The reason why my title is a little melodramatic, is because I was slightly iffy on getting adopted. The reason being, is because I really HATE letting people down. Originally, I was afraid that I might get sidetracked with my daily life, or that I wouldn't be able to achieve a lucid dream in a decent amount of time.
However, I decided that I need to be more devoted to lucid dreaming, and I thought adoption would be the best method. I know we're suppost to seek out adopters.. But I wanted an adopter to know what they're getting into. ;]

A little about me:
I'm seventeen, and I'm a senior in high school. I'm willing to bet that I would've had a lucid dream already, if it had not been for school. But with waking up at 6 am, and practically rushing to get out the door at 7, makes it difficult to keep a dream journal, as you're supposed to write in it right after you wake up.
However, I have a REALLY great dream recall. I can at least remember 1 dream a night, that being the least. I would say I usually remember 2+ a night.

As far as my attempts of lucid dreaming go..
*After waking up, I went to the bathroom, and went back to bed. I told myself that I would have a lucid dream. I kept my mind alert, but also allowed passive thoughts. Eventually, I hit SP, but I didn't know what to do after that, and fell asleep.

*I did a RC in my dream once where I held my nose. I could breathe, but I convinced myself I wasn't squeezing my nose hard enough.

*I did an RC in another one, poking my finger through my hand, and my finger went through, but in my dream, I thought "Nah, I'm just imagining it."

*Then, I believe I was going back into a sleep, i felt a little more aware.. And I saw a celeb's name, who I'd watched in a movie the night before. That was sort of a dreamsign, and I thought, "Oh my gosh, I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming!" But nothing happened after that.

So if there is anyone who wouldn't mind helping a struggling school girl, send me a message! And thank you in advance.