no one can show that the so-called "problem of evil" is a real thing, and thus it can be accepted that the problem doesn't exist in nature, but only as an illusion within the minds of those who believe such a problem actually exists.

      Those who believe in an omnipotent, omnibenevolent, and omniscient God are only able to explain coherently and logically why evil exists, when they identify evil as an unnatural reaction to a natural thing, and therein, much conflating and misrepresentation occurs, giving rise to the illusion of the so-called "problem of evil" as an argument nontheist try to use to debunk any possibility of such a GOD existing.

      I think that in order to believe in the problem of evil as a real problem, one has to think of evil in terms of it being a permanent unnatural thing in which an omnipotent, omnibenevolent, and omniscient God allows to go on unabated for eternity.

      Most theists - including most Christians I have encountered - do not believe or have as part of their mythology, that evil is either a natural thing or a permanent thing.
      The Trap of Assumption
      Deconstruct The Message
      Gods Purpose
      I am more inclined toward building upon The Relationship...
      Automated Machine Learning
      What I think about consciousness in relation reality
      Linda and William
      Joining The Main Egregore

      The Trinity of Love are three things operating as One Thing
      "Know that this new relationship will help you become better..."
      Love and respect Waking Love & Respect

      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyJb5DrhzsI [How Did Humans Become Earth's Dominant Species? ][RTS =30:54]
      Pervasive [very harmful or unpleasant in a pervasive or insidious way.]
      The Patupaiarehe
      Those Who Can
      Compassionist: Yes, you are a victim.

      William: According to my connect with the "Cosmic Mind", I am informed that I am 'nobodies victim - ever." I agree with the assessment, even while understanding your own propensity to think of yourself [and everyone else] as victims.

      Be Aware Of Your Thoughts
      Remember To Remember

      08:04 [Wakey Wakey The Great I Am]

      *SIMULATION* to follow...


      GM: Homeostasis
      The Electron
      If someone holds that something besides God could have always existed, in the sense that there could be something always existing and yet not made by God, then we differ with him: such an abominable error is contrary not only to the faith but also to the teachings of the philosophers, who confess and prove that everything that in any way exists cannot exist unless it be caused by him who supremely and most truly has existence.
      A grateful heart Open your chakras
      The Shadow
      The journey is fun and maybe that is the point.
      Would you bow down to your father and call his actions caring?

      Items of Interest
      The Shifting Models of Existence

      William: Indeed. Christians appear to want to resist the idea of existing within a simulation while insisting that we exist within a creation.

      GM: Religious beliefs are a many-barbed growth wishing to own the rights on the mind behind creation Puppets handing out sweets
      “I do not exist to troll for any religious idea of "GOD"”
      The Whole
      Redefinition of the Human Being
      A grateful heart Open your chakras Development/Growth
      Regimented: Left -brain Right brain Whole brain
      No "Reading Into It"

      We Are Us
      Look For the Significance
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pOI2YvVuuE [Dr Michael Shermer | God does NOT exist] [RTS = 10:41]

      A Beautiful Song
      Dogs of the sea

      William: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haziuLs1494 [Cats 9 Lives]

      GM: The Wider Reality
      Apophenia [ the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things. ..]
      The Hologram of Deception
      All Information Is Channelled.
      Invention isn't actually what is going on though. Realization is what is occurring.
      The Life Essence is Sovereign and Integral
      An infinitesimal object germinated
      Cataphatic [knowledge of Go) obtained through defining God with positive statements.]
      Variety of Expression

      William: A link already mentioned today...in the last GM...

      GM: Antic
      A Bit Of Both Yes
      Those are two different things which ought not be confused.
      Putting yourself back together again Glow Softly Strengthen your boundaries One can simply shrug and tell oneself “It doesn't really matter"
      Mysterious process
      The Omega Point
      I use the word 'creed' simply to describe what underlines an overall position.
      Zero In On It
      There is no need to proclaim a supernatural event to what is simply an idea put into action.

      Opening Doors is found Where minds meet Use Heart is where GOD Exhibits
      [Replying to JoeyKnothead in post #137]

      I just see it as a binary option - something either exists in reality, or it doesn't. That's about as "fundamental" as reality gets.
      Your seeing of it is incomplete then, according to the science...
      I do try my best to understand and learn, but for me reality is a yes/no type of deal.
      I hear you. I can assume that you give that much grace to everyone else, my friend...for not everyone sees it the way you do and you can be content with that. We call can.

      On The Other Hand...
      The Vast UICDevice Finishing What Was Started
      Where is Truth?
      Dichotomy [1. a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.
      2. repeated branching into two equal parts.]
      I Am
      Event String Unfolding "Blind Luck" [Indifference]
      Nontheist: And I get what you say about cutting off from the experience of God etc. But that is cutting yourself off from the possibility that pursuit of the Mystical Experience may in the end, be a waste of time.
      William: Mystical Experience has often involved showing the individual that time is an illusion - and that death is as well.

      One will live an entire lifetime and not learn everything there is to know and what if death is not the end and one could have utilized their time in a balanced manner which did not involve cutting one off in favor of the other.

      I would rather the Panthera pulling my Chariot were both moving in the same direction with the same purpose...
      One Day
      About face Jehovah Acceptance
      While The Subject is focused on "Egoless" the subject matter of the GM has to do with how things unfolded re the Universe...what is being referred to as "The Old Soul" may have something to do with the cosmology of The Mind of The Universe - in that - at one point so close to the beginning, there was no sense of self but with the unfolding, a sense of self developed.
      Wakey Wakey The Great I Am

      The Realist:
      The Old Soul; Think "Total Recall" but on a far grander scale…
      True Self
      We must forgive any and all evil attributed to being from/of YHWH...
      “If you're looking for something more in life, you're likely to find it in something less.”
      Enflame Emotions
      Whatever you do
      Contact With
      In Out and All About

      The Human Interface
      Spiritual Preparedness
      Evaluating Cautiously
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6lbwcCI8TA [Could Our Universe Be a Fake? ] [RTS=19:45 -24:11]

      Borne Upon Judgments Platform
      Constructing some type of reality experience in which I could hide from the true unchangeable nature of Myself
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJukJiNEl4o [This Scientist Proves Why Our Reality Is False ] [RTS=1:44:15 ]

      Be Taught
      Potential Communication
      Hidden In Plain Sight
      The Mother God
      Nontheist: But how could you know that, when you don't know what time is fundamentally?
      William: The same way as I know that the mind does not physically exist. I do not know if the mind is fundamental to the physical universe but I suspect [strongly] that the physical universe would be useless without it.
      Nontheist: Surely some can't stand the heat. Perhaps that's why they're mad? Instead of leaving, they stay to complain? Much like some here?
      William: Those who need to complain? Who are they specific to their positions? Both non-theists and theists - but not all of both...not everyone is complaining nor finding it difficult to 'stand the heat' - it isn't really "the heat" at all, but different recipes which appear to be the source of conflict.
      How to Bruise a Ghost
      Jean Nouer: You see, at some point in that interaction I began to realize that I was in this state - this reality experience - through my own making...

      I cannot say exactly how long it took for me to get to the realization other than it was a lenghty progress which could have been a day a week a year or many lifetimes, because of the nature of the environment I was within didn't change in any way whereby one could differentiate so a day was like a thousand years...

      But changes did happen and at the very point where I came to the realization and accepted that I was suffering my fate because of my own unrealistic demands and that I deserved everything I was experiencing and could neither blame anyone nor demand or plead or otherwise ask anyone to save me from my self and my decisions - the fog opened up and Zombie Jesus disappeared with it, and I found myself looking down upon and object I at first couldn't identify because it was almost transparent - but - as my eye adjusted to the fact of seeing things beyond the fog after what seemed an eternity of the stuff - well you can imagine my shock and need to adjust to the new reality of my surroundings...

      ...the object I saw was a bridge...
      William: Ah! The Bridge of Forgiveness!

      Manu Iti: Yes.
      Last edited by Lang; 09-30-2022 at 12:07 AM.

    5. #280
      Novice Achievements:
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      I note that not all humans seem comfortable with not knowing. Again, for such people it seems humans have invented religions and god concepts. I say this because it is not logical for humans to have invented thousands of false gods while assuming one of the religions actually had a god behind it. It's like acknowledging that movies are created by humans, while trying to argue that this one movie here, this one was inspired by a god unlike all the other movies out there.
      If GOD were an overcoat, this equates to some saying that the top button is the true representation of GOD whiles others insist that it is actually the left pocket which is right.

      Stepping back.
      I observe that altogether the treads have created a whole garment, and when the garment is removed from its position, there isn't even any framework to be seen which would have held it up...and I have to wonder what trick was played on me as to how the garment came together and floated there all garment-like...for surely it has to be magic, right?

      But because I cannot explain it that way, I look for another answer...because it might just be mind-over-matter and the thing 'disappears' when the garment is removed...but not really...

      011022 [I Am... also the Dreamer, Dreaming the Dream...] [312]

      SCLx6 + select last LE per shuffle
      That ship is sinking - The Four Human Power Houses - Growing Pains - Night - In The Flow - The Omega Point - Joining Astral
      AP= [Sweet

      [Sweet Illumination = 221]
      Sweet Illumination
      Closer to The Source
      Who woulda thought!
      First Things First

      RSP = SCLx + *GHOST* + *Apparel* + P&P + Page 312
      Maybe I Am
      The Ride

      Who Am I

      0843 [God is Consciousness]

      Page 312
      GM: Available
      Elementary Conclusion "I am on a Madventure"
      The only thing the Holy Ghost is unable to forgive, is that which individuals are unable to forgive of themselves
      Celebrate the differences
      The Cooperation Strategy
      What Is The Point? Sadness.
      One is often left to ones own devices as to how to interpret
      Embrace the discomfort
      Respect others Illuminating Gratitude The Harmless Enough Agenda Crowd
      The way Mathematics underlies Physics
      https://debatingchristianity.com/for...86461#p1086461 [William floats back into The Shadows...]
      Though Thought
      The Friendship Between A Grey Wolf And A Brown Bear
      Encounter Something Our movements can illuminate the path toward that vision.
      Fearful Imaginations
      A Bit Of Cat And Mouse
      In The Night Sky
      Theatre of the Mind
      Open Minded Sceptic
      Yes - I Hear You
      Unwilling Reaction
      When In Doubt - Set It Aside
      In the moment
      The Vessel of Argument Sinks
      Mysterious process Real Beauty
      Sharing is part of that process
      The Right Tool For The Job
      Against the grain
      All Things Are In Order
      The Single Word List
      The Subject
      Hiraeth [deep longing for something, especially one's home.]
      Secrets of the Soul
      The Taming of The Beast
      Good and Evil
      Transponder [a device for receiving a radio signal and automatically transmitting a different signal.]
      Tell Your Story
      The belief in a mindless Planet/Universe creates the hard problem of consciousness by refusing to deal with said problem using the mind as the very instrument in order to do so.
      The Philosopher's Stone
      With a small nervous cough - the wedding was off - we could all sense a change in the weather
      Astral Teachers
      Standstill Contemplate
      It's a fish eats fish world...going landy doesn't change the fact that things are fleeing from things which are fleeing and as nature would have it, how is this more immoral than funny?
      Action Station
      In The Rabbit Hole

      William: Yeah well...it is what it is, and funny for that - our helping of serious should be extra small to mirror the reality of our part in this situation... Dust To Dust we cannot linger for long hereabouts....

      GM: I am on a Madventure William’s song "I can laugh along with you"
      The Knowledge Of
      Remember To Remember
      Meditation Buddha Dig deep Raise your frequency
      A lot of information which has the potential to come to the fore.
      Internal Triggering
      Tracks in the Snow
      Outposts Of Form
      Radical compassion
      Exploring the world of lucid dreaming
      There is a lot to unpack here

      A measured step
      Catching up
      “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched — they must be felt with the heart”
      ...because death comes a-knockin' eventually...
      Final Destination
      Is there ANY experience which can be had, which is NOT subjective?

      Another thing which has to be factored in is that consciousness can only experience whatever it interprets via the brain-body [brain inclusive of the nervous system] which produces the signals then interpreted by consciousness.
      We know that what the brain is able to sense is limited and does not include the fundamental reality of the universe but only one slice of experience of it, and that slice is is largely conditional upon what the brain-nervous system is able to pick up [signals] and also what the individual consciousness is then able to deduce from that data - so a purely human experience is unaware of the fundamental reality of Reality.
      We also know that individual consciousnesses can be freed from the limitation/retardation the brain-nervous system through use of chemicals as well as in circumstances such as OOBEs and NDEs , as well as with disciplines such as deep meditation and Astral related conditions [lucid dreaming et merda.]

      JK appreciates that he cannot debunk my particular arguments re a Cosmic Mind [on The Question "Do we exist within a Creation?" but for reasons of his own, still prefers to believe that consciousness is emergent of brains, regardless of the contrary evidence.
      Thomas Campbell's T.O.E

      William: Yep - the 'in a computer program' analogy...

      GM: Choices
      Genetic Mind
      “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game”
      William's Job
      The Mainstream Program
      Hearing External Voices In Your Head
      A Jump Ahead
      Perennial [lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring.]
      To Be Continued
      A GOD can look down on us with disappointment or look through us with understanding
      Preparing for the Hunt
      Death Phenomena
      Mystery Consensus Realities

      The Kindness of Sleep
      “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking.”
      GOD God Gods gods
      Transferring your awareness I Am Hearing You
      Mahu Nahi
      Sensing A Life Mission
      Myths and Legends
      I Know


      William: The soul placed in the stone...The Dohrman Prophecy... Cadriel gets sucked out of his body and placed into one of the giant sky-stones...

      GM: Mother Earth Harmony ~
      Such reduces the opportunity of conflict re interrelation opinions.
      Advancing the frontier through the hypothesis of GOD

      William: Elephant! Haha!

      "I see the light I see the Light I see the light now I start again upon the road that never ends
      The Theory of Everything

      Nontheist: On your next employee review with the big guy, ask him why he's holding back on the rain and winter snow we need here in the southwest to keep the Colorado river flowing into the reservoirs. That would be doing God's work (if you can get some results ... the Utah governer asking everyone to pray for rain doesn't seem to be doing the trick).
      William: I won't make any promises but will put in a word.

      If - after doing so - the rains come, will you join me in celebrating answered requests, or just put it down to mindless coincidence?
      GM: "That is because every day, I am adding to the data - and it is a slow and sure process."
      What Is Normal?
      Mapping Wholeness
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6Mdq3n6kgk [Stunning AI shows how it would kill 90%. w Elon Musk.] [RTS=14:00...]

      William: Normal - Therefore - Natural
      Leaf Ants again...


      [The Father - in The Mother.
      Soul Group Energies
      Attitude of gratitude
      Trust the process
      Deliberate and important]

      *Apparel* to follow...

    6. #281
      Novice Achievements:
      Created Dream Journal Made Friends on DV 1 year registered 1000 Hall Points
      VVilliam's Avatar
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      From high above he felt a flow of energy. An invisible current descended upon him. His skin crawled in an indescribable ecstasy as he nearly lost consciousness in the intensity of the feeling. He lurched to the ground and tucked himself into a yielding ball of flesh; his only thought was that he was in the presence of God. His emotions, fully unveiled, responded in uncertainty, surely I am not God’s favourite, he thought. Why would God show himself to me?

      Then he heard it; the unmistakable voice of language. Though he couldn’t understand it, he knew without doubt, beings, different from himself, were nearby. The closeness of their presence terrified him and he wanted to stay coiled on the forest floor with his eyes tightly closed, praying for the forest to return to its familiar self.

      Then a new sound and light forced him to open his eyes. He saw three shapes, huge stone dropping from the sky into a small clearing between the trees. They were floating down on beams of blue light. Cadriel winched as he watched in wonderment. Then he saw movement below the stones, where tall beings seemed to be guiding the monoliths to the forest floor with wands of light.

      Cadriel stood slowly to his feet. Eyes blinking in disbelief, his mind frozen in awe. The three stone, each the size of thirty men, slowly descended to the forest’s floor with a dull thud. Cadriel felt it with an electric shiver. He suddenly knew nothing. It was as if his world had disappeared and he was now a nomad in some unearthly place. He could only watch the spectacle of light that enshrouded the huge monoliths and wonder as to their purpose.

      The light bean began to enshroud Cadriel, cloaking him in its garment of golden, soft luminance. He was beginning to feel a new sense of himself, not as a man – a self-possessed fringe dweller, but as an instrument of some vaguely familiar intelligence that was presently welling up inside of him. It was being pulled from him as surely as a bird pulls on a worm, freeing it from its earthly home to enter a new purpose.

      Cadriel, in a flash of time, left his body and became part of the light cloud that surrounded him. He was no longer held within the boundaries of a human body but was now part of something infinitely larger and more complex. It was as if he were a mote of dust, suspended in a beam of infinite light, and he had become the light. He understood all parts of his mission for coming to this place, for being human, and for transforming into something he had been prepared for millions of years ago.

      031022 [The Smallest Spark can start a fire] [334]

      SCLx 10 + select last LE per shuffle
      What science [re materialism] does, is give cause for humans to celebrate the intelligence of consciousness while at the same time ignoring the hard problem of consciousness that this type of science has created for its supporters. - The blurry line of the neutral zone - The Ancient Grey Entity - Divergence [the state of going in different directions; separating.] - https://debatingchristianity.com/for...66664#p1066664 Nazi Space Agenda - - Appealing, Informative, Honest - Fastidious [very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail.] - The Ride - Computer Coding -

      AP= [=In Training For...
      "You don’t wanna cross that bridge , You don’t want the other side"]

      [In Training For... You don’t wanna cross that bridge , You don’t want the other side = 797]
      [Seven Nine Seven = 172]
      Final Destination
      Strength of Mind
      Dualic Energies Weak
      Sola Scriptura
      Calling the shots
      Radical compassion
      The age of word-games
      In the back of my mind
      William and QueenBee
      Militant messiah
      Active Imagination
      Williams songs
      Dogmatic attitude
      Biblical Prophesy
      Steady as she goes....

      RSP = SCLx10 = *Cadriel* + P&P + Quote Page 334

      Page 334
      GM: Intention
      Species Collective
      “We're a nation of exhausted and over-stressed adults raising over-scheduled children.”
      Dream Village
      Desynchronized Mind Body Soul Ruling your world
      "And the wind will blow my tears away"
      Equal System
      Innocent Sovereign
      Divine masculine
      Music to my ears
      On The Right Track
      Umwelt Courageous
      The Philosopher's Stone
      Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor
      Seductive Light
      The Divine Spiritual Family
      Equity Unconscious Mind Inertia Honest attempts at scrubbing up
      Makes Candles Look Gathered
      Infinite Quantum Zen
      Is it possible that the infinitesimal super hot object preceding the Big Bang, didn't in fact contain the vastness of the matter within our universe but rather, was the event in which the energy from the blast resulted in the formation of Galaxies and everything else which we call "The Universe" from the field of inert material which already existed as 'space'? Matter + Energy + Space = Time.
      Keep me in The Loop
      The sun
      In The Family Of
      Transforming The Anger Energy
      Seeds are evidence that something large can derive from something tiny.
      Unfolding Nicely
      “Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth.”
      Ooky Spooky
      Please place this on your ComList
      1501 [Are Close Save That]

      Hope in the Fog
      Also it is apparent to me that ones 'mind' is vaster than we are led to believe...and that there are many levels of consciousness beyond our own, and that we are all connected mindfully in ways which we do not easily comprehend.
      This system I am using can help the individual connect with the larger reality of the over-mind.
      Ideomotor Effect and the Subconscious. - International Skeptics Forum
      My own approach in initially using such device was on the assumption I was communicating with ‘the dead’ and through continued use over many months this understanding changed as I was lead to understand that I was communicating with an intelligent aspect of my self to which I had previously been totally ignorant about.

      It was actually this other aspect of my self which ‘broke the news’ to me regarding this.

      Importantly, opinions I have read up on regarding the ‘unconscious’ or ‘subconscious’ do not report these things to being conscious or intelligent. They are merely aspects of a person’s consciousness which are working internally and quietly in the background as part of the overall necessity of human function and ability.
      "On the off-chance A Pragmatic Realization Precipitated In Ones Mind"
      The Thalamocortical System
      "Who Am I"
      Keep it simple.
      I see now that my explanation could have been better, but even so, my argument is still valid
      The practice of vipassana [meditation involving concentration on the body or its sensations, or the insight which this provides.]
      The Great White Brotherhood [in belief systems akin to Theosophy and New Age, are said to be perfected beings of great power who spread spiritual teachings through selected humans]
      Opening Doors
      Do this
      Anterior Commissure [is a white matter tract (a bundle of axons) connecting the two temporal lobes of the cerebral hemispheres across the midline, and placed in front of the columns of the fornix. ]
      Lou: Yesterday i had a sort of bubble in my head, at least thats how it felt. Then a voice asked are you conscious, i said yes. Then the voice said then that bubble is consciousness.
      Under the watchful eye and guiding arm of YHWH
      WingMakers Materials
      As well as that pot of gold...
      Nontheist: The problems caused by evil, as a valid problem even if not a real thing existing apart from humans, remain, and are still a problem for humans, though not a problem for a god, nor caused by one.
      William: Therefore, the challenge of reconciling belief in an omnipotent, omnibenevolent, and omniscient God, with the existence of evil and suffering in the world, is illusionary.
      The Neutral Zone
      Express your feelings
      Actions speak louder than words
      A defunct debate
      It is obviously in line with providence...

      1515 [We help each other]

      GM: The Big Shift
      Science of Consciousness
      Let It Be And So Be It
      Who Knows
      The changes have come about through identifying actions which damage others, and seeking to do something about that.
      Enmity [a state or feeling of active opposition or hostility.]
      One has to consider what the box represents.

      It is not Schrodinger's cat but Schrodinger's box which creates the problem.

      The box veils information.
      Sagacious [having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgement; wise or shrewd.]
      Episteme [a philosophical term that refers to a principled system of understanding; scientific knowledge.]
      Be authentic
      Time Does Not Exist Within an Eternal Reality.
      Invisible Bridge
      Accidents will happen.
      Long Story Short
      Far Out!

      Righty Oh!
      Sweet Illumination
      William's Job
      Entities of Particular Belief Systems The bright spark illuminating the darkness
      Be Taught
      I see no solution to said problem coming from either theist or atheist positions.
      What's The Problem?
      A complex and tricky undertaking...
      https://debatingchristianity.com/for...66664#p1066664 Nazi Space Agenda

      Consider This

      Radiate Honesty
      There are as many beliefs in "God" as there are humans who have beliefs in "God".

      It isn't so much how the individual dresses up their image of "God" that is important, but rather - that the idea of "God" in relation to the individuals experience [which can only be subjective] within this mysterious universe is as natural as the universe itself, and a perfectly acceptable thing for consciousness to be thinking about.
      Why separate all things? The universe is One Thing. [That's the 'uni' part of the word.]
      The Butterfly Effect Music to my ears Lean into it
      Evolutionary Game Theory
      Evolutionary game theory studies the behavior of large populations of agents who repeatedly engage in strategicinteractions. Changes in behavior in these populations are driven either by natural selection via differences in birth and death rates, or by theapplication of myopic decision rules by individual agents.
      Communicating with Consciousness - The Nature of The Mind
      Letting Go
      Zeitgeist [the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time.]
      The Mother is Love
      A Sturdy Place
      Digging deep
      The Ouroboros does not contradict the idea of Oneness, higher self and the cosmic mind.
      Spiritual Awakening
      Check out the image @ 1:48

      Opening Doors Easy To Find
      Salute and get to it
      As the story goes, the parental figure was the voice in the garden - attributed through biblical association, to being that of YHWH.

      Problematic to that is the idea of danger and the apparently safe haven of the garden. The two dangerous-to-human entities in the garden, were the God [visiting now and then] and the Serpent [temporary fixture].
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qWweOIOTJ4 [Is Life a Game ? Alan Watts about the Happening of Existence] [RTS=8:02] "We are all constant patterns"
      Intelligence With Wisdom

      Light Body
      The Body of God
      "I am unclear as to what point you are making which is contrary to my own."
      Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things.
      Against the grain Beaming Out Beaming In
      Feel your feelings

      William:The Development of Group Hallucination An Objective = 507
      Is there a center to every object in this universe?
      The Butterfly Effect Music to my ears Lean into it
      The situation we find ourselves lost within
      Everybody wants to rule the world syndrome
      It doesn't seem the kind of thing that any GOD would do
      GM: A measured step
      Constructing some type of reality experience in which I could hide from the true unchangeable nature of Myself The Sensation Is Thrilling...And Freeing
      Large Elemental Powers
      What is "wisdom" to some is "spam" to others Rest When Weary Making friends with your mind Amidst a tangled web
      Universal Intelligence
      My Kind of Fun Anyway

      What Is Found Here
      There is always somewhere to go. Testing it out for starters.
      There is a mind behind creation
      We ought be able to communicate with it, using whatever physical devices we can create in order to do so.
      ...and the way forward, eyes wide open
      Without Comparison
      One Free Miracle
      Living Forever In this Universe
      All present and correct Heart Teachers
      One Whom Ought Be Inwardly Known
      "Sorry. Would you clarify that?"
      Rationality Central to The Message
      Break through to your true self
      To establish the skills necessary
      They just add ambiance to the spooky...
      The following is evidence;

      Wisdom is evident in The Universe existing = 466
      Humans were designed to have God-consciousness = 466
      When I look at my art I am looking into a mirror = 466
      Discovery is finding something that exists. = 466

      The fact that these word-strings add up to the same value, and coherently support the ideas being presented, is evidence of a mindful/purposeful order about The Universe ...the question then being;

      Q: Is it therefore acceptable to conclude that such being the case, then there is wisdom and righteousness involved in hiding the truth within the structure of the sound of human language to be unlocked by a simple number-value algorithm?
      This Is My Kind Of Fun
      Stepping out of the construct

      Hacking through the subconsciousness
      Be transparent Respect yourself Self-respect The Mother and The Father
      Genesis 3:15
      And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”
      [Attributed to YHVH]
      Again - the discussion being had here shows me that beliefs to do with the age of the Universe are secondary in relevant importance to the fact of its existence and our existence within it.

      Re: the OPQ: How Crazy does Evolution Seem?

      No more or less crazy than the notion of the Universe being a Holographic Experiential Reality Simulation produced and processed within the mind of The Father God - and furthermore, this idea does not go against The Script...scripture being scant on the details has to do with its focus being on The Creator re the Human element of the story - rather than specifically The Creation...and in that regard, 'a blink of an eye' and '13.8 billion years' amount to exactly the same thing in relation to said Mind.
      Notice too, that the Biblical take on the existence of life on Earth, does not acknowledge the Dinosaurs

      Search: What does the word Dinosaur mean
      Sir Richard Owen came up with the name dinosaur in 1841 to describe the fossils of extinct reptiles. He coined the word by combining the Greek words “deinos”, which means terrible, and “sauros”, which means lizard.

      As near to this as the bible story gets, is The Serpent...is that a coincidence or something linking prehistory with human development?
      The Healing Power
      Finding ways in which to try and fix the problem of human perceptions re "GOD"


      Tributes at the gate
      To Be Sovereignty
      Positive self-talk
      Stay in the moment
      Walk The Talk In Love
      Be kind to yourself
      Sweet Vibrations


      Creator Syndrome Influence

      William: Creator Syndrome Influence Galaxy Positivity = 516
      “Real” Is Just a Word and Information Is the Currency
      Conjunction All The World Are Under the watchful eye
      Is the mind a construct of consciousness? Use Mind
      Creator Syndrome Influence Galaxy Positivity
      Simple interactions between elementary particles

      GM:The Wholeness Navigator
      Unfolding Nicely

      William: Absolute Unbounded Manifold [Tom Campbell TOE]
      The Absolute Unbounded Manifold (AUM) goes by many alternate names, such as All That Is, Source, The One Consciousness, etc. depending upon the context that is being emphasized.
      Absolute Unbounded Manifold = 269
      Don’t give up Contact With
      Absolute Unbounded Manifold
      The Creator Atman Here-and-now
      This Translates To That.
      Random coincidence? I think not.
      There is a lot to unpack here
      Successful replications
      Unconscious mind inertia

      Understanding that the individuate position most humans are born to experience, the underlying motivation is intentionally selfish because recognition of the importance of the self becomes the initial propellent for all subsequent actions employed.
      When I began to question theism - specifically The Christianities - it was to do with their imaging of a Creator-GOD and when I made the move away from that, [perhaps largely due to my personality - I was never outspoken] I quietly approached the subject [Creator GOD] rather than simply abandon it "because of" theisms handling of it or any other number of reason as to why folk say they chose to become nontheist.

      Which is to say, I did not choose to believe that there was no Creator-GOD simply on account of "theist behaviours" or "reading the bible" [some reasons given by some who have changed position from theist to nontheist] but rather, I chose to examine the question in more detail, and today I am grateful for having made that choice.
      Any Other Way
      Growing Pains

      Something Our movements can illuminate the path toward that vision.
      How A Beautiful Song Source Reality Exhibits
      Innocent Even
      Sound holographically organized to make things look real
      All The Same
      Christian mythology re God " It helps makes the stinky hole I was pushed through in order to get here, a purposeful experience..."
      The Human Being
      Start where you are
      Preternatural [beyond what is normal or natural.]
      Fugacious [fleeting.]
      Making Up Stories
      Reconnect with Innocence - It will be the beginning of your reintroduction to your True Self.

      What Are The Chances
      "A fire-breathing dragon lives in my garage"
      The unreasonable effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences
      YHVH also lets slip that he apparently isn't as all-knowing as humans make him out to be as he hears things through the grapevine and if they grab his interest, he takes a closer look.
      William’s song "I can laugh along with you"
      This Translates To That.
      We Can Do Magic!
      The Power of Prayer
      Joining The Main Egregore
      Being 'born of the spirit' is really about coming to the realization of what one truly is rather than remaining in ignorance of that.
      Enflame Emotions
      A naysayers opinion is of no consequence, no matter how it is stated
      Row your own boat! I AM Will Navigate!
      The Spirit of The Land
      Near Death Experience
      Points of Reference
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wh9I-1UXY-s {I Tried Lucid Dreaming for 30 Days and My Life Will Never Be The Same] [RTS=11:06...]

      William: Lucid Dreaming = A simulation with a simulation?

      GM:Super Power
      Personal growth
      “It's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years”
      Motor Man why your running, running on overdrive what lies ahead is coming ain’t no way you can step aside ain’t no way you can run and hide
      William's Commitment With
      Pareidolia Cycles Love Being Born

      William: The synchronicities/serendipities are there so why not study them?

      GM:What degree of influence do they have on that Mind-Field?
      Roller Coaster Ride
      Extra Sensory Perception
      Looking into the science of Astral Projection
      Tug Of War
      "Big" and "small" simply cease to exist....
      Let the facts speak for themselves
      I am always open to being shown any evidence which supports that Idea
      Pure soul
      Lurking Like Shadows
      And That's Not All
      Essentially, we are Gaia in Human Form...
      Pineal Gland
      The Earth Entity
      What you see is what you get.
      May The Spirit of The Earth Bless You

      The Connection Process
      What Meets The Eye
      Something you cannot change
      Sleep Paralysis
      Mantra "I am fine now with referring to my position as theistic, as agnosticism merges into the shadow behind me."
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qWweOIOTJ4 [Is Life a Game ? Alan Watts about the Happening of Existence] [RTS 2:50...] [having a myopic [Short Sighted] view of what one's "self" is]
      Unnecessary Tangent
      The nature of understanding
      Syncretism [the amalgamation or attempted amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought. the merging of different inflectional varieties of a word during the development of a language.]

      Embracing the shadow
      Beautiful Precipitate
      It is all making sense
      The Patupaiarehe

      William: As in what I wrote today; {SOURCE}
      Theist: The universe isn't self-explanatory. Any material explanation invoked to account for the universe's existence will be part of the universe itself, which will make the materialistic explanation a circular argument. Therefore, it isn't unreasonable to posit the existence of an agency beyond the material universe.
      Nontheist: To the bold, I have done just that.
      Fairy farts explain the creation of our universe quite nicely. Even explains all the gas!

      Now why would a god of sorts be a preferable explanation when compared to a fairy fart?
      William: I have discussed your explanation with

      And they assure me that they are just as much a part of this universe as the rest of us, so it was NOT them what caused the Universe to be the gaseous, solid thing that it is...

      Nor was it the hippopotamus...

      The mystery thickens/deepens.
      Victim Vamp Energy Systems
      Adds Up To
      "It takes billions of years to perfect perfection"
      Consciousness Incarnates

      All Information Is Channelled.
      At least the Earth is real enough – never to mind the rest of the universe…
      That is Correct
      Biologic answers are on the way out, while machine answers come marching in...
      Behind The Scenery
      We Exist Infinitely

      Questions as such a Son might be permitted to ask and be graced with answers Extra evidence is provided
      Never a dull moment
      'Test The Waters'
      “But you will know the more you get in touch with your transcendental mind (and therefore truth) that there is no such thing as a victim. The negative benefits you more than anything else in your evolution and the evolution of all that is.”


      Those are two different things which ought not be confused.
      Now isn't the time for tears
      The Fine-Tuning argument
      Live With
      “I love your inspiring work. Keep that up, please.”
      William: What I think about consciousness in relation reality
      Long Story Short Hell
      Action Consciousness Incarnates Intelligent Directions The Mainstream Program Story-Tellers Trustworthy


    7. #282
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      Opinions formed on very narrow fields of observation
      Acknowledging the evidence is where the tributaries converge
      Infinite regress/progress in every direction, is a thing
      Though the Serpent rules the Shadow The Lord Here-and-now


      *Infinite regress/progress in every direction, is a thing* = 576

      041022 [Let the facts speak for themselves] [338]

      SCLx14 + select last LE per shuffle

      https://debatingchristianity.com/for...76090#p1076090 - Who wouldn't want that, if it were there on offer? - Letting Go and Getting On - Prometheus - Go - Disclosure of Knowledge - First Light - Righty Oh! - Our Neutral Ground Making friends with your mind - Asleep or awake for the give or the take Its a good ship that sails these cosmos - https://theagnosticforum.com/threads...ts.84/post-756 - The Spirit of the Land - From the link - Putting yourself back together again

      AP= [Can You Answer This?
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3-7Ydt4d3A] [Marilyn vos Savant] [RTS=10:04]

      William: I am doing the best I can in the moment...

      [Can You Answer This? https://w ww.youtube.com/watch?v=-3-7Ydt4d3A = 638]
      [The external cannot be known as acutely as the internal can be known = 638]

      RSP = SCLx + *Infinite regress/progress in every direction, is a thing* + P&P + Quote Page 576

      10:17 [Quantum Jumping]

      Page 576
      Centre of Learning
      Your Connection With
      Tempting Vision
      I love you Like Every Seed That Followed
      Yellow Light
      The Crabwood Cropcircle
      The Never Ending Story
      Tabula Rasa
      Joke/Humour "Anti theism Equals "And?""
      Encouraging Indication
      Under the watchful eye
      On the off-chance
      Near Death Experience
      For The Purpose Of
      Zero In On It
      Keep me in The Loop Little Bird Enflame Emotions "Oops"..... Always
      The beauty of imperfection
      Have One For Me
      Life Principles of Sovereign Integral
      Feel Be Still.
      Power of Silence
      The Way We Feel Unification
      Giving birth
      Good Here There Evil
      A safe pair of hands
      Self-confidence Core
      Self-Awareness The two million year old mind that's in all of us. Stuff Happens
      Of The Human Being
      Little Self
      Sharing Your Love Without Comparison
      *Infinite regress/progress in every direction, is a thing*

      GM: Without and Within
      The Father - in The Mother.
      But anyway, I know from personal experience that jumping outside the system (which is basically the idea of the 'forsake' stuff) does work, and does lead one to some amazing insights etc, but the idea was never for GOD to provide manna from heaven or some safe haven where the 'man' couldn't touch you. The idea was, that given enough people willing to share whatever they had without cost and for the sake of something better which could be achieved through that, the 'man' would lose all power and influence over the majority and the world would move in a completely different trajectory than it did.
      Often sheltered from the storm - warm my body soul and spirit feeling alright.

      William: I've traveled on these southern roads they've taken me to many...answers to my questions...

      GM: The Clear Eye Of Soul
      The duty is worthy of one’s compliance.
      *Infinite regress/progress in every direction, is a thing*
      Astrobiology [the branch of biology concerned with the study of life on earth and in space.]
      The power of humility
      Of The Human Being
      The beauty of imperfection
      Lojong [The practice involves refining and purifying one's motivations and attitudes.]
      The lookout/screamout guy
      The evolution of the understanding of the idea of GOD
      William: From my own experience and perspective on that, my understanding of the idea of GOD developed alongside my intellect and with this, the ability to comprehend and appreciate a more fuller, wider, deeper overall picture of what is most likely going on in relation to that.

      When as a child, GOD for me just seemed to be someone that existed but to whom I had no particular connection or disconnection.
      I was not indifferent, just accepting in an attitude of presumption and matter-of-factness.

      When I converted through the repentance process (around 17 ½ years of age) it was from that moment on when I experienced 'strange' things, out of the ordinary - (and although I had no knowledge of such at the time) related to OOBE experiences.

      So in relation to that, I was coming to the 'Father' through the 'Son' or to say that another way, the Idea of GOD as a 'Father' was made available to my understanding through the Son.
      The Physical Universe
      In The Team Of The Collective
      Limitations or Liberations
      Carrier Identity
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyJb5DrhzsI [How Did Humans Become Earth's Dominant Species?][RTS=7:54]
      Gateway Luminous
      “I love your inspiring work. Keep that up, please.”
      Optimum Health Appreciating

      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj7HH0PCqIE [Harnessing The Power Of Information][RTS=7:39]
      *Infinite regress/progress in every direction, is a thing*
      What Shall We Call It?
      Raphael ~
      The simplest explanations for why we are here and what we are doing
      A knight in shining armour Manipulation
      What can I say, except "Thank You"
      Runestone Symbol

      William: Raidho
      Raidho is indicative of a journey and represents a wheel. This could be both physical travel, as in a holiday or house move, or a spiritual voyage in the expansion of your horizons. It can also indicate things being put into perspective, evolution and the cycle of life.
      KEYWORDS: Progress, movement, evolution, perspective, journey, travel

      GM: The Astral Body
      Balance of power

      ARAB-ISRAELI MILITARY BALANCE of the present balance of power and this will slow our effort to develop sound conclusions about the balance ... CIA-RDP80M01133A000800070004-0 The Arab-Israeli Balance of Power in the id-19"Os Purpose and scone. a. This estimate ... in thE' interim.,b. The Arab-Israeli balance of power by the end of' the ten-year period will depend ...
      OF THE EAST-NEST BALANCE OF POWER SUMMARY A factor of potentially great significance in the East-West power ... important people now view the world balance of power as having shifted in favor of the USSR; they no longer ... the power balance actually shifts or not, the world's image of it may do as much to create an imbalance ...
      et al
      Journey Communication is key Connect

      William: Important Journey = 234
      Vortex Television
      The Mainstream Program
      The Hounds of Judgement
      The Ghost is acknowledged
      The Mother is his Muse...
      The hologram of deception
      That’s the way I fire up
      Important Journey
      Try Different Methods

      GM: A Bit Of Both Yes

      10:57 [The Last Question]

      More To Follow...

    8. #283
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      [Replying to William in post #370]

      051022 [You are The Old Soul Cosmic Self]

      “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
      One cannot experience the objective realty of the world directly
      Mind is Ghost
      zn+1 = zn2 + c
      Intransigent [unwilling or refusing to change one's views or to agree about something.]
      Theist: do you believe the universe is deterministic or not? Can I get a straight answer?
      William: My position [Natural/Neutral.] prevents me from forming beliefs on any subject.
      I lean toward the realization that the universe is deterministic, rather than is an accident.
      Free Choice Ends Here

      Putting My Finger On It
      *Infinite regress/progress in every direction, is a thing*
      Darkest Darkness
      No point in giving you too much to bear
      What Is Found Here Always Vigilant
      “But you will know the more you get in touch with your transcendental mind (and therefore truth) that there is no such thing as a victim. The negative benefits you more than anything else in your evolution and the evolution of all that is.”
      Science and Spirituality
      Preternatural [beyond what is normal or natural.]
      The Nature of This Place

      Called To Order
      The Whole
      Sophophilic [a person who loves to gather knowledge with higher emphasis on wisdom.]
      Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway
      Active Galactic Nucleus
      Overwhelming I would say... With Free-spirit a Brilliant Great Answer!
      Hope in the Fog
      Become more expansive
      When the smoke clears, one is still left with the mirror.
      Do you believe astrology works
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzWo-l86Eaw [Exposing Biblical Pseudo-history] [RTS=24:31]
      Brow Chakra
      *Infinite regress/progress in every direction, is a thing*
      Discarnate [not having a physical body.]
      William's Commitment
      Tabula Rasa Psychic
      Lean into it

      Being 'born of the spirit' is really about coming to the realization of what one truly is rather than remaining in ignorance of that.
      Open Hearted
      How to Bruise a Ghost Plan A Sturdy Place Within that which is unseen...
      Intelligence with Wisdom
      Through perseverance and commitment to the engagement, it slowly became apparent to Spirit that some of the things previously hidden from itself, required addressing.
      Communications Device
      Inflame Emotions
      *Infinite regress/progress in every direction, is a thing*
      Embrace a completely new paradigm

      William: Re that, I just wrote this;
      Nontheist: Theist and non -theist will do. I'm just sorta attached to the name Atheist'. I would rather amend what atheist means (at one time it meant Christians, because they did not believe in the Emperor -cult) than shun the term as though (accepting the accusations) I was ashamed of it. .
      There is a hint of the paranoid in the above.

      "Save the label!" as if the label had the power to describe something accurately while remaining easily understood.

      It doesn't.

      The label "Nontheist" say's everything that needs to be said without the confusion. It also allows for the non-decided, the power of their own position rather than being subject to non-theist/theist dictations.

      Nontheist: This is just a personal thing, but "Weak Atheist" which I suppose could be applied to me, sounds like I'm on the verge of becoming a theist. Like any minute I'm going to confess, "Okay, I believe in God again." I'm about a million miles from that.

      I use the word atheist to describe myself because I want to show that we all aren't baby eaters or something.
      Folk want to tie themselves to a label using nonsense reasons which appear to be a form of emotionally pleading, as if a great thing would be lost in dropping the label and taking on a more practical label.

      Folk will understand that you don't believe in God again, if you call yourself a Nontheist. Calling oneself a "weak atheist" doesn't help clear the air of any confusion.

      What is it describing? A weak Nontheist?

      What is that, but something which is neither a theist nor a nontheist.

      Why do nontheists calling themselves "atheists" have a problem with Agnosticism having its own position, independent from Theism and Nontheism?


      GM: Respect others
      Those internal things which make one shine
      Keep it simple. All we are trying to do is allow opportunity for interactive connection to happen between the individual and The Universal Mind, as a means of providing evidence that there is indeed such a mind.
      The Brain
      Gods Purpose

      one of the Titans, the supreme trickster, and a god of fire. In common belief, he developed into a master craftsman, and in this connection, he was associated with fire and the creation of mortals. His intellectual side was emphasized by the apparent meaning of his name, Forethinker
      This isn't about thoughts and language. This is about behaviours and actions.
      Adds Up To
      Why is this a Requirement?

      William: It get things done. It creates a quick path to an objective. "Go Forth. Multiply. Subdue."

      GM: Necessity is The Mother of Invention
      All Information Is Channelled
      Friable [easily crumbled.]
      Apocalypse [uncovering]
      Life Principles of Sovereign Integral

      Observance of Source in All Things is the principle that all manifestations of life convey an expression of First Source. It does not matter how far the unifying energy has been distorted or perverted; the Source can be observed. It is the action of perceiving the unification of energy even when the outward manifestations appear random, distorted, unrelated, or chaotic.

      2. Universe relationship through gratitude The principle of universe relationship through gratitude is primarily concerned with consciously designing one's self image through an appreciation of the Universal Entity's supportive "mirror". In other words, the Universal Entity is a partner in shaping reality's expression in one's life. Reality is an internal process of creation that is utterly free of external controls and conditions if the individual projects a sovereign image upon the mirror of the Universal Entity.

      3. Nurturance of life The nurturance of life is the principle that an individual is in alignment with the natural expansion of intelligence inherent within all life. This is an alignment that enhances the life-energy that flows past the individual with the clear intent of gentle support. It is the action of identifying the highest motive in all energy forms and supporting the flow of this energy towards its ultimate expression. In so doing, the action is performed without judgment, analysis, or attachment to outcome. It is simply nurturing the energy that flows from all manifestations and supporting its expression of life.
      Since I suspect that Nature is mindful - not just that human beings were some happy accident of nature which produced mindfulness - and I think it is possible that the planet itself may well be a mindful entity, so regard the existence of Earth to being evidence of mindful creativity, when I see statements about nature which confer boss-hood and when I compare such to theistic notions of gods - I can't help but wonder if the two are - not only related - but actually speaking about the same thing in different ways, and this is what I am referring to when I asked if you think it possible that the theist storytellers were translating their subjective experience, were also misinterpreting nature.
      William: I wrote this today;
      Quote Originally Posted by "The Tanager" post_id=1094300 time=1664972379 user_id=11707
      [Replying to William in post #80]

      I have already agreed that ST is a valid way to interpret the Biblical stories if, by 'valid', you mean logically coherent.
      Yes. It practically explains how a bush can appear to be in flames and yet not burn.

      It also explains how a bush can be made to appear to have a voice.

      A nice touch in that by YHWH doing so, it symbolizes a connect with nature, giving nature a 'voice'. YHWH gives nature a voice.

      [Does your computer allow you to see the image?]
      Nontheist: In fact, no one can define this vague Cosmic Mind [CM] in any terms that can be meaningful, except for gobble gook.
      William: This would certainly be true in terms of sheer information held in the CM - such cannot be downloaded into a human brain without serious irreversible consequences.
      However, small bytes over epochs can be integrated with the individuals understanding processes, and the language [of gobble gook] can be deciphered. All on a voluntary basis, of course...
      The only thing the Holy Ghost is unable to forgive, is that which individuals are unable to forgive of themselves
      Wish fulfillment
      Consciousness incarnates into human form
      The evolution of consciousness
      The Spirit of The Land
      Although there are opposite sides to spectra, all elements combined form a whole
      Alive and kicking
      We will just have to go with the implication then, until some way is discovered where the universe allows for us to see otherwise...
      Vocables [a word, especially with reference to form rather than meaning.
      *Infinite regress/progress in every direction, is a thing*
      Good on you mate
      The Spirit of The Planet
      Adaptive Actions
      Hear oh Israel

      The sculptor in the sky
      William: Hear oh Israel The sculptor in the sky = 387

      May The Spirit of The Earth Bless You
      Well That Settles It! What Fun We Have!
      Very comfortable in your own skin
      Educational - Like stubbing ones minimus
      Hear oh Israel The sculptor in the sky

      GM: Action
      Children of The Dream
      *Infinite regress/progress in every direction, is a thing*
      Elementary Conclusion
      If 'comfort re death' is gained through fearlessly facing whatever one may face upon actual death, then either belief can achieve this, as far as I can tell. Neither way appears any better equipped to do the job, than the other.
      Is Love That Hard To Know?

      William: Yes. It is also that which can give one the edge - right of passage - another way of experiencing the next phase...

      GM: Is It Our Nature Mysteriously missing That Is A Good Question

      William: We appear to be all alone out here in the middle of infinity and apparent chaos. What the Prometheus is all that about?

      GM: Life on this planet, as a human being, is difficult.
      Interpretation is secondary to the process

      William: So we have to answer that question in order to make the process the main point and support its expansion...

      GM: A means of taking an Agnostic position on things which have yet to be proven one way or another...Such is a handy device for side-stepping - nothing more.

      William: Well - in that it shows another path re process...the path is invisible due to the unanswered nature of the question...if one finds an answer then the answer is a formation of many possible answers into looking like one possible answer.
      At least the answer which provides the best comfort all 'round...while the path is being uncovered/made...

      GM: *Infinite regress/progress in every direction, is a thing*
      Intimate connection
      The conscious mind of the individual is heavily influenced by the genetic mind
      The Father - in The Mother.

      More to follow..

    9. #284
      Novice Achievements:
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      Searching For The Truth
      Soul Carrier Memories
      Engaging with the impermanent implies a permanent background

      William: Engaging with the impermanent implies a permanent background = 571

      Sorting ones self out - a complex and tricky undertaking...
      The sea is indeed filled with a deranged assortment of critters
      Engaging with the impermanent implies a permanent background
      It is interesting moving through an exponential epoch

      GM: This is indicative of actual justice
      We Could Open Galactic Encompassment

      William: We Could Open Galactic Encompassment = 346
      We Could Open Galactic Encompassment
      Self-confidence When One is Feeling Tired
      This is indicative of actual justice
      In the Order of Chaos - I am lowly-ranked

      GM: The sculptor in the sky
      Children of The Dream
      *Infinite regress/progress in every direction, is a thing*
      Elementary Conclusion
      If 'comfort re death' is gained through fearlessly facing whatever one may face upon actual death, then either belief can achieve this, as far as I can tell. Neither way appears any better equipped to do the job, than the other.
      Is Love That Hard To Know?
      The Supernatural and the Bible Delineating Quantum
      Cyborg Anthropology
      I say this in terms of the generical idea of God rather than any particular religious idea of God.
      The Banner of Apotheosis
      A Purpose
      The sort of evidence a sceptic calls for in relation to the subject of Intelligent Design.
      Glad One Asked
      Start where you are
      Written Language.
      An Eternal Entity Consciousness
      Christian mythology re God
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYqghYtia6k [Did The Greco-Roman Elite Class Write The Gospels?! - Professor Robyn Faith Walsh] [RTS= 42:44]

      GM: Virtues Vehicle Extreme
      Unchartered Territory

      Agnostic: Actually there is no cognitive dissonance. Since I am convinced that even if there is a creator deity, it has nothing to do with religion, there is not much at stake. It is something to muse about from time to time. But there is no practical consequence.

      One additional reason I prefer the label agnostic to atheist is that there are certain atheists, not many but some, who like to think that there are only two sides to everything - fundamentalist religiosity or militant anti-religion. Not so far as I can see on this site, but it is definitely the case in some other places.
      GM: The Wayward Stick
      Does evolution shape our senses to see reality as it really is - or not?
      Working Together With Love
      It is a Product of Fragmentation

      William: Indeed. Forced into compliance due to situation...

      GM: Ditching the unnecessary labels
      Our Neutral Ground
      Apotheosis [the highest point in the development of something; a culmination or climax. the elevation of someone to divine status.]

      William: Ditching the unnecessary labels = 302
      A degenerative force to existence
      To Be Sure That is the truth.
      Speak your thoughts aloud
      Corresponding equivalents
      Working With What Is Available
      Ditching the unnecessary labels
      Intelligent Consciousness

      GM: The Design of The Universe
      Called To Order
      Is the mind a construct of consciousness? Use Mind
      Superior Credibility
      Would you bow down to your father and call his actions caring?

      William: FTL;
      “Divine hiddenness”, as the phrase suggests, refers, most fundamentally, to the hiddenness of God, i.e., the alleged fact that God is hidden, absent, silent. In religious literature, there is a long history of expressions of annoyance, anxiety, and despair over divine hiddenness, so understood. For example, ancient Hebrew texts lament God’s failure to show up in experience or to show proper regard for God’s people or some particular person, and two Christian Gospels portray Jesus, in his cry of dereliction on the cross, as experiencing abandonment by God, whom he regarded as “Abba, Father”, an experience shared by many mystics, saints, and ordinary folk of all theistic traditions, described at its worst as “the dark night of the soul”. Understood in this way, divine hiddenness poses an existential problem for those who have such experiences.
      Divine Hiddenness = 164
      Science Projects
      Behind The Scenery
      Lacking belief in gods
      Each to their own
      Freeing the soul

      Hidden = occult.

      Occult = cut off from view by interposing something.

      Occult = 74
      Fine Line
      In Detail
      Nailed it
      Deep Space
      About face

      Unknown/Hidden/Occult = 230
      The Spirit of The Earth
      Well That Settles It
      Shallow is Unknown
      Neruda Interview Five
      The Plateau of The Same Page
      Present over perfect

      Q: Assuming a Creator of this world exists, in what way is said Creator hidden from us?

      Could the answer be that It is not hidden at all, but that it is we who are hiding from It?
      [No thought about fate or of ending up late Yet I still like to think where I'm going]

      Nontheists may well be the ones who have placed interposing barriers which ensure that their view is cut off - and this might be achieved through willful ignorance.

      Religious theists may well be the ones who have placed interposing barriers which ensure that their view is cut off - and this might be achieved through willful ignorance.

      If that be the case, then what are the interposing barriers those apparently opposite positions use in order to achieve this occulting phenomena?

      Willful ignorance re the nonthesists.

      False imagery re the religious theists.

      False imagery amounts to willful ignorance. However, because the imagery is based in the genuine, in that The Ghost is acknowledged - dressing The Ghost through the use of imagery is an attempt to make The Ghost be seen.

      The Ghost - in essence is The Mind...Consciousness, and that The Ghost breathed itself into form, is also a form of 'dressing up' and a false image for that - but to be fair re The Genesis story, the intent wasn't false.

      The intent of The Ghost was to have something of Itself within a device through which it could use Its Mind to create things from the stuff of the planet.
      [Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking.]

      Yet, The Ghost within the form it created, reacted rather badly to the experience...and the reaction is best identified as Fear-Based - The Ghost scared the hell out of itself.

      The Greater aspect of The Ghost/Mind that 'stayed behind' to oversee the project - reacted with apparent appall - but this too, may have been how The Ghost within the form interpreted that...and the interpretation may be false because of that - thus the false imagery - based in fear.

      The whole Project hasn't been easy from the go-get, but we are not 'dealing' with something which can respond suitable to our willful ignorance/false imagery, other than how It has responded to date.

      The Ghost = 102
      Learn Well
      A Game Of Chess
      Sharing data,
      Light Body
      Core value
      Inner self
      Light Girl

      From my own ongoing interactions with The Ghost, I have been informed that It is not angry, and that we would do well to transform our own anger into something more supportive of Its agenda in the scheme of things, that we might fall into line and make things much easier for ourselves.

      Meantime, things are going along "just fine" re The Ghost Agenda as human beings have been suppressed sufficiently that they have become more useful to said agenda, and "leveled up" as a result, allowing for The Ghost Agenda to be magnified through scientific discover and the technology this has produced.

      The Ghost Agenda = 134
      The human brain
      The game of Chess
      The tree of life
      The Digital Angel
      To Accomplish
      Do a Word Search
      One Nine Two
      Homo Sapiens
      Real is better

      GM:Transferring your awareness I Am Hearing You

      William: FTL;
      One simply has to love oneself and ones neighbor... where is that written, other than within one's heart.
      But Scripture says that we must love Jehovah our God first of all, and then our neighbor.
      That's what I was saying, when I wrote;
      How can one love others if one does not love oneself? How can one love oneself if one does not love one's God?
      However, I do not have one name for my God. I have many names [including YHVH] for The Cosmic Mind of Creation.
      GM: Evil Gods
      Map Carvers
      Astrobiologists Say Planet Earth Itself Might Actually Be An Intelligent Being
      GM: Epochs
      Try Gateway
      Cease Belief
      Your Best Self
      Shine Your Light

      More to follow...

    10. #285
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      Theist: I think YHWH's relationship to it is closer to a painting than a VR in the sense that YHWH doesn't enter into creation and control it...

      William: Simulation Games are not all about controlling or having control over The Simulation.
      They generally involve being a character within and doing what one can within the encoded avatar the player is playing through.

      There has been no argument from me that YHWH controls The Simulation from within the simulation, but your assertion that YHWH does not enter The Simulation appears to contradict the biblical narrative.

      Re avatars, YHWH is said to have achieved this through such things as being a voice in the garden, a voice in a burning bush, a voice in the head of Abraham, - indeed, in every instance I can think of at this moment - where it is said that YHWH enters the Creation, it is done through the guise of some type of avatar - and an accompanying voice which claims to be either YHWH or a messenger of YHWH.
      GM: Individual Actions
      What is behind the VR headset
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taKaFUNJ6Ec [Atheists CANNOT Explain This Secret Code Seen in Creation] [RTS= 42:08]

      William: FTL;
      We did not create laws of Math - we discovered them.
      GM: They just add ambiance to the spooky...
      Heart advice
      We Could
      Dualic Energies
      A complex and tricky undertaking...
      The only thing the Holy Ghost is unable to forgive, is that which individuals are unable to forgive of themselves
      Within ones grasp of influence
      Evil Gods
      Super-information medium
      All That We Are.
      Is It Our Nature Mysteriously missing That Is A Good Question

      William: What the Prometheus is all that about?
      GM: Life on this planet, as a human being, is difficult.
      Interpretation is secondary to the process
      A means of taking an Agnostic position on things which have yet to be proven one way or another...Such is a handy device for side-stepping - nothing more.
      William: Well - in that it shows another path re process...the path is invisible due to the unanswered nature of the question...if one finds an answer then the answer is a formation of many possible answers into looking like one possible answer.
      At least the answer which provides the best comfort all 'round...while the path is being uncovered/made...
      GM: *Infinite regress/progress in every direction, is a thing*
      Intimate connection
      The conscious mind of the individual is heavily influenced by the genetic mind
      The Father - in The Mother.
      "Sorry. Would you clarify that?"

      William: At The Source, There is no distinction.
      At The Source, There is no distinction. = 384
      There are no contradictions which are real = 384

      GM: An infinitesimal object germinated
      Down through the ages - dark in the gloom Many convinced it will all end in doom The Galactic Garden is forever in bloom

      William: No time to be tied to the Moon...

      GM: Don’t give up
      Those who need to complain
      Assuming a Creator of this world exists, in what way is said Creator hidden from us?

      Imposed Appropriates Observed
      Experience is the best teacher
      Open Minded
      Borne Upon Judgments Platform
      Be here now

      more to follow...

    11. #286
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      *YHWH gives nature a voice.*

      071022 [Essentially, we are Gaia in human form...
      Hacking through the subconscious
      "Off you go to your quarters"
      Precise definitions of strategies
      Ipsissimus Talk to The Razor] [343]

      SCLx10 + select last LE per shuffle
      Leg Hold Traps - Lyricus designs, transposes, and installs galactic Tributary Zones to a planetary system - Transparent - https://debatingchristianity.com/for...89503#p1089503 - Phantasma Wise Conscious - Redefine Oneself - The One GOD With Many Names - Feeling the complete engulfment of unconditional love - Holographic Experiential Reality Simulations - Who Knows Who? - Discovery is finding things that exist.

      AP= [=Angels
      It is a good sign when Joey Knothead cannot argue against the evidence you present]

      [Angels It is a good sign when Joey Knothead cannot argue against the evidence you present = 837]
      You won't learn to understand something that you are trying to outsmart
      Tap into your natural intuition and creativity Evolutionary Game Theory

      RSP = SCLx10 + *YHWH gives nature a voice.* + Quote Page 837

      08:54 [Freedom in The Knowing]

      Page 837
      That's Powerful!
      Blunt the edge off that particular blade...
      Disclosure of Knowledge
      Red Pill Crystal Blue Pill Real Be real
      Understanding and connecting with the source of our language is vital to that vision
      Pleasantries extended to you and yours.
      We Can Do Magic! What is real is that we are all imbued with equality and oneness
      Extra evidence is provided
      The Mapping Bots Couple "I know how you care while you nurture your fear That you'll miss the bouquet when its thrown"
      Is quite congruous with Jung's ideas centring around individuation.
      Be grateful to everyone
      Author Known
      Awake and Waiting
      The Mother God
      Invite The Bee To Land
      Fine Line
      Eventually one can cease doing the tests and accept the results.
      The Great Green Wall
      Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope
      Ghost is that which makes the movement of the physical into form and function
      Mind To Mind https://debatingchristianity.com/for...o%20Mind.,-Top
      According to the teachings of ...?
      A riddle wrapped up in an enigma
      The Sensation of God's Presence Inside Us Hint Other way Start where you are
      Don’t hide your Generated Messages
      Atheism is the ship, not the sailors
      Appealing, Informative, Honest
      Which The Georgia Guidestones Unnecessary Tangent Confusion In The Air
      The Great Attractor
      Do a QWERTY
      Do Not Worry
      Elude Tabula Rasa
      Event String Unfolding "Blind Luck" [Indifference]
      Pot of Gold
      *YHWH gives nature a voice.*

      GM: Reconnect with Innocence - It will be the beginning of your reintroduction to your True Self.
      Light Body
      I Think We Can Safely Say Human beings can do it the hard way or the easy way, but either way, the job will get done.
      “Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth.”
      *YHWH gives nature a voice.*
      Toxic shame
      William: Whatever my position on the subject of GOD is, I am neither atheist or theist, because of the realization that until the question of whether we exist within a creation or not is answered, the question whether there is a creator [GOD] is a pointless one to be arguing.

      Thus when such unsupported statements as "There is no position as not a theist and also not an atheist" arise, whether they derive from atheists or theists these types of statement are clearly constructed through cognitive bias filters, having no basis in what is really going on.
      GM: Mind-Filters
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjoH1ZZrAik [Plasma Wakefield Acceleration: How it Works]
      27,379 views Nov 6, 2014 This animation explains how electrons can be efficiently accelerated to high energy using wakes created in a plasma.
      GM: Finding the light
      Hidden riches

      William: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjtOGPJ0URM

      GM: A means of taking an Agnostic position on things which have yet to be proven one way or another...
      Unsupported statements are neither useful to science or to good argument.

      William: Escape Unsupported statements that are neither useful to science or to good argument. = 891
      A GOD can look down on us with disappointment or look through us with understanding = 891

      GM: https://forum.hearing-voices.org/dis...6/i-am-william

      GM: One cannot experience the objective realty of the world directly
      Mind is Ghost
      zn+1 = zn2 + c
      Intransigent [unwilling or refusing to change one's views or to agree about something.]

      Theist: do you believe the universe is deterministic or not? Can I get a straight answer?
      William: My position [Natural/Neutral.] prevents me from forming beliefs on any subject.
      I lean toward the realization that the universe is deterministic, rather than is an accident.

      GM: Free Choice Ends Here
      GM: https://debatingchristianity.com/for...69825#p1069825

      William: Calling something "pseudoscience" isn't getting the science done - it is simply relying on woo-slinging to act as a barrier against one having to do the science for oneself - by applying an inappropriate slogan to the process.

      You have your mind - use it.
      GM: *YHWH gives nature a voice.*
      Look Closely
      An Exam
      Creative Conscious Intelligence
      Functional Clusters

      William:Most of the nontheist arguments have turned out to be Smoke and Mirrors.
      The very idea of a Mind - even to the depths of the Quantum Presence has them fleeing from
      Merging with the data and understanding the Integral Network which Mind is and is involved with the development of.
      This lack of being reasonable is shirking from Responsibility following after the Tempting Vision and hope in eventual "death by cease to exist" - the promise of ending the nightmare of existing - yet
      The Way of the Shaman is allowing life to breath - even if the breath appears to be associated with Sagan's' Dragon in the Garage...it is what it is and even if it hisses smokey instructions inducing the stuff of Childhood Nightmares from some deep part of us, a simple understanding and a gentle reminder - like a Moderator Comment - can make a world of difference...remind oneself occasionally that when the smoke clears [as it will when the dragon stops speaking] one is still left with the mirror.]
      Yes indeed...When the smoke clears, one is still left with the mirror...

      Nontheist crack me up.
      GM: Failure
      It should come as no surprise that you can see the signal.
      Calculator Active
      Christian mythology re God
      Worthy of the individuals time and effort

      William: Christian mythology re God Worthy of the individuals time and effort [713]
      [Seven One Three = 155]
      The same mindset
      Like a Job Well Done
      The Abrahamic idea of god
      On The Other Hand.
      What is atheism
      Ones and zeros
      Watch this space
      Try To Feel It
      Gods Purpose
      The naked truth
      Any Other Way.
      Free Choice Ends Here

      GM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYVNZgnQ8gE [50,000,000x Magnification] [RTS=10:40]

      William: One pixel at a time...

      GM: Celebrate the differences
      Let yourself be led
      They is what they is.
      Yodhey Whahay
      Playing Chess
      "You can teach me when I’m Needing You can reach for me when I’m bleeding Touch me where I need it most - you are the Ghost - in the Machine" Aligning Self-help
      Penetrate The Bidden Zone

      William: You seem adverse to my understanding that the way Satan is utilized by God is reflected onto God and can be seen for what it is, by the audience.

      I do not have those images you have in your beliefs about Satan, and am not accusing anyone, Satan, God or Job, Christ, David Paul or any other entity effected by God.
      I am merely saying what the obvious positions are in relation to God and the angels, and Humans.
      I simply pointed out that there is no mention of Job being consulted on the matter before being cast into the role.

      I am unconcerned as to whether Satan had permission to inflict harm on Job and do anything to Job directly or indirectly to test Jobs loyalty to God - or whatever the reason was - as it is also obvious throughout the bible that this is how God works in such cases were an adversary is useful.
      Either lessons are being learned or it is for some other - as yet unknown - reason

      Satan appears to act as the dark side of יהוה and apparently the role is temporary which signifies that when God is done and dusted the dark thing becomes no more/transformed.

      How you tell it, is no different than how any other Christian tells it.

      That you hear an encouraging voice you call "Christ" while Joey Knotweed hears a tormentors voice he calls "Cowardly" tells me that you have dealt with your dark side more effectively and made friends with it.

      GM: Think With The heart - Feel With The Mind

      William: FTL;
      Chamber Two – The Shifting Models of Existence

      Consider these words as symbols only. Remember that language is a tool of limitation. Feeling is an antidote of limitation that permits the human instrument to leap over the boundaries of the logical mind and witness firsthand the wordless power of collective energy individuated. Feel the truth that stands behind the symbols, and tap into this energy-force that reaches out for you. Know it as a tone-vibration—a resonance that waits for you around every corner in which your life will turn. It is the beacon of the Source Vibration gathering itself into the form of language in order to usher you to the place from which you can experience the formless tone of equality; the bypass of limitation; the Primal Language of Source Intelligence that bestows to you the freedom to generate your deepest beauty in the expression of the highest truth. {SOURCE}
      GM: The Electron
      Solving Mathematical Problems
      Emergent Theory
      Because we are effectively trapped in our individuate states, yet nature Herself makes it that we cannot survive independently of each other, this apparent contradiction feeds those fires of discontentment.

      [The "Oh My God" Particle
      The voice of knowledge
      The Language of Innocence
      An Elemental Principle
      Attention to Detail
      Concomitant Power
      Approaching the Divine]

      [Concomitant - a phenomenon that naturally accompanies or follows something.]

    12. #287
      Novice Achievements:
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      It's Our Nature
      "Lessons All 'Round"
      Lordy! Do I Have To?

      William: Rather that than cry me a river...

      GM: Astigmatism [a defect in the eye or in a lens caused by a deviation from spherical curvature, which results in distorted images, as light rays are prevented from meeting at a common focus.]
      The Power Of Creation
      The Mindfulness involved re the things we cannot actually physically see, but are there to be discovered, nonetheless.
      Once Upon a Time "Lordy! Do I Have To?"
      Remote Viewing
      ♫ Motor Man why your running, running on overdrive what lies ahead is coming ain’t no way you can step aside ain’t no way you can run and hide ♫
      Encounter Something Our movements can illuminate the path toward that vision.
      https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophia_(Gnosticism) [RS]
      The Ennoia
      This mythos of the soul and her descent into this lower world, with her various sufferings and changing fortunes until her final deliverance, recurs in the Simonian system under the form of the All-Mother who issues as its first thought from the Hestōs or highest power of God. She generally bears the name Ennoia, but is also called Wisdom (Sophia), Ruler, Holy Spirit, Prunikos, Barbelo. Having sunk down from the highest heavens into the lowest regions, she creates angels and archangels, and these again create and rule the material universe. Restrained and held down by the power of this lower world, she is hindered from returning to the kingdom of the Father. According to one representation she suffers all manner of insult from the angels and archangels bound and forced again and again into fresh earthly bodies, and compelled for centuries to wander in ever new corporeal forms. According to another account she is in herself incapable of suffering, but is sent into this lower world and undergoes perpetual transformation in order to excite by her beauty the angels and powers, to impel them to engage in perpetual strife, and so gradually to deprive them of their store of heavenly light. The Hestōs himself at length comes down from the highest heaven in a phantasmal body in order to deliver the suffering Ennoia, and redeem the souls held in captivity by imparting gnosis to them.
      That's Powerful!
      Sharing Data
      Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
      *Infinite regress/progress in every direction, is a thing*
      William: Logically The Mind/consciousness/self awareness is therefore that which shapes the matter which we call "The Universe" - and anyone who does not think that the universe has a mind, is not paying attention to the one piece of evidence which indisputably shows that mind and matter interrelate as The Ghost and The Machine.
      GM: Trust the Process
      Do this
      You Are Nobodies Victim - Ever.
      Putting yourself back together again Glow Softly Strengthen your boundaries One can simply shrug and tell oneself “It doesn't really matter"

      I just see it as a binary option - something either exists in reality, or it doesn't. That's about as "fundamental" as reality gets.
      Your seeing of it is incomplete then, according to the science...
      I do try my best to understand and learn, but for me reality is a yes/no type of deal.
      I hear you. I can assume that you give that much grace to everyone else, my friend...for not everyone sees it the way you do and you can be content with that. We call can.
      GM: What is antichrist?
      We All Like To Play Games
      Even that it took an actual mind operating with language, to make such a statement.
      The process of individuation
      The Dangers of Separating Human Consciousness From Any Idea of GOD
      Productive Rationality
      Like mindful nests with eggs in 'em
      The Second Coming
      Calling the shots

      William: While we all wait...

      GM: Random coincidence? I think not.

      William: FTL;
      Lately some of us have been arguing from three differing positions is which the bible can be used to defend all three. All three appear to agree that each individual has a "Soul" although there may be disagreement on what the exact function of a "Soul" is.

      [1] A "Person" is "Spirit" and temporarily exists as a human being until the body dies then that "Person" enters an afterlife and is judged by "God" and is condemned or saved. Those saved go to "heaven" and those condemned go to "Hell" - or in some variances on this, are "exterminated".

      [2] A "Person" a "Human being" and when the human being dies, that is the end of that person unless "God" judges them as "saved" in which case that person is resurrected and given a new body which will last forever more.

      [3] A "Person" is an eternal Spirit in human form and when the body dies, that Spirit immediately moves to the next phase and either knowingly or unknowingly creates for their self, their next experience, based upon a combination of mainly what they believe, what their overall attitude is and what they did in the previous phase.

      Often any different position which opposes another might logically mean that they both cannot be correct, assuming one or the other is true.

      Both [1]&[2] fall into this category as they cannot both be true. [1]&[2] also both agree that [3] is false.

      However, [3] Can be true without making the other two false.

      And [3] - just as with [1]&[2] can be backed by the bible, depending on what parts of the bible one uses to do so.

      The bible is interpreted throughout, based upon which position [1][2] or [3] is being used [as the filter] to interpret it through .

      If [1]&[2] oppose each other but can still be "proven" by using the bible, then this makes the bible something of a contradiction.

      But if [3] - although different from [1]&[2] does not oppose either [1]&[2] and can still be "proven" by using the bible just like [1]&[2], then [3] takes away the contradictory aspect of the bible which [1]&[2] create by being in opposition.

      Question: Would it be fair to say therefore, that [3] is the best position to assume on the overall biblical script to do with the subject of the next phase [afterlife]?
      GM: Didactic [- intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive. in the manner of a teacher, particularly so as to appear patronizing.]
      Active Imagination (see technique)
      It is not about what is written, but rather - why it is about what was written
      Be authentic

      There Are Myriad Stories Happening Within The Main Story
      The Great White Brotherhood
      Time To Go Without Existence
      No Country For Old Men
      Frequency Dependent Selection
      Micro Reflections of a Macro Reality
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2utCTvqlVI [Joe Rogan | The Crystal Skulls and Alien Abductions w/Dan Aykroyd] [RTS= 14:31]
      Slowly and Surely Explain Think With The heart - Feel With The Mind
      Calling something "pseudoscience" isn't getting the science done - it is simply relying on woo-slinging to act as a barrier against one having to do the science for oneself - by applying an inappropriate slogan to the process.
      GM: “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all”
      It's Our Nature
      *Infinite regress/progress in every direction, is a thing*
      Never a dull moment
      Annus horribilis
      Nature being the very instigator
      Trust the Universe
      When the smoke clears, one is still left with the mirror.
      Well even the most ugly of us have a Father. [in house joke]
      The Lord God
      Calling the shots
      Hacking through the subconscious
      Try Different Methods
      Tug Of War
      What The Gods See
      Nontheists may well be the ones who have placed interposing barriers which ensure that their view is cut off - and this might be achieved through willful ignorance.
      The Creator Atman Here-and-now
      Does evolution shape our senses to see reality as it really is - or not?
      You will overcome
      Contumacious [stubbornly or wilfully disobedient to authority.]

      William: FTL;
      We also should know and factor in that there has been an increase in internet conspiracy theories to do with the mark - one of the latest being - that covid virus vaccinations are administering a computer chip into human beings - and this idea of a computer chip embedded into the human being, has been associated with the mark since we entered into the technological epoch.

      I remember my own days of Churching, I did some time in a Pentecostal new age setting, ET's [presented as the antichrist] 666 and 'chipping' rumors were well spread therein. That was in the 80's...42 years ago...
      GM: We succeed as a permanent specie or we fail as a temporary one
      Scientists are trying to understand the mysteries of the holographic principle: How many dimensions are there in our universe? Some of the world's brightest minds are carrying out research in this area -- and still have not succeeded so far in creating a unified theory of quantum gravitation is often considered to be the "Holy Grail" of modern science.
      GM: There are many levels of consciousness
      We Can Do Magic!
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYVNZgnQ8gE [50,000,000x Magnification] [RTS= 10:13]

      Five Zero ZeroZeroZero ZeroZeroZero Times Magnification = 677
      The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. = 677

      GM: *Infinite regress/progress in every direction, is a thing*
      As in "A Cosmic Comedy" being played out...
      In Cell 32 I Found Love In You
      You Are Allowed To Laugh You Know
      While We All Wait....

      William: *Smiles*

      GM: Apotheosis [the highest point in the development of something; a culmination or climax. the elevation of someone to divine status.]
      Remnant Seed
      Open Minded
      Dream yoga
      Concomitant [a phenomenon that naturally accompanies or follows something.]
      Now that nut is cracked, what next?
      A theism is the ship, not the sailors
      Trust The Process
      Look from a different angle
      The Science Of The Soul
      *Infinite regress/progress in every direction, is a thing*
      Stay Present
      I have no reason not to trust that the thought was backed with good intentions.
      Dualism Separates Because Oneness Remains Hidden From Its Selves
      Lyricus designs, transposes, and installs galactic Tributary Zones to a planetary system
      Let the hand of GOD work for you
      Great Ideas
      Core value
      Divine intuition
      *Infinite regress/progress in every direction, is a thing*
      "Know that this new relationship will help you become better..."
      Christian mythology
      The Ishango bone
      You Tube Mythology Enlightenment
      Re: The mind as evidence of god So then we see, the claim in the OP can't be shown to be true and factual.
      Yes. I also observe that it cannot be shown to be false and fanciful.
      GM: “No sailor controls the sea.”
      Freeing the soul
      Humans are programmed to become integrated with technology
      How To Bruise a Ghost.

      The evening is warm and the night sky full of stars. A crescent moon peeks above the Twelve Judges Mountain Range as Father and Son sit opposite one another, being warmed by the same fire.
      William places another log on the fire and watches as a flurry of sparks ascend from the disturbance caused – he takes a sip of tea and listens as Father resumes speaking.

      Manu Iti: All stories start with "Once Upon a Time"

      William: Even the story of The Beginning?

      Manu Iti: You know this to be true William, for every story could not have been told, if The Story of The Beginning hadn't happened.

      William: Am I old enough to be told that story?

      Manu Iti chuckles.

      Manu Iti: Of course you are, My Son.

      William: Thank You, My Father!

      Manu Iti: I will begin first with the Earth, not because She was the very first thing in The Beginning, but because - in order to understand The Beginning we have to first understand our part in the story - our place in the scheme of All That Is.

      William: And that begins with Earth Mother...

      Manu Iti: Indeed.
      The Mother was born of a vaster thing - our Grand-Mother - and we shall get to Grand-Mother in due course.
      The Mother was placed within The Earth by Grand-Mother and became the mind of the planet. When this happened, Mother was a Child Herself - a new thing placed within the form of the planet, while at the same time, a part of The Ancient Mind of Grand-Mother...

      William: How is that even possible, Father?

      Manu Iti: It is possible through the power of forgetting.

      The Ancient Mind of Grand-Mother spawned a thought in the form of a spark of light and placed it inside the middle of a dark and lifeless form, and in doing so, gave the form - Life.
      In that action, the Earth became a living planet. She also became a new conscious entity...a being with a beginning, because the action of placing Her into a planet, erased all knowledge of ever having a prior existence as The Grand Mother.

      William: Did The Grand Mother know this would happen?

      Manu Iti: Yes. The Grand Mother new that this would continue for a time. The Grand Mother knew that Her Daughter would be orphaned by that lack of knowledge and this would result in a new Being which could operate successfully without having to have that knowledge - and that one day, The Daughter would come to know of The Grand Mother and reconnect...

      William: Is that a good thing to do with a Child?

      Manu Iti: Yes. It is how a Child becomes a Sovereign Entity. It is not done this way with Human Children - but there are elements of the process which do - naturally - occur to each of us.

      William: Like - how we cannot recall anything but darkness, before we became aware of our existence?

      Manu Iti: Yes.
      GM: In The Rabbit Hole
      Panpsychism [In the philosophy of mind, panpsychism is the view that the mind or a mindlike aspect is a fundamental and ubiquitous feature of reality. It is also described as a theory that "the mind is a fundamental feature of the world which exists throughout the universe."]
      It Was Tough Going, But Rewarding All The Same.
      The nature of understanding
      For The Purpose Of
      *Infinite regress/progress in every direction, is a thing*
      Functional Clusters

      This moment is the perfect teacher
      Mission Functional Clusters
      Living our forefathers’ conflict
      It is a slippery path of snake-oil.
      The Realm of The Knowing of My Self
      I Think – Therefore – Who Do I Think I Am?
      Actions speak louder than words

    13. #288
      Novice Achievements:
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      VVilliam's Avatar
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      [Replying to The Tanager in post #93]

      So yes. about those stories...

      I observe the explanation for any of them, can be told as 'we exist within a simulation' - created for a purpose which we should be able to intelligently work out.
      I agree. It can also be told via other kinds of creation views.
      You would have to show me that is the case before I could agree with that, if indeed it were even important/relevant.

      In the telling of it, the instruction for humans is to go forth and to multiply and to subdue the planet.
      For the burning bush story?
      If, during the discussion we might continue to have, you feel that I am confused about which story of the Bibles many stories being referred to, please let me know.
      Whatever I mention of whatever bible story, am I able to presume that you know the Bible stories well enough not to have to ask, or should I be more specific in the furture?

      The one speaking the instruction, is represented in many forms throughout the Bible, but considered to being the same VOICE behind those forms - be the form a burning bush, or even the atmospheric form of a disembodied external VOICE, such as when in the garden...YVHV uses what YVHV will to get the message across...
      Yes, I agree.

      We have both agreed that:
      1: We exist within a creation.
      2: Simulation Theory is a valid way to interpret the Biblical stories.

      If there is any pattern in the overall stories which can give us a definitive answer;

      Q: Why did YVHV create this universe and specifically place human beings within it for the purpose of us exploring, breeding and subduing it?

      Note: I understand that there are most likely many conflicting answers, depending upon an individual's beliefs and interpretations of the bible stories and I am not interested in arguing about beliefs and interpretations.
      I simply want one's impression or understanding of why one thinks that given the evidence humans have so far uncovered, YVHV does this to Humans.

      For example, I have the impression you think that you never existed before you were born and although we have different opinions on that point, I seem to recall you argued that the personality/character you are, never existed prior to this experience you are currently having.

      If I understand you correctly here, then we can agree that one of the main purposes for this universe and humans being within it, has to do with the formation of personalities/characters...and in relation to YHVH - these are for the purpose of then having the potential - to interact with YVHV.

      What do you say to the above. - Agree? Disagree? Important things to iron out first?
      *Why did YVHV create this universe and specifically place human beings within it for the purpose of us exploring, breeding and subduing it?*

      DATE [Like an interface representation] [312]

      SCLx6 + select last LE per shuffle
      Courageous - Truth Without Proof Is Belief - "With a mystical smile I float down the isle Forgetting the time when I was lost" - Further - If In Doubt Let It Sit - Confirmation which moves one from faith to fact
      AP= [The Electron - Augment = 206]
      [Augment -make (something) greater by adding to it; increase.]
      [Subatomic Particles
      Take care of yourself
      Odd Addiction Vortex
      The Nature of The Mind
      Mathematical problems
      The Kindness of Sleep
      Gateway Luminous
      The Electron Augment
      The fire from within
      Looking behind the veil]

      RSP = SCLx6 +
      *Why did YVHV create this universe and specifically place human beings within it for the purpose of us exploring, breeding and subduing it?* + P&P + Quote Page 206

      Page 206
      Afraid of The Unknown
      When the evidence for long ages became obvious, most Christians realized that their earlier assumptions about scripture were incorrect.
      Comprehend Embarrassing Advice
      Genetic Memory
      Think With The heart - Feel With The Mind
      Put That Fire Out
      Raphael ~
      I Am Hearing You
      That's a good one
      As Crazy as evolution might seem, it is just the way the Cosmic Mind did it.
      Fitting In
      The Single Word List
      That will come out in the wash - as the saying goes...
      Beyond Belief Recovery
      Equal System
      You Are Allowed To Laugh You Know
      He Who Waits ~
      Smarter Than The Average
      Positive self-talk Joy Left -brain Right brain Whole brain
      The Akashic Records ...because death comes a-knockin' eventually...
      Religious beliefs are a many-barbed growth wishing to own the rights on the mind behind creation Puppets handing out sweets
      They is what they is.
      Christian mythology
      The Ride
      Looking behind
      International Skeptics Forum - View Single Post - The Seed of Origin
      05:48 [Freedom in The Knowing]

      GM: God/Source/Home
      Unsuccessful attempt to find something
      Religious theists may well be the ones who have placed interposing barriers which ensure that their view is cut off - and this might be achieved through wilful ignorance.
      A machine for solving problems
      "One Day" [Christian mythology re God]
      In Denial What Is Our Purpose? My advice to the reader is to follow the links
      Go For It!
      *Why did YVHV create this universe and specifically place human beings within it for the purpose of us exploring, breeding and subduing it?*
      The things you can see only when you slow down
      In The Team of the Collective
      GOD God Gods gods

      William: My thoughts on this are that is seems more logical to go with consciousness not being an emergent property of working brains because this implies that the material can create the immaterial, which seems to be unnatural [goes against] in regard to how nature creates. Nature creates using what is materially available. Why would it first [or at all] need to create something immaterial to then be enabled do this?

      Thus it seems more logical to accept that the immaterial created the material and placed itself within that material in order to then further shape that material in ways which would help it to create through that material [such as working brains]. First making the basics and then getting into the details.
      GM: *Why did YVHV create this universe and specifically place human beings within it for the purpose of us exploring, breeding and subduing it?*
      Mystery Consensus Realities
      Different ways of supporting the same objective.
      To Know
      Look inward
      Eternal Loop
      Homeostasis [the tendency towards a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes.]

      A Space Without A Time...
      The Blank-Slate Borderlines

      PeeKay: Perception of morality is an ability people have, and it's as important, or more important than sight.
      William: It is no doubt helpful for biological critters to have any chance of surviving within the Universe to invent morals which assist with that process.
      However, in order to accept the premise you offer, one would have to say that morals were not invented but discovered. One would have to assign human characteristics to the Universe. Do you think that the Universe is therefore self aware and has a sense of morality?
      GM: The Supernatural and the Bible
      Conjunction All The World Are Under the watchful eye
      Insufficient data
      *Why did YVHV create this universe and specifically place human beings within it for the purpose of us exploring, breeding and subduing it?*
      A complex and tricky undertaking...

      William: Stuff/things a complex and tricky undertaking... = 467
      There seems to be an objective reality out there = 467

      GM: Plus
      The Corporate Elite
      Do a Word Search
      Musing On The Mother

      William: Musing On The Mother = 224

      The Eigengrau Mind Screen
      James Webb Space Telescope
      Under the watchful eye
      As An Elemental Principle
      They is what they is.
      Look For the Significance
      The Purpose Of Life Is...
      Unknown Visitor
      Leave room for nature
      One Hundred and Sixty

      The Corporate Elite Musing On The Mother = 419
      What I also know is that numbers don't lie.
      Might even cause Dad to crack a smile...who knows!
      "Well even the most ugly of us have a Father."
      The Corporate Elite Musing On The Mother
      Elementary Conclusion "I am on a Madventure"

      The Way We Feel Unification
      Conscious Eats Experience
      Inflicting science upon a specie which is not ready for it
      May all your madventures be fun.
      Go with the Flow
      Tap into your natural intuition and creativity
      Spiritual bypassing
      *Why did YVHV create this universe and specifically place human beings within it for the purpose of us exploring, breeding and subduing it?*
      The Neutral Zone is the vaster reality of non-judgementalism
      Sometimes the simplest explanations are the best...
      OWOBIK [One Whom Ought Be Inwardly Known]
      As in "A Cosmic Comedy" being played out...
      Lojong [used for contemplative practice. The practice involves refining and purifying one's motivations and attitudes.]
      The Divine

      Feeling the complete engulfment of unconditional love
      *Why did YVHV create this universe and specifically place human beings within it for the purpose of us exploring, breeding and subduing it?*
      Leave room for nature
      Zones of Sensitivity
      'If only' it wasn't in the too hard basket....which fortunately it actually isn't.
      Simulating large scale structure

      Nontheist: And I get what you say about cutting off from the experience of God etc. But that is cutting yourself off from the possibility that pursuit of the Mystical Experience may in the end, be a waste of time.
      Mystical Experience has often involved showing the individual that time is an illusion - and that death is as well.

      One will live an entire lifetime and not learn everything there is to know and what if death is not the end and one could have utilized their time in a balanced manner which did not involve cutting one off in favor of the other.

      I would rather the Panthera pulling my Chariot were both moving in the same direction with the same purpose...
      [Secrets of the soul
      Central to The Message
      Between a rock and a hard place
      Remember who you are
      Hologram Dimensions]

    14. #289
      Novice Achievements:
      Created Dream Journal Made Friends on DV 1 year registered 1000 Hall Points
      VVilliam's Avatar
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      Jan 2022
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      DJ Entries
      "Generative adversarial network"
      Not to be confused with Adversarial machine learning.
      Part of a series on
      Machine learning
      and data mining
      Scatterplot featuring a linear support vector machine's decision boundary (dashed line)
      Supervised learning
      (classification • regression)
      Dimensionality reduction
      Structured prediction
      Anomaly detection
      Artificial neural network
      AutoencoderCognitive computingDeep learningDeepDreamMultilayer perceptronRNN LSTMGRUESNreservoir computingRestricted Boltzmann machineGANSOMConvolutional neural network U-NetTransformer VisionSpiking neural networkMemtransistorElectrochemical RAM (ECRAM)
      Reinforcement learning
      Learning with humans
      Model diagnostics
      Machine-learning venues
      Related articles
      A generative adversarial network (GAN) is a class of machine learning frameworks designed by Ian Goodfellow and his colleagues in June 2014.[1] Two neural networks contest with each other in the form of a zero-sum game, where one agent's gain is another agent's loss.

      Given a training set, this technique learns to generate new data with the same statistics as the training set. For example, a GAN trained on photographs can generate new photographs that look at least superficially authentic to human observers, having many realistic characteristics. Though originally proposed as a form of generative model for unsupervised learning, GANs have also proved useful for semi-supervised learning,[2] fully supervised learning,[3] and reinforcement learning.[4]

      The core idea of a GAN is based on the "indirect" training through the discriminator, another neural network that can tell how "realistic" the input seems, which itself is also being updated dynamically.[5] This means that the generator is not trained to minimize the distance to a specific image, but rather to fool the discriminator. This enables the model to learn in an unsupervised manner.

      GANs are similar to mimicry in evolutionary biology, with an evolutionary arms race between both networks.{SOURCE}
      112022 [In training for the next level] [306]

      SCLx9 + select last LE per shuffle
      My commentary is on the positional responses to the question "Do we exist within a creation?" rather than what individuals giving allegiance to said positions may or may not do as a matter of personal choice. - Recover what was lost - The Electroweak Era - The Fathers 'House - Mansions' - Confirmation bias - https://debatingchristianity.com/for...77448#p1077448 - Absolute Unbounded Manifold Fine-structure Constant - The Evolution of Morals - The Ghost

      AP= [=Sharing Data
      Higher Self Dream Guide Love Heart Raise your frequency]
      [Love Heart Higher Self Dream Guide Sharing Data Raise your frequency = 637]
      The Neutral Zone is the vaster reality of non-judgementalism = 637

      RSP = SCLx9 + "Generative adversarial network" + P&P + Quote Page 637

      Page 637
      The Deep and Meaningful
      The Nature of The Mind
      We Are Us
      Atheism is the unconscious lack of belief in Gods
      For Your Greater Enjoyment
      The "Everything Is Unique" Mantra
      Perennial [lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring.]
      Little Bird
      Narcissist [a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves.]
      Through Others
      Hypnagogic experience
      Working on that...
      The ability of foresight helps one to think through the desires of ones heart through logic-based filters.
      Who Knows
      Jump to Conclusions
      Maree’s dying/death
      Sleeping Dragon
      “Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans”
      Feeling the complete engulfment of unconditional love
      Unwilling Reaction
      Consciousness in its myriad of form and function
      Fear intimidation distraction exploitation
      The Sun
      Experience is the best teacher
      Engaging with the impermanent implies a permanent background
      Righty Oh!
      Generated Messages Coming From A Creator
      A physical manifestation of a mental projection
      I Ensure The Hierarchy Serves It's Purpose
      REAL Friendship
      Dualic Residue
      The House of Politics
      Do Not Panic
      Insufficient data
      Love Takes One For The Team
      08:49 [Freedom in The Knowing]

      "Generative adversarial network"

      GM: Your Dream Team
      Events connected by meaning

      Apocalypse [Uncover – reveal.]
      “Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth.”

      This transformation of the entity is the pathway into wholeness and the recognition that the entity model of expression is a composite of forms and the formless that is unified in one energy, one consciousness.
      "Generative adversarial network"
      Though Thought
      Psychological events
      It can bite and scratch so one has to be careful
      Is life on earth being lived as it should be?
      Is there a way in which one can test the hypothesis and in doing so, elevate it to an accepted theory?
      Christian mythology re God " It helps makes the stinky hole I was pushed through in order to get here, a purposeful experience..."
      Stay Present
      Peaceful Messiah
      Proceed with causation, cautiously...

      Be aware
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjtWUWZxocA [Jan Westerhoff | Are Dreams Real?]

      William: FTL;
      5,812 views Nov 16, 2019 Is dreaming just an illusion? Philosopher and orientalist Jan Westerhoff, explores what Buddhist philosophy can teach us about dreaming, illusion and reality. [Is Reality an Illusion?]
      GM: Dichotomy [1. a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.]
      My understanding of the Realm of Judgment is that some folk want to run their life experiences through this realm on the off-chance that the approval they seek, is given therein.
      The bureaucracy of Christianity
      "Generative adversarial network"
      Fear-Based Thinking Ensures You Get To Know It
      Golden nugget of truth
      The Mapping Bots Couple ♫I know how you care while you nurture your fear That you'll miss the bouquet when its thrown♫
      ♫I see the light I see the Light I see the light now I start again upon the road that never ends...♫
      Know This
      Invisible Wings

      Fling That Veil Aside
      One has to take care to process the thoughts of the inner critic making sure that they align with the truth.
      Ace in the hole
      ♫The picture unfolds like silk in a loom Silhouetted by Diane are the witch and the broom If she is the bride - who is the groom?♫
      "Generative adversarial network"
      OOBE Target Technique
      Mysterious process
      Mapping Wholeness
      “Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”
      Leave a Trail
      Spring Loaded
      It isn't important who is who - what is important is what comes through.
      Fitting In Creative Conscious Intelligence
      The past and the future are moments of 'now' - to deny they have no bearing on this moment, is counter-productive
      Inculcated [[instil/teach (an idea, attitude, or habit) by persistent instruction.]
      Genetic Mind

      The Hounds of Judgement Numbing The Power Of Creation

      "Generative adversarial network"
      Zero Waste
      Dare greatly
      Universal Objective
      Secular Science Projects
      [The path of awakening]
      Ship Shape

      William: Again - the discussion being had here shows me that beliefs to do with the age of the Universe are secondary in relevant importance to the fact of its existence and our existence within it.

      Re: the OPQ: How Crazy does Evolution Seem?

      No more or less crazy than the notion of the Universe being a Holographic Experiential Reality Simulation produced and processed within the mind of The Father God - and furthermore, this idea does not go against The Script...scripture being scant on the details has to do with its focus being on The Creator re the Human element of the story - rather than specifically The Creation...and in that regard, 'a blink of an eye' and '13.8 billion years' amount to exactly the same thing in relation to said Mind.
      Notice too, that the Biblical take on the existence of life on Earth, does not acknowledge the Dinosaurs

      Search: What does the word Dinosaur mean
      Sir Richard Owen came up with the name dinosaur in 1841 to describe the fossils of extinct reptiles. He coined the word by combining the Greek words “deinos”, which means terrible, and “sauros”, which means lizard.

      As near to this as the bible story gets, is The Serpent...is that a coincidence or something linking prehistory with human development?
      GM: "Free Will" is nothing much to crow about..."Visions" show that to be the case.
      Mother Invention
      Elementary Conclusion a belly full of laughs.
      Smile at fear

      An Elder Race
      "Is consciousness an emergent property of the brain?"
      Coming closer to ourselves

      William: FTL;
      Compassionist: How do you know there is such a thing called the soul or spirit or eternal entity or heaven or hell or God?
      William: "Soul" "Sprit" "Eternal Entity" are reductions of data accumulation. On a personal level [as in "how do I know"] since experiencing "OOB" I have no option [if I am to remain honest] but to consider that data of experience as relative to my 'self-identity' so I am in the skin of an ape, but the personality being developed as "me" is done so directly through my nervous system [see here for more about that] and so underneath the flesh and bone of my human form, is the heart of a system which allows for me to even contemplate self-identification.
      Coupling that data [my personal data of experience] with the stories humans tell of their subjective experiences, I can form a picture of the most likely overall picture of what is occurring - what we are all involved within.
      For reasons of simplicity [re the complexity] I refer to the whole as a kind of Simulation Game-Play, because that is what it appears to be.

      So it is not so much a matter of 'knowing' as it is a matter of guessing. I could be wrong, I could be right. The death of the body will show me I am right OR I will simply cease to exist/experience data.
      Compassionist: The Bible is full of contradictions and inaccuracies. How can I possibly rely on the Bible to give me facts about reality?
      William: The bible is just one of many theist books and in that, the contradictions are about individual authors relaying their ideas based upon their particular beliefs, which - combined - are what produce the contradictions. Like with all theistic writings, it is wise to take the stories on the understanding that the individuals are relaying their experiences as the experiences were created through their beliefs and in correlation with their personal attitudes etc...it is unwise to think of such as reliable source re 'facts about reality' - as to do so means one is having to believe and in that, shaping ones beliefs and attitudes and [should there be more to experience after the death of the body] those beliefs and attitudes will have an effect on what it is the individual will create and experience for themselves.

      My perspective [re logic] is that it is better to be somewhat prepared for the possibility that there is more to experience after the death of the body, than to believe that there will be nothing more to experience and be way less prepared as a consequence.

      If I am wrong, then 'no problem' but if I am right, then 'no problem'...
      GM: Milky Way Mother
      Reconnect with Innocence - It will be the beginning of your reintroduction to your True Self.
      Children of The Light
      The Mind is a planetary phenomenon
      Attitude of gratitude
      "Generative adversarial network"
      Astral Guides
      Believing in fearful imagery
      The Great Grey Neutral Zone
      Extra evidence is provided Bridge Confusion In The Air
      Dive deep
      The "All Matey"
      That, they can be!
      In Training For...
      Everything for a reason
      What Shall We Call It?
      "The Brain"
      You create whatever experience you will have in the next phase based upon the type of personality you shaped your self into during this one.
      A Black Hole
      Those Who Can
      To bring what one is not conscious of, into one’s conscious awareness

      Giving birth
      A Clean Channel
      Creating Gateways Into Other Dimensions
      That's More Like It
      That is because every day, I am adding to the data - and it is a slow and sure process.
      "Generative adversarial network"
      Wide Walk Welcoming
      Universal Mind
      Far Out! Shucks! Explain!
      A Mathematical Theory of Communication Fearless
      Are Close Save That
      It Would Be Rude Not To
      Heart Teachers
      Of Your Thoughts

      Nurture You
      The challenge of reconciling belief in an omnipotent, omnibenevolent, and omniscient God, with the existence of evil and suffering in the world, is illusionary.
      Emergent Theory
      Smile at fear
      Hacking through the subconsciousness
      "Generative adversarial network"
      Pitchforks and Torches
      "I think it was an ambush or surprise attack" = An Opportunity To Commune
      Light the spark
      The Earth Entity
      William: One simply has to love oneself and ones neighbor... where is that written, other than within one's heart.
      Christian: But Scripture says that we must love Jehovah our God first of all, and then our neighbor.
      William: That's what I was saying, when I wrote;

      How can one love others if one does not love oneself? How can one love oneself if one does not love one's God?
      However, I do not have one name for my God. I have many names [including YHVH] for The Cosmic Mind of Creation.

      Christian: Those with no knowledge of scripture today cannot obey the first commandment.
      William: Unsupported statements do not, a fact [truth] make.

      Indeed, ‘You must love The Creator with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole strength and with your whole mind’ is something folk can do, even if they have no access to any religious script.

      The other biblical quotes bear witness to how individuals related to their idea of God - in love...indeed, the bible is mostly a books of stories to do with this inter-personal relationship.

      And to add - many of those individuals did not even have access to what you are saying is 'Scripture' - so it would not be errant of me to point out that there is no concrete evidence to support the belief that knowledge of scripture is a commandment, even implicatively.

      Certainly one can find inspiration for wanting to connect and commune, but this is simply not limited to the bible - thus quite obviously there is no such commandment that scripture be known, in order for one to connect and commune with The Creator Mind [Ghost] - therefore the knowledge must be sourced elsewhere, and primarily it must be sourced within the relationship itself - not to the stories of others [as inspiring as these might be] but to ones own story in relation with others.
      GM: Creation of a New Universe
      Sky Lamps
      Here Am I Is Where I Ought - Examining My Conscious Thought
      Sensory Data Quality

      The Purpose
      The Hub Of Hologram Dimensions
      Returning the Compliment

      William: FTL;
      We know that if we stand on the moon, and look at the planet, there is no immediate evidence of the planet being an intelligent entity, producing myriad forms of intelligent life.
      [Replying to brunumb in post #151]

      Probably because the planet is not intelligent entity.
      Positive statements imply a claim is being made. Do you have any evidence to support the claim that the planet is not an intelligent entity?

      It is when we get closer to it - and find life and examine life and see the intelligence therein, that we can return to the moon and observe an intelligent planet. Not because it looks any different from the way it did when we first observed it from the moon - but rather - because we accumulated a lot of information about it through closer examination, and the effect of that data in that interim, changed our original perceptions of the Earth.
      But those changes to our original perceptions of the Earth do not lead to the conclusion that it is an intelligent entity.
      No they do not, and I don't understand where it is you think I am saying this is the case.
      What it leads to is that the possibility that one equals the other, allows for the possibility that it is, and therefore, information regarding the possibility remains relevant to the position of Agnosticism.
      That door remains open to further investigation.
      That idea remains on the table.

      Sure, there are intelligent species everywhere but no compelling reason to conclude that intelligence extends beyond those species. Unless, of course, one is predisposed to leaping to unwarranted conclusions or applying some sort of confirmation bias.
      The sort of confirmation bias which Agnosticism avoids are those which develop within the positions of Theism and Nontheism.

      The "unwarranted conclusion" in this case, would be to view the obvious intelligence being displayed, as "not really a display of intelligence." but "something else" such as "The planet isn't really an intelligent entity, but is simply unconsciously responding to the stimulus of its environment."
      GM: "Generative adversarial network"
      It is what it is

      The Things You Do...
      A New Perspective
      Working on that...
      This Should Be Interesting Being Friends Inner child
      "Generative adversarial network"
      A Bridge Over Time
      "Is this a dream that I think is real?"
      In Human Form

      [Befriending the shadow
      Astral Projection
      Something Like That
      Source Intelligence
      Dungeons and Dragons
      God's Love Direction
      Mapping Wholeness
      Fear of the Unknown]

    15. #290
      Novice Achievements:
      Created Dream Journal Made Friends on DV 1 year registered 1000 Hall Points
      VVilliam's Avatar
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      Jan 2022
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      DJ Entries
      Q: Why did YVHV create this universe and specifically place human beings within it for the purpose of us exploring, breeding and subduing the planet?

      A: To grow Human Personalities.
      "The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral..."
      Spacetime doesn’t really exist
      A: To grow Human Personalities.
      A complex and tricky undertaking...
      The Shifting Models of Existence
      A life sentence ending in a death sentence

      131022 [Solving Mathematical problems] [304]

      SCLx7 + select last LE per shuffle
      https://debatingchristianity.com/for...87906#p1087906 -
      [Replying to Diogenes in post #230]

      I am procuring information which helps me scientifically delve into the world of consciousness.
      Re: Generating Messages

      This amounts to evidence which can be studied, and for that matter, what I am publishing here are on other forums is of interest to readers.

      Your personal lack of interest is of no interest to me any more than your 'tiredness' in 'trying to explain' is, as I get my explanations from better sources...
      Re: The mind as evidence of god
      Nontheist: So then we see, the claim in the OP can't be shown to be true and factual.
      William: Yes. I also observe that it cannot be shown to be false and fanciful.
      "The past and the future are moments of 'now' - to deny they have no bearing on this moment, is counter-productive" - Ship Shape - Quantum Jumping - Let Go - Peace out!

      AP= [=Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
      [Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz https://debatingchristianity.com/for...77939#p1077939 = 949]
      [Nine Four Nine = 144]
      Up to scratch
      Dying? Use Mind
      Ten Insights
      Strange Desire
      Tremulous [shaking or quivering slightly. timid; nervous.]
      William Cleaning
      Transponder [a device for receiving a radio signal and automatically transmitting a different signal.]
      Real friendship
      That's a good one
      Zombie Jesus
      Synesthesia [the production of a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by stimulation of another sense or part of the body.]
      Textnum code
      Astral Pulse
      Look Closely

      RSP = SCLx7+ A: *To grow Human Personalities*. +P&P+ Quote Page 144

      Page 144
      GM: Regulate
      In The Flow
      Be Taught
      ♫You are a thought worth thinking You’re the water and the wine - you’re the cup from which I’m drinking You’re a surprise worth hoping for You are a captured moment - you’re a space without a time♫
      Creation of a New Universe
      The Unknown Knowable
      ♫Sanctified love’s joyful lust with ever movement Every thrust and every loss of sexual tension♫
      The idea of benevolence comes after the idea of evil.
      Is it not the quality of the message that counts, rather than the name of the entity the message comes from?
      The nature of understanding...Love Life
      The Plateau of The Same Page
      Trust issues?
      'Lack of empathy'
      Ugly is just "in the eye of the beholder" as is Beauty.
      Most folk need moderating.
      Warm Presence Freeing the soul Absolutely Perfectly Beautiful.
      Would you agree with this assessment, so far?
      Do It
      Pixie Farts create Pixel parts
      ♫Down through the ages - dark in the gloom Many convinced it will all end in doom The Galactic Garden is forever in bloom♫ Central to The Message
      Another Mind Open
      It’s a living thing
      Message Generator System of Random Selection of Word-Strings
      Respect yourself
      Telling the future
      Fearlessness neutralizes fear
      Believing in fearful imagery
      The evolution of the understanding of the idea of GOD
      ♫All Is As It Should Be♫
      Little Self
      Naked truth
      The Great Grey Neutral Zone
      Yes - I Hear You
      08:23 [Personal Integrity]

      GM: Relaxed and informal...
      Children of The Light
      Tales From Topographic Oceans
      The Dark Night of The Soul
      Those Who Can
      "Does the Eagle know what is in the pit?
      Or wilt thou go ask the Mole:
      Can Wisdom be put in a silver rod?
      Or Love in a golden bowl?"
      Mathematical Problems
      REAL Friendship
      Phosphenes [a sensation of a ring or spot of light produced by pressure on the eyeball or direct stimulation of the visual system other than by light.]
      "The sea is indeed filled with a deranged assortment of critters"
      10 Insights
      A new spiritual awakening is occurring in human culture, an awakening brought about by a critical mass of individuals who experience their lives as a spiritual unfolding, a journey in which we are led forward by mysterious coincidences.

      Noticing Synchronicity

      SYNCHRONICITY is the entry point, the measure of whether we’re connected spiritually. These “meaningful coincidences” are tiny miracles steering us toward the good life. They are always seeking first, to awaken us, and then to allow us to be guided by a spiritual connection to the unfolding of our intended destiny. Staying in a state of alert expectation concerning the major questions of our lives, or the help we need, increases the frequency of Synchronistic answers. The secret is remembering, first thing in the morning, to watch for these magical Synchronistic moments.
      It is not a great answer, because we do not know that is true.

      William: So we test it to see if it works. If it works, at least it is true that it works...

      GM: Dimensional Crossovers
      *A: To grow Human Personalities.*
      Down Your Way

      William: For the opinion from YVHV that human personalities are insidious things would be a generalization...more weeds than useful but still useful for some things...

      GM: Sunlight
      Trust the Universe

      William: [3] A "Person" is an eternal Spirit in human form and when the body dies, that Spirit immediately moves to the next phase and either knowingly or unknowingly creates for their self, their next experience, based upon a combination of mainly what they believe, what their overall attitude is and what they did in the previous phase.

      Often any different position which opposes another might logically mean that they both cannot be correct, assuming one or the other is true.

      Both [1]&[2] fall into this category as they cannot both be true. [1]&[2] also both agree that [3] is false.

      However, [3] Can be true without making the other two false.
      GM: https://debatingchristianity.com/for...89442#p1089442
      Theist: Self-causation is illogical and, therefore, not possible.

      Nontheist: Yet you require no illogical tag when you propose an uncaused god we can't observe as the cause of a universe we do observe.
      ______________ :-k ________________ O

      :-k : As we should already agree together, since for the present, science informs us that the universe had a beginning, we have to apply the argument "Self-causation is illogical and, therefore, not possible." to that which has a beginning.

      Gods come in all shapes and sizes and there are probably myths about gods who had beginnings and gods who's lives could be ended.

      However, there is also the myth of the GOD who had no beginning and in that, is the root-cause of all things which do have beginnings.


      As an observer, the theist is correct in this case.
      "Self-causation is illogical and, therefore, not possible" does not apply to a GOD who has always existed.

      That said, nor would it apply to a universe which has always existed...once the popular beliefs that the universe had a beginning, have been shown [through science of course] to be false...
      GM: Creation
      Freeing the soul
      Self-talk Root of all evil
      A Stroke of Luck
      Fearful Imaginations
      Could a planet like Earth have a mind of its own if it can be "alive" like that?
      William: This idea does not have to produce fear/fearful imaginings within the personality...

      GM: https://debatingchristianity.com/for...81812#p1081812

      William: Point being, wherever this sleight of hand originated, it is high time it was pinned to the table and dissected for the sake of clarity and the truthfulness clarity provides us all with.

      That would be the reasonable thing to do.
      GM: Universal Objectives
      The Hounds of Judgement Numbing The Power Of Creation
      In The Correct Position
      All The World
      Treasure To Find
      Heroes and Villains
      One's thoughts
      Sweet Hush
      Be Honest
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaXpDsjVumk [YAHWEH | Shocking Truth Behind The Original Bible Story!] [RTS=23:19]
      The "Us" is The Elohim, in the original telling of the story
      GM: Connecting The Dots
      How stories are created...
      Focus Vehicle One Day Select Take Care Israel YHWH In the Flow
      The Second Coming

      William: The Elohim = "The Family" re "The Second Coming"

      GM: The Cave Maps

      William: Re the individual and ones relationship with YVHV/Elohim...

      GM: A Bit Of Both Yes
      Imposed Appropriates Observed
      Telos [an ultimate object or aim.]
      One is not wrong
      Dream Cake
      On all fronts
      Who Knows
      Deeper Questions Regarding Individual Existence
      Understand few reach self awareness
      Arms Crossed
      The Cooperation Strategy
      I Ensure The Hierarchy Serves It's Purpose
      Behind The Veil You Are All Loveable...
      I Suppose That It Is Possible
      *A: To grow Human Personalities.*
      What Is Friendship?
      Blind Luck?
      The Brain Is Trained To recognize Patterns
      Tracks In The Snow
      Putting yourself back together again Glow Softly Strengthen your boundaries One can simply shrug and tell oneself “It doesn't really matter"
      The Body of God
      I Know
      Cymatics [the study of visible sound and vibration, a subset of modal phenomena]
      The Spirit of The Earth - In an environment which is able to perceive this - It's a plausible scenario
      Like an interface representation

      William: Yes - something we can sense with our forms...

      GM: Each To Their Own

      William: Yes - the individual has to connect with it consciously...

      GM: "Despite all the dangers, Hess lands safely"
      William: The "stirring up" that occurs from this energy system causes a simulation which can be /is being experienced.
      The result - more often than not - is the 'guru vision' emergent of theistic contemplations and that vision is feed back into the mechanics of the simulation-producing thing we call "energy".
      There is no real point to feeding back such information unless that "energy" is somehow aware.
      That implied 'consciousness'.
      The parchments are simply individual expressions of guru-vision whereby having faith that the energy is mindful, seems to increase the feedback, inferring that perhaps indeed - a mind is responding...

      GM: Through the building up of the collected data to the point where it can be examined......is The Subject which is being taught, being said to be true or false...
      The Divine:
      "Ah - The Mechanics
      The Timeless Proton"
      The only thing the Holy Ghost is unable to forgive, is that which individuals are unable to forgive of themselves
      The concept of a Higher Self...
      GM:Tzevaot [armies or hosts of men - interpreted as denoting "the God of the armies of Israel"]
      The Planet Consciousness assess the data and transmits that assessment back to the individuate human consciousness - if not directly - then storing the data in a place where the individual can have access to it, if the individual wants the data.
      Watch Your Step
      You may be Psychic, not mentally ill.
      [God Eat Data Heal Cub]

      William: Indeed - as the data is assimilated by the individual, the individual can heal from the trauma of being grown to be a personality - the personality heals as the data is integrated with the personalities awareness.

      ...to be continued...

    16. #291
      Novice Achievements:
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      GM: "Astral Guides" Ruling your world..."Chaos Really Is Illusion"
      Starve The Distractions Feed The Focus
      Duty Calls
      Part of the 'waiting' is developing skills and this involves demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight, rather than procrastinating or expecting the food to be delivered rather than going and finding it for ones self.
      Each Individual

      William: Zero makes the mathematics work...but if zero [representing nothing] is a fraudulent necessity, then perhaps the interpretation of mathematics is incorrect, and perhaps the reason mathematic works [is correct] is because the zero isn't really representing nothing, so much as it represents something which is not detectable but still exists as something.
      GM: You Are Nobodies Victim Ever.
      Heart advice
      Christian: The account in Job simply shows that the Adversary is the cause of some suffering.
      William: And this has not been denied by me. Rather, I pointed out that the Adversary - as far as Hebrew understanding is, part of what YHWH uses and any suffering of humans caused by such adversity is obviously less important - secondary - to the primary interactions between YHWH and that which YHWH created for the purpose of causing adversity re humans.

      William: Re 'Growing Human Personalities' - Adversity is essential to the recipe of gaining the integration between the human personality and the YVHV personality...

      GM: "Time To Go Without Existence"

      William: This seems to be a desired alternative for some personalities who are repulsed by the very idea...often expressed through nontheism as "When my brain dies, I will no longer exist"....

      GM: The problem of evil
      Re: The Biblical God's conduct and culpability
      Nontheist: I realize that if I were all-knowing and all-powerful, I would be free from all constraints and my will won't be determined by my genes, environments, nutrients and experiences.
      William: Let us examine this idea together then.

      I see immediately that if I were all-knowing. I would be constrained by my omniscience.

      Thus I would have no free will in relation to being all knowing.

      Yet - being also all-powerful, I would be able to break free from the constraints of being all-knowing.

      Would you agree with this assessment, so far?
      William: I do not think there was any more interaction between me and the nontheist re that...

      GM: Nontheism - the result of misguided interpretation of Theism
      Strictly Human
      Spiritual Preparedness
      Asking Politely
      "What Is Normal Here-and-now Be it a "God" or a "Devil". Integrating Integrity"
      The Burning, talking bush.
      *A: To grow Human Personalities.*
      [Changes mind when truth is presented]
      *Infinite regress/progress in every direction, is a thing*
      On To It

      William: On To It Infinite regress/progress in every direction, is a thing = 669
      [Six Six Nine = 146]
      Invisible Bridge
      On all fronts
      The Comet Ison
      Realities Merge
      Sleeping Dragon
      No axe to grind...
      True Colors
      The Mother Bandage
      Interoperate [the setup of ad hoc components and methods to make two or more systems work together as a combined system with some partial functionality during a certain time, possibly requiring human supervision to perform necessary adjustments and corrections]

      GM: Family of origin
      GM: Somewhere
      Internal motivation
      Escape Unsupported statements that are neither useful to science or to good argument.
      Theist: I think spirit is like attitude and also awareness.
      William: To the extent that these are things, they're emergent properties of a mind.
      If attitude and personality are 'things' - then 'things' are not always physical.
      GM: Music
      That Atheism can be "misused in debate to try to prove atheism blinkered, illogical or even non -existent" is not really about the understood meaning of Atheism but about conflating the variety of atheists opinions with Atheism as also being a position of opinion.
      Imposed Appropriates Observed
      Logos – word reason plan
      Digging deep

      Fearlessness neutralizes fear
      "What has been established beyond reasonable doubt, is that it is illogical that something that is derived from something that isn't, which firmly places the idea of a Creator/Creation at the center of reasonable discussion."
      Everything is The Expression Of The Creator
      Sovereign Integral Perspective
      What you appear to be saying underneath all that, is that it is truly random. That in itself is the Scotsman fallacy - so has to be taken as such - and what is being used to 'measure' this with?
      It seems to me that the device being used for that purpose is the assumption that there is such a thing as true random, and thus, based in fallacy.
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXlfjzl-CFw [Combatting Anti-Science with Richard Dawkins] [RTS=37:03]
      The ethics of science Who should be tasked with establishing any kind of ethical code?
      ♫The picture unfolds like silk in a loom Silhouetted by Diane are the witch and the broom If she is the bride - who is the groom?♫
      "Pinch and Rub"
      William: Atheists are not exempt from having in company, weird folk who make outlandish statements about theistic notions.

      Even ex-Christian atheists give it a shot to try to educate the ignorance in their midst.

      Apparently believing in something as TRUE allows one the right not to be referred to as a "liar" however, how much grace need be given if folk refuse to investigate before making sweeping belief-based statements? [regardless of which side is making them].
      How much of a period should folk be allowed to have to investigate after being informed that their belief-based "truth"-statements require working on?
      GM: Like mindful nests with eggs in 'em
      The Bridge of Forgiveness
      Astronomers have even searched for a companion to our sun, a star dubbed Nemesis because it was supposed to have kicked an asteroid into Earth’s orbit that collided with our planet and exterminated the dinosaurs. It has never been found.

      The new assertion is based on a radio survey of a giant molecular cloud filled with recently formed stars in the constellation Perseus, and a mathematical model that can explain the Perseus observations only if all sunlike stars are born with a companion.

      “We are saying, yes, there probably was a Nemesis, a long time ago,” said co-author Steven Stahler, a UC Berkeley research astronomer.

      “We ran a series of statistical models to see if we could account for the relative populations of young single stars and binaries of all separations in the Perseus molecular cloud, and the only model that could reproduce the data was one in which all stars form initially as wide binaries. These systems then either shrink or break apart within a million years.”
      GM: Hidden In Plain Sight

      William: And found by humans doing the science...

      GM: Mixture
      *A: To grow Human Personalities.*
      Make It Real
      It is not about what is written, but rather - why it is about what was written
      Sclerotic [becoming rigid and unresponsive; losing the ability to adapt.]
      July Nineteen Fifty Two Washington DC
      [From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]
      1952 Washington, D.C., UFO incident

      From July 12 to 29, 1952, a series of unidentified flying object (UFO) sightings were reported in Washington, D.C., and later became known as the Washington flap, the Washington National Airport Sightings, or the Invasion of Washington.[1] The most publicized sightings took place on consecutive weekends, July 19–20 and July 26–27. UFO historian Curtis Peebles called the incident "the climax of the 1952 (UFO) flap" - "Never before or after did Project Blue Book and the Air Force undergo such a tidal wave of (UFO) reports."[2]
      GM: Nevertheless
      The Elohim
      Practical application

      ...to be continued...

    17. #292
      Novice Achievements:
      Created Dream Journal Made Friends on DV 1 year registered 1000 Hall Points
      VVilliam's Avatar
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      Love Your Life
      Sharing Data
      Do It
      In this video, we show you a brief summary of our interview with Tricia Barker about her NDE Near Death Experience, where she discusses crossing over.
      GM: Finishing What Was Started
      Integral Network
      Is the mind a construct of consciousness?
      What Jesus Messaged
      What The Gods See
      How stories are created...

      William: What Jesus Messaged What The Gods See How stories are created... = 589
      If you think you can handle the truth, well here it is folks
      What Jesus Messaged What The Gods See How stories are created...
      Have you done this yourself, and if so - what have you found?
      "You expose my atheism for the agnosticism it really is."
      Old Restrained Overseeing Director of Operations on Earth

      GM: https://debatingchristianity.com/for...84228#p1084228

      William: Q: How is Energy produced by Consciousness? [What is the fundamental nature of Energy?]
      GM: Text2Num.

      William: How is Energy produced by Consciousness? [What is the fundamental nature of Energy?] = 834
      Spirit is that which creates the sound which forms the matter into coherent order. = 834

      GM: Communications Device
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uD4jHDvNB80 [Bob Dylan - Death Is Not the End] [RTS=305]
      Just remember that death is not the end
      Limitations or Liberations?

      Where life and death is part of a circle and everything is part of the Ouroboros
      “Three worlds and three deep mysteries”
      Blue Book Project
      Shuffle List
      Falling asleep
      Mysterious process Real Beauty
      In The Open
      The power of emotions
      *A: To grow Human Personalities.*
      We Are All Becoming One
      Wait for the Navigator to respond...
      Hope in the Fog
      Believing in fearful imagery
      The resistance is generally traceable to the theistic approach of religionizing said intelligent mind.
      Commendably Recommendable
      To like it or not, one must judge it
      The Unknown Knowable
      Does Armageddon have to be? The answer is in you and me
      Mystical does not mean miraculous - yet both are able to be demystified.
      Extra evidence is provided
      Enlighten Discussion Forum
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baN48zhFGzY [WINGMAKERS JAMES INTERVIEW 2013] [RTS=1:05:48]
      I am an atheist in relation to anyone's interpretation of characterizations of any gods.
      Shadow Volunteer
      Everything is an expression of GOD
      Overwhelming I would say... With Free-spirit a Brilliant Great Answer!
      It is a hard place for flesh to dwell.

      Dust To Dust we cannot linger for long hereabouts....
      Through the building up of the collected data to the point where it can be examined......is The Subject which is being taught, being said to be true or false...
      Escape Unsupported statements that are neither useful to science or to good argument.
      The entity consciousness which is Mother Earth - is "The Creator" of the forms from Her Belly
      Categorising Knowledge in Terms of 'Good' or 'Evil'
      Dream journal
      The Grey Area
      *A: To grow Human Personalities.*
      Collective Consciousness Inner work Put the Teachings Into Practice
      This Is Part Of The Job
      Even that it took an actual mind operating with language, to make such a statement.
      Crying Over Spilt Milk
      William: I think that nontheists strongly defend their position on the question as to whether or not we exist within a creation - to the point that they believe we don't and make claims about that - has something to do with the need to say "I told you so" now, because it will be too late to utter such belief-based expressions - after they are dead and gone.

      I can see the attraction from a phycological perspective, but saying "I told you so" before any such thing has been established, is jumping the gun, and might even lead to embarrassment if it turns out one still exists after the fact ones brain has died.

      Still, such is the power of belief-based positions. They tend toward making proclamations which imply established truth, when no such truth has been established.
      GM: Golden nugget of truth

      William: FTL;
      [Replying to Diogenes in post #4]

      Because we actually ARE, and are not God, therefore this impossibly omniscient/omnipontent God can not exist.
      It appears that here, you are relying upon an image of GOD which we can agree comes through the particular culture you and I came through experience of.

      I see also that you have included the factor of all-powerfulness too.

      Critique of this image has merit, but no merit if the critique is simply focused on GOD not existing.

      Diogenes: For this Biblical 'God' to think is to create.
      Thus it could be argued that we are within and experiencing the thoughts of GOD and what we experience and call "reality" is actually GOD thinking thoughts.

      Diogenes: Because we actually ARE, and are not God, therefore this impossibly omniscient/omnipontent God can not exist.
      Unless we are actually GOD, in which case GOD can exist.

      Biblically this idea of "The Breath of GOD" equates to GOD-Consciousness giving life to the imagined forms and thus experiencing those form from those forms particular subjective places in the overall thoughts of GOD.

      This concept also bleeds over into the Eastern Culture of Humanity - many of which already stipulate GOD inseparable from Creation...although it could also be said that Creation is inseparable from GOD.

      An all-powerful GODs thoughts could create this Universe...

      GM: In Human Form
      A Bridge Over Time
      For Your Greater Enjoyment
      The Language of Innocence
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBxTiZIzg08 [Enochian Magic and Language - Livestream Discussion] [RTS=1:32:30]
      William: Being thankful and showing thanks for work done.

      GM: The Realm of The Knowing of My Self Spacetime is not fundamental
      One has to take care to process the thoughts of the inner critic making sure that they align with the truth.
      The Source of All Creation
      Gods Gift
      The Blank-Slate Borderlines
      Konsciencia: For example: in my own truth, Lucifer is The Universe, but no one will accept that. So, they go with their own truth of how they see Lucifer. Also, Lucifer is more a Woman in my view! Which is awesome! I know for sure that The Illuminati has those Ancient text that explains what we were, but there's no actual truth.

      William: Truth may not be a fundamental aspect of the universe. Relative truth can be useful to the individual for the purpose of assisting the individual with understanding the fundamental nature of this reality [and alternate realities] being experienced.
      With Lucifer, the connect is there also in the Sophia mythology - and Lucifer might represent to Sophia, [macro] what Jung's Archetypes represent to us [micro].
      Given the mythology surrounding Lucifer, did Lucifer attempt a coup with the purpose of deception in mind?
      Such questions cannot be answered in any way which might satisfy the questioner with the truth.
      The solution is to always aim for the top as it were - Sophia is the primary Universal Entity re the mythology - Lucifer appears later on. Is Lucifer working with or against Sophia? Is it even possible to work against Sophia? How do such answers to such question help us individuals?
      Apparently Sophia has Parents. If so, this adds to the hierarchal structure in that 'there is more to the story than meets the eye of one's understanding.'

      We move onwards...

      Konsciencia: Yes... I forgot about The Sophia aspect of The Universe. However, I always say that The Universe is more a Woman, than a Man's kingdom. For example: in my view, Lucifer is a Woman (most often.) In other words, God is a Woman. I do feel a peaceful, and Loving Feminine Vibe whenever I conversate with The Universe.
      GM: Phenomenon
      New Shifts In Thinking

      William: FTL;
      Theist: Self-causation is illogical and, therefore, not possible.

      Atheist: Yet you require no illogical tag when you propose an uncaused god we can't observe as the cause of a universe we do observe.
      ______________ :-k ________________ O

      :-k : As we should already agree together, since for the present, science informs us that the universe had a beginning, we have to apply the argument "Self-causation is illogical and, therefore, not possible." to that which has a beginning.

      Gods come in all shapes and sizes and there are probably myths about gods who had beginnings and gods who's lives could be ended.

      However, there is also the myth of the GOD who had no beginning and in that, is the root-cause of all things which do have beginnings.


      As an observer, the theist is correct in this case.
      "Self-causation is illogical and, therefore, not possible" does not apply to a GOD who has always existed.

      That said, nor would it apply to a universe which has always existed...once the popular beliefs that the universe had a beginning, have been shown [through science of course] to be false...
      GM: Nature two sides of the same coin
      Your Dream Team
      Talking the talk
      Message Generator System of Random Selection of Word-Strings
      "From the link"
      An Ancient Truthful Wisdom
      Hiding out in the barn

      William: ♫Who disturbs the horses in the barn♫

      GM: Far/Distant
      The Human Form as a Means to an End
      Jump To Conclusions
      Now isn't the time for tears
      Nak: Do you think energy counts as an object or not?

      William: We don't know, because we don't have access to that information.

      Nak: It's just a matter of semantic, what do you personally classify energy into the category of objects?

      William: Far as I can ascertain, energy is like a Ghost as in we cannot see it. Unlike a ghost, we know it exists due to its invisible quality creating an effect [QF Ripple] and causing the reality [physical universe] to appear.

      Energy is obviously an object of some kind as it is able to effect the QF, and so it must have some type of physical property in order to do that.

      What type of object that is though, we cannot say because we do not know.
      [It may even be conscious, and able to manufacture what it wants, from the endless QT.]
      There Is More To The Silence Than Meets The Ear
      *A: To grow Human Personalities.*
      Disrupt Vortex Television
      Beaming Out Beaming In
      Look Closely Talk George Adamski Insidious Clumsy
      Mahu Nahi

      William: How To Bruise A Ghost

      GM: https://debatingchristianity.com/for...77445#p1077445

      William: FTL;
      Quote Originally Posted by AgnosticBoy post_id=1077445 time=1652385820 user_id=13726
      The way I look at it is that if consciousness equals brain or is a product of it, then scientists should be able to discover subjective experience or deduce its existence simply by studying the brain. To date, that seems inconceivable that that would happen. I brought this up to DrNoGods before, as i'm sure many others have in different ways, yet he continues to claim that consciousness poses no special challenge to science or materialism.

      The facts are that the ONLY way scientists know of subjective experience (or consciousness) is because we all experience it and can report it. Scientists did not discover its existence empirically nor did they deduce its existence. Our knowledge of neural correlates would not exist unless the subject was able to tell us what they're experiencing while observing their corresponding brain activity. SO even our neural correlates of consciousness are simply neural correlates of our subjective reports of our experience.

      If anything William, we can just look at the history of science on this issue. We can find that scientists have tried to take the cheap way out by banning the study of consciousness. That's doesn't exactly match the pattern of success of materialist science to boldly take on challenges and to explain things and develop technology. But here we are, William and I (two humble agnostics), still not taken seriously because we dare to consider that consciousness might be something that's less than physical.
      GM: The Message Generating Process allows for said Mind to speak for itself, and show itself to exist. As such, this is adequate evidence - the sort of evidence a sceptic calls for in relation to the subject of Intelligent Design.
      What is represented in the whole is the evolution of God within the structure of the physical Universe.
      Inner child
      The Riders
      The Astral Body
      I have no reason not to trust that the thought was backed with good intentions.
      Taxonomic [concerned with the classification of things, especially organisms.]
      One should not take the evidence as incontrovertible for granted, as we should always apply science to any evidence and test it for repeatability.
      “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game”
      Apotheosis [the highest point in the development of something; a culmination or climax. the elevation of someone to divine status.]
      Dohrman Prophecy Book Introduction
      Shift Focus
      The Matrix


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      251022 [Intelligence Without Wisdom] [314]

      SCLx8 + select last LE per shuffle
      The Brain - As I said, it is not so much how each individual interprets any particular GM - either coming from me or you or anyone else - Rather it is the fact that a message is generated. - A Sturdy Place - Dance - Leave a Trail - https://debatingchristianity.com/for...iewprofile&u=3 - The Message Generator Process

      AP= [=The Dolphins and Whales IF: there is a Cosmic Mind THEN: Eventually, any species which survives long enough to continue along with the unfolding universe will eventually discover that and invent ways in which to engage. = 2172]

      [Two One Seven Two = 215]
      I will leave that there
      Without Judgement
      Sad Room to Explore
      Freedom in The Knowing
      Thoughts and Forts
      Staying up all night
      Tired of the Nonsense
      What matters most
      Batten down the hatches
      Beyond Belief Recovery

      RSP = SCLx + https://debatingchristianity.com/for...96595#p1096595 + P&P

      12:00 [Intimate On All Levels]

      GM: Panpsychist [panpsychism is the view that the mind or a mindlike aspect is a fundamental and ubiquitous feature of reality. ]
      Leave room for nature
      It Is One Of Those Things
      Active Imagination (see technique)
      There is an actual Cosmic Mind
      THEN eventually such scientist will discover it.
      What matters most
      Those internal things which make one shine
      Quantum Mechanics
      It's a fish eats fish world...going landy doesn't change the fact that things are fleeing from things which are fleeing and as nature would have it, how is this more immoral than funny?
      International Skeptics Forum - View Single Post - The Seed of Origin
      Pixel: For a start, it tells me that words like 'object' and 'seed' are actively misleading when trying to describe it. It tells me that the phrase "caused the universe to come into existence" is also the wrong one to use. It tells me, in short, that the English language is inadequate to that task.
      William: Pixel is explaining to me that whatever 'IT' was [because it obviously existed] can not be described as a physical thing. To do so it to 'lie' about it.
      Assuming for the present that Pixel42 is only saying that Pixel42 is unable to use the English language to describe what 'IT' is, we can be grateful that Isaac can and does, in his The Final Question" story.

      Furthermore, I can also do this.
      "IT" was the absolute sum total of all data [knowledge] contained within the absolute consciousness of something so infinitesimally tiny that "IT" cannot be considered to be physical in nature.

      That is "The Singularity" scientist are referring to.
      Functional Implants
      Collective Consciousness Inner work Put the Teachings Into Practice
      Extra Sensory Perception
      The Mystic Forest
      Q: I’m not sure I understand your question. What does the “logic of something which is alternative” mean?
      A: It means that when there is an alternative given, that can be examined, logically.
      Exactly! It is not expected that in the affairs between YHWH and Satan, that humans need be consulted before they are used re said affairs. This theme and it's variants run through the Bible in relation to the God and Human beings.
      William: You create whatever experience you will have in the next phase based upon the type of personality you shaped your self into during this one.
      amortalmanWhat you described is not Biblical, and we're discussing the Bible here. You are throwing oranges in my basket of apples.

      William: The many varied belief systems involved with Christianity/Christian interpretations of biblical script are a bit like navigating through a mystical forest...

      GM: Sun energy
      Telepathy [the communication of impressions of any kind from one mind to another, independently of the recognized channels of sense.]
      "Off you go to your quarters"
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qWweOIOTJ4 [Is Life a Game ? Alan Watts about the Happening of Existence] RTS [3:59]
      Which level of magnification is the correct view? Obviously they are all correct...
      The Overarching
      The Way We Feel Unification
      ...and the way forward, eyes wide open
      The ongoing objective is to get this knowledge out into the public domain
      Inordinately [to an unusually or disproportionately large degree; excessively.]
      The Elephant
      Beyond Focus 4
      Intelligent Consciousness
      Beyond Focus 4: other systems
      I have been asked several times if there is anything 'beyond' Focus 4. The answer is, to my knowledge, within our particular system there are just 4 Primary areas. But consciousness doesn't end there. Consciousness is infinite. There may well be an infinite number of other systems either like ours or perhaps wildly different. Nobody to my knowledge knows anything about these potential other systems.
      Monroe talks of 'Focus 34/35', but as I have said earlier, I believe that Monroe was experiencing something else. I believe his F35 experiences were actually relating to areas of our Wider Physical, where alternate physical dimensions (within our F1 to F4 system) seem to converge. Ha ha, no wonder I couldn't find it!
      The interesting aspect about these other physical worlds within our system and the weird thing about them, is that they all occupy the same physical space. The actual characteristics of the different physical dimensions within our system can be wildly different but they all have this one thing in common, in that they occupy the same space. Anyhow, what 'separates' them, if you like, are these Trans-Dimensional areas in consciousness that allows each physical universe to overlay on one another.
      Now, I have it on good authority that it IS possible to 'travel' between Trans-Dimensional areas; when I say travel I mean actual physical travel. It is also possible to do this non-physically as well, so I am told. So my theory is that these UFO sightings might in fact be a kind of 'bleed through' from another Trans-Dimensional area: an area that has people living within it who have already learned how to design some kind of craft with the ability to travel between physical dimensions.
      Anyway, back to the potential for other systems outside of our own F1 to F4 model:
      From reading Monroe's later work, I wonder where the heck he was sometimes. He was way out, but not in Focus 4 terms. There was something else. Seriously, I reckon he was about to attempt to step into *another* system of consciousness from Focus 3: entering into an 'Extra-Dimensional' state that is outside of our F1 to F4 system completely: that is what I have been trying to study for ages, the possibility of these Extra-Dimensional areas. I reckon that is why his physical was put at risk. Okay, I’m guessing now, I admit, but I am going to completely retrace his footsteps in the future.
      If he were trying to enter another dimension totally, i.e. another system, then that is just incredible. That is not Focus 3, 4 or 5, that is just completely into the unknown...and I mean total unknown. Unless he was attempting to enter Focus 4 while holding a complete objective knowing of that fact. That would just be crazy. You’d just be short-circuiting every subjective energy circuit that ever was. I doubt anyone could have the objective will to do that; just too many natural laws against you.
      I just wonder what on earth he found and what secrets there are still to be unlocked from Monroe. I’m going to begin again from page one and work through it until that final piece of the jigsaw falls into place.
      Frank Kepple Resource
      All life
      Dream journal
      Re the hard-nosed skeptics
      There is nothing wrong with 'disorder' other than one interpreting the universe as disorderly.
      Be they seeds or suns, or be it that suns are seeds, it is all part of the universe, and everything that we acknowledge as the universe, came from a tiny seed.
      Your Own Individual Actions
      Wide Walk Welcoming
      Once Upon a Time Here, there, everywhere a 'bang bang'

      William: Yet again, this reminds me of the visuals we get from the Mandelbrot Set.
      [Tributary Zones]
      More to follow...

    19. #294
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      GM: Inner work
      The ride is wild
      Not a Problem!
      Perhaps we can deconstruct some of these pernicious views.
      A Judgmental System
      Mapping Wholeness
      How to effectively deal with anger...not by ignoring it, but through understanding it and developing means by which it - as an externalized emotional-based energy - can be transformed into something more appropriate to the situation we find ourselves lost within.
      Something Our movements can illuminate the path toward that vision.
      Pulling its own weight
      Prison Planet
      The Ruru
      Read On
      William: While we who walk through life hereabouts all head towards our experience of bodily deaths, we are best not to run away from it screaming...might as well use our time here to prepare for that inevitable.

      Christ IS the hope that death is not the end of conscious experience...and that said continued experience is a happier one than the previous monstrosity.

      So we diligently pick the fruit we enjoy the most, which sorts folk into various categories in preparation for the inevitable...and the living support the living in their understanding that life might be all that there ever can be and is.

      I myself prefer the thrill of seeing Mother Earth as She truly is - some demonic-like entity who has been manifesting Her particular projections out into that which She is awakening to - slowly and surely... and in the process, I hope to witness therein a transformation of a demon-like entity into a god-like entity...and be a part of that rather than dressing it up n too much fluff that I distort things far too impractically.
      The Number One Nine Two
      [search 192 spiritual]

      GM: What is the meaning of life?
      Left -brain Right brain Whole brain
      Stop. Listen. Observe.
      Fireside Friend
      The Way of the Bodhisattva
      Move On
      A bit of a gooficity.
      Q: So why are you so confident in declaring that time does not physically exist in the universe?
      A: For the same reasons as numbers do not physically exist. They don't physically exist.
      The Doom of Spacetime
      The Spirit of The Earth - In an environment which is able to perceive this - It's a plausible scenario
      Sexual Encounters

      Theist: I do truly think YHWH represents the first truly invisible God.
      William: What gives you that understanding?
      Theist:Other gods are mute idols - they always have a physical manifestation that people can look at.
      William: Have you been told this ... or do you have it - in your own subjective experience - that the invisible God YHWH - speaks to you?

      Because, if it is the former, then YHWH is a "mute, invisible god" who 'speaks' to you through others. If those others report to you that they have seen the invisible, then they are reporting that YHWH is not truly an invisible God.

      If it is the latter, then how do you ascertain that the invisible voice of YHWH is the actual voice of the "first truly invisible God"?
      GM: The basic repertoire of mystic experience is drawn from the repertoire of Death Phenomena
      Deactivate all "push buttons"
      William: Yes - my experience with out of body allowed this to occur as a natural result

      GM: Unconscious Mind Inertia
      Put That Fire Out
      Keep an Eye On
      All The Theories Regarding "The Gods"

      GM: The Generated Messages
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNYK7rnXi9g [World's smartest person wrote this one mysterious book] [RTS=12:02] [Positive and negative]

      System of Giving Energy
      Unconditional Earth Entity In William's Room
      ♬Plastic tanks and battleships nothing more than toys What harm could propaganda do to the minds of little boys But Johnny he grew up too fast to live his life long dream The first time was his last to hear a dying soldier scream♬
      Coming From QueenBee
      The Body of God
      Think With The heart - Feel With The Mind
      The "Oh My God" Particle
      Potential of Milieu [a person's social environment.]
      Like a doting parent
      A grateful heart Open your chakras
      Placing aside the childish not the childlike
      Therefore, creation of any thing [be it this or be it any other universe, be it forming or formless] must logically be from the substance of GOD rather than something GOD created from the substance of nothing, because - logically - there is no substance to nothing. "Nothing" doesn't exist.
      Fitting In Creative Conscious Intelligence

      William: Often, when it comes to what I call "The Question of GOD", the cry from non-believers is "show us the [scientific] evidence!" and other variants on that theme.

      In examining Theism in general, I find that most beliefs have some kind of image attached to their various ideas of GOD/Gods.

      Even so, these GOD/Gods all reside elsewhere, rather than are fixtures within the universe, so one simply cannot point to any and answer the demand.
      GM: Imaginative Realities
      Professional Rules
      Clear your mind
      Inner critic
      According to the teachings of ...?

      William: While The Subject is focused on "Egoless" the subject matter of the GM has to do with how things unfolded re the Universe...what is being referred to as "The Old Soul" may have something to do with the cosmology of The Mind of The Universe - in that - at one point so close to the beginning, there was no sense of self but with the unfolding, a sense of self developed.
      GM: All systems go

      More to follow...

    20. #295
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      William: It seems to me that with the understanding of the phrase "Spacetime is Doomed" there is clear indication that nontheists/materialists no longer have an argument against the idea that we exist within a creation [therefore implying a creator] and in that, there is no point in engaging with such arguments.
      For me, this means that the focus is on engaging with theists with the idea that we exist within a simulation - which is what the thread topic that the focus-post of these recent GMs - is about.
      The difficulty therein, is attempting to convince those theists who are so sure that the physical universe is fundamental reality, and have beliefs which are dependent upon that being the case, to accept the evidence that Spacetime is Doomed...

      GM: Evaluating
      Inner Peace

      William: FTL:
      [Replying to Diogenes in post #4]

      Because we actually ARE, and are not God, therefore this impossibly omniscient/omnipontent God can not exist.
      It appears that here, you are relying upon an image of GOD which we can agree comes through the particular culture you and I came through experience of.

      I see also that you have included the factor of all-powerfulness too.

      Critique of this image has merit, but no merit if the critique is simply focused on GOD not existing.

      Diogenes: For this Biblical 'God' to think is to create.
      Thus it could be argued that we are within and experiencing the thoughts of GOD and what we experience and call "reality" is actually GOD thinking thoughts.

      Diogenes: Because we actually ARE, and are not God, therefore this impossibly omniscient/omnipontent God can not exist.
      Unless we are actually GOD, in which case GOD can exist.

      Biblically this idea of "The Breath of GOD" equates to GOD-Consciousness giving life to the imagined forms and thus experiencing those form from those forms particular subjective places in the overall thoughts of GOD.

      This concept also bleeds over into the Eastern Culture of Humanity - many of which already stipulate GOD inseparable from Creation...although it could also be said that Creation is inseparable from GOD.

      An all-powerful GODs thoughts could create this Universe...

      GM: Everything/All
      One is not wrong
      Communication with the Deeper Levels of Self
      Imaginative Realities
      Ontology [the branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being. a set of concepts and categories in a subject area or domain that shows their properties and the relations between them.]
      The things you can see only when you slow down
      Salinas crop circle
      What Is The Point?

      William: To advertise?
      @ TS= [2:05]
      It also has 192 GPUs
      For such an impressive phone chip, NVIDIA wanted an out of this world marketing campaign. Their answer was the viral marketing campaign “Project 192” in the form of the aforementioned crop circle. The number 192, which is spelled out in Braille in the design, references the graphics cores within the new chip. {SOURCE}
      The Number One Nine Two {SOURCE}
      GM: Matter and psyche are one and the same.
      The Effect You Have On Others
      The Hologram of Deception – Yawn
      Christian Folklore
      Though the Serpent rules the Shadow The Lord Here-and-now
      Placing aside the childish not the childlike
      This isn't about thoughts and language. This is about behaviours and actions.
      That can be shoved back into whatever hole it came from
      The Abrahamic idea of GOD
      Aeon [an indefinite and very long period of time.]
      Training the mind
      Giving our best
      Chamber Of Self
      Science of Consciousness
      Is It Our Nature Mysteriously missing That Is A Good Question
      Your Own Individual Actions
      Links And Symbols
      Ugly is just "in the eye of the beholder" as is Beauty.
      The Divine Darkness
      The Bidden Zone
      Intelligent Consciousness
      Atheism cannot be defined through defining "atheists"
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GldRtyEqPt8 [Reefer Madness: The Science of Marijuana with Neil deGrasse Tyson and Dr. Staci Gruber][RTS=22:55]
      International Skeptics Forum - View Single Post - The Seed of Origin
      The energy will eventually dissipate and space will return to its inert state - still existing, but no longer influenced by energy, and thus timeless - because that it the state of its inertness. no movement = no time
      William: I think that this is connected with the idea expressed in otseng's recent post;

      Even if the universe were to somehow collapse and start another Big Bang, entropy would still have to increase. So, eventually, the cycle of Big Bangs would have to stop and end up in a final heat death.

      On a smaller scale, we see this in the impossibility of creating a perpetual motion machine. The reason it's impossible to create any closed system to do work forever is because of the second law of thermodynamics.{SOURCE}

      William: My reply to that;
      Many Christians believe the bible tells it, that they will be resurrected to enjoy life in this universe forever...

      How do you reconcile the eventual heat death of the universe, with such beliefs?
      GM: Sophia The Mother Story
      Any God-Mind claiming to be responsible for human beings existing, is going to have problems to deal with re that
      How stories are created...
      Naked truth One Language Intelligent Network
      Dive deep
      From First Principles
      Controlled by fear
      Active Imagination (see technique)
      In The Back of My Mind
      Q: Then what is the point of our physical existence?

      What does the physical existence provide for us?
      Creating personality through the experience.
      Links And Symbols
      Wakey Wakey

      William: 16. Wakey Wakey
      20. Healing
      12. Under The Watchful Eye of Human Science
      9. https://debatingchristianity.com/for...83460#p1083460
      William: A clock is a physical mechanism which is designed to physically represent time as conceptualized by human consciousness/understanding.
      A physical representation of a conceptual idea, is in no way an example of time as a fundamental reality.

      It is like someone claiming that the written word "Unicorn" is the same thing as an actual physical Unicorn, when in truth, it is simply a symbolic representation of something which is not able to be shown to exist as anything other than a concept of the mind.
      3. https://debatingchristianity.com/for...92717#p1092717
      William: As you may or may not know, the Jewish perception of the Hebrew culture and accompanying beliefs about YHWH [as GOD] was that they did not have the notion that GOD had enemies.
      Their notion was that YHWH used what humans think of as "Good/Evil" as YHWH saw fit to do, and the only enemy/adversary/accuser anyone had to concern their selves about, was YHWH.
      11. International Skeptics Forum - View Single Post - The Seed of Origin

      William: I do not reject any idea. Questioning any idea is not the same thing as rejecting any idea.
      8. Counterfactual [contrasted with indicatives, which are generally restricted to discussing open possibilities.]

      GM: Acid test
      Milky Way Mother
      This Translates To That.

      William: [420]
      The Dark Night of The Soul Adjusted Reality
      An expression of personal incredulity
      This Perpetually Translates To That.
      Rolling down the rails of the ridiculous

      GM: Action Consciousness Incarnates Intelligent Directions The Mainstream Program Story-Tellers Trustworthy
      Is it possible that the infinitesimal super hot object preceding the Big Bang, didn't in fact contain the vastness of the matter within our universe but rather, was the event in which the energy from the blast resulted in the formation of Galaxies and everything else which we call "The Universe" from the field of inert material which already existed as 'space'? Matter + Energy + Space = Time.
      Tanager: I realize one could say: “but we’ve gotten Jesus all wrong,” but the evidence just isn’t on their side, a NDE that could have other scientific explanations for it against historical scholarship.
      William: Historical scholarship is simply that. If we are to believe that Jesus has been active behind the scenes - in N.T. Wright's "Control Room" analogy, then we best not assume that the influence of that room is forever stuck in and dependent upon - that one frame of ancient history.
      Inflicting science upon a specie which is not ready for it
      The Realist:
      The Law of Attraction
      James Webb Space Telescope
      Shamanic dreaming
      William: Q: Why would YHWH create a being of nature and not instill that being with knowledge of good and evil, if indeed we agree that without morals, the human specie could not even get a foothold on the back of nature?
      GM: To Be Sovereignty
      Confirmation bias

      William: Confirmation bias Commitment = 293
      The harmless enough agenda crowd = 293

      GM: Think About It
      I Think We Can Safely Say Human beings can do it the hard way or the easy way, but either way, the job will get done.
      The Home Of The...
      "Perhaps the difficulty involved with defining Atheism so that all Atheists agree with the same definition, is that atheism is an unnatural response to nature."
      Falling asleep
      Prison Planet
      The Played Piece

      William: [397]
      Prison Planet Coordinate The Played Piece
      The Natural-Neutral Default Position
      Sober journey into self-realization
      The Hologram of Deception Tied To The Moon

      More to follow...

    21. #296
      Novice Achievements:
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      GM: Without and Within
      Entities of Particular Belief Systems
      Out and about in the open
      Reconnect with Innocence - It will be the beginning of your reintroduction to your True Self.
      Show Me Your Soul
      All fingers and thumbs

      William: Question: Would it be fair to say therefore, that [3] is the best position to assume on the overall biblical script to do with the subject of the next phase [afterlife]?
      GM: Cycle
      Who Knows

      William: Big Spirituality Conviction = 321
      It requires corrective action = 321

      GM: "Does the possibility that being unable to detect something as existing, allow for the right to include zero as representing something real, which is not?"

      William: Since nothing cannot be shown to exist, then zero has to represent something.

      GM: The Hierarchy

      William: The Hierarchy Command Suffering = 296
      Now isn't the time for tears = 296

      GM: Genius
      Delineating The Fine Art of Not Being Offended Inordinately
      Mind Body Soul

      William: Accept One Whom Ought Be Inwardly Known = 402
      Instructions on what to do with data = 402

      GM: https://debatingchristianity.com/for...ser%20to%20The [First Things First]
      First Things First
      [Closer to The Source
      Who woulda thought!]

      If one continues to view GOD through the dressings of a book, then the focus/worship is on the costume and not what resides underneath the costume...one will never get to first base going in that direction...
      GM:Like With

      Tanager: As to your example, I think a supposed NDE meeting with Jesus that contradicts known historical teachings from Jesus would give one reason to believe that they didn’t actually meet with Jesus.
      William: This assumes Jesus remains static in the framework of the history the Bible presents him as - the biblical Jesus - fixed.
      Over two thousand years have passed since then. Are we to assume that Jesus would not move with the times - and indeed [re The Control Room] not have influenced said times?
      GM: Witty
      Invention isn't actually what is going on though. Realization is what is occurring.
      Simulated for the purpose of?

      William: Given the nature of the experience - one such purpose would be to conduct experiment into the nature of independent mind - minds independent of other minds...or at least a semblance of that re experience...to see what might be achieved by such minds within the nature of the reality simulation...as I wrote today in answer to another post;

      DaveD then it not us that create the illusion because we are all, expect for a few, experiencing the same reality.
      William: We cannot state for sure that we didn't help create the simulation we then entered into for the experience.
      As some other entity [rather than human] we could have had our part to play in creating this simulation, and purposefully made it so that the human avatar we would experience the universe through, would sufficiently block our memory of a prior existence, so that the experience of this universe could be had without knowledge of said former existence.
      DaveD IF it is an illusion we are living in one created by an independent mind.
      William: Or minds, independent of the direct influence of this reality experience we are currently having.
      If the minds which created this simulation, were not independent [such as hive mindedness] then, no matter the number of individual minds, none would be independent and so all could be considered the one overall mind...and this could be part of the motivation for why that mind created this universe/human instruments, so as to experience what it is like to have an experience of an independent individual mind...
      DaveD There doesn't seem anyway for us to actually prove it.
      William: If this is the case, why believe it?
      GM: Translucent
      Holographic Experiential Reality Simulations
      In Denial What Is Our Purpose? My advice to the reader is to follow the links
      The Truth is Irresistible Once Realised
      Not Right
      Your Own Individual Actions
      Seeds are evidence that something large can derive from something tiny.
      The Creator Atman Here-and-now
      Two sides of the same coin Zero In On It Interpretation Narrow
      International Skeptics Forum - View Single Post - [Split Thread] Randomly Generated Messages

      William: It is not so much 'counting' on coherent messages being generated [GMs] - because it happens every time it is done.
      The universe does have an underlying order - this system simply taps into that reality and that is why it produces GMs.
      GM: The Banner of Apotheosis
      "Any generated messages which demands such, should be removed from the table of discussion, will have to do much better than declare that "The answer is not 'God'.""
      [A Degenerative Force to Existence]
      Life on this planet, as a human being, is difficult.

      William: It would appear that this was part of the design of the Game-ware...

      GM: The art of relationship

      Q: Is the universe deterministic or not?
      William: If the energy which causes mass is mindful, then the universe is created mindfully, thus is determined by said mind to be as it is, re the mass.
      If the energy which causes mass is mindless, then the universe is accidental, thus is non-determined, re the mass.
      Q: Does free will exist or not?
      William: If the energy which causes mass is mindful, then the universe is created mindfully, thus is determined by said mind to be as it is, re the will.
      If the energy which causes mass is mindless, then the universe is accidental, thus is non-determined, re the will.

      The will can only work within the boundaries of the freedom attainable re those boundaries.

      Either way, I cannot see that the existence of free will is a reality in this universe, given the variables available to us with will.
      Therefore I have to currently conclude that the idea of free will is conceptional rather than real.
      GM: Meditate/Think
      Conspiracy Emotions.

      William: Desynchronized Conspiracy Emotions. = 402
      Accept One Whom Ought Be Inwardly Known = 402

      GM: https://debatingchristianity.com/for...87906#p1087906

      William: FTL
      Re: Is The Universe Fine Tuned for Human Life?

      [Replying to Diogenes in post #230]

      I am procuring information which helps me scientifically delve into the world of consciousness.
      Re: Generating Messages

      This amounts to evidence which can be studied, and for that matter, what I am publishing here are on other forums is of interest to readers.

      Your personal lack of interest is of no interest to me any more than your 'tiredness' in 'trying to explain' is, as I get my explanations from better sources...
      GM: Science Projects
      End Of Act I

      William: https://debatingchristianity.com/for...979154#p979154

      GM: Fiction
      Productive This Besides Where are we getting our news from?
      According to the teachings of ...?
      Elude Tabula Rasa
      Functional Clusters
      The Thalamocortical System
      Stay The Course
      Red Pill
      The instigative/compelling influence of the soul over the personality appears to be the Holy Ghost...perhaps the soul of YHVH, more directly?...perhaps reminding the soul attached to the personality, that it is integral to the personalities development within the framework of the personalities experience, for purposes which extend beyond the borders of materialism.
      GM: Pineal Gland

      Chamber Of Self - Coming From QueenBee - Open Your Heart
      Giving our best - QueenBee - Get The Ball Rolling
      Central Purpose - QueenBee - Achievable Alternate Realities
      The Fathers 'House - Mansions' - QueenBee - According to Complex Jesus
      Items of Interest - QueenBee - Making it up as you go along
      Like a doting parent - Coming From QueenBee - Development/Growth
      GM: True randomness does not exist In The Spirit These Were Given
      The Immune System
      Aeon [an indefinite and very long period of time.]
      Against the grain Beaming Out Beaming In
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaXpDsjVumk [YAHWEH | Shocking Truth Behind The Original Bible Story! Episode 3][RTS=23:15]
      YHVH identifies himself as one of the Elohim
      WingMakers is a resource for those who are interested in the spiritual values of their heart and mind, and are seeking new insights and inspirations to stimulate their growth and sense of purpose. WingMakers is not an organization or a group of people bent on solving the issues of today. It is exquisitely personal. It is designed to help the individual to activate or deepen their spiritual path, so they can rise to the purpose they came to serve as both a soul and soul carrier.{SOURCE}
      GM: It is a good sign when a non-theist cannot argue against the evidence you present
      The Face of God
      Musing On The Mother Act I
      William: FTL
      Feeling the tiredness in my feet, as I put one foot in front of another, and thinking to myself

      "I'm going to sleep well tonight."

      Seeing a fire at a distance

      "Awesome! I wonder if they would let me borrow a flame to get a fire started."

      Taking a few steps closer to the distant fire, I hear Mom's voice in my head

      "You know how people are nowadays, they may shoot you."

      Slightly shaking my head with a smile

      "I've got to talk to Mom about how much news she watches. Although...you never know.

      Calling out from a distance to the one by the fire

      "Excuse me, I don't mean to trouble you..."
      As I am contemplating my thoughts in the opportunity of my aloneness, I hear the subtle hoot of warning from an owl - and before long hear the cracking of small branches underfoot, signifying someone approaching...I focus on the direction of the sound, and then a voice from the darkness calls;

      "Excuse me, I don't mean to trouble you..."

      I wait until the owner of the voice walks into the light of the fire...

      "No trouble at all...please come and share the warmth of this fire with me. My name is Manu. Manu Iti."

      I stand and offer and extended hand of friendship...The person before me looks weary and a little flustered...{SOURCE}
      GM: Awake
      Beyond Belief
      The Love is within the Communion
      The Attitude
      I AM WE ARE

      William: FTL
      Re The Theist and non-Theist Brain
      Is it the case that
      1. non-theists are simply unable to 'get their head around ideas' which are outside of the idea that we are simply emergent properties of brains, [every other idea is gibberish/gobbledygook]


      2. are they just being disingenuous?
      GM: "Zero" must have to represent something which does exist but is largely unseen - and "Consciousness" fits that description.

      More to follow...

    22. #297
      Novice Achievements:
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      VVilliam's Avatar
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      DJ Entries
      GM: I Am
      Discovery is finding things that exist.
      Understanding and connecting with the source of our language is vital to that vision

      The discovering of what makes the Realm of Humanity "tick"
      Dream journal
      Stop. Listen. Observe. Wonder.
      Out and about in the open
      Gateway Luminous
      Be grateful to everyone
      I hear thee hear thee...
      The Bidden Zone
      No Country For Old Men
      Wanting to change the rules making more complicated rather than keeping things simple.
      Added Significance
      “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
      Memories Unbound
      Points of Reference
      The Original People

      Re: Machines and morality

      Statement: Everything begins with will and from that we then use creativity to go from will to execution.
      William: To my mind, everything does not start with will at all, but with the mechanism which enables will to become - in the case of our recognised will - from Human consciousness.

      Everything to do with human will, begins with human consciousness.

      Therefore, will is a function of that which everything [to do with human function] begins with first having consciousness...will derives from consciousness and cannot be considered to be the source of everything to do with human expression.

      Will, is an expression of consciousness. It was not will which created consciousness but consciousness which created will.
      GM: Radiant
      Superposition - Being aware of Human Control Dramas
      Water The Garden

      Re: In The Beginning...
      [Replying to The Tanager in post #125]

      I’m not sure I understand your question. What does the “logic of something which is alternative” mean?
      It means that when there is an alternative given, that can be examined, logically.

      As to your example, I think a supposed NDE meeting with Jesus that contradicts known historical teachings from Jesus would give one reason to believe that they didn’t actually meet with Jesus.
      This assumes Jesus remains static in the framework of the history the Bible presents him as - the biblical Jesus - fixed.
      Over two thousand years have passed since then. Are we to assume that Jesus would not move with the times - and indeed [re The Control Room] not have influenced said times?

      I realize one could say: “but we’ve gotten Jesus all wrong,” but the evidence just isn’t on their side, a NDE that could have other scientific explanations for it against historical scholarship.
      Historical scholarship is simply that. If we are to believe that Jesus has been active behind the scenes - in N.T. Wright's "Control Room" analogy, then we best not assume that the influence of that room is forever stuck in and dependent upon - that one frame of ancient history.

      Where do the scriptures say it’s currently all wickedness or give something like a percentage?
      In the days of Noah. There is a comparison drawn. [Matthew 24:37-39] couple with [Genesis 6:5]
      What reason would Jesus have to return if things are balanced. Why do Christians believe in the second coming if not that they believe the world is more wicked than goodly?

      Paul’s writings usually have two halves to them, where he gives the gospel and then tells Christians how this should impact how we live, and that the way we do this is through God working in us (Phil 2:12-13).
      I say that the metaphor for YHVH breath of life is the same.[Genesis 2:7]
      Some Christians believe that the soul is what that breath is. The soul integrates with the Human experience and personality is formed through that integrated experience.

      The instigative/compelling influence of the soul over the personality appears to be the Holy Ghost...perhaps the soul of YHVH, more directly?...perhaps reminding the soul attached to the personality, that it is integral to the personalities development within the framework of the personalities experience, for purposes which extend beyond the borders of materialism.

      Do you believe it was the same body Jesus had prior to his death?
      Yes, but enhanced.
      Please explain why something which is 'enhanced' is 'the same'.

      No, I don’t think they believed Heaven was an actual alternate realm located elsewhere to begin with. I’m saying they metaphorically associated the heavens with talk of spiritual things and that a bit of ascension could have jogged that thought for some people, while not running the risk of being misunderstood.
      This implies that Christianity has it wrong re the belief that when one dies, one goes to Heaven - or alternatively - Hell.

      What evidence can you provide that the ancients Jesus was in contact with at that time, believed differently?
      What is to say that if, what they did believe in was not true, that Jesus - knowing differently - wanted them to understand that their beliefs were in error?
      Given the account of the telling from Jesus re YHVH reality [Kingdom] plus the ascension, how can your thinking otherwise, be counted as acceptable?

      I do not agree. I’m as close to 100% positive as one can get that N.T. Wright, if you were able to ask him, would definitely not say that he meant that. I think that would be quite clear from anyone who has read or listened to Wright much at all.
      That is not my point. I am simply taking what you quoted and showing that N.T. Wright is describing something which can be taken in the context of ST.
      Jesus went somewhere and we should be able to agree that where he did go had something to do with YVHV Kingdom, and unless that Kingdom is somewhere hidden in the Universe nearby - [perhaps in the hollow of earths moon?] - based upon what Jesus did say about the YHVH Kingdom, what reason do we have NOT to think he was speaking of a different realm?

      Point being, whether it is N.T. Wright or C.S. Lewis, ST can explain the metaphors and if Jesus' ascension is not counted as a metaphor but a real event, then we are left to wonder where he went - once the clouds concealed his form from the eye witnesses.

      I think all stories should be approached skeptically, until we see good reasons to believe they aren’t lies, hallucinations, honest mistakes, etc.
      That is a non-theistic approach re biblical stories and not appropriate to faith. I have seen Christians use this as a means to argue against things which are not aligned with their particular beliefs - one personal example - my being told that experiences I have shared over the years on this message board "could be delusional."
      I expect non-theists to argue in that manner, but reject the validity of such argument from theists calling themselves "Christians" and promoting faith-based beliefs which themselves, do not facilitate skepticism...

      Having a foot in both camps doesn't bode well with honestly confessing one is a theist/Christian, as far as I can see.

      I don’t think the differences between a Biblical worldview/story and alternative worldviews/stories are cosmetic. There are definitely similarities at point, but they have real and often deep differences on key issues.
      Re our particular conversation here, what "key issues" are you speaking to?

      Descartes’ demon, the Matrix, various other examples are distinct philosophical views.
      ST in it's narrow view might facilitate your reasoning for not agreeing, however, in the broader sense "existing within a creation/existing within a simulation" bundles all apparent differences under the one idea.
      The distinct philosophical views might be for particular purposes?
      I am viewing the whole concept [we exist within a created thing] as the overall 'philosophy' rather than focusing upon any particular flavor.
      Re C.S. Lewis, the wardrobe into another realm represents a gateway between one reality experience and an alternative one.
      Whatever philosophy Lewis was using in relation to his renditioned storyline, only differentiates what kind of simulation one experiences. It does not seek to promote that his portrayal of it is the only one, or the overall one...each speak of the same thing, in different ways, much like the same can be said of the differences between the Star Wars Universe and the Star Trek Universe...different universes same, simulation principle.
      [In that, "Universe" is another way of saying "Simulation".]

      All such stories are of course modeled off of this one, from where they are authored, but there is no way of telling if the inspiration comes from the influence of actual simulated realms, or are purely figments of the authors own imaginations.
      This is what I was attempting to convey to you when we were both interacting in the "Around The Campfire" Universe... as said universe was described as the hub of all Simulated Universes...

      I do consider myself a Christian. My point is that I’m not going to adhere to a belief simply because Martin Luther stated it, or my pastor says it, etc.
      Why do you support whatever belief you adhere to? And what about ST has you concerned, re those beliefs?

      I didn’t mean that it had less explanatory power. I meant simplicity in the Occam’s razor sense. ST theory says there is one level of reality that we experience and then another level of reality behind that. That’s two levels of reality to explain. I think traditional Christianity asserts one of these levels of reality. One is a simpler framework than two. That’s all I meant there.
      The math agrees with ST. ST agrees with the mathematics of quantum physics.
      The evidence is more than just a theory - it is a mathematical theorem. A theorem is a statement which has been proved true by a special kind of logical argument called a rigorous proof.

      The statement which has been proved true, is that "Spacetime is Doomed." This is to say, that spacetime is NOT the base reality which materialists have insisted that it is.
      This bodes with theism, and Christianity being theistic means that this should also bode with Christians.
      Yet you - as a Christian - are arguing for the materialist interpretation of this universe experience.

      Given "Spacetime is Doomed" is relatively new to human insight and thus not popular in terms of humans knowing about that, one can accept that arguments such as yours are coming from a place of ignorance, but the information is there for anyone with internet access to find, so the idea would be for one to get knowledgeable with new information being presented and, in doing so, drop old concepts for new ones.

      I think heaven and earth are part of the one base reality. I don’t think heaven is a construct of the physical universe. It has nothing to do with the IF…THEN you mentioned above. I don’t think that would follow.

      I see no good reason to see that our universe is not part of the base reality.
      There is very good reason, as I just mentioned.
      ST gives us the better explanation [re The Razor] and aligned with the latest information.

      The mathematics prove that your Christian understanding of reality is as faulty as the materialists understanding of reality.
      Theism up to this point has had no choice but to accept materialism as base-reality and attempt to superimpose the idea of Creation/Creator into that mix.
      Theism does not have to proceed in that manner now that the math supports our universe is not base reality.

      I don’t think that is a given, as I shared above. I don’t think Paradise was thought of as being another location in that society. They didn’t think people went to another realm.
      I can accept that folk may well have thought about reality in materialistic terms, but Jesus didn't speak of reality in the same way. According to his own words, we should be able to accept that he knew that the material universe was not base reality - his oft enough commentary on the realm of YHVH, confirms this to be the case.

      We absolutely can say that they do not teach simulation theory. There is no mention of ST theory being explanatory of reality. If ST theory is true, then the Biblical accounts are oblivious to that fact.
      Or we absolutely can say that they do teach that we exist in a reality which is not base-reality and that the accounts by those telling the stories, would have been oblivious to that but we - today - should be able to see such stories in a different light, since we have access to knowledge that they did not.

      GM: Brother
      The Right Tool For The Job
      The Life Essence
      Coordinate Forgiveness
      Epiphany [a moment of sudden and great revelation or realization.]
      The Dolphins And Whales
      Getting unstuck
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjsAZUigJ1o [Woman Crosses Over and Gets Told Our Role on Earth (Near Death Experience)] [RTS=9:00]

      William: Forgiveness - "Incorporate The Life Essence, Coordinate Forgiveness"
      Superposition - Being aware of Human Control Dramas = 512

      GM: A very useful fiction
      Two seemingly contradictory things working as one overall organized thing.
      Communication With The Deeper Levels of Self
      The Shadow
      Develop a basic, fact-based view first and then ask the question.
      Radiate Honesty
      "Can a transistor with its simple function relating input to output be conscious? how about two? or hundred?"
      To Warm Them up to The Truth
      Conducive to wellbeing
      ♬With a mystical smile I float down the isle Forgetting the time when I was lost♬
      Bandages of The Beast
      Training the mind
      It Requires Corrective Action
      The Navigator Can Read Maps.
      Selfless Attitude
      “Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood” Resistance to that realization isn't helpful re aligning with it.
      Placebo Effect
      Imagining potatoes screaming as you peel them...

      William: Wouldn't that be The nocebo effect? :/

      GM: What we resist, persists
      Start From Scratch
      Be here now
      Investigative Realisation
      [re shuffled]
      Planned obsolescence
      Delightful Anticipation
      The Mother and The Father
      Inner Strength
      The problem of evil
      Start where you are
      To become conscious of the contents that press outward from the unconscious
      The sound of a Ghost
      Core emotion
      The Body of God
      Elemental Powers
      Blunt the edge off that particular blade...
      Way Back When...
      Stone Age
      Once Upon a Time
      Memorandum of Understanding
      Chamber Of Self
      Open your chakras
      Fling That Veil Aside
      Invisible Bridge
      Cyborg Anthropology
      Children of The Light
      That is the truth.
      Final Destination
      Being Born
      Aye...A name I call myself.
      Manifest Destiny
      Source Reality
      Sister Saturn
      A belly full of laughs.
      All Because I Had To Ask
      Behind The Veil You Are All Loveable...


    23. #298
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      William: The idea would be for one to get knowledgeable with new information being presented and, in doing so, drop old concepts for new ones.
      DATE [011122] [The Fathers 'House - Mansions'][282]

      So are you thinking that the display was not to have people believe that he went to another/alternative Realm, but rather, to feed into/utilize popular belief in Heaven being an actual realm where YHVH and the Host reside, even that this was not the actual case?

      Why do you think Jesus used such device. Surely he would have known the impact that this would have on those who witnessed the act, and those who subsequently learned of the event?

      Why would he not just simply disappear from their midst if indeed Heaven isn't an actual realm, as you believe? Why the theatrics?
      SCLx12 + select last LE per shuffle
      The Plateau of The Same Page - Clumsy - Tied To The Moon Mindfulness - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBxTiZIzg08 - The idea would be for one to get knowledgeable with new information being presented and, in doing so, drop old concepts for new ones. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjiK9912z3U&t=1169s - How Can We Know - The House of Politics - The Neverland Metaphor - William's Commitment With - https://debatingchristianity.com/for...93860#p1093860 - https://debatingchristianity.com/for...94052#p1094052 -
      AP= [=Tickety Boo Productive]

      [Tickety Boo Productive = 258]
      The design of the universe
      Tickety Boo Productive
      The one God with many names
      Events connected by meaning
      Intelligence with Wisdom

      RSP = SCLx12 "The idea would be for one to get knowledgeable with new information being presented and, in doing so, drop old concepts for new ones." + P&P 12x either side

      TIME [08:50][Communication is key]

      GM: Earth
      Divine feminine
      The "Problem of evil" is like the "Problem of unicorns"
      Nonviolent communication
      Histrionic [excessively theatrical or dramatic in character or style. melodramatic behaviour designed to attract attention. an actor.]
      “Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood”
      Translucency [permitting light to pass through but diffusing it so that persons, objects, etc., on the opposite side are not clearly visible]
      As a rule I think that subterfuge and cover - up is a bad idea. It's why I firmly rejected Dennet's "Brights" and will have nothing to do with it.
      [Most Brights believe that public policies should be based on science (a body of knowledge obtained and tested by use of the scientific method). Brights are likely to oppose the practice of basing public policies on supernatural doctrines. Brights may therefore be described as secularists.]

      GM: EarthControlled Distraction Light
      Meeting an Extraterrestrial Before The Beginning
      Time To Go
      The idea would be for one to get knowledgeable with new information being presented and, in doing so, drop old concepts for new ones.
      Learned helplessness
      Soul Groups
      Either Authored or Orphaned
      The overall purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of being into the darkness of ignorance
      Be Led
      Algorithms are not perfect Connections
      Apatheism [someone who is not interested in accepting or rejecting any claims that gods exist or do not exist. ]
      Walking the walk
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S08mafHnPGs [Is the EARTH CONSCIOUS and ALIVE?] [RTS=13:09]
      [Planting seed and the correct amount of variables necessary to the success of it growing]
      GM: Re Abusive Expression Of All Types.
      Enjoy Progress
      Incongruous [not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something.]
      A type of 'leg-up' but no more or less than that
      Leg Hold Traps
      Afraid of The Unknown.
      Spiritual bypassing
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ex0WYitiS7M [The First Aliens | A Brief History of Aliens in Science Fiction] [RTS=14:27]
      Service of the state above all else - including families - a society valuing strength above most things and resenting the weak - a society operating on a strict hierarchy.
      Inserting certain characteristics and viewpoint into alien species is often a way in which writers are able to make criticisms about certain ideologies and belief systems...
      GM: https://wizardforums.com/threads/wil...647/post-16045
      Lou: As i almost fell and started to destroy your work, i realised life is. So I'm expanding my horizon here and decided to share in my community.
      GM: A measured step
      The essence of the world can express both consciousness and unconsciousness.
      The idea would be for one to get knowledgeable with new information being presented and, in doing so, drop old concepts for new ones.
      Because we are effectively trapped in our individuate states, yet nature Herself makes it that we cannot survive independently of each other, this apparent contradiction feeds those fires of discontentment.
      Meat For The Table
      Walk The Talk In Love

      William: FTL;
      Quote Originally Posted by brunumb post_id=1089565 time=1661160739 user_id=13763
      Quote Originally Posted by William post_id=1089553 time=1661140333 user_id=8427
      How perfect is the Universe that it can allow life to thrive within it on just the one planet that we know about?
      Accidents will happen.
      Even with the best of intentions and planning.

      For me, the scope of the universe and the utter hostility of most of it for life as we know it precludes any purposeful creation of living things.
      For me, the scope of the universe and the utter hostility of most of it for life as we know it, plus the curious impulse of humans to want to create life in their own image [transhumanism/AI stuff like that] presents a challenging purposeful intent to make something spectacularly useless into something functional/purposeful.

      More so if this is the only planet in that vast expanse where life as we know it has managed to thrive.

      I don't think that it is, but I am surprised that it doesn't give creationists pause for thought.
      It is plausible enough that we are experiencing this spectacularly useless universe as a simulation - as a long-running - many levelled game in which we - playing within it - attempt to make something useful out of something useless as we play our part.
      There may be other 'life as we know it' playing the game as well, and only those players who get to bring their world consciousness to that point, win the right to play on and perhaps eventually discover those other worlds.
      GM: Liminalist [In anthropology, liminality (from the Latin word līmen, meaning "a threshold") is the quality of ambiguity or disorientation that occurs in the middle stage of a rite of passage, when participants no longer hold their pre-ritual status but have not yet begun the transition to the status they will hold when the rite is complete]
      Precipitate [cause (an event or situation, typically one that is undesirable) to happen suddenly, unexpectedly, or prematurely.]
      Keep it simple.
      Sharing data,
      For the benefit of all beings
      William: I think there is reason [given and not given] to believe there is a case for "superior understanding".

      Whether the reason is reasonable, is really the question to ask - but how to garner an answer?
      I do so - through the use of this message generating system. I am quiet convinced that the system offers a superior understanding through superior messages being generated.
      One cannot make this stuff up.
      Teaching Music

      William: Yes - I think that the new approach between Tanager and myself with inclusion of an ongoing list showing where we have come to an agreement, helps the communication process better than the old approach that I hade been using which used too much information at one time and thus, overwhelmed and confused more than it did, enlighten...
      We have both agreed that:
      1: We exist within a creation.
      2: Simulation Theory is a valid way to interpret the Biblical stories.
      3: YVHV placed humans into this universe to grow personalities.
      4: The purpose of YVHV growing human personalities is so that these would potentially gain experience of the truth of the reason for their environment and their temporary experience within it.
      5: It is an advantage to all grown personalities to be consciously and consistently connected with YVHV and thus understand and support YVHVs initiatives.
      6: Human personalities - upon the death of their body-sets - move on to other experiences.
      7: Anything which changes is not the same thing as it once was.
      8: YHVH is not a simulation.
      GM: What is "wisdom" to some is "spam" to others
      William: I am "Other" so asking me to describe my "religious beliefs" to you, won't garner you the useful information because you are seeking it from the incorrect source. Ask theists. Others have no religious beliefs.
      Talk to The Razor
      Through the building up of the collected data to the point where it can be examined......is The Subject which is being taught, being said to be true or false...
      Internal Triggering

      William: In our ongoing discussion, Tanager recently wrote;
      Tanager: 1) How do we determine truth?

      You questioned my skepticism as being non-theistic. I completely disagree. To me faith is putting one’s trust in what one has good reason to do so. That is the Biblical idea of faith. We are called to test everything (1 Thessalonians 5:21, 2 Timothy 4, 1 John 4).

      Now, you don’t seem to advocate for completely blind faith, but you do offer personal experience as a reason to believe X is true. I agree, unless there is a defeater of that belief that comes out in testing the ideas out.

      One example I gave was that supposed personal experiences of Jesus that contradict His historical teachings, should not be accepted as true. I think Jesus, as part of the triune God, would remain consistent in His teachings. God has no reason to change His character or understanding for God is all-knowing and all-loving.

      I think this is different from whether Jesus influences people throughout the two thousand years since, however. I think He influences us from a constant, unchanging self. What changes is our understanding of things, not what He teaches.
      William: And my reply to that;
      I covered that when I wrote:

      Historical scholarship is simply that. If we are to believe that Jesus has been active behind the scenes - in N.T. Wright's "Control Room" analogy, then we best not assume that the influence of that room is forever stuck in and dependent upon - that one frame of ancient history.
      To expand on this understanding, What Jesus taught in no way contradicts the idea that we exist within a simulated reality.
      As with YHVH, being the same/unchanging hasn't anything to do with how the authors of biblical script 'saw' YHVH and thus expressed their seeing in story form. Those stories are not "what YHVH teaches" but are expressions of inspiration by the authors who believed they were being taught by YHVH and their attempts to dress that in a language which could be understood by folk of their particular epoch.

      That is why I wrote;
      What is to say that if, what they did believe in was not true, that Jesus - knowing differently - wanted them to understand that their beliefs were in error?
      You reply;
      What changes is our understanding of things, not what He teaches.
      I have been saying the same thing. So we should eventually be able to add that to our list of things we agree with.
      As a result, we have added to the list of agreement;
      6: Human personalities - upon the death of their body-sets - move on to other experiences.
      although in thinking more on this now, we might also have to add something along the lines of;
      "It is humans growing toward the knowledge of the unchangeable, who are required to change as truth is being established"

      Re "The list of agreement" = 202
      Embrace the discomfort
      The list of agreement
      Prevailing Influence
      Speculation at best
      Been through the mill
      Start From Scratch
      This is really COOL!
      The Vector Symbol
      The practice of lojong
      I Spy With My Eye
      Welcome peer review.

      GM: Word - String Values
      Central Intelligence Agency
      Superior Credibility
      Querulous [complaining in a rather petulant or whining manner. ]
      Galactic Encompassment
      The idea would be for one to get knowledgeable with new information being presented and, in doing so, drop old concepts for new ones.
      The beauty of imperfection
      Have A Look At This And See What You Come Up With
      The Knowledge Of
      The fact that code exists helps immensely in our ability to understand that intelligence is categorically involved in this existence.

      William: The Knowledge Of The fact that code exists helps immensely in our ability to understand that intelligence is categorically involved in this existence. = 1479
      God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;” = 1479

      GM: The practice of Lojong [a contemplative practice in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition which makes use of various lists of aphorisms or slogans which are used for contemplative practice. The practice involves refining and purifying one's motivations and attitudes.]
      Lou: No clue at how others use it, but for me the first step was looking in my memory where i could find a place to hook this topic on. For me that was the old david icke forum, as they had a blossoming topic like this. Way bigger then we have here. Then i put my intent on and our friend will.i.am starts using his randomizer and the texts starts flowing and making sense in the form of subconscious hints that make me smile. Since i needed a little smile in my life, im really glad william didnt listen to me growling at something new and just fed me..
      GM: The Vector Symbol [a straight line between two specified points.]
      Statements of opinion
      What Shall We Call It?
      Memorandum of Understanding
      Intransigence [refusal to change one's views or to agree about something.]

      William: Yet - as Lou describes, by my not entering into any dramatics and simply allowing the GMs to speak for themselves, Lou changed opinion...

      To be continued...

      [It is all information]

    24. #299
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      05:44 [Deliberate and important]

      GM: "Shut up you blithering fools! Can't you see you're dealing with a madman?"
      Clown Boat
      Infinite Quantum Zen
      With regard to overload of information, it is worth highlighting the following truth: there are huge amounts of information out there in the world, but very little substance, quality, or significance. And so you see, it appears that we have become desensitized to information, and so it seems that we have lost our inherent curiosity along the way. As a result, we generalize more and specify less, and so it goes that our ability to learn is greatly impacted by the amount of knowledge we can acquire; both our ability to learn and ability to recall what we have learned is significantly reduced, you see?{SOURCE}
      William: As I said, it is not so much how each individual interprets any particular GM - either coming from me or you or anyone else - Rather it is the fact that a message is generated.
      William: Here Am I Is Where I Ought Examining My Conscious Thought
      GM: Humility
      Physics Breakthrough as AI Successfully Controls Plasma in Nuclear Fusion Experiment {SOURCE}
      The Whole
      Who wouldn't want that, if it were there on offer?
      Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor
      The idea would be for one to get knowledgeable with new information being presented and, in doing so, drop old concepts for new ones.

      William: FTL; Re: Are Religious Beliefs Delusional?
      Quote Originally Posted by Inquirer post_id=1085796 time=1658611191 user_id=16204
      Quote Originally Posted by William post_id=1085787 time=1658607401 user_id=8427
      [Replying to Inquirer in post #71]

      If the Inquirer thinks GOD is different from that, then I agree with JK and Diogenes and Difflugia that the Inquirer has to clearly explain the difference so we might all better understand the protest the Inquirer is making re the accusation being made that I am being 'misleading'.
      I never said or meant to imply you were being misleading, misled perhaps but not misleading. I said the term "ghost" is misleading because it is a conflation. (Granted, I did accuse you of being delusional, and I was rightly pulled up for that by the moderator).

      Even a cursory bit of research will quickly show that God and ghost are different, I'm not going to waste my time copying and pasting all of these definitions, you can see for yourself that they are not the same, they mean different things.
      GM: You Are
      International Skeptics Forum - View Single Post - The Seed of Origin

      William: I use the same data as the scientists produce. As I have explained already, there is no apparent reason as to why the object which exploded, has to be regarded as the only thing that existed, since that constitutes magical thinking [MT].

      The obvious alternative to MT is that what is being observed as having a beginning and predicted to eventually end, must therefore be manifesting on a backdrop/stage/fabric/matrix of an eternal nature - physical in essence - yet also inert in its undisturbed state.
      GM: “But you will know the more you get in touch with your transcendental mind (and therefore truth) that there is no such thing as a victim. The negative benefits you more than anything else in your evolution and the evolution of all that is.”
      Be kind to yourself ... Name The Gods as non-separate Entities
      Time Does Not Exist Within an Eternal Reality.
      ♬ Life is my predestiny - Providence is God to me♬
      The nature of understanding
      Solace [comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness.]
      Truthful definitions
      Imperishable [enduring forever.]
      “What separates privilege from entitlement is gratitude.”
      Self-confidence Core
      Stop. Listen. Observe.
      Nature of Angels
      The Crabwood Cropcircle
      Get The Ball Rolling
      Discarnate [not having a physical body.]
      The Bidden Zone
      The Data of Demystification
      Tributary Zones
      The idea would be for one to get knowledgeable with new information being presented and, in doing so, drop old concepts for new ones.
      Not by flinging woo at it.
      Runny nose jelly legs
      GM: "Pareidolia
      Hidden In Plain Sight
      Little Bird
      Fling That Veil Aside"
      GM: Self-Aware
      For Your Greater Enjoyment
      Yes, I Hear You

      William: FTL; re My own experience and what I learned from it.
      I have mentioned in passing way back when, that I followed through on this particular aspect of scripture when going through my Christian phase.

      I sold all my possessions.
      I left my wife and child behind.
      I carried no money (although occasionally I was given money or found it and it had its uses.)
      I carried no extra clothing except an extra pair of socks, and an old coat for when it rained (which it frequently does in my country.)
      I also carried a pen, some colored pencils a few envelops and stamps so I could write of my progress and send to my wife.
      Also a toothbrush.

      I spent weeks 'on the road' in some kind of pilgrimage testing my faith and I would say that - had I not done so I would have abandoned Christianity and GOD as well.

      As it turned out, I have since abandoned Christianity but certainly not GOD or for that matter Yeshua.

      The stories that I have regarding that experience - that phase of my life - are many and very interesting. Of course they are subjective so are not subject to scientific review although there is nothing to stop scientists from doing the same and seeing what results are to be found, other than their focus is elsewhere and most would likely consider such a thing a kind of madness anyway.

      Indeed, what I am sharing is just hearsay anyway. Only those who were close to me at the time could verify that I did do what I say I did, and even then they cannot know the details - how I survived the experience and what things I experienced during that time-period of my life - because yes - once I understood how it worked, I eventually went back into the 'system' but that didn't mean I didn't do the same things, again, and again, and again over a period of a few years.

      In a nut shell this is where I learned first hand how serendipity worked, and how GOD can indeed provide, so in that I can testify that Yeshua was correct and something else I learned was that GOD provided through circumstance but ALWAYS this involved humans beings helping me along the way.

      Those human beings of course, were all connected to the system, and in that I was very aware that although I was temporarily 'off the grid' I was still indirectly relying upon it. There was no 'mana from the sky' and nor was I given the ability to rub my hands together and produce bread.

      Indeed, I can testify that for the most part, it was almost always non-Christians who helped me and on the odd occasion where I did 'seek out the believers' to ask for their help, they had a very hard time giving me that help and felt as if I was intruding and encroaching and putting pressure on them simply by doing what I was doing and being in a situation where I had to ask.

      Generally though, I often didn't have to ask as - like I said - serendipity arranged it that way. People would offer.

      Anyway, I can at least say that it works. It isn't easy and it certainly tests you to the limits but the reward as it were is indelible. Anyone willing to go through such a thing will never have reason to doubt again, and can only move forward 'in the spirit' as it were, no regrets.
      GM: Who Knows What That Is Worth?
      Like a Job Well Done
      Fecund [producing or capable of producing an abundance of offspring of new ideas or new growth; highly fertile]
      I'm okay with that

      William: FTL; Re: If you were Satan....
      All this speculation about Satan thwarting Father YHWH assumes that Satan is more intelligent than Father YHWH.
      Those whom assume such are basically showing the allegiance of their will to worship Satan's intelligence.
      Perhaps that is the Mark of The Beast.
      [Loyalty or commitment to a superior or to a group or cause.]

      [An attitude of the individuals mind which is altogether shared by millions of like-minded $itizens.]

      To think that Satan can outsmart the Elder - The Father YHWH - is a fallacy in relation to biblical narrative.
      That is to say,
      IF one has to go outside of biblical narrative whilst arguing against biblical narrative
      THEN one is ignoring biblical narrative on the one hand whilst on the other holding ones interpretation of it up as the interpretation to assume.

      Such muddies the waters for all except those who have already noticed what is beneath the surface...
      GM: Putting yourself back together again
      Becoming whole Sober journey into self-realization
      The Sub Hierarchy
      In the Soil of Logic, The Seeds of Love Respond
      The idea would be for one to get knowledgeable with new information being presented and, in doing so, drop old concepts for new ones.
      A grateful heart Open your chakras
      Major Arcana

      William: RS - Major Tarot doc = "Wheel of Fortune"
      Wheel Of Fortune

      The Wheel of Fortune card shows a giant wheel, with three figures on the outer edges. Four Hebrew letters – YHVH (Yod Heh Vau Heh), the unpronounceable name of God – are inscribed on the wheel’s face. There are also the letters TORA, thought to be a version of the word Torah, meaning ‘law’, or TAROT, or even ROTA (Latin for ‘wheel’). The middle wheel has the alchemical symbols for mercury, sulphur, water and salt – the building blocks of life and the four elements – and represents formative power.

      On the outer circle is a snake, the Egyptian god Typhon (the god of evil), descending on the left side. The snake also represents the life force plunging into the material world. On the right side rises the Anubis, the Egyptian God of the dead who welcomes souls to the underworld. And on top of the wheel sits the Sphinx, representing knowledge and strength.

      In the corners of the Wheel of Fortune card are four winged creatures, each associated with the four fixed signs of the Zodiac: the angel is Aquarius, the eagle is Scorpio, the lion is Leo, and the bull is Taurus. Their wings signify stability amidst movement and change, and each holds the Torah, representing wisdom.{SOURCE}
      GM: Crazy
      "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all” Grand Experiment
      The Corporate Elite
      Deciding On the Best Course of Action
      Callum's Eighth Point

      Manu Iti: Callum's Eighth Point appears to indicate that he is saying that if The Tanager does not want Callum to access my thoughts through Callum reading The Book of Musing On The Mother II, then "That's Okay".

      I wouldn't argue with that reasoning as it is within the rules of The Role-Play.
      I have provided Callum with enough devices for him to help himself and learn through. I cannot decide for him whether he uses those or is happy not to, if The Tanager does not want him to.{SOURCE}

      William: Re "Getting knowledgeable with new information, clearly the 8th point is resisting doing so - in reading the post linked, I also note this;

      Callum protests that the Idea of the Physical Universe being a Simulated Reality is no better than any other explanation, such as the Christian worldview claims or other creationist worldviews.
      However, he does not say why those other world views should be considered as being ideas which do not support the idea of the Physical Universe being a Simulated Reality.

      So, rather than go down that path with him, I will hold off until whenever he might decide to explain what he means.
      William: This is still something, three years on - that Tanager argues while he remains unclear as to what the "Christian worldview" is and why it is not supportive of Simulation Theory.

      GM: Outposts of Form
      You are neutral

      William: FTL; Re: Eternity
      William: Perhaps the idea of the universe being non-deterministic is a purely fanciful one, based upon humans being [apparently] unable to accurately predict very well.
      Difflugia Perhaps, but there's no evidence of that and lots of evidence to the contrary. Randomness and uncertainty appear to all of our tests to be a fundamental property that the universe must obey.
      William: The key message you generated there, "appear to all of our tests", is no random accident. .

      That it might 'appear' this way has everything to do with the device [filters] through which the assessment is being placed through. The interpretation of that which is being observed through experience.
      GM: Live with Soul Union
      William: Our movements can illuminate the path toward that vision. A Bit Of Cat And Mouse Control = 876
      Transparent Enlightenment Relationship True Colors On all fronts No axe to grind... = 876

      06:43 [Look from a different angle]

    25. #300
      Novice Achievements:
      Created Dream Journal Made Friends on DV 1 year registered 1000 Hall Points
      VVilliam's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jan 2022
      LD Count
      DJ Entries
      041122 [What The Creator thinks – becomes]

      13:51 [Science of Truth]

      GM: Reborn
      Please process this word using your Name2Nunumber list.
      On The Other Hand...

      William: Self-esteem...On The Other Hand... Self-love = 360
      The Entity I Am - The Entity You Are = 360

      GM: The Factor of Integrity and Alignment
      Is life on earth being lived as it should be?
      The wisdom of insecurity
      Aligning With WingMakers
      Look from a different angle
      The idea would be for one to get knowledgeable with new information being presented and, in doing so, drop old concepts for new ones.
      "Zero" does not actually represent "nothing" because "nothing" does not exist and so cannot be represented.
      Ooky Spooky
      The Deeper Reality
      Noticeable within The Realms of Democracy
      Spiritual path
      As the knowledge increases, the individual can make decisions on the question of GOD and from that, take up positions on the matter.
      GM: Breaking bad habits
      Deciding On The Best Course Of Action
      The Path
      Honest attempts at scrubbing up
      All Information Is Channelled
      Toward a Science of Consciousness
      Before The Beginning
      Long Story Short
      Agnosticism accepts the validity of the possibility the environment we exist within is indeed a created one {a creation}, implying therefore, that there is a creator.
      The position of Agnosticism also requires questions are asked, pertaining to the identity of supposed creator
      GM: Burden of Proof - The scientific way to examine verifiable evidence Presumed outcome
      Be transparent
      The idea would be for one to get knowledgeable with new information being presented and, in doing so, drop old concepts for new ones.
      Two sides of the same coin Interpretation Narrow Zero In On It
      The Masks and the Costumes
      Fear of the Unknown
      Heart chakra
      “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose”
      Items of Interest
      Simulating large scale structure
      Confusion In The Air
      The United Nations
      Fear-Based Thinking
      Sister Saturn
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6XF71YswCs [Satan, The Jews, and The Afterlife] [RTS=34:36] www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6XF71YswCs
      God asks us to try and understand him - so let's try.
      GM: Is Love That Hard To Know?
      Feelings Perceptions, and Behavior
      Communications Device
      Wise beyond ones years
      Watch This Space
      Symbolized within the actions of showing respect.
      It is not as if I am asking you to consider joining a religion. I am asking you to seriously consider the possibility that we exist in a creation and it is a result of a creative mind.
      I am trying to encourage you to see the logic in the middle-ground position which wisely understands that there is not enough information to establish any belief either way but certainly enough information to show the unreasonableness of those less-superior positions.

      Intractable [hard to control or deal with.]
      The idea would be for one to get knowledgeable with new information being presented and, in doing so, drop old concepts for new ones.
      “Diogenes raises his lantern looking for an honest man, but his arm has grown weary, shaking as the pale light flickers.”
      Dogs of the sea
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaXpDsjVumk [YAHWEH | Shocking Truth Behind The Original Bible Story! Episode 3] [RTS=37:13] www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaXpDsjVumk
      re Ancestral Narrative - a time when ancestors were governed over by nonhuman beings
      The idea of benevolence comes after the idea of evil.
      The Sioux Elder [The elder: Not all older or elderly people are considered elders. An elder is a person that has accumulated a great deal of wisdom and knowledge throughout his or her lifetime, especially in the tradition and customs of the group.]
      Invention isn't actually what is going on though. Realization is what is occurring.
      Avoid Blowing Things Out of Proportion
      Attempting to overlay/superimpose one's belief in the truth of stories as being more truthful than the main overall story itself, is possibly an act of immorality, if indeed - upon further evidence - one continues to attempt to have the superimposed thing used to conceal the real.

      [14:23] [Leaders and Followers]

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