Was just wondering whether we are to create workbooks to track our progress. Haven't seen you mention them anywhere yet? |
Please use this thread to post any questions you have about the WILD According to Sageous Sessions, WILD, self-awareness, or any other related topic. I'll answer what I can, and maybe lively discussions will also ensue -- from which we all always learn! |
Was just wondering whether we are to create workbooks to track our progress. Haven't seen you mention them anywhere yet? |
Last edited by RareCola; 05-15-2012 at 05:10 PM.
Check out my DreamViews Podcast with OpheliaBlue!
The best reason for having dreams is that in dreams no reasons are necessary.
No sailor controls the sea. Only a foolish sailor would say such a thing. Similarly, no lucid dreamer controls the dream.
Like a sailor on the sea, we lucid dreamers direct our perceptual awareness within the larger state of dreaming.
I did mention earlier that I didn't see much need for notebooks. Here's what I said: |
The lesson was very informative. I never knew self awareness had an effect on lucid dreaming, especially not WILD. I tend to just breeze through days without being very aware, so I'll have to practice this. |
Interesting read in the new thread |
I realize that i'm dreaming.
I realize that i'm dreaming.
I realize that i'm dreaming.
<--- My Dream Journal Contains ONLY Lucid Dreams
... So you're already ahead of the game; very nice! And yes, if what you are doing is similar to the reverse RC I described above, it will likely help with both DILD and WILD. |
Like littlezoe said, I've been practicing ADA along with Dream Yoga from Sivason's course as well, and I've noticed some subtle augmentation in awareness in my dreams and in waking life. |
Yeah, I just looked and saw that there are a few people taking both Sivason and my course. That is definitely a good thing, because I think our courses are complementary. |
Check out my DreamViews Podcast with OpheliaBlue!
The best reason for having dreams is that in dreams no reasons are necessary.
No sailor controls the sea. Only a foolish sailor would say such a thing. Similarly, no lucid dreamer controls the dream.
Like a sailor on the sea, we lucid dreamers direct our perceptual awareness within the larger state of dreaming.
So about your reverse reality check. Is it meant to be a quick thing? I was trying to think about my impact on the universe and where I was before etc. Seemed like after a short bit I had nothing else to do. Is that normal? |
Attempting WILD: 0
Have achieved SP with mild HI previously, haven't attempted much in the past.
I'd say so. I've been doing this for years, and my "pauses" never last much more than 20 seconds. Short time-spans for this (and regular RC's) is probably a good thing, because if you spend too much time considering this stuff you may begin to intellectualize and attach meaning and explanations that sound good but simply never existed, which for this exercise -- and life in general -- would be a bad thing. Oh, and standing still talking to yourself for too long is often not seen as very encouraging behavior by the folks around you... |
I think this is the hardest part for me. I am quite prone to over intellectualizing things of this nature. I think you have mentioned this techniques in other threads and I have been trying to accomplish this for some time, but always end up philosophizing about my effect on the environment rather than wondering about it. The part you mentioned in the lesson about the atoms in your feet interacting with the atoms in the floor really helped me understand how this "reverse RC" works. Yesterday, instead of asking myself questions and thinking about my effect on the environment, I visualized bits of atoms coming and going from my body to the air around me. Suddenly, I had an "Aha!" that is hard to describe. I think I actually felt the wonder and sense of everything everything whirling about me that you describe for the first time. In way it felt very much like lucidity hitting me in a DILD. Now as I do the reverse RC, I try to visualize and feel my effect on the environment, rather than thinking about it and encouraging my inner monologue. |
Check out my DreamViews Podcast with OpheliaBlue!
The best reason for having dreams is that in dreams no reasons are necessary.
No sailor controls the sea. Only a foolish sailor would say such a thing. Similarly, no lucid dreamer controls the dream.
Like a sailor on the sea, we lucid dreamers direct our perceptual awareness within the larger state of dreaming.
Hermine_Hesse and RareCola: |
When I did the reverse RCs today I put a MILD spin on it, I visualised myself in the place I was just in, and in the place I would next be, realising I was dreaming, stabilising, and carrying out a dream goal. Does that seem like a good idea? It's certainly been a far more memorable variant of RC than any other I've tried, I had no problem remembering to do it at least every hour and often 2-3 times in an hour. |
My Lucid Dreaming Articles/Tutorials:
Mindfulness - An Alternative Approach to ADA
Intent in Lucid Dreaming; Break that Dry-Spell, Escape the Technique Rut
Always, no sometimes think it's me,
But you know I know when it's a dream
I think I know I mean a yes
But it's all wrong
That is I think I disagree
-John Lennon
Alright thanks, that helps! |
Attempting WILD: 0
Have achieved SP with mild HI previously, haven't attempted much in the past.
In the context of what I'm teaching here, I'd say no, your MILD variant does not seem like a good idea. I'm more interested here in getting you to understand, thoroughly, your indelible interaction with reality as it is-- to understand that "duality" is an intellectual term that has no real meaning, if you will. Especially in dreams. Attaching MILD visualizations is an arguably intellectual departure from the original goal of the reverse RC. Visualizing a place where you can not be in five minutes, like a dream, is truly a departure. |
I'm still kind of confused about the Reverse RC. So I have to sort of think about why I'm here, and how I'm impacting the world at this very moment? |
Follow your dreams.
DILD - 50 | DEILD - 3 | WILD - 1 | MILD - 1
Previous Goal: Air bendMain Goal: Find my Dream Guide
Spoiler for Goals:
Yup, and also about how the world is impacting you. Don't forget that you also want to remember wher you just were, and where you will be shortly. And don't think too hard, or try to come up with explanations; it's more about the act of wondering than it is about getting answers. |
From what I've been doing today, I've found it's best not to really "question" anything, as you would with other methods. Questioning implies an answer, which from what Sageous has said, isn't the goal. I've just been letting my mind wander thinking about my existence in this moment and previous/future moments, then stopping myself before I start breaking down into questions and answers. |
Check out my DreamViews Podcast with OpheliaBlue!
The best reason for having dreams is that in dreams no reasons are necessary.
No sailor controls the sea. Only a foolish sailor would say such a thing. Similarly, no lucid dreamer controls the dream.
Like a sailor on the sea, we lucid dreamers direct our perceptual awareness within the larger state of dreaming.
^^ I couldn't have said it better myself, RareCola! |
I like your sig picture Rarecola. |
Attempting WILD: 0
Have achieved SP with mild HI previously, haven't attempted much in the past.
My Lucid Dreaming Articles/Tutorials:
Mindfulness - An Alternative Approach to ADA
Intent in Lucid Dreaming; Break that Dry-Spell, Escape the Technique Rut
Always, no sometimes think it's me,
But you know I know when it's a dream
I think I know I mean a yes
But it's all wrong
That is I think I disagree
-John Lennon
Pardon my ignorance, but do we post our experiences here? |
Sure, for now. I'll be setting up a thread for posting, and discussing, experiences in a while, but I was holding off on doing so until after I reached the point where I specifically ask you guys to attempt a WILD (still a few weeks off). I'd really like the discussion to be focused -- or at least distantly based -- on my suggestions. |
Last edited by Sageous; 05-17-2012 at 10:44 PM.