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    1. #1
      SKA is offline
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      Jul 2006
      Here, Now

      Dick Terme's Termespheres: Absolutely Amazing.

      I was browsing the internet looking for something optical illusion related and I stumbled across a site of an artist named Dick Termes. He creates termespheres; Painted spheres/globes with SUCh a perspective so that it always makes a correct picture. If you spin the ball around it's vertical axis the changing image on the ball strangely looks like a lens looking around the painted scene in 360 degrees instead of looking at a rotating ball. It's really amazing and in order to understand you'd have to see for yourself.


      And the site that offers further information on the artist, his work and how exactly he painted on the spheres a "correct" undistorted scene using the 6 piont perspective. www.termespheres.com

      I am currently trying to get my head around how to make my own termesphere's. I'm beginning to get it, but it's quite difficult.

      Enjoypeople, I'm sure you will.
      Luminous Spacious Dream Masters That Holographically Communicate
      among other teachers taught me

      not to overestimate the Value of our Concrete Knowledge;"Common sense"/Rationality,
      for doing so would make us Blind for the unimaginable, unparalleled Capacity of and Wisdom contained within our Felt Knowledge;Subconscious Intuition.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      May 2007
      Wow... that is REALLY cool. He is an amazing artist, thanks for posting those links. Good luck with your termesphere paintings.


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