I'm not the most knowledgeable person around for aquariums; I've been keeping one for only a few months. I've been reading a lot about it though so I know much more than a beginner. I love reading about it, so if I don't know the answer to your question, I'll try and find out. Ask away...

ps. I'm most knowledgeable about Bettas, snails, and freshwater aquaria in general. I also know a bit about live plants. If you have a reef tank, I'm probably not the best person to ask something... I'd hate to be the cause of your reef's death.

Anyway, below are a few pictures of my current happy little family. I just added a dwarf hair grass to the aquarium which is not in the pictures. I'll see how it fares. My aquarium is a 12-gallon (Eclipse 12), Red Sea's Flora Base substrate, a few live plants, one Betta fish (named Sushi), 4 Harlequin Rasboras, 3 Ghost Shrimp, 2 African Dwarf Frogs, and 1 Golden Apple Snail.

My Betta fish and one of the rasboras:

Two of the ghost shrimp and the snail hiding by the filter:

The snail and one of the frogs:

Come closer little froggie...

Couple of rasboras and the frog swimming away:

Sushi, a rasbora, and little white streaks, which are the plants pearling (producing more oxygen than the water can absorb, so the oxygen floats to the top in form of tiny bubbles)

Go Sushi go!