'Twas the night I became a Dream Guide, when all through the forum
A few regulars were posting with their usual decorum

A few new posts on the scroll, and no one in chat,
I was skimming "POCKY" and "WASTED" and topics like that;

The usual gang of idiots were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of priceless banter danced in their heads;
And Icedawg, watching from somewhere, and Seeker resting,
Kaniaz perhaps still up Chatspot testing,
When suddenly in hitting return my screen was now changed,
Underlined letters and a number in the space were arranged.
I right-clicked "open in new window" like a flash,
Adding yet more net clutter to my cache.
The dark arrow highlighting the top of my inbox
My gaze oblivious to the time on my clocks
When, what to my shock and delight should I see,
But a PM from Blue titled, "Dream Guide Opportunity"
I opened it up with both palms sweating,
My lips in a grin at the honor I was getting
I practically smashed the button "reply",
In my excitement I let the emoticons fly;
First then, and and
Then and , and oh, I how I felt t!
I hit the button "submit" with much the same fervor!
I was miffed that Blue was not on the server!
As luck would have it, however, she came on MSN,
I said my hello and gave her my message then,
She laughed and then spoke with Seeker unseen
When I next saw my name on DV it was green!

I opened my profile and saw the four little stars
"Dream Guide Team" added to the four gray bars.
Just as she said, I then saw the new boards,
And clicked as she linked me to all the accords.
I saw for the first time all the priveleges and perks,
And glimpsed the source all DG quirks
I couldn't believe it all, still, somehow,
But I swallowed my pride, and took my solomn vow.
I was snorting and bucking like a bull in a pen!
I wanted to welcome a dozen newbs right then!
I copied down several URLs and into Word pasted,
There was not single second to be wasted;
Faithless was my very first welcoming test,
Though she'd already been gotten by one of the best;
I took up a PM anyhow, to get in the groove,
Typing with newfound passion, I made my move.
As Icedawg had said, up to three welcomes was good,
All for the sake of the forum brotherhood;
I continued talking with Blue, making all sorts of queries,
Each to which she had not one answer, but a series;
I thanked her again and again, though never enough,
For helping me, and granting me all of this great stuff,
Obviously she thought I was right for the job,
I had always said how I'd never be a snob;
I struggled with a few more things for a while,
Like putting a picture into my profile.

Now I strive to welcome all newbs far and near,
"Welcome to DreamViews! *HUGS* Hope you like it here!"