So I had a lucid and started remembering a few dreams every night vividly. Then I went on vacation, remembered dreams but didnt think about them or try to go lucid.

Now im back, second night back had a lucid, next night i remembered 2 vivid dreams, next night nothing, and last night i remembered 1 vaguely. Ive been WILDing and using the same technique that got me my lucids before, silverbullets guide about just believing you will seemed to work for me.

I'd like to get back to remembering more vivid dreams and going lucid and semi lucid, i used to have semi lucids nearly every night.

I was wondering if I could wild and then have an alarm wake me up every 20 minutes after 5 hours of sleep, would that increase my chances of waking up and remembering a dream than having a chance of going into SP and lucid, or is it just stupid and unproductive?

let me know, thanks