I know I'm not addressing everything in your post, but here are a few thoughts:
Originally Posted by RelaxAndDream
it seemed that it was your body falling asleep that took a while
How can you tell? i´ve always had the feeling my body is relaxed pretty fast/good... and i thought HI and so on can only start after my body is away already? i had the feeling my mind is to awake but i think the real obstacle was indeed like you said the noticing the HI and thinking i now need to do something so the dream starts. this time i was a little more chillaxed i think
Actually, things like HI, dreamlets, and odd physical sensations are occurring while your body is balancing on the fence between wake and sleep; you are not fully asleep when you experience HI.
In my opinion, your mind can never be too awake to LD (lucidity is, after all, defined by the wakefulness of your mind), so don't be concerned about that -- however, don't let your wakeful mind interfere with your body as it falls asleep: make your it is your mind that is awake, and not your physical brain.
Also, you do not need to do anything for the dream to start; it will do so just fine on its own. I'm not sure what i said, but that was not what I meant. Try not to ever feel like you have to do something during a WILD, as this sort of thinking will only amplify the insecurity you mentioned, especially if you either can't remember what you are "supposed to do."
i again did SSILD first then started my WILD.
SSILD is actually a form of WILD, and because of this successfully completing a SSILD should have landed you in a LD. I'm just mentioning this because you might want to double-check your SSILD technique, as it does not seem to be something that needs to be done before a WILD (since it is a WILD doing so seems a bit redundant).
-i know that i turned after some of my DEILDS on my other side and just started counting again for another WILD because i thought why not and i think it worked. maby it was the one i woke up in my bed and was instant lucid but i can´t tell anymore... but nice one i can turn and keep on going my WILD/DEILD as long as i dont strech or think too much!?
Sure. Though it is best to hold still as you emerge from your last dream so that you can DEILD back into it, it is possible to move a bit, and even open your eyes fro a moment. It is a very good idea to avoid wake-up activities like stretching and thinking too much (if by that you mean thinking about waking-life problems or activities).
-i have not really problems in remembering my goals (what is this called then? Prospective memory?)
Prospective memory is essentially remembering to remember so yes, I suppose this is prospective memory.
-still think in schemes and bounded to RL experiences because i did the fire on the cooker and not on the table for example or didnt turn the bike by my mind or think of another way to turn it but get insecure about it (for a brief moment i even thought if the machine might be to heavy for me because it was huge and i dont even have a licence for that but this thought i could manage and it was kind of no problem to move the machine)
Your recognizing that you are thinking this way in dreams is a very good thing, because it is a sign that you are stepping further way from the "default" non-lucid condition of believing the dreamworld must work exactly as the waking-world works --perhaps you are already showing signs of lucid maturity?
I would suggest that you give things like this some thought during waking-life dreamwork. Perhaps you can set some goals for dreams that completely defy the physical laws of waking life, like breathing underwater or a dream scene with no gravity; this way it might be easier to assure yourself that it doesn't matter how big the bike is, or where the fire can be set.
-i at some point was in SP i wanted to move my arms and it felt like i did but nothing happened. no problem i thought one thing less to care about, closed my eyes and DEILD.... dont know again if it just was a dream but i dont think about SP at all before so i think i had no intention so no reason to dream about it
That is an excellent attitude! Try not to lose it!
-i think i need to think way more about my goals and have a more precise expectation what i want to dream and what i want to do because i think everytime i just don´t know exactly what to do i get nervous and the dream gets unstable but it goes hand in hand with beeing pretty fast insecure in general in my LD (i think like having sex for the first time xD). i thought about it a day before and come to the conclusion that i dont really have THE reason why i try to LD... i just find it interesting and want to use it maby to find a dreammentor or to learn more about me (and intigrate my egos) and to see what is all possible but i think this reasons are to unspecific so when i get lucid i just dont know what to do. the time i had my goals in my mind it seemed pretty funny and stable. also with the WILD dive itself seemed to work better because i wanted to see my dad somehow and so i saw right away i was there and not maby dreaming about beeing in my room still laying in my bed and trying to WILD (like i thought the post before)!?
Yes, goals are extremely important, especially early in your LD practice, and pretty much for the reasons you already said. A little specificity is almost an anchor during a WILD: If you know where you want to be come dreamtime, and can focus on that thought throughout the WILD, you have a better chance of lucidly winding up there.
do you have a hint how to handle my immature insecurity and nervousness?
Just one hint: practice, practice, practice. The more WILDs you attempt, whether successful or not, the more secure you become in your skills, your techniques, and above all your own mind. Just keep practicing, and do so with a positive, "next time I will do better" attitude, and you will find eventually that insecurity and nervousness are no longer problems (indeed, you likely won't even remember that they were problems!).
i thought about another goal i want to achieve is to tell myself what my actual status is in a LD: in my bed, dreaming and creator of this reality i am in. does something like this work or does it wake me up because again i think about my body? like your mind explodes because you see the real matrix xD
I don't think that setting a goal of telling yourself your actual physical status during a LD is really necessary; you need only remember that your physical body is somewhere else than your dream body, peacefully asleep in bed. The same goes for remembering that this dreamworld is all your creation, indeed it is all You, but setting a goal to do this might simply lead to a NLD about doing this. Instead, learn to just remember these things during the dream; make them a standard component of your dreaming posture rather than something you think about during your WILD. RRC's, BTW are a very handy tool for developing this component!
Oh, and fear not: your mind will not explode and there is no real matrix; just you. Thinking about your sleeping body during a dream is actually an excellent tool for self-awareness and stability, and not the other way around (no matter what you read on these forums).
i also thought about meditating in a dream but again i dont know if it would work just like that when i sit down and close my eyes? doesnt closing eyes or focusing on something to long makes the dream unstable?
Meditation in a dream can be very interesting, but you might consider waiting until you have accumulated some more LD'ing experience before you go there, because it requires some extra stability skills, along with the confident knowledge that no, closing your dreambody eyes or focusing on something for a long time will only make the dream unstable if you allow them to do so (just like remembering your sleeping body, BTW).
or do you say it is just a matter of practice to have the hang of it?
Again, yes.
but even if what would be a good practice to firm my dreamworld willpower?
That will be up to you. Ultimately, though, your experience will define your willpower and confidence in the dreams, so the best practice is simply practice: Do your daytime dreamwork (i.e., RC, RRC's, set and think about goals, and develop your fundamentals), positively attempt WILDs whether the last one (or ten) was successful or not, develop your MILD skills (handy for DILD and WILD/DIELD), and always know that you will be lucid tonight. Stick to all this, and eventually your dreamworkd willpower will be a given.
dumb thing is i will start my diplomawork tomorrow... so no more practicing WILD during the week. only on weekends and hopefully not partying to much because then again i will even lose a day more :/
so maby i will look for some good MILD techniques... but even then without WBTB it will be a dryspell? or should i just be optimistic?
This may actually be a good thing, so be optimistic. I have found that WILD attempts work much better when you schedule them. If you have a specific day and time (like a weekend morning) to plan for and anticipate your WILD, your chances of having one should increase.
Also, if looking into MILD results from your schedule change, then that is good too: The techniques that make up MILD (like managing prospective memory) are very useful for DILD and WILD, so it will be helpful to know them.
Edit: last one and i think this is a "stupid" one but: while WILDING i _should_ think about a dream/visualize where i want to go not just wait for a picture to come up? kind of visualize a goal and how i do it? but not right away from the beginning but when i see that i start to get here and there short HI so i can kick of the dream?
Not so stupid, I think: While WILDing, you can feel free to think about a dream and visualize it any time: during the dive, before any HI shows up, during WBTB, as you fall asleep the night before, during the day of the the night before, etc (I think you get my point!). There is no need to wait for anything, and there is certainly no need to wait for HI for any reason, including starting to visualize.
again a lot of questions... sorry for this
It sure was! i must off a bit of a warning, though, in that I really don't have time to properly address these long posts, so I hope you'll forgive if my responses are shorter next time...