Distraction is definitely a bad thing, but your mantra must have some presence, or else it just won't work. A balance is certainly needed! |
That's a good one. Just be careful that if you do see light in hypnagogic or nascent dream form that you don't attach too much significance. Of course, I suppose you can do the opposite, and actually use your mantra to help illuminate the dream, but once again be very careful about letting the mantra define the dream (the "deeper" ones can do that) and cause you to lose lucidity. |
Distraction is definitely a bad thing, but your mantra must have some presence, or else it just won't work. A balance is certainly needed! |
I chose "Be Here, Be Aware" as my mantra. I find my biggest obstacle with WILDs is that I fall asleep too quickly. Within a few minuets of lying down, I am asleep. I loose lucidity and am in a dream before I know what happened. My mantra reminds me to be present in the moment and retain awareness as I enter the dreamworld, but is also reflective of my waking life goals. |
Excellent choice, Hermine, for all the right reasons. |
The only thing that's come to mind for a mantra so far has been "Remain Constant." -- I tend to have issues with constantly keeping enough focus to repeat a mantra while still allowing myself to fall asleep, I usually tip on one end of the scale too much. Would this be a good mantra? |
Check out my DreamViews Podcast with OpheliaBlue!
The best reason for having dreams is that in dreams no reasons are necessary.
No sailor controls the sea. Only a foolish sailor would say such a thing. Similarly, no lucid dreamer controls the dream.
Like a sailor on the sea, we lucid dreamers direct our perceptual awareness within the larger state of dreaming.
It's a good start, because it carries a remedy that certainly means something to you. |
Check out my DreamViews Podcast with OpheliaBlue!
The best reason for having dreams is that in dreams no reasons are necessary.
No sailor controls the sea. Only a foolish sailor would say such a thing. Similarly, no lucid dreamer controls the dream.
Like a sailor on the sea, we lucid dreamers direct our perceptual awareness within the larger state of dreaming.
I think I found a mantra I may be wanting to be using. It is "flow with the wind." I chose it because I feel like sometimes I am focusing too hard on something to happen such as a ld, but instead I should be flowing with the wind letting it take me where ever it wants to. Hows that mantra sound? |
Last edited by TheGrimRose; 06-13-2012 at 09:57 PM.
Having a hard time coming up with one myself. :/ |
Sounds good! You might consider simplifying it to something like "flowing wind," or "With the wind," or maybe just "Wind." That might make it easier to repeat without losing any meaning. And of course that meaning shouldn't be lost with the consolidation because you've picked a mantra that you'll understand at the slightest mention -- and that's the part that matters. |
Uh Oh! |
Last edited by Sageous; 06-14-2012 at 07:26 AM.
You know, Sageous... I really like your way of doing these courses. |
I realize that i'm dreaming.
I realize that i'm dreaming.
I realize that i'm dreaming.
<--- My Dream Journal Contains ONLY Lucid Dreams
That's a pretty good one -- you could even shorten it to "Unlock lucidity," just for repetition's sake. |
I've chosen "Jeg er på vej" which is Danish and in normal conversations would translate to "I'm on my way", but it could also mean something more like "I'm on the right path" or "I'm going in the right direction". I chose it because I consider my dive into lucid dreaming to be a lifelong travel that I'm embarking on and I feel like I need to assure my self of this choice. But I also chose it because I fall asleep very quickly and have problems keeping aware. So when I'm doing WILD it would tell me that I'm on my way into a dream. |
Today in the morning i didn't really mean to WILD, but i kept thinking of what words might mean something to me, and use those as a mantra. My most important goal in life right now is to get on the right track, to find that happiness i'm looking for... to succeed... |
I realize that i'm dreaming.
I realize that i'm dreaming.
I realize that i'm dreaming.
<--- My Dream Journal Contains ONLY Lucid Dreams
I just got around to reading the Mantras thread today, and it really changed my view about mantras! I was just repeating them and not really focusing on the meaning behind them, just saying the word over and over and not really thinking about what I was saying. So thanks, Sageous! |
Follow your dreams.
DILD - 50 | DEILD - 3 | WILD - 1 | MILD - 1
Previous Goal: Air bendMain Goal: Find my Dream Guide
Spoiler for Goals:
I'm actually considering changing my mantra to "Still here". I think that one has a little more meaning in the context of WILD. What do you think? |
I think that might be a better choice for two reasons: |
Not related to last lesson really, I'm working on that over the next few days but I've been attempting WILD's over the last few nights and keep falling asleep after I wake up |
Attempting WILD: 0
Have achieved SP with mild HI previously, haven't attempted much in the past.
Just one that I can think of: get up and walk around. That sounds stupid simple, I know, but it could be all you need to do. Your body is extremely interested in going back to sleep during those groggy initial arousals (and it usually does), so you need to take some (mild) physical action to stave off that grogginess. If you lie in bed "planning" to get up for too long a stretch, you'll likely just drift off again. |