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    • 1 Post By Dreamferus

    Thread: How sleep Paralysis taught me Lucid Dream and more

    1. #1
      Join Date
      Sep 2014

      Smile How sleep Paralysis taught me Lucid Dream and more

      Hi everyone,

      First of all i would like to share that im healthy as of this point, i exercise everyday, meditate every morning and take morning walk to the nature when i have the time to (off days from work). Im 26 this year and am striving my best to achieve my goal.

      Im here to share my dreams experience through my life. Ive been plagued/blessed with the ability to enter into sleep paralysis when i was young almost every day and have dealt with my nightmares up to the point of my teenage years. The very first sleep paralysis that i could remember was during the age of 7. When i could still clearly remember the details of the monster that lurks out from the dark while im paralyzed on my bed, unable to move. It was terrifying at such young age, however through many occurence ive come to realize its part of my dream or dreamscape (coined in at the age of 20), hence after a few more rounds of sleep paralysis ive develop a habit to close my eyes and wait for everything to disappear. At the age of 8 ive accidentally come across a method to hasten my exit within S.P. By shutting my eyes tight with force i could get out of my sleep paralysis and it also applies to nightmare that ive come to realize that its a nightmare. Interesting enough that sparks a very interesting journey for all of my dreams that have halfway turned lucid. From flight experimentation, elemental power weilding, telekinesis, blinking (short distance teleportation), teleportation, dream scape reconstruction, gliding (lowered will power which inhibits the believe to fly), metamorphosis and plenty of other stuff that in reality is impossible to achieve by human capability.

      Now with all this i will go in depth with the things ive experience from then up till this point of my life.

      Ive changed twice the method of exit from my sleep paralysis. The first time was at the age of 21-22 i cant exactly remember or pinpoint when did it started but i would say it became apparent due to the introduction of cigerattes and alcohol. When i first realize that i could not exit as fast as i could using the shut eye method, i accidentally found a new method to exit faster than the first method, which is to force my jaw wide open. That was the very first time ive come to terms with an internal war of willpower as i do not always exit the dream fast. The feeling of exiting via jaw opening is intense as the jaw will be extremely tense and forcing it open will induce the kind of feeling you get from your arm when you try and open a tightly screwed jar. That jerking and shaking. However everything was going well until recently more often than not i relent to the difficulty in exiting sleep paralysis via that way and proceed to using back the old method of shutting off the eyes. But it was torturous to tolerate through the countless of weird sound and monstrous demonic speaking and bassy vibration frequency before i come to reality.

      On a side note ive come to realize that the sound frequency within the dreamscape and in reality is different. The transition from sleep paralysis to being awake happens from a very deep and bassy vibration, almost like a tibetan monk chanting to a high frequency.

      Incidentally ive picked up an interest to delve deep into dream experimenting and understanding more about my dream and also of the metaphysics.
      Somehow when i study more about the metaphysics, things start to collide with what im experiencing in the dreamscape.

      Back to how the inhibition of my willpower through the jaw opening method, ive read somewhere that, the method to go into astral projection from sleep paralysis is to be calm and meditate within sleep paralysis and hence i tried, but instead of astral projection, i woke.
      Ever since then ive always try and experiment with sleep paralysis to get into astral projection but I failed everytime. Either I go into a dream, lucid dream or i wake up.

      Apart from this experience within the dreamscape, will power is very very apparent as a feeling. This sorta feeling to challenge your disbelief and to believe in the impossible is a feeling that i can compare to when you're drunk and you try your best to force yourself to appear sober, when you're in a class room and you feel like you're about to sleep but you force yourself to be awake AND absorbing the knowledge that you were suppose to absorb. (not just staying awake)

      Even with experience of about 18 years, i would say sometime during a lucid dream i fail to achieve the things that i wish to perform, actually more so than ever. It seemed to affect alot more when you age, maybe the cause is the plethora of worries you get as you age.

      Ive alot more to share but i think i will do it the next time. (regarding emotions, connectivity of reality and your dream scape, occasion representation of future from dreams even during lucid dreams, interference of dreams during bad thoughts provocation, first time lucid dream experience, Staying in dream while your first few lucid dream and many more)

      The only thing right now im aiming to achieve in my dream currently is astral projection, but something seem to be blocking my entrance into it.

      Maybe if someone could enlighten me. That will be fantastic.
      Likewise im here to share and to learn. This is my first post and many of you might be skeptical (or not)
      But im willing to explain every detail that you wish to ask. If not i would love to learn more about it. =)

      Thank you for your time and patience. =)
      Peace and Love!

      P.S i dont wish to lengthen this post any further, but if you wish to understand how ive attained my first flight, teleportation, glide, blink, metamorphosis and etc. you can ask ahead and i will post as a reply/PM. I wish to help everyone whom have yet to understand the importance and joy of dream.

      P.P.S Im still very new to all the Terms and Jargon of this forum, please do not use abbreviation.
      Last edited by Dreamferus; 09-03-2014 at 05:22 PM.
      Hitokage likes this.

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