Just letitn you guys know..that I'm a lucid dreamer..and I didn't obtain it by any book or try any techniques really. www.innertalk.com sales subliminal cd's..that acctually work believe it or not..one of their many cds is Awakend Dreaming-Lucid dreaming..the cd is only $19.99..listen to it for about an hour everyday..I had my first lucid dream in about 3 1/2 weeks from listening to the cd. I could tell that my dream recall increased and my dreams became more vivid..then boom I was in a dream..and all of a sudden I told myself.."I'm in a dream" so it works and is definently worth the money.

Michael H.
I'm also gay..and single..so hit me up hotties..almost 21 NC..lol
I hope they don't get mad at me..