Hello everyone,

I woke up today and found out there was no school due to a freak snowstorm we had. So I decided I'd catch some extra sleep and try the WBTB method seen as I was already awake. I waited for about an hour then crashed on the couch. I continually repeated "I'm going to have a lucid dream, and I am going to remember it." and what do you know, it worked! I was only asleep for about 10 minutes and my dream lasted for about 30 seconds. Now I'm having trouble deciding what method I should say I used. I went to sleep and I think I might have lost awareness between the time I fell asleep and when the dream started. All I know is that the instant I began my dream I was aware I was dreaming. Does that constitute a WILD? I thought you never lose awareness with that technique so I'm not sure.

Also. In my lucid dream I was dizzy when I tried to walk around, does anybody experience this? So I closed my eyes and began spinning, but when I tried to reopen them they were terribly heavy and when I finally managed to pry them open I ended up opening my actual eyes and ending the dream. Does anyone have any experiences with this too?

