So... last night I came home and crashed from about 5:30PM to 7:30PM in a recliner. I then did a massive amount of homework until like 2AM.

Within an hour of going to sleep, I slipped into a dream cycle. I dreamt that I was laying down, in bed, attempting to WILD, and I just kept trying but failed. What I did not know was that all the while I'm trying to WILD, i'm already in a dream. So it soon became apparently real that I was slipping into a dream, or so I was fulled into thinking, so any oddities I dismissed as the onset of sleep.

Soon after I began to get usual dreamscapes after trying. I saw two friends of mine, and it just clicked. I knew I was attempting to WILD from within a dream, but now I KNEW this was part of a full dream because I was in bed trying to WILD.

I stopped following the dream, looked one of my friends in the eyes and told him "THIS IS ALL A DREAM". It came out distorted and everything started to slam into slow motion. I felt the immense power surging through me now that I relized I was the controller of this place. However, I was not afraid when my friend gave me the most evil stare ever and the world was literally sucked out. I found myself awake for real.

It seems I must have had some precognition, because soon someone walked in to check to see if I was there.

The moral is, having dreams within dreams or practicing LDing in dreams can help you gain full lucidity. It just is really strange.