Though I personally feel, FryingMan, that your question has been answered more than once, and I was content to see this thread revert to being one about reporting WILD attempts rather than a philosophical debate about FA's and the value of RC'ing, I suppose we could go around one more time.
First, I think the "OP's" initial question was answered, almost immediately, and most succinctly, by Ctharhlie, here:
Originally Posted by Ctharlhie
Well it wasn't LD, you didn't know it was a dream At the very least it can be said you transitioned? RC every time you wake up, every single time.
Now, I know you raised an additional argument about RC's interfering with DEILD attempts, and I responded to it at least three times that I noticed (posts 945, 947, & 949), with other mentions elsewhere -- 3Cat did yet another good job of it just above.. Apparently I did a very bad job of it; let me try again.
Originally Posted by FryingMan
Yeah it may be too rigid but the question raised is a legitamate one: should one *always* RC upon realizing one is awake?
If you "know" you are awake -- eyes open, looking around at your bedroom -- then the time for your DEILD attempt has already passed (you should have started it before your eyes were open, BTW, and of course would have kept your eyes closed during it). So, if your RC succeeds then it is perhaps time for a WBTB and a WILD, as DEILD will only work now if you have very powerful images of your last dream, coupled with a certain knack for falling back to sleep.
So yeah; you can RC whenever you wake up fully (eyes open, room in view). Because the circumstances of being awake coincide with being too late to DEILD anyway and with the usual imagery of a FA, doing a RC cannot interfere with a DEILD and can help you catch FA's.
And yes, as I said before, doing a RC during a DEILD (before you are fully awake, before your eyes are open) is not a good idea, for the reasons already noted above.
And sleep masks can slip...but yes I always wear a sleep mask. But both just-reaally-woke-up-sleepy in-dream thinking can be foggy at best sometimes.
On the contrary; a missing sleep mask is a great indicator that you are dreaming. If it slipped, your RC (or increasing awareness) will verify that quickly. This is an excellent "quickie" RC; I use it all the time. Instead of arguing against it, you might consider incorporating it into your waking-up routine -- couldn't hurt, right?
Or try a "gentle" RC and then immediately go for the DEILD.
you mean, like noticing that your sleep mask is missing?
From your previous post:
I still think the scenario I'm thinking of (and that I imagined the OP of this mini-thread had in mind) hasn't been addressed. I guess I'm looking for an "algorithm" that determines how best to approach handling the "Here I am 'awake' in bed" scenario. I'm not talking about whether or not a DEILD attempt ends up producing a FA.
I'm talking about the following scenario that begins with: "Oh, here I am 'awake' in my bed"
The algorithm you seek, I think (and believe have already said at least three times), is a simple mix of self-awareness and timing: If you have DEILD-level self-awareness, and are doing a DEILD properly you will not have a FA (that's the self-awareness part); you might be presented with a dream that begins in bed, but you will know it is a dream -- your self-awareness will not allow you to be fooled. And if you should suddenly find yourself awake in bed (this is the timing part), dreaming or not, then it is clear you have failed with your DEILD attempt, and it's time to do something else (like WBTB/ WILD); the first and most logical thing to try here is a RC, just to be sure you are not still asleep.
It's that simple: the two things -- FA's and DEILD -- cannot happen at the same time, so dealing with one will not interfere with the other.
At this point should one: 1) RC in the hope of catching a FA if this indeed is a FA, or 2) remain still and immediately initiate a DEILD. #1 and #2 seem mutually exclusive since moving to perform the RC can interfere with the DEILD attempt by waking you up too much.
1. Yes.
2. Sure. But if you've already opened your eyes and are awake enough to wonder if this is your room, it may be best to switch to classic WILD. DEILD is not about laying still, it's about holding on to your last dream, and the mindset that accompanies it. You could literally get up and go to the bathroom and still complete a DEILD (done it many times, to my great relief). But open your eyes to the world, which is what a FA represents, and your DEILD is over. So, no harm done doing a RC at that point.
#'s 1 & 2 are indeed mutually exclusive, but the two would be done/happen at different times, so their mutual exclusivity will not be a problem.
If you do not RC in the hope of catching a FA and immediately initiate DEILD, you could miss FAs.
Why on earth would you want to "catch" a FA? I never got that. FA's are inconveniences for which you can prepare and maybe do something about, but I really don't think they ought to be sought out. I know this might run anathema to all those guides, but it is what I think.
If you do RC, you could miss the chance of a successful DEILD through excess movement.
No. You already missed the DEILD, and the RC is your first step in moving on.
I hope all this was clear, FryingMan, and without too much repetition, contradiction, or, contrarily, terseness. If you'd like to pursue this further, I'd deeply appreciate it if you would switch over to the Q & A thread!
An aside:
Originally Posted by ThreeCat
So have you made your own "ah" and hung it somewhere in the house? I had one up at work for a while. Surprising what most people won't notice.
Hey, I did that too! Used it as a mandala for a while -- most helpful, especially when the whole design starts shifting! And yeah, I've also worn a T-shirt with it, and no one ever asked, once, what it was...