February Seventh, 2011.

I hear a fierce growl
While I'm walking in the woods
The bear emerges

The animal growls
It bares its razor sharp teeth
The bear attacks me

It rips out my guts
But I am not quite dead yet
I can see my heart

I watch as it eats
Devours my own intestines
As I slowly die

The animal leaves
As I'm slowly blacking out
Finally, I rest
__________________________________________________ ____________

Sniffs around my tent
I am panicking about
It peeks in the door

I pretend to sleep
In hopes it doesn't see me
It comes right up close

I can hear it breath
My veins pulse ever faster
I hear my own heart

The bear takes a bite
Soft at first, just a taste
Then jaws slam down hard

Where has my hand gone
The bear has it in his teeth
He swallows the meat

Throws the bone away
Then comes back for even more
He tears off my legs

It gobbles my limbs
Then exits out the front door
I bleed to my death
__________________________________________________ ____________

It was just a hike
A harmless walk of a sort
Yet it turned dreadful

He was not prepared
For the bear to attack him
It came from the bush

It was a large one
Probably a grown grizzly
Fur, matted with blood

It's found a fresh meal
Something that it can fiest on
It starts to attack

The bear bares its teeth
It readies them to attack
So shiny, so sharp

It snatches out claws
Catches some grass in the act
Stands on its hind legs

The bear falls forward
Its jaws open very wide
Teeth dig in his skull

A stream of blood shoots
It must have went ten feet high
The man will soon die

The bear looks to me
As my heart beats, claws prepare
I feel my veins pulse

It lets out a growl
The bear pounces, claws digging
I scream for all ears

There's no one to hear
Nobody who can help me
I am dying now
__________________________________________________ ____________

Out in the arctic
I am totally alone
There is nobody

I hear a scratching
From somewhere out in the snow
Just a rustling

The rustling changes
It turns into a soft growl
There's a flash of white
I am on the ground

Helpless in calamity
I can see its entire face
So fierce, so hellish

I lunges once more
With one bite, my throat is gone
Can't breath, fade to black

The bear eats the man
It fills its stomach with him
And seeks out more

__________________________________________________ ____________

Expect more to come. Probably tomorrow. I'm gonna write a whole fucking
book, man.