tried my second WILD last night...

i went to sleep around 11:40pm, and set my alarm for 4:40am. the unfortunate thing was i didnt wake up until around 5:10am (i didnt even hear the alarm), so that didnt go as i planned, but i carried on with it. i got up, went to the toilet, went downstairs and got a drink of sprite and a chocolate bar. i then went back to bed after a little while. i was getting dissappointed, because i was sitting there for a while and nothing was happening, i then realised it was because i was concentrating too hard and not letting myself relax i guess. i then started to relax and i cant remember seeing HI at all, but i do remember thinking some weird things. i had some sort of screen in my view, as you would see in the HUD of a game, halo etc. it was like a camera that was watching something, like a rear view mirror almost. i wasnt lucid at this point, i suppose it was kinda day dreaming leading up to the WILD, but i was concious, not sleeping. anyway, i found this 'screen' was controlled by a certain sheet of paper which i had to remove from a magazine from the table. anyway, i done that then all of a sudden i got an extreme vibration over my body and sleep paralasys i think. this next part is kinda hard to explain... well it felt like the part in the matrix, where he touches the mirror and it goes into his mouth.. i heard that sound and my body jerked (it was at this point i got the vibrations/SP), and then i shot into this dream world - i started seeing solid images form, it was a long road and i was following it... it was a little unclear, i was very excited about seeing it and accidently opened my eyes...

i am very pleased about the progress, as my first WILD went terribly (months ago). i will definatly try this again tonight, and hopefully will have a lucid dream.

if anyone else is trying to WILD and is unsuccessful (or dosent appear to see HI) dont worry! just sit it out, and it will come to you eventually.. even though i havent fully completed a WILD (need to work on entering the dream) i can already tell that it will be an excellent and vivid adventure, which i am looking forward to experience.

thanks for reading the longish post, any tips for completing a successful WILD would be great