
Watch this space,
Watch me fall into darkness,
With the memories of a pitiful existence.
The dark surrounds me like a blanket,
Warm and snug protecting me from good,
But in return bombarding me with evil.
These demons will not ease their attack,
Crushing my reason for being alive.
Even if there was an escape, I would not go for it,
I cannot leave this torment.,
For the life being left behind has fallen prey to,
Jealousy, bitter hatred, and disgust for ones self.
The body being left behind is but a vehicle,
My memories and soul stay with me,
The dark cannot take these.
Good memories are few and far between,
And my soul is deserted,
But still it comes with me.
Falling further still,
I soon realize that all the good for me was evil,
Looking for a way to tear me apart.
The evil has won, or should that be the good?
The pending result is still the same.
Falling, my life I feel slipping away,
Soon to be gone and never seen again,
The end is coming closer, I can feel the cold breath of death,
Or is this death, am I in hell and forever falling?
Replaying my life.
Will I ever know the reason?
I’ve taken my life and now I’m gone.
Free from pain and everybody trying to push me,
You were the dark,
You were the demons.
I win, I pushed myself.